Transgender Biden official Rachel Levine says hormones can help kids 'going through the wrong puberty'

Disorder of sexual development is term used to describe a biological circumstance where an otherwise healthy male can have a fully functioning uterus. What do you think those word mean you dumb Bingo? 😄
He had it since birth it's a birth defect you idiot. He didn't just spontaneously grow one after he said he was a woman like you think happens. Gosh you people are absolutely bonkers seek professional help. I can't believe you think this makes some kind of case for the trannies.
He had it since birth it's a birth defect you idiot. He didn't just spontaneously grow one after he said he was a woman like you think happens.
I didn't say at all that I think people can spontaneously grow a uterus. Thats a strawman you clowns made up and mistake for a rational argument because you're clowns. I was merely revealing the biological reality that men can indeed have uteruses. We can, through surgery create facsimiles of genitalia that do allow for sexual arousal, intercourse and pleasure and we should celebrate those scientific accomplishments.
Gosh you people are absolutely bonkers seek professional help. I can't believe you think this makes some kind of case for the trannies.
The professionals don't agree with you you dumb Bingo. 😄
I love how oblivious you clowns are. You think everyone else are the perverts as you see a man or woman in drag, reading to children and think, sex. That's all you. You're the only ones seeing people making reading fun for children and thinking of sex. You're the perverts. You're the stunted incels. You're the ones passing laws to protect child marriages. This over the top response to reading is nothing more than obvious overcompensation for your own issues.

In all that hysterical screeching, you never did your homework.

It's silly to be lectured by Dems / Marxists who literally enlist convicted child molesters to be a part of their tranny story hour freak shows.
In all that hysterical screeching, you never did your homework.

It's silly to be lectured by Dems / Marxists who literally enlist convicted child molesters to be a part of their tranny story hour freak shows.
There are more priests that are caught as child molesters than drag show readers. Doesn't that invalidate the clergy?
There are more priests that are caught as child molesters than drag show readers. Doesn't that invalidate the clergy?
That was quite the sidestep. You can refuse to acknowledge Dems / Marxists preying upon children, their grooming programs designed to coerce and manipulate 3 year olds but trying to justify that by playing the expected, " but... but... but... but what about" nonsense is poor cricket, laddie.
That was quite the sidestep. You can refuse to acknowledge Dems / Marxists preying upon children, their grooming programs designed to coerce and manipulate 3 year olds but trying to justify that by playing the expected, " but... but... but... but what about" nonsense is poor cricket, laddie.
Sorry. One person who was later discovered to be an abuser and arrested and let go the moment it was discovered, isn't evidence that democrats support child molesters. The opposite in fact you dumb Bingo. 😄
Sorry. One person who was later discovered to be an abuser and arrested and let go the moment it was discovered, isn't evidence that democrats support child molesters. The opposite in fact you dumb Bingo. 😄
Sorry, angry name-caller. As much as you want to flail your Pom Poms for Dem / Marxist groomers who coerce and manipulate 3 year olds, the grooming programs are common in Dem / Marxist controlled states.

Tell us about a favorite of the Dem / Marxist groomers.


Lil Miss Hot Mess (born c. 1984) is an American drag queen, activist, and children’s book author, known for her work with the #MyNameIs campaign and Drag Queen Story Hour.

You have a "thing" for men who dress up as obscene caricatures of women?

Why do you want to force Lil Miss Hot Mess on 3 year olds?
Sorry, angry name-caller. As much as you want to flail your Pom Poms for Dem / Marxist groomers who coerce and manipulate 3 year olds, the grooming programs are common in Dem / Marxist controlled states.

Tell us about a favorite of the Dem / Marxist groomers.

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Lil Miss Hot Mess (born c. 1984) is an American drag queen, activist, and children’s book author, known for her work with the #MyNameIs campaign and Drag Queen Story Hour.

You have a "thing" for men who dress up as obscene caricatures of women?

Why do you want to force Lil Miss Hot Mess on 3 year olds?
Oh look, a little bitch crying about name calling as they call other people groomers. 😄 What pussies you all are.
You'll meet Him face-to-face, soon enough. You'll get to tell Him right to His face that he doesn't exist. I wonder if He'll be amused.

Frankly, I refuse to believe the universe is that badly designed that the Bible God is the one in charge.

Now, my worry is the Shintos are right, and when I meet Amaterasu she's going to want to have a talk with me about "Yellow Fever".
Christophobic bigot.

Child molesting priests
Insane suicide cults

Um... yeah, actually, fear of Christians is kind of a reasonable response. You guys do all sorts of crazy things when you aren't penned in by laws that protect the religious rights of others. That is when you aren't murdering each other over silly arguments about sacraments and whether or not the wafers really turn into Jesus or not.
Child molesting priests
Insane suicide cults

Um... yeah, actually, fear of Christians is kind of a reasonable response. You guys do all sorts of crazy things when you aren't penned in by laws that protect the religious rights of others. That is when you aren't murdering each other over silly arguments about sacraments and whether or not the wafers really turn into Jesus or not.
Yep, people do crazy shit. We're all sinners, even you. Thank God we gave a Savior. Good luck.
People do crazier shit when they try to appease an imaginary voice in their head. Which pretty much describes religion.
Yeah, nearly as crazy as believing you can change your gender with surgery, huh. Talk about crazy. Self-righteous loon.
Yeah, nearly as crazy as believing you can change your gender with surgery, huh. Talk about crazy. Self-righteous loon.

Gender is an artificial construct.

Drop off an 1850's man into today's society, and he'd be horrified to see women engaging in such manly activities as voting, serving in the military, holding down jobs, wearing pants,
Gender is an artificial construct.

Drop off an 1850's man into today's society, and he'd be horrified to see women engaging in such manly activities as voting, serving in the military, holding down jobs, wearing pants,
Which has absolutely nothing to do with a scientific fact. You can't change your gender. Your "gender is an artificial construct" isn't scientific fact. It's lunacy.

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