To those who support anti-gunners wanting mental health checks for your Rights? Homesickness reason to deny 2nd Amendment Rights...this is why.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Because the anti-gun extremists will do anything to take our guns, we find it hard to support any measure they push...because any measure they push is done with the knowledge they will exploit it to ban and confiscate guns...

When the uninformed pro-2nd Amendment supporters nod their heads in agreement when anti-gun extremists talk about mental health exams before gun ownership is allowed......I have a strong suspicion they don't think being home sick is a mental illness......but the anti-gunners do.......

America's 2nd. amendment can apply in Hawaii still, but relaxing restrictions on high risk individuals who are wishing to have a handgun for suspicious purposes, can't be tolerated.

What can and must be the rules on gungoonery must be applicable to the majority of people in Hawaii that are not Americans.

If Hawaii forfeits the safety of people on the streets then their tourism will quickly decline and safer tourist destinations will be chosen by tourists.

If the progun fraternity started to turn Honolulu into another shithole US city. (their description for cities) then Honolulu will become a ghost town overnight!

Logical consequences will come home with the guns and the chickens at the same time for the gunners. Let this one go 2A.
It's no use.
They have the Supreme Court right where they want it now.
Turn em all in now or have them taken away forcefully later.


"All that was required for evil men to prevail and for a black woman to take your guns away was for good men to do nothing"
Biden is beefing up the ATF getting ready. This is it folks. Goodbye to your gun rights and your guns :spinner:
Remember when Americans could own guns and even posses them ? Good times they were.
Criminals and cartels will be the only Americans allowed to keep em going forward.
Lose the 2nd you lose your 1st amendments. Both go bye bye
When cops can shoot you for exercising your 2nd Amendment rights we no longer really have a 2nd Amendment.

(as to the issue here, if we still had a 2nd Amendment, Hawaii would be violating his rights)
Because the anti-gun extremists will do anything to take our guns, we find it hard to support any measure they push...because any measure they push is done with the knowledge they will exploit it to ban and confiscate guns...

When the uninformed pro-2nd Amendment supporters nod their heads in agreement when anti-gun extremists talk about mental health exams before gun ownership is allowed......I have a strong suspicion they don't think being home sick is a mental illness......but the anti-gunners do.......

Yeah, that sounds a bit dodgy. Given that supposedly he wasn't diagnosed as being depressed or having any significant mental health issues.

Something tells me there's more to this, but in the end it's a pretty recent court case (April of this year, which is kinda close to NOW), so it'll probably come out alright from Mr. Santucci.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. Your guns are safe. Hold them tight and kiss them when you tuck them in tonight but don't be scared.
When cops can shoot you for exercising your 2nd Amendment rights we no longer really have a 2nd Amendment.

Philando Castille would like to speak with your manager.

(as to the issue here, if we still had a 2nd Amendment, Hawaii would be violating his rights)

"If we still had a 2nd Amendment". That's some pretty hard-core playing of the victim there. Kudos!

We are a nation literally AWASH in guns. More than 1 gun for every man, woman and child in this nation. Why do you guys say stupid things like that? LOL
It's no use.
They have the Supreme Court right where they want it now.
Turn em all in now or have them taken away forcefully later.

LOL. Clutch them pearls harder!

"All that was required for evil men to prevail and for a black woman to take your guns away was for good men to do nothing"

And by "do nothing" you mean not brandish their weapons or shoot something?

Biden is beefing up the ATF getting ready.

LOL! OOooooo! Hide! Hide your precious guns and then hide under the bed so that Joe doesn't see you when he goes out huntin' for your guns!

This is it folks. Goodbye to your gun rights and your guns :spinner:

Sounds pretty scary there in your imagination.

Remember when Americans could own guns and even posses them ?

Yeah...I call that "today".

Good times they were.
Criminals and cartels will be the only Americans allowed to keep em going forward.

LOL. You have a rich imaginary world. Enjoy it! Do they have unicorns in your fantasy land?
America's 2nd. amendment can apply in Hawaii still, but relaxing restrictions on high risk individuals who are wishing to have a handgun for suspicious purposes, can't be tolerated.

What can and must be the rules on gungoonery must be applicable to the majority of people in Hawaii that are not Americans.

If Hawaii forfeits the safety of people on the streets then their tourism will quickly decline and safer tourist destinations will be chosen by tourists.

If the progun fraternity started to turn Honolulu into another shithole US city. (their description for cities) then Honolulu will become a ghost town overnight!

Logical consequences will come home with the guns and the chickens at the same time for the gunners. Let this one go 2A.
If there are people walking around who "can't be trusted" around a weapon, then they shouldn't be walking around.
End of story.
When the uninformed pro-2nd Amendment supporters nod their heads in agreement when anti-gun extremists talk about mental health exams before gun ownership is allowed......I have a strong suspicion they don't think being home sick is a mental illness......but the anti-gunners do.......
Don't forget, back in 2016 Obama signed an executive order to have disabled people with phobias and eating disorders considered mentally ill and blocked from having guns.

One of the first thing the Mr. Trump did in 2017 was sign legislation putting a stop to that.
America's 2nd. amendment can apply in Hawaii still, but relaxing restrictions on high risk individuals who are wishing to have a handgun for suspicious purposes, can't be tolerated.
What can and must be the rules on gungoonery must be applicable to the majority of people in Hawaii that are not Americans.
If Hawaii forfeits the safety of people on the streets then their tourism will quickly decline and safer tourist destinations will be chosen by tourists.
If the progun fraternity started to turn Honolulu into another shithole US city. (their description for cities) then Honolulu will become a ghost town overnight!
Logical consequences will come home with the guns and the chickens at the same time for the gunners. Let this one go 2A.
Hawaii will not be permitted to violate people's civil liberties. I don't care how much Hawaiians hate America's freedom.
Yeah, that sounds a bit dodgy.
Gun control always does.

Something tells me there's more to this,
Maybe, but probably not. This sort of thing is standard operating procedure with gun control.

Barack Obama signed an order having disabled people with phobias and eating disorders declared mentally ill and blocked from having guns.

If Hillary had been elected in 2016, it probably would still be in effect.

Philando Castille would like to speak with your manager.
When you are reaching for something during a traffic stop, and the police officer repeatedly (with rapidly increasing urgency) tells you to stop reaching for your gun, maybe stop reaching and keep your empty hands visible.

He doesn't know what you are reaching for.
Philando Castille would like to speak with your manager.

"If we still had a 2nd Amendment". That's some pretty hard-core playing of the victim there. Kudos!

We are a nation literally AWASH in guns. More than 1 gun for every man, woman and child in this nation. Why do you guys say stupid things like that? LOL

You did nothing to address what I said. You even point out the problem and still ramble.

Philandro Castile is a perfect example of that I am saying. Just as Amir Locke is.
The majority by far is in favour of arming Hawaiians and so that will most likely happen there too. That will of course cause the shootings statistics to rise dramatically.

Tourism will be hit hard as visitors from other countries will go to safer countries where they can relax and enjoy their holidays with their kids.
From experience in both Hawaii and Cuba, there's nothing in Hawaii that Cuba can't provide better. And prices in Cuba are much lower.

The majority opinion is definitely in favour of arming Hawaiians but that's the price that has to be paid for the gun fraternity to be free.
The people's freedom to be safe on the streets will just have to be ignored.

Barack Obama signed an order having disabled people with phobias and eating disorders declared mentally ill and blocked from having guns.

OK, so put your rhetorical money where your rhetorical mouth is: what mental illnesses SHOULD have their gun rights limited?

I assume, being a good 2A Defender you will say NONE, but I'm genuinely curious.

Should there be ANY mental illness that keeps people from access to guns? If so what are your guidelines?

If there are people walking around who "can't be trusted" around a weapon, then they shouldn't be walking around.
End of story.
For Hawaii, I would have agreed on that when I went to Hawaii 25 or 30 years ago.

Now, it's none of my business and I would have to agree with the progunners on arming everybody with handguns. Perhaps even enact a law that says everybody must pack heat at all times, tourists included. This has been suggested for other places in America. 2A will be able to verify that.
Guns could be issued at the airport.
It's no use.
They have the Supreme Court right where they want it now.
Turn em all in now or have them taken away forcefully later.


"All that was required for evil men to prevail and for a black woman to take your guns away was for good men to do nothing"
Biden is beefing up the ATF getting ready. This is it folks. Goodbye to your gun rights and your guns :spinner:
Remember when Americans could own guns and even posses them ? Good times they were.
Criminals and cartels will be the only Americans allowed to keep em going forward.
Then I guess we'll have to give it them our guns!
but relaxing restrictions on high risk individuals who are wishing to have a handgun for suspicious purposes, can't be tolerated.
Hey shtstain, nowhere on the 4473 does it ask why you want a gun. Liar.

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