To Kill a Mockingbird becomes an Obama Re election commercial

JRK tried the same thing Doosh Girl is trying, which is lying.

She is fail
Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11.

We invaded because of suppoed WMDs that did not exist.

All the other stuff doesn't matter.

WMDs DID exist. Another lie from the left.

WikiLeaks Show WMD Hunt Continued in Iraq - With Surprising Results | Danger Room |

You guys just can't help yourselves, can you?

By the time these remnants were found they were no longer usable weapons. They were not the weapons President Bush claimed iraq was actively producing and stockpiling. They certainly posed no significant or immediate danger to the USA.

Another lie.

Show me some proof the chemicals were inert. They weren't. It's a lie. and you are repeating the lie. Knowingly I suspect.

As to Reagan and chemical weapons? Another bald-faced lie. When the New Yawk Slimes did that article that you're thinking of (if you're even capable of independent thought -- which I doubt) they were only accusing the Reagan Administration being AWARE that Saddam was using WMDs on civilians. Which has been vehemently denied anyway.

Bald-faced liars. All of you. Small wonder you vote for the scum of the earth. You're no different than they are

Not to mention really, really stupid
WMDs DID exist. Another lie from the left.

WikiLeaks Show WMD Hunt Continued in Iraq - With Surprising Results | Danger Room |

You guys just can't help yourselves, can you?

By the time these remnants were found they were no longer usable weapons. They were not the weapons President Bush claimed iraq was actively producing and stockpiling. They certainly posed no significant or immediate danger to the USA.

Another lie.

Show me some proof the chemicals were inert. They weren't. It's a lie. and you are repeating the lie. Knowingly I suspect.

As to Reagan and chemical weapons? Another bald-faced lie. When the New Yawk Slimes did that article that you're thinking of (if you're even capable of independent thought -- which I doubt) they were only accusing the Reagan Administration being AWARE that Saddam was using WMDs on civilians. Which has been vehemently denied anyway.

Bald-faced liars. All of you. Small wonder you vote for the scum of the earth. You're no different than they are

Not to mention really, really stupid

DooshEdgetho continues to lie. The WMDs described by the neo-cons in 2002 are not the remnants of old, decaying stuff that were inert

If they weren't, the neo-cons would have been yelling it from the roof tops.

Neo-cons are guaranteeing the re-election of Obama with these lies.
By the time these remnants were found they were no longer usable weapons. They were not the weapons President Bush claimed iraq was actively producing and stockpiling. They certainly posed no significant or immediate danger to the USA.

Another lie.

Show me some proof the chemicals were inert. They weren't. It's a lie. and you are repeating the lie. Knowingly I suspect.

As to Reagan and chemical weapons? Another bald-faced lie. When the New Yawk Slimes did that article that you're thinking of (if you're even capable of independent thought -- which I doubt) they were only accusing the Reagan Administration being AWARE that Saddam was using WMDs on civilians. Which has been vehemently denied anyway.

Bald-faced liars. All of you. Small wonder you vote for the scum of the earth. You're no different than they are

Not to mention really, really stupid

DooshEdgetho continues to lie. The WMDs described by the neo-cons in 2002 are not the remnants of old, decaying stuff that were inert

If they weren't, the neo-cons would have been yelling it from the roof tops.

Neo-cons are guaranteeing the re-election of Obama with these lies.

I was going through my grandfather's backyard back when he died a few years ago. It had been overgrown with weeds and all. We found some really interesting things:

Bicycle. Obviously there used to be a department store there since we found a bike.

Clothes pin. Obviously there used to have been a dry clearner there since we found a clothes pin.

Bottle cap=bottling plant

Really people; are we still debating whether or not Iraq had WMD's?

If Bush thought so and obviously he did; he did what he thought was right. However, he didn't couch the comments leading up to the war in such unknown terms. Not only did they not have WMD's; they were not even close.
To start with it was not GWB place in life to prove any-thing
It was Saddams

The UN stated on Jan 27th 2003 Saddam (Iraq) was lying

We invade weeks later

Now howis that GWB fault????????????
Update 27 January 2003

read the context libs and stop lying
In the first place, it is your duty, JRK, to verify what you say, and you fail miserably.

The WMDs as described by the neo-cons were never found. Truth.

Iraq had no part of 9-11. Truth.

JRK and and edgetho are liars. Truth.
That and a never-ending need to get the last word in. Always.

CC this is a message board that is here to discuss politics
Now let that soak in
Think CC about the irony of your thread
Jake, your not even being taken seriously, have not been for a long time
1.4 trillion dollar deficts is a relaity
UE numbers are a reality
Obama care turning out to be one lie after another is a relaity
These events have nothing to do with me Jake

Why do you keep making a fool of your self? you think your issues with getting along with your fellow Americans bothers me?
It is sad Jake, I mean that
I feel sorry for you


No WMD's found--another bit of reality you've refused to accept.

Some were found.....just not in numbers the media would ever acknowledge.

That's the funny thing about Saddam's weapon of choice (Sarin Gas). It doesn't come in 55 gal drums due to it's inherent nature. It degrades in around 3 weeks so storage in lethal dosages is useless. We found binary delivery devices by the hundreds, but that was ignored by the mainstream. We also found 2000 tons of uranium waiting to be processed.

Btw, Iran is now calling the shots in Iraq, no thanks to Obama.

I'm sure you'll give him props for that.
mud, no cigar.

What was found in no way matched what the Bushies described before the war.

It had, they would have yelled it from the roof tops.
WMDs DID exist. Another lie from the left.

WikiLeaks Show WMD Hunt Continued in Iraq - With Surprising Results | Danger Room |

You guys just can't help yourselves, can you?

By the time these remnants were found they were no longer usable weapons. They were not the weapons President Bush claimed iraq was actively producing and stockpiling. They certainly posed no significant or immediate danger to the USA.

Another lie.

Show me some proof the chemicals were inert. They weren't. It's a lie. and you are repeating the lie. Knowingly I suspect.

As to Reagan and chemical weapons? Another bald-faced lie. When the New Yawk Slimes did that article that you're thinking of (if you're even capable of independent thought -- which I doubt) they were only accusing the Reagan Administration being AWARE that Saddam was using WMDs on civilians. Which has been vehemently denied anyway.

Bald-faced liars. All of you. Small wonder you vote for the scum of the earth. You're no different than they are

Not to mention really, really stupid

I never said they were inert. I said they were not usable. Without some kind of reconditioning, remaufacturing they did not pose any kind of threat to the USA.

Raygun took Iraq off the nations who support terrorist list, 1982. Then put them on the most favorite trading status. That status continued until Iraq invaded Kuwait. Most all western nation begain to sell supplies to Iraq. Germany France and the UK all had their fingers in the pie. Many of the items sold were duel use technology and all sales were approved by Rayguns state department . Some were percursor chemicals(Germany). Some we biological samples (USA).

Raygun officials were certainly aware of the use of chemical weapon on the battlefield with Iran.

What NYT's article?

Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein
Mud Whistles thread is accurate, excpet I dont see the Iran connection as far along as he does
There is a problem there, no doubt

The thing that has allways amazed me about this topic is the Liberal blaming GWB for the events Saddam was resp for
He lied, no-one else did
Those weapons did exist according to him and the UN, and he was the one that failed in producing evidence that they were destroyed as the UN resolutions mandated
It is really that simple

Why is it that so har for you libs to accept?

I never blamed BHO for the housing bubble. its no different
JRK continues to falsify. GWB did not tell the truth about finding WMDs as he described. No such weapons were found. It is really that simple. The neo-cons continue to lie and will be so judged by history.
To start with it was not GWB place in life to prove any-thing
It was Saddams

The UN stated on Jan 27th 2003 Saddam (Iraq) was lying

We invade weeks later

Now howis that GWB fault????????????
Update 27 January 2003

read the context libs and stop lying

As CiC is certain was.

Blix did not state that! Furthermore that was not his final report on the matter, in the end his report he asks for more time for the inspectors.

These are still fails for you Jr.
To start with it was not GWB place in life to prove any-thing
It was Saddams

The UN stated on Jan 27th 2003 Saddam (Iraq) was lying

We invade weeks later

Now howis that GWB fault????????????
Update 27 January 2003

read the context libs and stop lying

As CiC is certain was.

Blix did not state that! Furthermore that was not his final report on the matter, in the end his report he asks for more time for the inspectors.

These are still fails for you Jr.

Besides, you can't prove a negative...Saddam was supposed to prove he didn't have something? Ahhh..
Nope, Bush was supposed to prove that Saddam had the weapons. Bush failed.
To start with it was not GWB place in life to prove any-thing
It was Saddams

The UN stated on Jan 27th 2003 Saddam (Iraq) was lying

We invade weeks later

Now howis that GWB fault????????????
Update 27 January 2003

read the context libs and stop lying

As CiC is certain was.

Blix did not state that! Furthermore that was not his final report on the matter, in the end his report he asks for more time for the inspectors.

These are still fails for you Jr.

Besides, you can't prove a negative...Saddam was supposed to prove he didn't have something? Ahhh..

I agree it was not the final report, but it was the last one that GWB and congress needed
I do not understand what you mean CC by you cannot prove a negaitive?

Read the link CC
The Iraqis made lclaim they had roughly 19,000 munitions that were classified WMDs as part of the surrender agreement in Desert storm
No-one else made that claim
They presented evidence, as was with-in the agreement or terms of the surrender (from here-on know as the "terms") of destructing around 13000
There was a 6000 munition difference they could not explain as to why and where they went

Same with Anthrax

Same with nerve gas

No-one made these claims but Saddam (The Iraqi govt)

He never claimed he lied
He never provided evidence that those munitions were destroyed. Blix reported this on Jan 27th 2003
Ok?do you understand that GWB nor the UN made these claims. Saddam did as part of the "terms" he agreed to
As CiC is certain was.

Blix did not state that! Furthermore that was not his final report on the matter, in the end his report he asks for more time for the inspectors.

These are still fails for you Jr.

Besides, you can't prove a negative...Saddam was supposed to prove he didn't have something? Ahhh..

I agree it was not the final report, but it was the last one that GWB and congress needed
I do not understand what you mean CC by you cannot prove a negaitive?

Read the link CC
The Iraqis made lclaim they had roughly 19,000 munitions that were classified WMDs as part of the surrender agreement in Desert storm
No-one else made that claim
They presented evidence, as was with-in the agreement or terms of the surrender (from here-on know as the "terms") of destructing around 13000
There was a 6000 munition difference they could not explain as to why and where they went

Same with Anthrax

Same with nerve gas

No-one made these claims but Saddam (The Iraqi govt)

He never claimed he lied
He never provided evidence that those munitions were destroyed. Blix reported this on Jan 27th 2003
Ok?do you understand that GWB nor the UN made these claims. Saddam did as part of the "terms" he agreed to

The quote from the report is cherry picked from the middle and does not reflect Blix's conclusion.

There was never any concusive evidence that there were any missing WMD. There was a small % of precusor chemicals that they said were destroyed but lacked sufficent documentation to prove it. Blix had interviews lined up with the people who supposedly destroyed those stocks, but President Bush pulled the trigger and started the invasion and occupation before the UN mandated weapons inspection concluded.
Besides, you can't prove a negative...Saddam was supposed to prove he didn't have something? Ahhh..

I agree it was not the final report, but it was the last one that GWB and congress needed
I do not understand what you mean CC by you cannot prove a negaitive?

Read the link CC
The Iraqis made lclaim they had roughly 19,000 munitions that were classified WMDs as part of the surrender agreement in Desert storm
No-one else made that claim
They presented evidence, as was with-in the agreement or terms of the surrender (from here-on know as the "terms") of destructing around 13000
There was a 6000 munition difference they could not explain as to why and where they went

Same with Anthrax

Same with nerve gas

No-one made these claims but Saddam (The Iraqi govt)

He never claimed he lied
He never provided evidence that those munitions were destroyed. Blix reported this on Jan 27th 2003
Ok?do you understand that GWB nor the UN made these claims. Saddam did as part of the "terms" he agreed to

The quote from the report is cherry picked from the middle and does not reflect Blix's conclusion.

There was never any concusive evidence that there were any missing WMD. There was a small % of precusor chemicals that they said were destroyed but lacked sufficent documentation to prove it. Blix had interviews lined up with the people who supposedly destroyed those stocks, but President Bush pulled the trigger and started the invasion and occupation before the UN mandated weapons inspection concluded.

Boo are you sure?
I mean after 10 years and the inspectors leaving, that the Un was going to forgive Saddam on some-one elses word?
Read the link Boo, we have been here before and you keep moving the target

I cannot because the truth is simple

Do you have proof that you destoryed the weapons you had?
same qusetion went on and on and on, all Saddam had to do long before we invaded was be up front

Blix nor GWB was going to take any-ones word on these matters.
Proof does mean "oh by the way they are really gone"
Blix freaked after his speech when GWB told any-one in Iraq was going to face the wrath of Kahn
He tried to Un-do his speech

Boo, you have tried to undo these facts for 2 years and I played along for the first year
Dont waste our time
you think Saddam did nothing wrong, its all GWB fault and Blix was a saint
I dis agree
You think the munitions that were found mean nothing, I dis agree
You think the yellow cake that was in Iraq was secure, I dis agree
You think Saddam had nothing to do with the war, it was all GWB fault
I dis agree

so we can agree to dis agree
Lets leave it there, we dont need to go back to the BS you put us thru last year< I wont do it
Blix freaked

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