Traitor Joe's Weekly Special: Media banned at the border

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
The kid cages are overflowing while Biden plays Mario Kart and sleeps.

Here's the real scene along the Rio Grande:

Straight out of the CCP playbook:

CBP officials sharply responded, “Sorry but this is strictly a no-media visit” when asked if the Acting Commissioner would allow for a media visit and answer questions

Law enforcement sources report the acting head of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will continue his southern border tour in the Del Rio Sector on Saturday. Officials denied an interview request from Breitbart Texas, calling the event a “no-media visit.”

CBP denied a formal request from Breitbart Texas to speak with CBP Senior Officials Performing the Duties of the Commissioner, Troy Miller, about what his observations during his border tour have been and what plans the administration has to address them. CBP officials sharply responded, “Sorry but this is strictly a no-media visit” when asked if the Acting Commissioner would allow for a media visit and answer questions. As sources previously reported, the Biden administration is tightly controlling the messaging on an ever-growing immigration crisis.
Welcome! Please submit this Democrat primary election registration upon arrival at your final destination, which will probably a rural Republican district, but that will be okay - they will have some unwavering white Christian hospitality for you. If not just let President Biden know about their racial prejudice and he will cancel them.
The 2022 midterms are going to be quite the interesting event. One hopes the mailin ballot issues and other irregularities will be fixed by then, at least in states where the governor and legislature are honest.
The 2022 midterms are going to be quite the interesting event. One hopes the mailin ballot issues and other irregularities will be fixed by then, at least in states where the governor and legislature are honest.

What's going to "fix" these issues, I mean besides armed poll watchers?
What's going to "fix" these issues, I mean besides armed poll watchers?
The entire chartering system needs to be reordered. There are inherent errors in the deployment of the three-part separation theory of government, because of the lack of information that was available for the founders, and there have been erroneous adjustments along the way that further skew the approach to Truth, Justice, and American Way.

The three-part separation theory for government is incorrectly deployed, and subsequently, the balance of power is not balanced, and the checks on power can not work correctly. The “checks and balances” theory is a valid theory, but it is directly dependent on the integrity of the deployment of the separation of government.

The disarrangement of the government skews the deliberation of the social issues, and that causes the partisan chaos that then trickles down causing the social disorder that we endure, . . . and then that cycles back in the agendas of the election campaigns. And thus, defines the boundaries of the proverbial “box.” The politicians are not corrupt, or misguided because they are not following the constitutions; they are corrupt, or misguided, because the checks and balances do not work, and they are keen enough to recognize the inadequacies in society and government, and then they exploit those inadequacies for their self-interests, which are usually in concert with the interests of their partisan allegiance.

If the balance and checks on government power worked, then we would not endure corruption, partisan cover-up, and the subsequent contentious economic debate that is very similar to the debate about religion that the American colonists argued.

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