To ditch Trump is to ditch America

OK... I'm laughing because I still don't quite get what u are saying, aside from the stuff about abortion should be state and not fed

don't get the connection you've made btwn abortion and economics..?
This is the reason libs are giving for voting for democrats... no matter how bad the economy is they view abortion as their main issue... I see that as unintelligent... now if you still don't get it ask someone to help you... that's how you learn....
Please explain about R v W?

what is it that most makes you see them as not intelligent? (not that I disagree but I am trying to understand where you're at)

The case was brought by Norma McCorvey—known by the legal pseudonym "Jane Roe"—who, in 1969, became pregnant with her third child. McCorvey wanted an abortion, but she lived in Texas where abortion was illegal, except when necessary to save the mother's life. Her attorneys, Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee, filed a lawsuit on her behalf in U.S. federal court against her local district attorney, Henry Wade, alleging that Texas's abortion laws were unconstitutional. A special three-judge court of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas heard the case and ruled in her favor.[4] The parties appealed this ruling to the Supreme Court.
All presidents fire people when they take office... Trump's big mistake was he didn't fire enough people... he won't make that mistake again....
If it would come to pass that the gop wins in '24 the main thrust of the transition period should be getting shed of any and all dem influence in the .gov....Nobody wants to hear what dems have to say anyway, much less carry on with a dem policy.

I'm not talking just appointees either, if they have a dem pedigree they are gone.....Oh that's illegal some might say....Fine, let it work it's way through the courts, just get shed of them by hook or crook.

Hell just suspending them with pay would be the "deal of the day" when compared to the damage they do.

Every agency should be gutted like a fish.
This is the reason libs are giving for voting for democrats... no matter how bad the economy is they view abortion as their main issue... I see that as unintelligent... now if you still don't get it ask someone to help you... that's how you learn....
no, I get it now and totally agree. I was surprised (didn't think anything re politics could suprise me anymore) when I heard about Ds focusing on abortion to such a great extent (according to polls which are never 2 reliable).

I'm thinking What?

And then it came to me: That's about all they have. They certain (laugh laugh) can't rely on ECONOMICs or foreign affairs in 22 or 24
We should never have elected Trump.
We are right back to where we were under Obama... job losses! rotten economy and a recession... Russia thumbing their nose at the USA... NK firing missiles... crime unabated.... and high gas and home heating costs... and a world on the brink of all out war....
But you still don't get it...
no, I get it now and totally agree. I was surprised (didn't think anything re politics could suprise me anymore) when I heard about Ds focusing on abortion to such a great extent (according to polls which are never 2 reliable).

I'm thinking What?

And then it came to me: That's about all they have. They certain (laugh laugh) can't rely on ECONOMICs or foreign affairs in 22 or 24
Bingo... sorry if I wasn't clear...
The case was brought by Norma McCorvey—known by the legal pseudonym "Jane Roe"—who, in 1969, became pregnant with her third child. McCorvey wanted an abortion, but she lived in Texas where abortion was illegal, except when necessary to save the mother's life. Her attorneys, Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee, filed a lawsuit on her behalf in U.S. federal court against her local district attorney, Henry Wade, alleging that Texas's abortion laws were unconstitutional. A special three-judge court of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas heard the case and ruled in her favor.[4] The parties appealed this ruling to the Supreme Court.
I know all that about R v W. I guess u didn't get my Q, probably bc you are a liberal.

McCorvey eventually rejected legalized abortion and became Catholic

Did "they" tell u about that? (they, meaning the ridiculously biased leftists media)?
We are right back to where we were under Obama... job losses! rotten economy and a recession... Russia thumbing their nose at the USA... NK firing missiles... crime unabated.... and high gas and home heating costs... and a world on the brink of all out war....
But you still don't get it...
God, I have heard, brings good out of evil.

If this is what it takes to stop people from voting D, well... maybe it will all have been worth it?

painful as hell but..

just a thought
We are right back to where we were under Obama... job losses! rotten economy and a recession... Russia thumbing their nose at the USA... NK firing missiles... crime unabated.... and high gas and home heating costs... and a world on the brink of all out war....
But you still don't get it...

Obama did quite well. It was an 8 year slide when Dubya was president.. I know he would have fixed that during his term if it was possible. Did you expect a quick fix?
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Obama did quite well. It was an 8 slide when Dubya was president.. I know he would have fixed that during his term if it was possible. Did you expect a quick fix?
Come on Surada... that's just not true... all of the empty stores and malls... malls turned into skating rings.... 8 years and Obama couldn't get us out of a recession... Under Obama gas never got below $4 a gal where I lived at the time.... Trump had us out of the recession in 1 year.... Biden could too if he wanted to.... he has the way right in front of him... all he has to do is go back to the Trump energy policy... that simple... but either he doesn't want a better life for Americans or he is too proud to admit he was wrong to undo everything Trump did....
I tend to believe it is human nature to desire change.. sometimes simply for the sake of change (boredom). There is a saying that backs this up: Familiarity breeds contempt.

But just bc Trump is familiar to us does not mean it is objectively acceptable to ditch him or prefer someone new to vote for in 24.

Yes, Trump has "weaknesses" but I don't think any of his supposed or actual weaknesses or shortcomings have much to do with being a president and he was likely the best we've ever had (at least in the top 3 of good presidents).

I think conservatives are not so much tired of Trump but tired of all the attacks made on him and all the investigations and etc... Those things are VERY tiresome, to be sure. But you can't throw Trump away because he was relentlessly attacked by a-holes. On the contrary, we need to remain firmly behind him whether he chooses to run or not (I hope he does). To not do so is to AFFIRM to the evil ones who sought to destroy him that.. their tactics work.

Well, to hell with that.

Trump paid the price for being our leader. He went through Hell.. and he didn't cave.

So why should we?
To oppose Trump is to save America.
Trump has many faults

But his heart is in the right place where America is concerned
I don't think Trump has any more faults than anyone else

We cannot judge him merely for being human. To do so is to judge oneself.

or as Jesus put it

"Judge not, lest you be judged-- for by what measure you mete [measure], so shall it be meted unto you."
Come on Surada... that's just not true... all of the empty stores and malls... malls turned into skating rings.... 8 years and Obama couldn't get us out of a recession... Under Obama gas never got below $4 a gal where I lived at the time.... Trump had us out of the recession in 1 year.... Biden could too if he wanted to.... he has the way right in front of him... all he has to do is go back to the Trump energy policy... that simple... but either he doesn't want a better life for Americans or he is too proud to admit he was wrong to undo everything Trump did....
He just does what his puppeteers tell him to do

so we can forget about him taking up the Trump policies
I tend to believe it is human nature to desire change.. sometimes simply for the sake of change (boredom). There is a saying that backs this up: Familiarity breeds contempt.

But just bc Trump is familiar to us does not mean it is objectively acceptable to ditch him or prefer someone new to vote for in 24.

Yes, Trump has "weaknesses" but I don't think any of his supposed or actual weaknesses or shortcomings have much to do with being a president and he was likely the best we've ever had (at least in the top 3 of good presidents).

I think conservatives are not so much tired of Trump but tired of all the attacks made on him and all the investigations and etc... Those things are VERY tiresome, to be sure. But you can't throw Trump away because he was relentlessly attacked by a-holes. On the contrary, we need to remain firmly behind him whether he chooses to run or not (I hope he does). To not do so is to AFFIRM to the evil ones who sought to destroy him that.. their tactics work.

Well, to hell with that.

Trump paid the price for being our leader. He went through Hell.. and he didn't cave.

So why should we?
Because half the country thinks he's a piece of shit, regardless of what you believe. Wouldn't it be better to have a candidate that most of the country could get behind, even if they didn't vote for them?

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