Today is the Day Israel Deliberately Attacked USS Liberty and it Was Covered up by Traitors


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Here is the best documentary on the subject, interviews with surviving crew:

The Day Israel Attacked America.

There is absolutely no doubt it was deliberate, a false flag to get us to attack Egypt.

Every year on this day the surviving crew has a memorial service in DC, to which all congressmen are invited. To this day, every year, a single congressman has yet to show up.
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The attack on a mostly unarmed intelligent ship was absolutely despicable.

However, LBJ covering it up so as not to piss of the American pro Israel Jewish Democrat Party donors is just as despicable.

That asshole would not even present the Medal of Honor to the Captain in the White House because he didn't want to upset his "little buddies".
The LBJ admin, and a Dem Congress investigated and found it to be an accident.

Israel has admitted their mistake and compensation was made to the families.
What? The Chosen attacked an American ship and apologized and it's all good now?!
Imagine if that had been Iran-
What? The Chosen attacked an American ship and apologized and it's all good now?!
Imagine if that had been Iran-
we don’t have to.

we are still waiting on a sorry and them to pay the judgements against them
The LBJ admin, and a Dem Congress investigated and found it to be an accident.

Israel has admitted their mistake and compensation was made to the families.


The investigation was a sham. The compensation was nothing and it was reimbursed to the Israelis by the filthy ass LBJ administration.

The goddamn Israelis have a fucking memorial to the pilots that attacked the Liberty in their maritime museum.

I have read probably everything ever written on the incident. The cover up is blatant. The one officer on the investigation team that tired to blow the whistle was threaten severely and shut up.
The LBJ admin, and a Dem Congress investigated and found it to be an accident.

Israel has admitted their mistake and compensation was made to the families.


The investigation was a sham. The compensation was nothing and it was reimbursed to the Israelis by the filthy ass LBJ administration.

The goddamn Israelis have a fucking memorial to the pilots that attacked the Liberty in their maritime museum.

I have read probably everything ever written on the incident. The cover up is blatant. The one officer on the investigation team that tired to blow the whistle was threaten severely and shut up.
take it up with the dems that lead the probe

why do you think they did it then?
The LBJ admin, and a Dem Congress investigated and found it to be an accident.

Israel has admitted their mistake and compensation was made to the families.

Israeli recon planes circled the ship all morning and waved back and forth to blond-haired American crew, two huge American flags flying, American marking, and the high tech ship like none other on the seas. Then unmarked Israeli fighters attacked for 2 hours with rockets, machines guns, and napalm. Men were getting slaughtered below decks because the hull was like tissue paper.
Einstein warned us in 1948 about Zionist fascism.

The mission of the USS Liberty was to investigate claims of Israeli concentration camps exterminating the residents of the strip, heights, and bank.

There was an Israeli motive - to prevent the us from discovering and documenting Israeli mass murder....
The LBJ admin, and a Dem Congress investigated and found it to be an accident.

Israel has admitted their mistake and compensation was made to the families.

Israeli recon planes circled the ship all morning and waved back and forth to blond-haired American crew, two huge American flags flying, American marking, and the high tech ship like none other on the seas. Then unmarked Israeli fighters attacked for 2 hours with rockets, machines guns, and napalm. Men were getting slaughtered below decks because the hull was like tissue paper.
why did the dems investigating this miss that? and why did israel do it?
Here is the best documentary on the subject, interviews with surviving crew:

The Day Israel Attacked America.

There is absolutely no doubt it was deliberate, a false flag to get us to attack Egypt.

Every year on this day the surviving crew has a memorial service in DC, to which all congressmen are invited. To this day, every year, a single congressman has yet to show up.

It was deliberate and it was not a false flag. The Israelis didn't try to hide their identity. The Liberty was an intelligence collection ship and Israel wanted to prevent it from "spying" on their actions.

They knew there would be international implications and just didn't care.
The LBJ admin, and a Dem Congress investigated and found it to be an accident.

Israel has admitted their mistake and compensation was made to the families.


The investigation was a sham. The compensation was nothing and it was reimbursed to the Israelis by the filthy ass LBJ administration.

The goddamn Israelis have a fucking memorial to the pilots that attacked the Liberty in their maritime museum.

I have read probably everything ever written on the incident. The cover up is blatant. The one officer on the investigation team that tired to blow the whistle was threaten severely and shut up.
take it up with the dems that lead the probe

why do you think they did it then?

It was simple. The Democrats didn't want to piss off the American Israeli lobby, who were big donors.

Before the Liberty incident we tried to be even handed in the Middle East. After the Liberty we sided with the Israelis and that led to the Soviets getting tremendous influence in the Arab world.

This is one of the most shameful incidents of American history.

LBJ politics.
The LBJ admin, and a Dem Congress investigated and found it to be an accident.

Israel has admitted their mistake and compensation was made to the families.


The investigation was a sham. The compensation was nothing and it was reimbursed to the Israelis by the filthy ass LBJ administration.

The goddamn Israelis have a fucking memorial to the pilots that attacked the Liberty in their maritime museum.

I have read probably everything ever written on the incident. The cover up is blatant. The one officer on the investigation team that tired to blow the whistle was threaten severely and shut up.
take it up with the dems that lead the probe

why do you think they did it then?

It was simple. The Democrats didn't want to piss off the American Israeli lobby, who were big donors.

Before the Liberty incident we tried to be even handed in the Middle East. After the Liberty we sided with the Israelis and that led to the Soviets getting tremendous influence in the Arab world.

This is one of the most shameful incidents of American history.

LBJ politics.
gotcha interesting theory

why were we even there? didn’t Johnson have us involved in our own war?

and what was israels motive?
Einstein warned us in 1948 about Zionist fascism.

The mission of the USS Liberty was to investigate claims of Israeli concentration camps exterminating the residents of the strip, heights, and bank.

There was an Israeli motive - to prevent the us from discovering and documenting Israeli mass murder....


The Israelis were kicking Arab ass in the Six Day War.

Up to this point the US had tried to even handed in its approach to the Middle East so the Soviets wouldn't get more influence.

The Liberty was monitoring the war.

The Israelis did not want the Americans to know how well they were winning lest the US tried to force the Israelis to an early cease fire.

The Israelis gambled that the US would do nothing because of the American Israeli lobby's influence and it worked.

Very shameful.

LBJ fucking his country for politics. it wasn't the first time.
Actually the Liberty had the capability of knowing of Israeli troop movements towards the Golan Heights leaving the Egyptian border weaker and they didn't want to take the chance that this would become known.

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