Diamond Member
Not necessarily in order, here are Trump's priorities :
-Stimulate US business, tax cuts etc to create new jobs
-Control the US Southern border, more agents, higher wall
-Ban undocumented Muslims, refugees or not
-Provide real support to Veterans and Police
-Start getting paid for protecting foreign countries ie Japan,
-Negotiate better trade deals with Mexico, China
Not necessarily in order, here are Clinton's priorities:
-Put her hubby Bill in charge of the economy
-Close Guantanamo Bay
-Let in 65,000 undocumented Syrian Refugees
-Give her cronies cushy taxpayer funded jobs
-Introduce new restrictive gun laws
-Mandate Transgender bathrooms in all public schools
Who will benefit you more? Who will make the country stronger?
-Stimulate US business, tax cuts etc to create new jobs
-Control the US Southern border, more agents, higher wall
-Ban undocumented Muslims, refugees or not
-Provide real support to Veterans and Police
-Start getting paid for protecting foreign countries ie Japan,
-Negotiate better trade deals with Mexico, China
Not necessarily in order, here are Clinton's priorities:
-Put her hubby Bill in charge of the economy
-Close Guantanamo Bay
-Let in 65,000 undocumented Syrian Refugees
-Give her cronies cushy taxpayer funded jobs
-Introduce new restrictive gun laws
-Mandate Transgender bathrooms in all public schools
Who will benefit you more? Who will make the country stronger?