Top Vaccine Expert Calls For Moratorium On COVID Vaccines


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
What will the MSM make of this?

Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, Ph.D., is a vaccine expert and independent virologist from Belgium. He is one of the most passionate vaccine advocates in the world, having taught and worked extensively in virology his entire life in both the vaccine development industry and the non-profit sector, including with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI, where he focused specifically on vaccine programs and product development partnerships for immune interventions in global health. Bossche currently has a fundamental warning regarding lockdown methodology and, more importantly, the mass COVID-19 vaccine rollout. He is deeply concerned about the interaction between our natural immune system and COVID-19, as well as the manner in which a pandemic develops and how its natural course can be profoundly disturbed by human intervention. His stated goal is to prevent the emergence of new highly infectious COVID-19 variants and ultimately eradicate the variants that currently exist.


As passionate as Bossche is about vaccines, he believes their current use in the COVID-19 pandemic presents a significant chance of worsening the virus instead of mitigating it. As he recently explained at the Vaccine Summit Ohio 2021 earlier this month, in the vast majority of healthy individuals, the original COVID-19 strain was causing mild or no symptoms. It stands to reason that before recommending any of the COVID-19 vaccines to the entire population, it should be clear that the vaccine will lower the rate of morbidity and mortality below what one could plausibly expect when letting the pandemic run its natural course. Bossche states it more simply:

“If one analyses the dynamics of a pandemic caused by a natural, self-limiting viral infection (e.g., Influenza pandemic during World War One), it becomes obvious that the toll taken on human lives is no higher than what is strictly required for the virus to perpetuate. Without human intervention, a pandemic ultimately results in herd immunity.”


According to Bossche, COVID-19 vaccines are likely to increase the infection of the virus because they are prophylactic vaccines, which are designed to prevent the spread or occurrence of a disease or infection by building immunity in individuals BEFORE exposure to a virus or pathogen. He elaborates:

“They (prophylactic vaccines) are not suitable at all for administration to people during a pandemic because the likelihood that a vaccine recipient already comes under attack while not yet being endowed with a full-fledged immune response increases as the infectious pressure augments. This particularly applies in case of highly infectious circulating variants.”


Holy shit.

I hadn't thought of that.

So. . . the upshot is, these elites, and all the sheep that are doing what they are told without a lick of critical thinking, or investigating the possible implications of the research. . . maybe dooming us all.

Bossche, is a DMV, which means he's a pet doctor, and that's where his expertise ultimately lies, regardless of what else he has studied. His main argument is that vaccines should not be used in the midst of a pandemic and that you're still vulnerable after you take the first shot while you wait for your seccond. He also made some vague argument that vaccines weaken our natural immunity. He says a lot of things, but ultimately this guy has zero solutions and just criticisms, much like the anti vaxxers on this forum.
Bossche, is a DMV, which means he's a pet doctor, and that's where his expertise ultimately lies, regardless of what else he has studied. His main argument is that vaccines should not be used in the midst of a pandemic and that you're still vulnerable after you take the first shot while you wait for your seccond. He also made some vague argument that vaccines weaken our natural immunity. He says a lot of things, but ultimately this guy has zero solutions and just criticisms, much like the anti vaxxers on this forum.

The obvious solution is what has ended every single epidemic that has ever existed.
Which is herd immunity.
If you think vaccines have ever stopped an epidemic in progress, like the 1948 Polio epidemic, you would be wrong.
The Salk vaccine did not come out until 1957.

So what about Fauci's prediction that would require 2.4 million deaths?
Clearly he is wrong because is was using a 1% lethality based on the average, which is almost entirely over 70 who are dying.
If you only deliberately infect those under 40, you reduce the odds of death by over a factor of 400, which reduces the 2.4 million, to only 6,000.

Look at the deaths under 18, and you only find 464.
You people are so funny. Latch on to the opinion of a lone loon which questionable credentials and run with it as truth without digging a tad deeper.

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is a veterinary doctor who also has a Ph.D. in virology. His LinkedIn profile lists several jobs in upper management positions, including a three-year stint as the senior program officer for vaccine discovery at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He is no stranger to vaccines. His academic publications essentially stop in 1995, except for one 2017 articleabout his natural killer cell vaccine idea published in a journal belonging to a publishing group, OMICS Group Inc, that has been called “predatory” and was sued by the Federal Trade Commissionfor deceptive practices.

You people are so funny. Latch on to the opinion of a lone loon which questionable credentials and run with it as truth without digging a tad deeper.

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is a veterinary doctor who also has a Ph.D. in virology. His LinkedIn profile lists several jobs in upper management positions, including a three-year stint as the senior program officer for vaccine discovery at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He is no stranger to vaccines. His academic publications essentially stop in 1995, except for one 2017 articleabout his natural killer cell vaccine idea published in a journal belonging to a publishing group, OMICS Group Inc, that has been called “predatory” and was sued by the Federal Trade Commissionfor deceptive practices.

I found that first article the most unbiased.

The other two were jab propaganda.

". . .While scientists don’t yet know exactly what levels of antibodies are needed to ward off disease, the approved vaccines do elicit the production of neutralizing antibodies. Meanwhile, a small study published in The Lancet showed that giving people who had never had COVID-19 a single dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine resulted in them making similar levels of anti-spike protein antibodies as individuals who had had COVID-19 but had not yet been vaccinated.. . "


". . .But even if the COVID-19 vaccines were “leaky,” meaning they still allowed some vaccinated people to transmit the virus to others, there is evidence that they could still efficiently contain the spread of the disease. Edward Nirenberg, a science blogger who addressed Dr. Bossche’s claims in great detail, points to Marek’s disease. It is caused by a herpesvirus and it gives chickens a number of health problems, including cancer. Thankfully, there is a vaccine against it, but over time, newer and more virulent strains of the virus have been detected, and this made scientists think it was because the vaccine was leaky, that it did not allow the chicken to mount a good enough immune response. Interestingly enough, the use of this seemingly leaky vaccine in chickens led to a reduction in the incidence of Marek’s disease by 99%. Potentially leaky vaccine but stellar disease reduction.. . "

IMO? These are a lot more leaky than this piece is willy to admit.

I found this one, which is by someone in the trenches, who still recommends getting them, but recognizes the real world data, instead of gas-lighting the public.

Let's Stop Pretending About the Covid-19 Vaccines​

b/c really, if what the OP is hinting is going to happen, there is no way out, either way.

If you do get it, eventually, you are going to degrade your immune system. . . and we will create stronger and stronger variants of COVID over time.

IF you don't get it, eventually, your immune system, even if you do fight it off for the first several years, eventually the pathogen will evolve to be so deadly, because of the "leakiness" of these vaccines? You will be doomed if you don't eventually get a jab. Time is not on the side of the hesitant. The more boosters that come out, the more the virus would seem to evolve.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't it would seem.
I found that first article the most unbiased.

The other two were jab propaganda.

". . .While scientists don’t yet know exactly what levels of antibodies are needed to ward off disease, the approved vaccines do elicit the production of neutralizing antibodies. Meanwhile, a small study published in The Lancet showed that giving people who had never had COVID-19 a single dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine resulted in them making similar levels of anti-spike protein antibodies as individuals who had had COVID-19 but had not yet been vaccinated.. . "


". . .But even if the COVID-19 vaccines were “leaky,” meaning they still allowed some vaccinated people to transmit the virus to others, there is evidence that they could still efficiently contain the spread of the disease. Edward Nirenberg, a science blogger who addressed Dr. Bossche’s claims in great detail, points to Marek’s disease. It is caused by a herpesvirus and it gives chickens a number of health problems, including cancer. Thankfully, there is a vaccine against it, but over time, newer and more virulent strains of the virus have been detected, and this made scientists think it was because the vaccine was leaky, that it did not allow the chicken to mount a good enough immune response. Interestingly enough, the use of this seemingly leaky vaccine in chickens led to a reduction in the incidence of Marek’s disease by 99%. Potentially leaky vaccine but stellar disease reduction.. . "

IMO? These are a lot more leaky than this piece is willy to admit.

I found this one, which is by someone in the trenches, who still recommends getting them, but recognizes the real world data, instead of gas-lighting the public.

Let's Stop Pretending About the Covid-19 Vaccines​

b/c really, if what the OP is hinting is going to happen, there is no way out, either way.

If you do get it, eventually, you are going to degrade your immune system. . . and we will create stronger and stronger variants of COVID over time.

IF you don't get it, eventually, your immune system, even if you do fight it off for the first several years, eventually the pathogen will evolve to be so deadly, because of the "leakiness" of these vaccines? You will be doomed if you don't eventually get a jab. Time is not on the side of the hesitant. The more boosters that come out, the more the virus would seem to evolve.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't it would seem.

I don't agree with your analysis and 90% of qualified virologists and immunologists don't either. But thanks for actually reading my links and making mostly intelligent comments.
I don't agree with your analysis and 90% of qualified virologists and immunologists don't either. But thanks for actually reading my links and making mostly intelligent comments.

It doesn't strike you as odd that we have more cases and deaths with the nation 50% inoculated, then when we had no vaccines available at all?

It doesn't strike you as odd that we have more cases and deaths with the nation 50% inoculated, then when we had no vaccines available at all?

Given that delta is so highly transmissible, not especially.

Where are those cases primarily occurring? In areas with low vaccination rates. Coincidence?
It doesn't strike you as odd that we have more cases and deaths with the nation 50% inoculated, then when we had no vaccines available at all?


The nation is 70% with at least one dose.
The Trumpiest states are at 35-55%.
And therein lies our problemo as well as the most hospitalizations and deaths.
I have to go to Boise ID next week for doc appointments. Hopefully they don't get cancelled as the entire state is in Crisis Standards of Care mode.
They are currently at 46% with one dose or better.
My friends are warning me to be super careful. I shall.
Since the experimental treatment isn't a real vaccine, but more an immuno-enhancer, wouldn't there be a risk front-loading natural immune response for Covid then getting hit with a separate virus? I haven't seen anything on that, then again, anything that isn't pro-vaccine is pretty much silenced or written off.
Given that delta is so highly transmissible, not especially.

Where are those cases primarily occurring? In areas with low vaccination rates. Coincidence?

The nation is 70% with at least one dose.
The Trumpiest states are at 35-55%.
And therein lies our problemo as well as the most hospitalizations and deaths.
I have to go to Boise ID next week for doc appointments. Hopefully they don't get cancelled as the entire state is in Crisis Standards of Care mode.
They are currently at 46% with one dose or better.
My friends are warning me to be super careful. I shall.
You are at lower risk in Idaho than in California.

It would appear, the safest places currently are Hawaii and Vermont.

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