Top 4 Obamacare Complaints

It is Marxist because it exists on the concept that the haves according to their means will provide for the have nots according to their needs.

That's a pretty unique take.

So basically what you are saying, if we can use this "definition" as a standard..

Is that every single form of government is "Marxist".

Well except Anarchy.

Because to a large extent, every government does this..through taxation.

However, Marxism, in it's classical form doesn't really need to do this because it doesn't need to engage in taxation.

Obamacare is just a part of the class struggle....notice how Obama in his speech today addressed the poor and needy....his proleteriat....

a socialist order is the goal....with communism ultimately replacing capitalism....Obama's goal is to take healthcare out of the free market and place it under Government control.....

The cold war is over, dude.

Alas, it sometimes seems as if the bigger threat to America since the Soviet Union went belly up is a resurgence of fascism all over the word.

Including here in the good ol' boy USA.
That's a pretty unique take.

So basically what you are saying, if we can use this "definition" as a standard..

Is that every single form of government is "Marxist".

Well except Anarchy.

Because to a large extent, every government does this..through taxation.

However, Marxism, in it's classical form doesn't really need to do this because it doesn't need to engage in taxation.

Obamacare is just a part of the class struggle....notice how Obama in his speech today addressed the poor and needy....his proleteriat....

a socialist order is the goal....with communism ultimately replacing capitalism....Obama's goal is to take healthcare out of the free market and place it under Government control.....

Absolutely. The most galling insult to intelligence is his saying that Obamacare is to take care of the poor and needy. Bullshit. The poor and needy were already covered quite well with healthcare that most of the world can only envy. You are absolutely correct that the whole purpose of Obamacare is to put all of the people under the thumb of government. And the Obama worshippers are just cheering him on.

On my Decline of the American Empire thread, I held out hope that this generation still had some power to stop the loss of all our liberties to an ever more authoritarian, even totalitarian, government.

I may have just been engaged in a fool's errand, however.

Bulloney, the poor and uninsured receive emergency room care at public and private hospitals. Private hospitals charged the care under costs determined by Chargemaster, with no insurance company or Medicare watchdog, the costs were highly inflated. When stable the patient was transferred to a county/public hospital on the local taxpayers dime and the for profit or non profit hospital charged off inflated fees to off-set their bottom line.
Complaint #1: I can't log in

Complaint #2: My info's not right

Complaint #3: The costs are too high

Complaint #4: My employer is raising my premiums because of Obamacare

Top 4 Obamacare Complaints - Yahoo Finance

Then come up with a solution because when my spouse had cancer:

1. I couldn't get the insurance company to confirm diagnosis, therefore no chemo.

2. The oncologist told us he would take our insurance and then said he wouldn't.

3. We were hit with secondary and tertiary physican's bills who were not in our network.

4. The insurance company, Empire Blue, didn't pay the bills for over six months so we were getting dunned by the doc's office.

5. The final bill for my spouse's care came to $1,300,000.00 for three years.

So shut the fuck up or come up with a better plan than this.

Oh, and let me add that this insurance was through a major Ivy League university where my spouse worked....Not Podunk, AL.
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Obamacare is just a part of the class struggle....notice how Obama in his speech today addressed the poor and needy....his proleteriat....

a socialist order is the goal....with communism ultimately replacing capitalism....Obama's goal is to take healthcare out of the free market and place it under Government control.....

Absolutely. The most galling insult to intelligence is his saying that Obamacare is to take care of the poor and needy. Bullshit. The poor and needy were already covered quite well with healthcare that most of the world can only envy. You are absolutely correct that the whole purpose of Obamacare is to put all of the people under the thumb of government. And the Obama worshippers are just cheering him on.

On my Decline of the American Empire thread, I held out hope that this generation still had some power to stop the loss of all our liberties to an ever more authoritarian, even totalitarian, government.

I may have just been engaged in a fool's errand, however.

Bulloney, the poor and uninsured receive emergency room care at public and private hospitals. Private hospitals charged the care under costs determined by Chargemaster, with no insurance company or Medicare watchdog, the costs were highly inflated. When stable the patient was transferred to a county/public hospital on the local taxpayers dime and the for profit or non profit hospital charged off inflated fees to off-set their bottom line.

Please name the poor who were ineligible to be insured under Medicaid prior to Obamacare. Take your time. I'll wait.

Now admittedly Obamacare has mandated that more affluent people now be qualified for Medicaid which is why some 26 states have opted out of that system altogether and the Supreme Court agreed with them that they could.

If government had stayed out of healthcare altogether in the first place, however, I'm pretty sure the insurance companies would be offering affordable insurance packages to the people. They would have to in order to stay in business.
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Do tell.

What about the ACA is "marxist".

Include some proof as the form of links.

Thanks in advance.

It is Marxist because it exists on the concept that the haves according to their means will provide for the have nots according to their needs.

That's a pretty unique take.

So basically what you are saying, if we can use this "definition" as a standard..

Is that every single form of government is "Marxist".

Well except Anarchy.

Because to a large extent, every government does this..through taxation.

However, Marxism, in it's classical form doesn't really need to do this because it doesn't need to engage in taxation.

Oh please. Using a simplistic rebuttal to support your point of view gets you nowhere.
Using that as an explanation is the same as 'well, why not, we have it in other things too'...Yeah, and few of those work either. Name one thing government does 'for' us that operates within budget, is done on time and works efficiently....
Umm, the theme to Final Jeopardy lasts just 30 seconds. That's all the time you'll get. because any more time means you had to think up an answer. Which means whatever your reply, it is nonsense.
Secondly, when I gratefully declined COBRA after my spouse died from the ever so fuck-you-very-much Empire Blue because they wanted to charge me $650 and I had virtually NO medical problems except for seasonal allergies, I applied for other insurance and was declined because:

Three allergy meds prescribed in the last 8 years and the limit was 2.

So STFU, Yurtie.

The old system IS BROKEN sort of like your brain.

And your post needs some links for verification, otherwise is just more bullshit.
It is Marxist because it exists on the concept that the haves according to their means will provide for the have nots according to their needs.

That's a pretty unique take.

So basically what you are saying, if we can use this "definition" as a standard..

Is that every single form of government is "Marxist".

Well except Anarchy.

Because to a large extent, every government does this..through taxation.

However, Marxism, in it's classical form doesn't really need to do this because it doesn't need to engage in taxation.

Oh please. Using a simplistic rebuttal to support your point of view gets you nowhere.
Using that as an explanation is the same as 'well, why not, we have it in other things too'...Yeah, and few of those work either. Name one thing government does 'for' us that operates within budget, is done on time and works efficiently....
Umm, the theme to Final Jeopardy lasts just 30 seconds. That's all the time you'll get. because any more time means you had to think up an answer. Which means whatever your reply, it is nonsense.

Please, enough with the stupid constant communism/Marxist bullshit. The fix is in, and it's a plutocracy with 535 servants inside the Beltway running the lives of 300,000,000 people.
It is designed to raise costs and to kill the US economy.

Just like everything every Globalist puppet President has ever done.

Just like offshoring and outsourcing under Bush and Clinton... as well as NAFTA and GATT, all parts of the big Globalist plans to destroy America.

Thank you to all the Americans that voted stupidly for these candidates and their America destroying Globalist policies.

May you enjoy your future stay at a FEMA Camp.

Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA

[ame=]Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA Full Length - YouTube[/ame]
Complaint #1: I can't log in

Complaint #2: My info's not right

Complaint #3: The costs are too high

Complaint #4: My employer is raising my premiums because of Obamacare

Top 4 Obamacare Complaints - Yahoo Finance

Many conservatives will complain in lock step fashion about Obamacare based on little more than rumor and in uendo. A good portion of these people aren't covered by any kind of healthcare or are paying exorbitant fees.

At some point, probably late at night, and probably cajoled by his wife who's the one who has to try to stretch the dollars every month, middle class conservatives are going to investigate the rates and plans for the first time on their own. My strong bet is that they're going to find a significant savings over what they're paying now, OR they'll find that they can afford health insurance for the first time in years or maybe the first time in their lives. That's when they'll face a decision as to whether to sign up or not. If they have at least as much sense as God gave a goat, they'll take advantage of something that will save them a lot of money (and maybe even their lives some day).

That's when they'll face another choice. Do they tell people, or do they keep it a secret that they signed up?

" rumor and in uendo."
" My strong bet "..
In other words ,you are an avowed marxist/leninist who really is just talking shit because ACA fits right into your agenda.
That's a pretty unique take.

So basically what you are saying, if we can use this "definition" as a standard..

Is that every single form of government is "Marxist".

Well except Anarchy.

Because to a large extent, every government does this..through taxation.

However, Marxism, in it's classical form doesn't really need to do this because it doesn't need to engage in taxation.

Obamacare is just a part of the class struggle....notice how Obama in his speech today addressed the poor and needy....his proleteriat....

a socialist order is the goal....with communism ultimately replacing capitalism....Obama's goal is to take healthcare out of the free market and place it under Government control.....

The cold war is over, dude.

Alas, it sometimes seems as if the bigger threat to America since the Soviet Union went belly up is a resurgence of fascism all over the word.

Including here in the good ol' boy USA.

communism/socialism is not a cold war's an idea.....and fascism is part of it....

leftism is an idea that the progressives have been slowly implementing over the decades.....Obamacare is simply the most recent manifestation of it.....

much more of this shit and the good ol' USA is going to disappear...
Obamacare is just a part of the class struggle....notice how Obama in his speech today addressed the poor and needy....his proleteriat....

a socialist order is the goal....with communism ultimately replacing capitalism....Obama's goal is to take healthcare out of the free market and place it under Government control.....

Absolutely. The most galling insult to intelligence is his saying that Obamacare is to take care of the poor and needy. Bullshit. The poor and needy were already covered quite well with healthcare that most of the world can only envy. You are absolutely correct that the whole purpose of Obamacare is to put all of the people under the thumb of government. And the Obama worshippers are just cheering him on.

On my Decline of the American Empire thread, I held out hope that this generation still had some power to stop the loss of all our liberties to an ever more authoritarian, even totalitarian, government.

I may have just been engaged in a fool's errand, however.

Bulloney, the poor and uninsured receive emergency room care at public and private hospitals. Private hospitals charged the care under costs determined by Chargemaster, with no insurance company or Medicare watchdog, the costs were highly inflated. When stable the patient was transferred to a county/public hospital on the local taxpayers dime and the for profit or non profit hospital charged off inflated fees to off-set their bottom line.

It will be interesting to see how much that free preventive care will ultimately save everyone (both patients and insurance companies alike) if and when people seek out treatment before conditions become chronic and potentially very costly which is what usually happens when people don't have insurance.
I just got a letter from my insurance company saying that i "now have an opportunity to access coverage under the provisions of ACA".

Translation: We're dropping you and now you get to be part of the worst piece of domestic legislation in America's history.

I was paying $400 a year with this Insurance company. I wonder how much more i'll be forced to pay when i get signed up for Boondogglecare (if i can ever access the fucked-up website).
One final note on what I wrote above and love me, hate me, whatever....just read this carefully: regardless of if you get insurance through ACA or private:

If you or yours gets major cancer, do not, and I mean DO NOT sign up with any local onco group or small hospital staffed by docs from private practice, etc.

Head for the major centers, specifically Sloan Kettering in NY, Johns Hopkins in B'more, MD Anderson in Houston, Mayo Clinic for example, because your billing will be handled through that hospital and the docs and specialists and ancillary services,, and the billing to the insurance will come from one "in network" source.

And you will get better care and a better chance of surviving.

Absolutely. The most galling insult to intelligence is his saying that Obamacare is to take care of the poor and needy. Bullshit. The poor and needy were already covered quite well with healthcare that most of the world can only envy. You are absolutely correct that the whole purpose of Obamacare is to put all of the people under the thumb of government. And the Obama worshippers are just cheering him on.

On my Decline of the American Empire thread, I held out hope that this generation still had some power to stop the loss of all our liberties to an ever more authoritarian, even totalitarian, government.

I may have just been engaged in a fool's errand, however.

Bulloney, the poor and uninsured receive emergency room care at public and private hospitals. Private hospitals charged the care under costs determined by Chargemaster, with no insurance company or Medicare watchdog, the costs were highly inflated. When stable the patient was transferred to a county/public hospital on the local taxpayers dime and the for profit or non profit hospital charged off inflated fees to off-set their bottom line.

Please name the poor who were ineligible to be insured under Medicaid prior to Obamacare. Take your time. I'll wait.

Now admittedly Obamacare has mandated that more affluent people now be qualified for Medicaid which is why some 26 states have opted out of that system altogether and the Supreme Court agreed with them that they could.

If government had stayed out of healthcare altogether in the first place, however, I'm pretty sure the insurance companies would be offering affordable insurance packages to the people. They would have to in order to stay in business.

Were pre-retirement-age adults without children eligible for Medicaid? In every state?
I just got a letter from my insurance company saying that i "now have an opportunity to access coverage under the provisions of ACA".

Translation: We're dropping you and now you get to be part of the worst piece of domestic legislation in America's history.

I was paying $400 a year with this Insurance company. .....

Oh cry me a river.....
Absolutely. The most galling insult to intelligence is his saying that Obamacare is to take care of the poor and needy. Bullshit. The poor and needy were already covered quite well with healthcare that most of the world can only envy. You are absolutely correct that the whole purpose of Obamacare is to put all of the people under the thumb of government. And the Obama worshippers are just cheering him on.

On my Decline of the American Empire thread, I held out hope that this generation still had some power to stop the loss of all our liberties to an ever more authoritarian, even totalitarian, government.

I may have just been engaged in a fool's errand, however.

Bulloney, the poor and uninsured receive emergency room care at public and private hospitals. Private hospitals charged the care under costs determined by Chargemaster, with no insurance company or Medicare watchdog, the costs were highly inflated. When stable the patient was transferred to a county/public hospital on the local taxpayers dime and the for profit or non profit hospital charged off inflated fees to off-set their bottom line.

Please name the poor who were ineligible to be insured under Medicaid prior to Obamacare. Take your time. I'll wait.

All of the poor between the ages of 18 and the month they turned 65

Now admittedly Obamacare has mandated that more affluent people now be qualified for Medicaid which is why some 26 states have opted out of that system altogether and the Supreme Court agreed with them that they could.

I don't know why 26 states opted out (are you sure of the number?) nor do I know what reason (or excuse) was used to deny residents of their State without insurance or with a preexisting condition an opportunity for health insurance.

If government had stayed out of healthcare altogether in the first place, however, I'm pretty sure the insurance companies would be offering affordable insurance packages to the people. They would have to in order to stay in business.

You're serious? Wow, how many liters of Kool-Aid do you consume daily.
It is designed to raise costs and to kill the US economy.

Just like everything every Globalist puppet President has ever done.

Just like offshoring and outsourcing under Bush and Clinton... as well as NAFTA and GATT, all parts of the big Globalist plans to destroy America.

Thank you to all the Americans that voted stupidly for these candidates and their America destroying Globalist policies.

May you enjoy your future stay at a FEMA Camp.

Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA

Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA Full Length - YouTube

Your tin foil hat is just a little too tight.
Obamacare is just a part of the class struggle....notice how Obama in his speech today addressed the poor and needy....his proleteriat....

a socialist order is the goal....with communism ultimately replacing capitalism....Obama's goal is to take healthcare out of the free market and place it under Government control.....

The cold war is over, dude.

Alas, it sometimes seems as if the bigger threat to America since the Soviet Union went belly up is a resurgence of fascism all over the word.

Including here in the good ol' boy USA.

communism/socialism is not a cold war's an idea.....and fascism is part of it....

leftism is an idea that the progressives have been slowly implementing over the decades.....Obamacare is simply the most recent manifestation of it.....

much more of this shit and the good ol' USA is going to disappear...

Let me know if you want to give up your 40 hour work week and your paid vactions and all those other progressive gains you likely take for granted.

If you want to work 12 hours a day six days a week, well just say so. No doubt, there are plenty of corporations who would willingly take you under those conditions. And the whole 'Bring Your Child to Work Day' would take on entirely new significance since they might just get hired on the spot. No need for skool and all that book lernin when you can all car pool to work together. Matter of fact, no doubt you could live right on the premises in a nice barracks the company could set up fer you. And you kin shop at the company store an' everythang.

Best not be caught readin' any Steinbeck, though.
My employer didn't raise my premiums year after year after year.

Personal anecdotes aren't worth shit.

Complaint #1: I can't log in

Complaint #2: My info's not right

Complaint #3: The costs are too high

Complaint #4: My employer is raising my premiums because of Obamacare

Top 4 Obamacare Complaints - Yahoo Finance

Then come up with a solution because when my spouse had cancer:

1. I couldn't get the insurance company to confirm diagnosis, therefore no chemo.

2. The oncologist told us he would take our insurance and then said he wouldn't.

3. We were hit with secondary and tertiary physican's bills who were not in our network.

4. The insurance company, Empire Blue, didn't pay the bills for over six months so we were getting dunned by the doc's office.

5. The final bill for my spouse's care came to $1,300,000.00 for three years.

So shut the fuck up or come up with a better plan than this.

Oh, and let me add that this insurance was through a major Ivy League university where my spouse worked....Not Podunk, AL.

Sorry, your story doesn't count, according to g5000

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