Tonight's Debate: The Fight Is On!

Mrs. M.

Man Feed Guest Writer
Nov 2, 2015

In just a few minutes, Americans will see the final GOP debate before March 1st, Super Tuesday. News media has been reporting that Ted Cruz is leading in Texas. After the news broke about Cruz firing his communications manager over a falsely reported story about Rubio, the trial lawyer may be facing a tough cross examination for his actions.

Ted Cruz had ample time to pull the story about Ben Carson but chose not to. Carson pointed out that the original story about his dropping out of the race was retracted 1 minute after it was posted. Yet hours past by, without any change in the story the Cruz camp ran with, as Cruz went after Dr. Carson's voters.

One time might be a mistake. Repeating the same mistake twice is not likely.

Marco Rubio is no saint. Phyllis Shafly reported that Rubio betrayed the American people. The story of what he did is very incriminating: Phyllis Schlafly: Marco Rubio Betrayed Us All
When it comes to Rubio and Cruz, it is difficult to say who is worse.

Is it any wonder Trump has been winning by a landslide thus far?

While some are suggesting that Rubio will go after Trump tonight, it isn't likely to happen. Rubio knows that if he goes after Trump he will have to face the consequences. He's not ready for Trump and he knows it. After rebounding from 5th place, it's doubtful he'd want to risk losing what he so recently gained.

Ted Cruz, on the other hand, has nothing to lose. He's in 3rd place and likely to stay there unless something big happens. He has to break out tonight. Kaisich and Carson may try to stay in unison with their kumbaya message but with so much at stake between Rubio and Cruz, they could come off looking like two nuns on a battlefield (out of place).

Carson lost his audience after his tale about the knife. Granted he was in a tough spot. He expected the story to come out and decided he would get out in front of it. That backfired on him when the media turned the tables and suggested there was no record to support his claims. Carson countered with evidence of an old news article in Parade magazine but by then it was too late. The damage had been done.

Tonight I expect to see Rubio step up his attacks on Cruz in hopes of holding 2nd place. No doubt the fur will fly as Rubio and Cruz battle it out. I expect Trump to look very presidential tonight, answering the questions and making the distinction between himself and the other candidates crystal clear.

Rubio and Cruz seem to be stuck in the mode of not answering the questions until they make their stump speeches. It isn't working for them and if they do it again tonight, Trump's star will only shine brighter.

John Kaisich is hoping that Rubio blows it. He knows that if Rubio is out, he may still have a chance to become the establishment's darling. If it doesn't happen tonight, Kaisich may decide to suspend his campaign. If not, Super Tuesday would likely force him to drop out.

The debate airs tonight at 8:30 p.m. on CNN.

Until then!
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Robot just destroyed Trump on hiring undocumented workers.

His handlers must have run updates on his system or something...
Either Cruz and Rubio and Kasich all team up to pull down Trump so they can each win in their home states, or Trump will be far ahead by this time next week. If each wins in their home states, Rubio will be only about 30 votes behind Trump come the 15th of March.

Work on Trump's hatred of the American worker by his hiring of illegals and foreign born employees. Hit him until he is on his knees and then metaphorically kick him in the head, repeatedly.
Either Cruz and Rubio and Kasich all team up to pull down Trump so they can each win in their home states, or Trump will be far ahead by this time next week. If each wins in their home states, Rubio will be only about 30 votes behind Trump come the 15th of March.

Work on Trump's hatred of the American worker by his hiring of illegals and foreign born employees. Hit him until he is on his knees and then metaphorically kick him in the head, repeatedly.
I'm watching it live and Kasich SUCKS tonight. Cruz is tredding water but Rubio so far is doing well. Trump is holding up fin despite Rubio's childish crap.
DF is correct that Rubio must win FL. Cruz could whizz on the floor in front of the whole audience and still win Tx easily.
DF is correct that Rubio must win FL. Cruz could whizz on the floor in front of the whole audience and still win Tx easily.

Sounds like Trump is coming on strong...

Cruz still leads with 29 percent of those polled. Trump polled at 28 percent in the new poll. Florida Senator Rubio jumped to a solid third place position at 25 percent. The remaining candidates, Ohio Governor John Kasich and Dr. Ben Carson came in at nine and four percent respectively.
DF is correct that Rubio must win FL. Cruz could whizz on the floor in front of the whole audience and still win Tx easily.

Sounds like Trump is coming on strong...

Cruz still leads with 29 percent of those polled. Trump polled at 28 percent in the new poll. Florida Senator Rubio jumped to a solid third place position at 25 percent. The remaining candidates, Ohio Governor John Kasich and Dr. Ben Carson came in at nine and four percent respectively.
That was the Emerson poll. The Austin Statesman, a much more accurate poll with lots of experience in all matters Texas, has Cruz by 12 points.
DF is correct that Rubio must win FL. Cruz could whizz on the floor in front of the whole audience and still win Tx easily.

Sounds like Trump is coming on strong...

Cruz still leads with 29 percent of those polled. Trump polled at 28 percent in the new poll. Florida Senator Rubio jumped to a solid third place position at 25 percent. The remaining candidates, Ohio Governor John Kasich and Dr. Ben Carson came in at nine and four percent respectively.
That was the Emerson poll. The Austin Statesman, a much more accurate poll with lots of experience in all matters Texas, has Cruz by 12 points.
I have read where Cruz has 15 in many polls. But this debate is in Texas right?
DF is correct that Rubio must win FL. Cruz could whizz on the floor in front of the whole audience and still win Tx easily.

Sounds like Trump is coming on strong...

Cruz still leads with 29 percent of those polled. Trump polled at 28 percent in the new poll. Florida Senator Rubio jumped to a solid third place position at 25 percent. The remaining candidates, Ohio Governor John Kasich and Dr. Ben Carson came in at nine and four percent respectively.
That was the Emerson poll. The Austin Statesman, a much more accurate poll with lots of experience in all matters Texas, has Cruz by 12 points.

There are several polls showing a dead heat and others showing anywhere from a 7 to 15 lead for Cruz.
Final take?
Trump takes Florida and Rubio is out. Trump switched to issues and Rubio stuck with personal attacks. BAD idea for LAST debate.

Trump gains in Texas for the same reason Rubio loses.

Kasich....Looked good but not given enough air time.
Trump takes Ohio. Kasich MAY be out.

Carson cheated on time and questions. Carson out and CNN looks bad.

Carson AND Rubio quit after next race.

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