Trans Terrorist Manifesto Illustrates Need To Outlaw Transgenderism


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"A search of Hale’s home turned up “maps drawn of the school, in detail, so, surveillance, entry points, et cetera,” Drake said, as well as a “manifesto” and “some writings that pertain to this date, the actual incident... of how this was all going to take place.” Inside a Honda Fit that Hale drove and parked at the church-based school’s campus Friday morning, cops found “additional material written by Hale,” police said in a tweet. Minutes before the shooting, Hale sent a series of dark Instagram messages to a friend, who shared them with WTVF. “You’ll probably hear about me on the news after I die,” read one message sent to Averianna Patton, a former middle school basketball teammate of Hale’s. “This is my last goodbye. I love you. See you again in another life.”

Can you imagine what the MSM would be doing if there was a so-called right-wing mass shooter who left a manifesto detailing his motives and reasons for doing what they did? Let's say for example, someone said they murdered all of those people because they feared they were under attack by Soros and he was using darkies to replace us -- the media will be trying to make all other God-fearing Americans look bad because they too believe Jews are replacing whites with inferior races.....which is completely true, but it isn't bad to believe it...well that is exactly what has happened with this trans shooter......she basically left a manifesto which is literally a declaration of war on behalf of all trans people against Christians...and this manifesto should be treated as such....but it gets worse...

Not only did she leave a manifesto, she shared her evil plans with her so-called friend..and surprise, surprise, she is a BLM thug operative....and this friend did nothing to warn authorities or stop this....because she was part of it and should probably be arrested herself....The game plan is exposed...the blacks and the trannys are working together to wage war on Christians......and no one is demanding these groups be help accountable..why? It's time to stop being afraid of political correctness, woke or diversity and these evil doctrines and demand these people be banned.
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"A search of Hale’s home turned up “maps drawn of the school, in detail, so, surveillance, entry points, et cetera,” Drake said, as well as a “manifesto” and “some writings that pertain to this date, the actual incident... of how this was all going to take place.” Inside a Honda Fit that Hale drove and parked at the church-based school’s campus Friday morning, cops found “additional material written by Hale,” police said in a tweet. Minutes before the shooting, Hale sent a series of dark Instagram messages to a friend, who shared them with WTVF. “You’ll probably hear about me on the news after I die,” read one message sent to Averianna Patton, a former middle school basketball teammate of Hale’s. “This is my last goodbye. I love you. See you again in another life.”
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Can you imagine what the MSM would be doing if there was a so-called right-wing mass shooter who left a manifesto detailing his motives and reasons for doing what they did? Let's say for example, someone said they murdered all of those people because they feared they were under attack by Soros and he was using darkies to replace us -- the media will be trying to make all other God-fearing Americans look bad because they too believe Jews are replacing whites with inferior races.....which is completely true, but it isn't bad to believe it...well that is exactly what has happened with this trans shooter......she basically left a manifesto which is literally a declaration of war on behalf of all trans people against Christians...and this manifesto should be treated as such....but it gets worse...

Not only did she leave a manifesto, she shared her evil plans with her so-called friend..and surprise, surprise, she is a BLM thug operative....and this friend did nothing to warn authorities or stop this....because she was part of it and should probably be arrested herself....The game plan is exposed...the blacks and the trannys are working together to wage war on Christians......and no one is demanding these groups be help accountable..why? It's time to stop being afraid of political correctness, woke or diversity and these evil doctrines and demand these people be banned.
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you cant outlaw human thought,,
you cant outlaw human thought,,
First, trannies aren't humans...

But even if you claim they are -- you can outlaw them no matter what they think....

This is what happened with the gays....we were doing a pretty good job of keeping them in check...then we allowed the left to bully Christians into letting gays exist more in the open...and now look where that got us
Prime candidate for the rubber room, this is the 2nd bait attempt for him today.
Reporting facts is not bait...
She did leave a manifesto...and she did coordinate with a black thug before she killed those people

Why are you protecting blacks and trannies?
I'll be honest, I was surprised to see you on the board today. I thought something might have happened to you in Nashville.
I am always honest so "I'll be honest" is something I don't have to start a sentence out with...liars like you do....

Will you also be honest and admit that everything I am saying, you agree with?

Tranny terrorists are working together with BLM thugs to murder Christians...
I fail to see how anything in that tortured manifesto equates to shooting little kids. At all.

What a monster! :(
I am always honest so "I'll be honest" is something I don't have to start a sentence out with...liars like you do....

Will you also be honest and admit that everything I am saying, you agree with?

Tranny terrorists are working together with BLM thugs to murder Christians...

I know you don't realize how much your little act here reeks of projection. You need to be on a watchlist before another Nashville happens.
Unfortunately, modern society -- or at least our modern society -- produces a certain number of mentally ill people. In a nation of nearly 350 million, there will be several thousand of these -- even one hundredth of one percent gives us a figure of .35 000.

Some will be 'political'. In America today, it's impossible to avoid this. And our political divisions are 'extreme': we on the Right are denounced as 'fascists' and 'racists' and physically attacked when we try to hold meetings or demonstrations in liberal strongholds, such as many campuses.

Of course, we have our share of nutters and paranoids: you see them posting things about 'hanging liberals', or about how the Jews are trying to replace us with inferior races, or how Satan is advising George Soros, or how prominent Democrats are part of a Satanic child sex ring.

Since our side, heavily rural and working class, tends to be more familiar with firearms than the boys and girls who go to Harvard, when someone from our side (let's not argue about whether these crazies are 'genuine' conservatives -- they're not, but conventionally, they're 'on the Right' ) finally flips out, they go to the nearest mosque or synagogue or Black church and start shooting.

(It's why militia groups need to purge their ranks of anyone who starts muttering about killing Leftists -- ideally by turning them in to whatever the appropriate law enforcement body is.)

The violence of the Left against the Right is much more common, but it's not, at this point, generally armed violence.

This was an exception. Of course 'outlawing transgenderism' is ridiculous. We don't want to give the state even more power than the Left has already given it. Keep 'alternative sexuality' propagandists and propaganda out of schools. Privilege the traditional man-woman family. And make sure our schools have armed defenders, because this stuff is going to become more common.

"A search of Hale’s home turned up “maps drawn of the school, in detail, so, surveillance, entry points, et cetera,” Drake said, as well as a “manifesto” and “some writings that pertain to this date, the actual incident... of how this was all going to take place.” Inside a Honda Fit that Hale drove and parked at the church-based school’s campus Friday morning, cops found “additional material written by Hale,” police said in a tweet. Minutes before the shooting, Hale sent a series of dark Instagram messages to a friend, who shared them with WTVF. “You’ll probably hear about me on the news after I die,” read one message sent to Averianna Patton, a former middle school basketball teammate of Hale’s. “This is my last goodbye. I love you. See you again in another life.”
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Can you imagine what the MSM would be doing if there was a so-called right-wing mass shooter who left a manifesto detailing his motives and reasons for doing what they did? Let's say for example, someone said they murdered all of those people because they feared they were under attack by Soros and he was using darkies to replace us -- the media will be trying to make all other God-fearing Americans look bad because they too believe Jews are replacing whites with inferior races.....which is completely true, but it isn't bad to believe it...well that is exactly what has happened with this trans shooter......she basically left a manifesto which is literally a declaration of war on behalf of all trans people against Christians...and this manifesto should be treated as such....but it gets worse...

Not only did she leave a manifesto, she shared her evil plans with her so-called friend..and surprise, surprise, she is a BLM thug operative....and this friend did nothing to warn authorities or stop this....because she was part of it and should probably be arrested herself....The game plan is exposed...the blacks and the trannys are working together to wage war on Christians......and no one is demanding these groups be help accountable..why? It's time to stop being afraid of political correctness, woke or diversity and these evil doctrines and demand these people be banned.
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and then Murdered a black janitor
I am always honest so "I'll be honest" is something I don't have to start a sentence out with...liars like you do....

Will you also be honest and admit that everything I am saying, you agree with?

Tranny terrorists are working together with BLM thugs to murder Christians...
Your are so funny, so darn funny.
I know you don't realize how much your little act here reeks of projection. You need to be on a watchlist before another Nashville happens.
Seeing as tho I am posting real reactions from prominent right-wingers saying exactly what I am saying -- I am willing to bet you are too much of a coward to own your bullshit....

But most cowards waiting for someone else to do the heavy lifting for you cuck?
I fail to see how many semi assault weapons hurt children and kill them dead.

"A search of Hale’s home turned up “maps drawn of the school, in detail, so, surveillance, entry points, et cetera,” Drake said, as well as a “manifesto” and “some writings that pertain to this date, the actual incident... of how this was all going to take place.” Inside a Honda Fit that Hale drove and parked at the church-based school’s campus Friday morning, cops found “additional material written by Hale,” police said in a tweet. Minutes before the shooting, Hale sent a series of dark Instagram messages to a friend, who shared them with WTVF. “You’ll probably hear about me on the news after I die,” read one message sent to Averianna Patton, a former middle school basketball teammate of Hale’s. “This is my last goodbye. I love you. See you again in another life.”
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Can you imagine what the MSM would be doing if there was a so-called right-wing mass shooter who left a manifesto detailing his motives and reasons for doing what they did? Let's say for example, someone said they murdered all of those people because they feared they were under attack by Soros and he was using darkies to replace us -- the media will be trying to make all other God-fearing Americans look bad because they too believe Jews are replacing whites with inferior races.....which is completely true, but it isn't bad to believe it...well that is exactly what has happened with this trans shooter......she basically left a manifesto which is literally a declaration of war on behalf of all trans people against Christians...and this manifesto should be treated as such....but it gets worse...

Not only did she leave a manifesto, she shared her evil plans with her so-called friend..and surprise, surprise, she is a BLM thug operative....and this friend did nothing to warn authorities or stop this....because she was part of it and should probably be arrested herself....The game plan is exposed...the blacks and the trannys are working together to wage war on Christians......and no one is demanding these groups be help accountable..why? It's time to stop being afraid of political correctness, woke or diversity and these evil doctrines and demand these people be banned.
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I read that the friend instantly called 911. But the messages were exchanged right before she went inside, so it made no difference.
Seeing as tho I am posting real reactions from prominent right-wingers saying exactly what I am saying -- I am willing to bet you are too much of a coward to own your bullshit....

But most cowards waiting for someone else to do the heavy lifting for you cuck?

He's right. We have a serious left-wing terrorism problem in this country, in part because of people like you.

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