Treasonous Democrats Begin 1st Step in Trump Impeachment...Despite Having NO Evidence Against Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrat Takes The First Steps Toward A Trump Impeachment

"Texas Democratic Rep. Al Green formally drafted articles of impeachment that are designed to force President Donald Trump out of office on Wednesday.

“Obstruction of justice by the president is the problem,” Green said in an official statement late Tuesday. “Impeachment by Congress is the solution.”

1. There is no evidence of 'Obstruction of justice.
- Top Intel Community Officials Deny That Trump Pressured Them On Russia Probe
- Comey Never Kept Detailed Memos On Conversations He Had With Barack Obama

No audio. No video. No documents. No evidence. The best snowflakes can hope for from Comey's testimony is a 'He said - He said' scenario that amounts to nothing more than political theater.

2. There is no evidence to support that there was EVER any 'Collusion'.
The CIA said there is no evidence.
The FBI said there is no evidence.
The DIA said there is no evidence.
The NSA said there is no evidence.
The House Intel Committee said there is no evidence.
D-Feinstein said there is no evidence.
D-Waters said there is no evidence.

The Directors of the FBI and NSA testified under oath that there has NEVER been any evidence of criminal activity or collusion by the Trump team.

After nearly 11 months of multiple investigations the Democrats have no evidence against Trump and no reason to be drafting Articles of Impeachment.


The Democrats truly have become 'ENEMIES OF THE STATE'.

During the election Democrats:

Rioted, destroyed property, engaged in terrorism, perpetrated arson, looted, engaged in terrorism - the DNC's candidate's (HILLARY's) campaign financed violence against Trump supporters - Americans. They attempted to silence Constitutionally protected Freedom of Speech. They called for military coups. They called for the assassination of the President.

BEFORE HE WAS ELECTED, they called for his Impeachment.

Before the election the Obama administration broke laws, unmasking Americans and illegally sharing protected classified personal information that did not have any Intel Value - for political reasons - to Obama loyalists in Intel agencies who then committed Felony Espionage by releasing the information.

After the election Democrats subversively / seditiously and openly declared it was committing itself 100% to obstructionism for the sole benefit of their political party with the goal of re-gaining political power. They openly declared they would oppose everything the GOP and Trump tried to do, no matter what it might be or how it might help the nation or the American people.

Obama and his former administration members have openly attacked and undermined the newly elected govt / President, even going as far as to engage in subversive acts abroad. At home liberals have committed crime after crime - finally one of them - a traitor in the NSA has been caught and will be prosecuted.

Now, having completely FAILED at coming up with any evidence to support their LIES and seditious accusations, having NO EVIDENCE to present whatsoever, these traitors - enemies of the state - are drafting articles of Impeachment.

Barak Obama took the nation Un-Constitutionally, illegally to war in Libya to help the very terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on US soil on 9/11/01, and not one Democrat so much as raised an eyebrow against this TRAITEROUS, Impeachable offense, but armed with only butt-hurt partisan hatred - no evidence of wrong-doing - for beating the worst, most criminal candidate to ever run in a Presidential election, they seek to Impeach the President elected by the people.

The Un-Constitutional, Illegal, ASSAULT waged against American people, the Constitution, our Rule of Law, and our national security by Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party, and the All-In Propaganda-Pushing liberal media has been unprecedented - the most despicable time in our nation's modern history, if not in our nation's entire history.

If anyone should be 'taken down', forced from office, it should be these 'enemies of the state'.

As these traitors who lack any amount of evidence to support their articles draft them, the hypocritical words of their criminal, Constitution and Rule of Law-violating President should be echoing loudly around them:

'Elections have consequences. If you want something different - win some elections."

After 1,000+ lost elections and back-to-back historic, record-setting election losses, the Democrats no longer give a damn about re-acquiring power legally. They tried to STEAL the Presidency by rigging their primaries, by rigging debates, and now - having lost the 2016 election - they are trying to STEAL power again any way they can.
President Trump has been a bone in a throat for all Globalists and their brainwashed victims all over the world. They sure are and will be doing their best to get rid of him before he proves the world can survive without Globalists and actually do a lot better without them.
How is it treasonous?

Impeachment is a constitutional process in the House of Representative.

As a member his is allow to draft something right?

2 witnesses......and the left got nothing.....

I'll take the Nothing Burger with fries, with a large glass of liberal go.
Democrat Takes The First Steps Toward A Trump Impeachment

"Texas Democratic Rep. Al Green formally drafted articles of impeachment that are designed to force President Donald Trump out of office on Wednesday.

“Obstruction of justice by the president is the problem,” Green said in an official statement late Tuesday. “Impeachment by Congress is the solution.”

1. There is no evidence of 'Obstruction of justice.
- Top Intel Community Officials Deny That Trump Pressured Them On Russia Probe
- Comey Never Kept Detailed Memos On Conversations He Had With Barack Obama

No audio. No video. No documents. No evidence. The best snowflakes can hope for from Comey's testimony is a 'He said - He said' scenario that amounts to nothing more than political theater.

2. There is no evidence to support that there was EVER any 'Collusion'.
The CIA said there is no evidence.
The FBI said there is no evidence.
The DIA said there is no evidence.
The NSA said there is no evidence.
The House Intel Committee said there is no evidence.
D-Feinstein said there is no evidence.
D-Waters said there is no evidence.

The Directors of the FBI and NSA testified under oath that there has NEVER been any evidence of criminal activity or collusion by the Trump team.

After nearly 11 months of multiple investigations the Democrats have no evidence against Trump and no reason to be drafting Articles of Impeachment.


The Democrats truly have become 'ENEMIES OF THE STATE'.

During the election Democrats:

Rioted, destroyed property, engaged in terrorism, perpetrated arson, looted, engaged in terrorism - the DNC's candidate's (HILLARY's) campaign financed violence against Trump supporters - Americans. They attempted to silence Constitutionally protected Freedom of Speech. They called for military coups. They called for the assassination of the President.

BEFORE HE WAS ELECTED, they called for his Impeachment.

Before the election the Obama administration broke laws, unmasking Americans and illegally sharing protected classified personal information that did not have any Intel Value - for political reasons - to Obama loyalists in Intel agencies who then committed Felony Espionage by releasing the information.

After the election Democrats subversively / seditiously and openly declared it was committing itself 100% to obstructionism for the sole benefit of their political party with the goal of re-gaining political power. They openly declared they would oppose everything the GOP and Trump tried to do, no matter what it might be or how it might help the nation or the American people.

Obama and his former administration members have openly attacked and undermined the newly elected govt / President, even going as far as to engage in subversive acts abroad. At home liberals have committed crime after crime - finally one of them - a traitor in the NSA has been caught and will be prosecuted.

Now, having completely FAILED at coming up with any evidence to support their LIES and seditious accusations, having NO EVIDENCE to present whatsoever, these traitors - enemies of the state - are drafting articles of Impeachment.

Barak Obama took the nation Un-Constitutionally, illegally to war in Libya to help the very terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on US soil on 9/11/01, and not one Democrat so much as raised an eyebrow against this TRAITEROUS, Impeachable offense, but armed with only butt-hurt partisan hatred - no evidence of wrong-doing - for beating the worst, most criminal candidate to ever run in a Presidential election, they seek to Impeach the President elected by the people.

The Un-Constitutional, Illegal, ASSAULT waged against American people, the Constitution, our Rule of Law, and our national security by Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party, and the All-In Propaganda-Pushing liberal media has been unprecedented - the most despicable time in our nation's modern history, if not in our nation's entire history.

If anyone should be 'taken down', forced from office, it should be these 'enemies of the state'.

As these traitors who lack any amount of evidence to support their articles draft them, the hypocritical words of their criminal, Constitution and Rule of Law-violating President should be echoing loudly around them:

'Elections have consequences. If you want something different - win some elections."

After 1,000+ lost elections and back-to-back historic, record-setting election losses, the Democrats no longer give a damn about re-acquiring power legally. They tried to STEAL the Presidency by rigging their primaries, by rigging debates, and now - having lost the 2016 election - they are trying to STEAL power again any way they can.
Got news she is not the first. Chair Woman from the FEC a Obamma appointed was caught being a bad guys as Follows:
She has applauded calls for regulating political speech and spending on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and this week endorsed tracing the funding of online ads and regulating individual Twitter accounts. In a tweet, for example, she drew attention to a report of a Twitter supporter of Donald Trump named "Amy" who the San Francisco Examiner could not find.Ravel tweeted, "Searching for proof of Amy. FEC allows anonymous internet political ads & refuses to regulate foreign $-leads 2 this."
Ravel claimed that the use of Facebook and other social media platforms by political campaigns is a problem. “I’ve talked to a lot of campaign consultants and they buy some groups in Holland or in Russia who figure out who the target audience might be and then they go through circuitous mechanisms to put ads or fake news or whatever it is on Facebook.”
“Facebook doesn’t have any real knowledge about who it is that’s behind those ads, so I think this is a really serious issue that we need to address,” claimed Ravel.
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How is it treasonous?

Impeachment is a constitutional process in the House of Representative.

As a member his is allow to draft something right?


Exactly. They are able to draft up articles for impeachment, but it must still be proven and voted on by Congress. Drafting up articles for impeachment is basically nothing more than bringing up charges. If there is nothing there, impeachment won't happen. If there IS something there, then they vote to impeach.
After tomorrow's he said/he said Trump/Comey private conversation interpretation testimony the left will have to come up with new lies to foment about.
After tomorrow's he said/he said Trump/Comey private conversation interpretation testimony the left will have to come up with new lies to foment about.

Yep....and they already released Comey's prepared statement....and it confirms that he did tell Trump he was not a target...just like Trump said.....
Democrat Takes The First Steps Toward A Trump Impeachment

"Texas Democratic Rep. Al Green formally drafted articles of impeachment that are designed to force President Donald Trump out of office on Wednesday.

“Obstruction of justice by the president is the problem,” Green said in an official statement late Tuesday. “Impeachment by Congress is the solution.”

1. There is no evidence of 'Obstruction of justice.
- Top Intel Community Officials Deny That Trump Pressured Them On Russia Probe
- Comey Never Kept Detailed Memos On Conversations He Had With Barack Obama

No audio. No video. No documents. No evidence. The best snowflakes can hope for from Comey's testimony is a 'He said - He said' scenario that amounts to nothing more than political theater.

2. There is no evidence to support that there was EVER any 'Collusion'.
The CIA said there is no evidence.
The FBI said there is no evidence.
The DIA said there is no evidence.
The NSA said there is no evidence.
The House Intel Committee said there is no evidence.
D-Feinstein said there is no evidence.
D-Waters said there is no evidence.

The Directors of the FBI and NSA testified under oath that there has NEVER been any evidence of criminal activity or collusion by the Trump team.

After nearly 11 months of multiple investigations the Democrats have no evidence against Trump and no reason to be drafting Articles of Impeachment.


The Democrats truly have become 'ENEMIES OF THE STATE'.

During the election Democrats:

Rioted, destroyed property, engaged in terrorism, perpetrated arson, looted, engaged in terrorism - the DNC's candidate's (HILLARY's) campaign financed violence against Trump supporters - Americans. They attempted to silence Constitutionally protected Freedom of Speech. They called for military coups. They called for the assassination of the President.

BEFORE HE WAS ELECTED, they called for his Impeachment.

Before the election the Obama administration broke laws, unmasking Americans and illegally sharing protected classified personal information that did not have any Intel Value - for political reasons - to Obama loyalists in Intel agencies who then committed Felony Espionage by releasing the information.

After the election Democrats subversively / seditiously and openly declared it was committing itself 100% to obstructionism for the sole benefit of their political party with the goal of re-gaining political power. They openly declared they would oppose everything the GOP and Trump tried to do, no matter what it might be or how it might help the nation or the American people.

Obama and his former administration members have openly attacked and undermined the newly elected govt / President, even going as far as to engage in subversive acts abroad. At home liberals have committed crime after crime - finally one of them - a traitor in the NSA has been caught and will be prosecuted.

Now, having completely FAILED at coming up with any evidence to support their LIES and seditious accusations, having NO EVIDENCE to present whatsoever, these traitors - enemies of the state - are drafting articles of Impeachment.

Barak Obama took the nation Un-Constitutionally, illegally to war in Libya to help the very terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on US soil on 9/11/01, and not one Democrat so much as raised an eyebrow against this TRAITEROUS, Impeachable offense, but armed with only butt-hurt partisan hatred - no evidence of wrong-doing - for beating the worst, most criminal candidate to ever run in a Presidential election, they seek to Impeach the President elected by the people.

The Un-Constitutional, Illegal, ASSAULT waged against American people, the Constitution, our Rule of Law, and our national security by Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party, and the All-In Propaganda-Pushing liberal media has been unprecedented - the most despicable time in our nation's modern history, if not in our nation's entire history.

If anyone should be 'taken down', forced from office, it should be these 'enemies of the state'.

As these traitors who lack any amount of evidence to support their articles draft them, the hypocritical words of their criminal, Constitution and Rule of Law-violating President should be echoing loudly around them:

'Elections have consequences. If you want something different - win some elections."

After 1,000+ lost elections and back-to-back historic, record-setting election losses, the Democrats no longer give a damn about re-acquiring power legally. They tried to STEAL the Presidency by rigging their primaries, by rigging debates, and now - having lost the 2016 election - they are trying to STEAL power again any way they can.
There is good reason they don't document any evidence of a crime.
It would seem to me that the alt-left will stop at nothing to turn America into Venezuela. First it was the Electorate College, than the Russian investigation and collusion, now it's Comey and obstruction of justice. It will not end, as they try and drag this out and undermine the wishes of the American people.

The GOP had better unite and fast, or they will give it all back to the Democrats who are salivating over the prospects of neo-communism.
After tomorrow's he said/he said Trump/Comey private conversation interpretation testimony the left will have to come up with new lies to foment about.

Yep....and they already released Comey's prepared statement....and it confirms that he did tell Trump he was not a target...just like Trump said.....

More importantly, Comey let the cat out of the bag, Trump never asked for the Russian investigation to be shut down and never specifically asked that Flynn let off the hook. These were private conversations between two people and wide open to each individual's interpretation. There's no smoking gun here.

When Trump asked Comey for his "honest loyalty" that drove a nail in the coffin of the Dem's impeachment hopes.
The left known for being premature, are way too early. Having expended all their ammo amounting to nothing the next 3 years are going to be long and hard.

Its the sneaky back stabbing establishment Trump has to worry about.
You know what...I think I will have the Double Nothing Burger with Bacon......

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