Tom Udall and Mark Udall must be defeated in Senate races

The Revelator

Oct 7, 2008
The Church of Bible Prophecy, Albuquerque, NM, strongly believes that both Tom Udall and Mark Udall, both U.S. Senate candidates, must be defeated.

The Church believes that Liberal Extremist Tom Udall is a Vicar of Satan, Communist and tantrist, and believes that it has documented its beliefs. For example, Tom Udall refers to Congress as, "The Belly of The Beast" - all devout Christians know exactly what that means!

The Church believes that for decades, Tom Udall has skated by on his phony character, and that if the voters knew Tom Udall's true character, they would recoil in anger and disgust.

See our udall.htm webpage.

Spread the word about the Udalls.

Your Servant In God,

REV John Williams, The Revelator
The Church of Bible Prophecy
The Church of Bible Prophecy, Albuquerque, NM, strongly believes that both Tom Udall and Mark Udall, both U.S. Senate candidates, must be defeated.

The Church believes that Liberal Extremist Tom Udall is a Vicar of Satan, Communist and tantrist, and believes that it has documented its beliefs. For example, Tom Udall refers to Congress as, "The Belly of The Beast" - all devout Christians know exactly what that means!

The Church believes that for decades, Tom Udall has skated by on his phony character, and that if the voters knew Tom Udall's true character, they would recoil in anger and disgust.

See our udall.htm webpage.

Spread the word about the Udalls.

Your Servant In God,

REV John Williams, The Revelator
The Church of Bible Prophecy

If religious nutters hate them this much, they must be good. Thanks for their names, I'll be sure to donate!
The Church of Bible Prophecy in its prior postings on this forum and its udall.htm webpage relevant to The Church's beliefs that Tom Udall is a Vicar of Satan, a communist, a tantrist, and an anti-Veteran draftdodger was just too charitable to Tom Udall. Our udall.htm webpage includes documentation and source information about Udall anyone can independently verify, and Tom Udall has never known to publicly deny anything stated on this webpage - even those findings about him published more than a decade ago - everyone can assume this webpage is 100% correct. Also, be sure to bookmark, copy, save, printout and widely dissemenate this webpage to others.

Due to lack of space, on this forum regarding The Church's Veterans posting (be sure to also read it), The Church excluded other related findings about Tom Udall also found on it Udall webpage. For examples:

(1) While AG of New Mexico, Tom Udall promulgated NM State Regulations to protect those practicing bestiality, necrophiliac and pedophiliac sexual orientations from being discriminated against in their jobs. Yet, AG Tom Udall never promulgated any regulation to protect Veterans from being discriminated against.

(2) New Mexico was the last State to have a Slave Statute on its books, the last State to enact a Megan's law (then enacted a very defective version), and the last border State to enact a sexual slave statute. The Slave Statute was enacted about 100 years ago to punish Geronimo by forcing Indians to clean up ditches and acequias. If it wasn't for a Republican State Engineer who fought this egregious Statute, New Mexico would probably still be a slave state - no small thanks to AG Tom Udall. The Church believes that AG Tom Udall's passionate involvement with beastialars, necrophiles and pedofiles made his schedule far too busy to address critical issues!

(3) During Rep. Tom Udall's watch over NM 3rd District, with Los Alamos right in the middle, virtually not a month goes by without another major security breach scandal reported at Los Alamos National Laboratory with nuclear secrets apparently being regularly stolen by communist countries. If you believe that communist draftdodger Tom Udall had nothing to do with these leaks then please don't make another decision in your life without first consulting with the tooth fairy and easter bunny. As Senator, Tom Udall will have control over ALL of New Mexico's federal laboratories and military bases - a final nail in our coffins as a free people!


(1) Attorney General of New Mexico elitist draftdodger Tom Udall loved to interrogate Disabled Veterans about their honorable Service-Connected Disabilities (SCDs). Nothing related to any type of alleged crime nor anything ever done before by any other known Attorney General - just something Tom Udall could favorably report back to his handlers.

(2) Tom Udall's hatred and jealously was not limited to Veterans, but also extended to women, Indians, the disabled, victims of violent crimes, and scientists and engineers.

THE CHURCH'S TOM UDALL CHALLENGE: The Church of Bible Prophecy challenges Tom Udall to fully, concisely and honestly address each and every one of The Church's serious beliefs about YOU on its udall.htm webpage and its forum postings - do so on this great forum. Otherwise, The Church believes that you will have stolen yet another election by again conning New Mexicans to vote for you based on your phony character - you prove again to everyone that you are the coward and fraud The Church believes you are! And whatever Church findings you do not refute will reinforce the credibilty of these findings.

NOTE: Readers here should not depend upon Tom Udall's Liberal newsmedia PALs to ever really criticize or investigate Tom Udall. But instead, DEMAND that Tom Udall fully addresses these issues on this forum. Some national news media entities may still be doing honest journalism - please report all of this to those you know.

Your Servant in God,

REV John Williams, The Revelator

The Church of Bible Prophecy
Rev. Williams:

So does your church endorse Stephen Pearce over Tom Udall in New Mexico and Bob Schaffer over Mark Udall in Colorado?
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FYI: Leftism is evil by definition. What position a given leftist enjoys is quite irrelevant; the simple fact is that the entire leftist ideology, from the independent, moderate, centrist, progressives to Hussein Obama are the pure embodiment of evil... the moderates are just the means by which the true believers find power. I personally find no distinction between evil and those it uses to perpetuate the catastrophe inherent in it.

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