Tramp has surrounded himself with alt right people

Stephen Miller- who pretty much runs the show and the presidency.

Kenneth Thomas Cuccinelli II (I can't find anything about when his family come to the US)

John Bolton- a war hawk.
Next they will decide any disable child, whoever becomes disabled in their life, or senior living on SS with Medicare will be a drain on society, and they will not receive any benefits, they will live in the streets and fend for themselves.

Disabled vets will become will become a drain on society.

Its only the beginning.
or senior living on SS with Medicare will be a drain on society,
Emanuel disagrees with brother who wants to die at 75
“The fact is that by 75, creativity, originality, and productivity are pretty much gone for the vast, vast majority of us,” the mayor’s brother wrote.

“It is true, people can continue to be productive past 75 — to write and publish, to draw, carve, and sculpt, to compose. But there is no getting around the data. By definition, few of us can be exceptions.”
Always lying arent you. Only people wanting to kill old people is you and your shit liberal elites. You always here how the SS is going bankrupt but "welfare" never is running out of money. It is FEAR that the left always uses to get people to vote for them. And then the liberals wonder why everyone else hates their stinking guts.

It fear why they republicans won't stand up tramp.
Trump lied, I'm not tired of winning!
Once again you have no idea what alt-right is, or understand that it is people who rejected the right.

I know what the alt right is, its people that are anti everything.
Bwaaaaaahhaaaaa...We are for equality for all, except illegals. We are for personal responsibility. We are for actual science not consensus science. We are for helping others through charity not theft by taxation for votes. We are for constitutional rights that have been granted to us not the government. We believe that life is sacred not some bitches choice to murder her unborn and born baby.

Now the left. Against babies. Against plastic straws. Against law abiding citizens to protect themselves. Against women and for men with tits. Against US.
Stephen Miller- who pretty much runs the show and the presidency.

Kenneth Thomas Cuccinelli II (I can't find anything about when his family come to the US)

John Bolton- a war hawk.
Next they will decide any disable child, whoever becomes disabled in their life, or senior living on SS with Medicare will be a drain on society, and they will not receive any benefits, they will live in the streets and fend for themselves.

Disabled vets will become will become a drain on society.

Its only the beginning.
or senior living on SS with Medicare will be a drain on society,
Emanuel disagrees with brother who wants to die at 75
“The fact is that by 75, creativity, originality, and productivity are pretty much gone for the vast, vast majority of us,” the mayor’s brother wrote.

“It is true, people can continue to be productive past 75 — to write and publish, to draw, carve, and sculpt, to compose. But there is no getting around the data. By definition, few of us can be exceptions.”
Always lying arent you. Only people wanting to kill old people is you and your shit liberal elites. You always here how the SS is going bankrupt but "welfare" never is running out of money. It is FEAR that the left always uses to get people to vote for them. And then the liberals wonder why everyone else hates their stinking guts.

It fear why they republicans won't stand up tramp.
Nice sentence structure.
Stephen Miller- who pretty much runs the show and the presidency.

Kenneth Thomas Cuccinelli II (I can't find anything about when his family come to the US)

John Bolton- a war hawk.
Next they will decide any disable child, whoever becomes disabled in their life, or senior living on SS with Medicare will be a drain on society, and they will not receive any benefits, they will live in the streets and fend for themselves.

Disabled vets will become will become a drain on society.

Its only the beginning.
or senior living on SS with Medicare will be a drain on society,
Emanuel disagrees with brother who wants to die at 75
“The fact is that by 75, creativity, originality, and productivity are pretty much gone for the vast, vast majority of us,” the mayor’s brother wrote.

“It is true, people can continue to be productive past 75 — to write and publish, to draw, carve, and sculpt, to compose. But there is no getting around the data. By definition, few of us can be exceptions.”
Always lying arent you. Only people wanting to kill old people is you and your shit liberal elites. You always here how the SS is going bankrupt but "welfare" never is running out of money. It is FEAR that the left always uses to get people to vote for them. And then the liberals wonder why everyone else hates their stinking guts.

It fear why they republicans won't stand up tramp.
Nice sentence structure.

Stephen Miller- who pretty much runs the show and the presidency.

Kenneth Thomas Cuccinelli II (I can't find anything about when his family come to the US)

John Bolton- a war hawk.
Next they will decide any disable child, whoever becomes disabled in their life, or senior living on SS with Medicare will be a drain on society, and they will not receive any benefits, they will live in the streets and fend for themselves.

Disabled vets will become will become a drain on society.

Its only the beginning.

Still trying to dump the Trump?

Too bad that "Russian" thingy didn't work out for ya. :laughing0301:
Stephen Miller- who pretty much runs the show and the presidency.

Kenneth Thomas Cuccinelli II (I can't find anything about when his family come to the US)

John Bolton- a war hawk.
Next they will decide any disable child, whoever becomes disabled in their life, or senior living on SS with Medicare will be a drain on society, and they will not receive any benefits, they will live in the streets and fend for themselves.

Disabled vets will become will become a drain on society.

Its only the beginning.
Yeah.....I was looking for a list of people that are former Trump associates that ended up dead but I couldn't find any.

Epstein, and who knows who else.
There is no Trump list.
Epstein is already on the Clinton list of names. He can't be on more than one.
Big improvement over that Obama asshole that surrounded himself with Communists, Negrras and Muslims.
Stephen Miller- who pretty much runs the show and the presidency.

Kenneth Thomas Cuccinelli II (I can't find anything about when his family come to the US)

John Bolton- a war hawk.
Next they will decide any disable child, whoever becomes disabled in their life, or senior living on SS with Medicare will be a drain on society, and they will not receive any benefits, they will live in the streets and fend for themselves.

Disabled vets will become will become a drain on society.

Its only the beginning.

Stephen Miller is a great American, I hope he runs for President someday.

Bolton is only on his administration to appease the neocons, thankfully President Trump pretty much ignores his advice.

That does seem to be true regarding Bolton.
Stephen Miller- who pretty much runs the show and the presidency.

Kenneth Thomas Cuccinelli II (I can't find anything about when his family come to the US)

John Bolton- a war hawk.
Next they will decide any disable child, whoever becomes disabled in their life, or senior living on SS with Medicare will be a drain on society, and they will not receive any benefits, they will live in the streets and fend for themselves.

Disabled vets will become will become a drain on society.

Its only the beginning.
Better than Multicultural Politically Correct, Neo Nazis and Russian-Chinese Communists, Baby Killers, Satanists, Homosexuals, Pedophiles, Anarchists, Green Jihadists, Anti-Capitalists, American Hating Bi-Polar Liberal Elitists that Dominate The DemNazi Party.
Tramp has surrounded himself with alt right people

Alt-Right is a made up fantasy term. It does not even exist.
Mods need to move this to another section. The OP does not know the difference between fact and fiction. THERE IS NO LINK TO ANY SOURCE. THE OP IS PURE FICTION.
Mods need to move this to another section. The OP does not know the difference between fact and fiction. THERE IS NO LINK TO ANY SOURCE. THE OP IS PURE FICTION.
Mods need to move this to another section. The OP does not know the difference between fact and fiction. THERE IS NO LINK TO ANY SOURCE. THE OP IS PURE FICTION.

I know you agree with those mentioned In the OP, truth is truth.
Mods need to move this to another section. The OP does not know the difference between fact and fiction. THERE IS NO LINK TO ANY SOURCE. THE OP IS PURE FICTION.

I know you agree with those mentioned In the OP, truth is truth.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Can someone please explain to me who or what the "alt-right" is? I keep hearing this term and still don't get it. I support our President. Does that make me "alt-right"?
Stephen Miller- who pretty much runs the show and the presidency.

Kenneth Thomas Cuccinelli II (I can't find anything about when his family come to the US)

John Bolton- a war hawk.
Next they will decide any disable child, whoever becomes disabled in their life, or senior living on SS with Medicare will be a drain on society, and they will not receive any benefits, they will live in the streets and fend for themselves.

Disabled vets will become will become a drain on society.

Its only the beginning.

another day another TDS induced rant,,,

take your meds you fucked in the head moron,,,

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