Treacherous North Carolina Republicans’ shocking power grab, explained



On Wednesday, December 14, an all-white caucus of the North Carolina General Assembly called the legislature into a second special session, giving their fellow legislators only two hours' notice.

Gov. Patrick McCrory had called the first special session... But in the surprise second session, the ultraconservative contingent that controls North Carolina's Republican supermajority unleashed an instant barrage of bills to nullify the results of Democrat Roy Cooper's recent defeat of McCrory and the voters' elevation of a distinguished African American jurist, Mike Morgan, to the state's Supreme Court.

This past July, the US Court of Appeals for the 4th District ruled in North Carolina NAACP v. McCrory that the extremists in the General Assembly had "targeted African Americans with almost surgical precision," and overturned the state's 2013 voter suppression bill.

Another coalition victory in federal court overturned the legislature's "racial gerrymander" in 28 districts, requiring new district lines and a special election in 2017; the US Supreme Court is reviewing that case now.

This special session was planned in illegal, secret meetings that excluded every African-American member of both the House and Senate.

GOP's illegal power grab in North Carolina (Opinion) -

These bills include a requirement for the state senate to approve the governor’s Cabinet picks, end governor control of election boards, and add a limit to the governor’s influence over the University of North Carolina board of trustees, among others.

Change the makeup of the state and county board of elections, which are currently set up to be in the governor’s party’s majority, to equally bipartisan boards, which would be led by Republicans in election years and by Democrats in non-election years.

GOP consultant told the Washington Post that the push in North Carolina was to minimize African-American Democratic voters. "Look, if African Americans voted overwhelmingly Republican, they would have kept early voting right where it was," the consultant, Carter Wrenn, said.

North Carolina Republicans’ shocking power grab, explained


Fuck the Voter ID. Republicans are WAY, WAY beyond that. Look at what the GOP did with polling places. In Arizona 212 polling places leaving just 60. And those in white areas. 21,000 people per polling place. Texas closed over 400.

And they were able to do this because of the GOP Supreme Court overturning the voting rights act.

I keep telling you Republicans are scum. No wonder they are helped by the Russians. Republicans are anti science and anti education. Russians understand that Republicans make the country weak. The Bush tax cuts and the fake war in Iraq and the deregulation of Wall Street came close to destroying our economy. That Russian dream, the GOP goal.

Look at these GOP morons on the USMB wanting our government to be destroyed. How will that leave the country protected? It won't, of course. But they don't know, don't care and are fools.

Republicans are going to drag this country down now we have Republicans in power again so soon after all the damage they caused under Bush. Only this one is fighting with every single intelligence agency, is a Russian puppet, with one of the worst business records of any president in history.
Americans better take notice. The next time you hear a Republican say "Trump will bring good, high paying jobs", you ask them what kind of jobs and where do we apply. Trump's fake jobs are Judas' pieces of silver.
I'm shocked! Shocked I say, that any political party finding itself in a advantageous position would seek to gain further advantage.

Surely, the Democrats have never engaged in such untoward behavior!

There, I made a funny ... :lmao:
I'm shocked! Shocked I say, that any political party finding itself in a advantageous position would seek to gain further advantage.

Surely, the Democrats have never engaged in such untoward behavior!

There, I made a funny ... :lmao:

Sounds like they took a play out of the Dem's handbook

Hey, how did we get Obysmalcare AFTER Ted Kennedy's seat went to a Republican? Oh, oh, that has got to hurt! Turn about is fair play, and the far leftists are going to get hosed for the next 2 years at least, here, there, and everywhere. And we don't want to hear one word from people like Rdrip, and Fransico Franco who cheered everything on as the Dems did everything they wanted. (by the way, notice they didn't do immigration reform)

Just as an aside, guess what happened in Illinois! Why they elected 2 more Repubs to the state house, and took the Democrats super majority, veto proof legislation away. It is all going bad for the far leftists everywhere, which means we are doing a bang up job. Keep up the good work, and stay politically engaged.
On Wednesday, December 14, an all-white caucus of the North Carolina General Assembly called the legislature into a second special session, giving their fellow legislators only two hours' notice.

Gov. Patrick McCrory had called the first special session... But in the surprise second session, the ultraconservative contingent that controls North Carolina's Republican supermajority unleashed an instant barrage of bills to nullify the results of Democrat Roy Cooper's recent defeat of McCrory and the voters' elevation of a distinguished African American jurist, Mike Morgan, to the state's Supreme Court.

This past July, the US Court of Appeals for the 4th District ruled in North Carolina NAACP v. McCrory that the extremists in the General Assembly had "targeted African Americans with almost surgical precision," and overturned the state's 2013 voter suppression bill.

Another coalition victory in federal court overturned the legislature's "racial gerrymander" in 28 districts, requiring new district lines and a special election in 2017; the US Supreme Court is reviewing that case now.

This special session was planned in illegal, secret meetings that excluded every African-American member of both the House and Senate.

GOP's illegal power grab in North Carolina (Opinion) -

These bills include a requirement for the state senate to approve the governor’s Cabinet picks, end governor control of election boards, and add a limit to the governor’s influence over the University of North Carolina board of trustees, among others.

Change the makeup of the state and county board of elections, which are currently set up to be in the governor’s party’s majority, to equally bipartisan boards, which would be led by Republicans in election years and by Democrats in non-election years.

GOP consultant told the Washington Post that the push in North Carolina was to minimize African-American Democratic voters. "Look, if African Americans voted overwhelmingly Republican, they would have kept early voting right where it was," the consultant, Carter Wrenn, said.

North Carolina Republicans’ shocking power grab, explained


Fuck the Voter ID. Republicans are WAY, WAY beyond that. Look at what the GOP did with polling places. In Arizona 212 polling places leaving just 60. And those in white areas. 21,000 people per polling place. Texas closed over 400.

And they were able to do this because of the GOP Supreme Court overturning the voting rights act.

I keep telling you Republicans are scum. No wonder they are helped by the Russians. Republicans are anti science and anti education. Russians understand that Republicans make the country weak. The Bush tax cuts and the fake war in Iraq and the deregulation of Wall Street came close to destroying our economy. That Russian dream, the GOP goal.

Look at these GOP morons on the USMB wanting our government to be destroyed. How will that leave the country protected? It won't, of course. But they don't know, don't care and are fools.

Republicans are going to drag this country down now we have Republicans in power again so soon after all the damage they caused under Bush. Only this one is fighting with every single intelligence agency, is a Russian puppet, with one of the worst business records of any president in history.
Americans better take notice. The next time you hear a Republican say "Trump will bring good, high paying jobs", you ask them what kind of jobs and where do we apply. Trump's fake jobs are Judas' pieces of silver.

Hey Rdrip, not one word, not one. Remember who is leaving office, and what he did!

Just in case you don't remember---------->

I'm shocked! Shocked I say, that any political party finding itself in a advantageous position would seek to gain further advantage.

Surely, the Democrats have never engaged in such untoward behavior!

There, I made a funny ... :lmao:
Surely, the Democrats have never engaged in such untoward behavior!

They haven't. Name a time Democrats were helped by Russians.
I'm shocked! Shocked I say, that any political party finding itself in a advantageous position would seek to gain further advantage.

Surely, the Democrats have never engaged in such untoward behavior!

There, I made a funny ... :lmao:
Surely, the Democrats have never engaged in such untoward behavior!

They haven't. Name a time Democrats were helped by Russians.

Now YOU made a funny.

Stop clutching your pearls.

Without knowing the details, the changes I've read about are consistent with our generic "American" concept that the legislature makes the laws and the executive branch executes (i.e., enforces) them.

To the extent that the executive (in this case the Governor) expands her power into policy-making and such (i.e. legislative stuff), the executive should be restrained.

If the executive and the legislative are in the same party, and of a similar bent, there may be no urgency in shoring up these lines of demarcation, but when the executive is of a different party and philosophy, it is entirely reasonable for the legislature to clarify those lines - which it is apparently doing in North Carolina.

I have read of no change that actually inhibits the Governor from doing her job properly and completely.

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