To Vaccinate Or Not To Vaccinate, That Is The Question


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Democrats are inventing another issue. They claim that all Republicans are Neanderthals who don't believe in vaccination and so they now support it. Unfortunately many Democrats believed that vaccinations were causing Autism and were dead set against it. Now they see an opening to cause another issue against Republicans.

Somebody floats the idea that vaccinations should be mandatory. Republicans believe in freedom and speak out against the mandates and Walla, we have an issue.

Some believe that the California outbreak in measles was caused by a president that didn't screen tens of thousands of illegals before he flooded them into our schools. We have no proof of this, but it looks pretty suspicious that months after Obama force tens of thousands of refugees from Al Salvador and Guatemala into our schools, kids are coming down with diseases that were almost completely eradicated in the United States. Some believe that Obama was bringing in Ebola patients on purpose to create a scare and it blew up in his face. This measles outbreak is just another version of that. Perhaps another try at a failed artificial issue Obama tried to create before the election.

I remember in the 60s everyone was getting vaccinated against TB, Polio, and other communicable diseases, but it was never mandatory. Making it mandatory is an infringement on our rights but do Democrats care? No. They just love forcing people to do what they feel is good for them.

This is the issue:

Democrats - We support mandates

Republicans - We support the freedom not to

The battle-lines are being drawn. Let the fight begin.


Calif. day care closes due to measles in baby too young to be vaccinated -
Given the Measles Outbreak Should Vaccinations Be Mandatory - Room for Debate -
Obama Contradicted Himself on Vaccines Not Paul or Christie
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The entire thing is an exercise in stupid that spans the political spectrum. Measles has never been eradicated in this country, not even close.
In classic socialist democrat left wing media fashion, they pull the slight of hand.

One, the media will focus on those "right wingers" who are against FORCED vaccinations. That is how they perpetuate the narrative that the right hates kids. It works every time on their stupid left wing double talking puppet constituency.

Two, by focusing on the tired brainwashing narrative, the media will not research or ignore the origins of these outbreaks. We all know why that is.

Three, they will perpetuate how good big government is and that is really important.

Fucking left wing scumbags.
In classic socialist democrat left wing media fashion, they pull the slight of hand.

One, the media will focus on those "right wingers" who are against FORCED vaccinations. That is how they perpetuate the narrative that the right hates kids. It works every time on their stupid left wing double talking puppet constituency.

Two, by focusing on the tired brainwashing narrative, the media will not research or ignore the origins of these outbreaks. We all know why that is.

Three, they will perpetuate how good big government is and that is really important.

Fucking left wing scumbags.
Image search "smallpox". Fucking liberal scumbags made sure your kids never came down with that. Google search "Iron lung" fucking liberal scumbags made sure your kid doesn't end up in one just because they went to the lake to swim. Eradicating smallpox and polio here alone is reason enough to have a least a little bit of thanks for "big government".
In classic socialist democrat left wing media fashion, they pull the slight of hand.

One, the media will focus on those "right wingers" who are against FORCED vaccinations. That is how they perpetuate the narrative that the right hates kids. It works every time on their stupid left wing double talking puppet constituency.

Two, by focusing on the tired brainwashing narrative, the media will not research or ignore the origins of these outbreaks. We all know why that is.

Three, they will perpetuate how good big government is and that is really important.

Fucking left wing scumbags.
Image search "smallpox". Fucking liberal scumbags made sure your kids never came down with that. Google search "Iron lung" fucking liberal scumbags made sure your kid doesn't end up in one just because they went to the lake to swim. Eradicating smallpox and polio here alone is reason enough to have a least a little bit of thanks for "big government".
It still wasn't mandated.

So stop arguing in black and white terms when it is really a grey issue.
In classic socialist democrat left wing media fashion, they pull the slight of hand.

One, the media will focus on those "right wingers" who are against FORCED vaccinations. That is how they perpetuate the narrative that the right hates kids. It works every time on their stupid left wing double talking puppet constituency.

Two, by focusing on the tired brainwashing narrative, the media will not research or ignore the origins of these outbreaks. We all know why that is.

Three, they will perpetuate how good big government is and that is really important.

Fucking left wing scumbags.
Image search "smallpox". Fucking liberal scumbags made sure your kids never came down with that. Google search "Iron lung" fucking liberal scumbags made sure your kid doesn't end up in one just because they went to the lake to swim. Eradicating smallpox and polio here alone is reason enough to have a least a little bit of thanks for "big government".
It still wasn't mandated.

So stop arguing in black and white terms when it is really a grey issue.
I received both vaccines at the health dept. before I was allowed to start school, seems kind of mandated to me.
I do love how Republicans are blaming Democrats for their screwups.

This is an ISSUE because two of your leading "contenders" - Chris Christie and Rand Paul - both made comments that people should be able to opt out of mandetory vaccinations for their kids because, you know, "Freedom".

In short, another case where crazies have infected the party, and the GOP needs to pander to it.

Christie figured out how stupid he sounded and tried to walk it back, but Rand Paul doubled down on the stupid. "I'm not a doctor, I play one on TV!"
In classic socialist democrat left wing media fashion, they pull the slight of hand.

One, the media will focus on those "right wingers" who are against FORCED vaccinations. That is how they perpetuate the narrative that the right hates kids. It works every time on their stupid left wing double talking puppet constituency.

Two, by focusing on the tired brainwashing narrative, the media will not research or ignore the origins of these outbreaks. We all know why that is.

Three, they will perpetuate how good big government is and that is really important.

Fucking left wing scumbags.
Image search "smallpox". Fucking liberal scumbags made sure your kids never came down with that. Google search "Iron lung" fucking liberal scumbags made sure your kid doesn't end up in one just because they went to the lake to swim. Eradicating smallpox and polio here alone is reason enough to have a least a little bit of thanks for "big government".
It still wasn't mandated.

So stop arguing in black and white terms when it is really a grey issue.
I received both vaccines at the health dept. before I was allowed to start school, seems kind of mandated to me.
That might have been the case locally but it wasn't mandated nationally. Your parents could have fought it in court and won. Now Democrats want to make it a federal law.
In classic socialist democrat left wing media fashion, they pull the slight of hand.

One, the media will focus on those "right wingers" who are against FORCED vaccinations. That is how they perpetuate the narrative that the right hates kids. It works every time on their stupid left wing double talking puppet constituency.

Two, by focusing on the tired brainwashing narrative, the media will not research or ignore the origins of these outbreaks. We all know why that is.

Three, they will perpetuate how good big government is and that is really important.

Fucking left wing scumbags.
Image search "smallpox". Fucking liberal scumbags made sure your kids never came down with that. Google search "Iron lung" fucking liberal scumbags made sure your kid doesn't end up in one just because they went to the lake to swim. Eradicating smallpox and polio here alone is reason enough to have a least a little bit of thanks for "big government".
It still wasn't mandated.

So stop arguing in black and white terms when it is really a grey issue.
I received both vaccines at the health dept. before I was allowed to start school, seems kind of mandated to me.
That might have been the case locally but it wasn't mandated nationally. Your parents could have fought it in court and won. Now Democrats want to make it a federal law.

I'm totally against mandatory vaccines. The government should stay out of decisions that belong to the parents.

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