To all you pro oil folks out there.

They didn't want them high 2 years ago? 4 years ago? LOL!

That's because they over-drilled like crazy and burning off enough over-produced gas to power half the cities in the country, and Trump began to actively promote the Natural gas exports to Europe and Asia. They wanted a low enough entry price to spur roping suckers into paying for infrastructure and assorted tax freebies and then later they could jack up prices. If they were truly driven by market values natural gas in the U.S would have been free for 20 years.

And, wars also fire up the gamblers to pour cash into commodities produced in states going to war, like oil and grains, you know, stuff produced in Russia and the Ukraine.

They price the market to suit their current strategies, like all oligarchies do. They rig prices to whatever they want. Most people know this, but they hire lots of PR flaks to feed you narratives that fit your ideology or more often fake 'talking points' to deflect from the fact there are no 'free markets', even in baby formula, in the hands of only four companies, with two of the controlling over 80% of the market, about the same percentage Standard Oil had over oil refining and transportation for many decades.
The government has the power to limit permits on oil leases. That isn't a 'free market economy.'

Rubbish. There is nothing stopping them from drilling on private leases, except they can't rip off private owners like they can with govt. leases at $2.00 an acre. Drilling counts are up over the last two years, due to indies on private land leases like in the Permian. Do you think it just takes a couple of minutes to fill demand n stuff?
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Groomers are trying to force Americans into electric cars then lock them down with power outages. This is why they are banning small generators.

Everything happening to Americans now is being done to them deliberately.
They can't lock down an electric car when you have solar & wind. Someone can stop some pipelines & lock down your petroleum vehicle.
No, what working people do is cut down on purchases. Cutting down on purchases leads to a recession.
Wrong! - Recessions are caused by rapidly collapsing money supply & velocity that happens when too many bad loans default like the ones Republican President Bush 2 created when he signed the "American Dream Act" in 2003.
Yall need to stop complaining about Biden and what you think he's done to increased gas prices. Biden is doing the oil companies a favor. Record profits with little overhead.
So if you're going to continue to be pro big oil, yall need to stop complaining about the price. It's a free market economy, and if the oil companies get to make $100 billion just in the 1st quarter, then you should all be proud. In fact, I'd advise you all to buy extra gas cans and fill them all up. Buy it and give it away to those who can't afford it.

You know, just to show your support for big oil.
Now the fake ass op blames us for the prices iver an Anti Fossil Fuel POTUS. Lmao

The main cause of the oil supply increase in Obama's second term was done on STATE land where he couldn't prevent it.
Nope. Domestic producers got better at fracking. Oil men prefer not to drill on Federal land... The regs and paperwork are far more demanding.
Republicans are brainwashed by political propaganda. Their Dear Leader Bush signed EO-12777 in 1991 banning most of our offshore drilling for 20 years. :lol:

Under Obama coal plants gained more revenue streams by capturing & selling CO2 to Oil Producers."Enhanced Oil Recovery" creating a major demand for Carbon Dioxide from Coal Power Plants. There was no war on Coal. Natural Gas is cheaper than coal & that competition cut coal fired energy demand. Carbon Dioxide from Coal Power Plants is unlocking more oil for customers & profits for Oil Producers.

Under Obama horizontal drilling boundaries & setbacks were eliminated for "ECO Pad Drilling" to lower environmental damage from drillers. "ECO Pad Drilling" lowered oil drilling cost over $15 per barrel & created a US oil production boom.

Environmentally Cleaner oil sands extraction regs lowered oil production to $25/barrel from Utah oil sands. This low priced competition killed Koch Brothers Canadian oil sands disaster & need for XL leg of Keystone pipeline. That's why Koch spends big to brainwash Repubtards to hate Obama.

The facts are Democrats Carter & Obama had domestic energy policies that increased US oil production. Republicans Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush 1 & Bush 2 destroyed US oil production. Read it & weep!

Weird how gas prices skyrocket under Barry Hussein, and they were less than half they are today when Trump took office.

Explain why your Vegetable Messiah has set new record high gas prices every day since May 10, Dumbass.

Domestic production doubled during the Obama years because the ppb was high enough to justify investment in increased capacity.
They can't lock down an electric car when you have solar & wind. Someone can stop some pipelines & lock down your petroleum vehicle.

Yeah, they can. A solar panel array would take months to recharge a typical EV. Wind even longer.
Groomercrats are anti oil people. They vote for and do everything they can to hurt the oil industry. Then groomercrats go fill their car up and complain about the high price.
They back these policies that are aimed to “reign in the oil companies” and “eliminate fossil fuel” (Biden quotes) yet they don’t want the accountability or political fall out for the doubling of gas prices. By their own words, Democrats rely on the “stupidity of the American voter”. I believe the American voter to be smart and full of commons sense. Capitol Hill is flipping in November.
They back these policies that are aimed to “reign in the oil companies” and “eliminate fossil fuel” (Biden quotes) yet they don’t want the accountability or political fall out for the doubling of gas prices. By their own words, Democrats rely on the “stupidity of the American voter”. I believe the American voter to be smart and full of commons sense. Capitol Hill is flipping in November.

How did the Democrats cause oil prices to go up world wide?
Yall need to stop complaining about Biden and what you think he's done to increased gas prices. Biden is doing the oil companies a favor. Record profits with little overhead.
So if you're going to continue to be pro big oil, yall need to stop complaining about the price. It's a free market economy, and if the oil companies get to make $100 billion just in the 1st quarter, then you should all be proud. In fact, I'd advise you all to buy extra gas cans and fill them all up. Buy it and give it away to those who can't afford it.

You know, just to show your support for big oil.

How many times were you dropped on your head?
Yall need to stop complaining about Biden and what you think he's done to increased gas prices. Biden is doing the oil companies a favor. Record profits with little overhead.
So if you're going to continue to be pro big oil, yall need to stop complaining about the price. It's a free market economy, and if the oil companies get to make $100 billion just in the 1st quarter, then you should all be proud. In fact, I'd advise you all to buy extra gas cans and fill them all up. Buy it and give it away to those who can't afford it.

You know, just to show your support for big oil.
Why do you compare being "pro oil" (as stupid as that sounds) to wanting oil companies to make huge profits at the expense of everyone else?
What a stupid thread.
They back these policies that are aimed to “reign in the oil companies” and “eliminate fossil fuel” (Biden quotes) yet they don’t want the accountability or political fall out for the doubling of gas prices. By their own words, Democrats rely on the “stupidity of the American voter”. I believe the American voter to be smart and full of commons sense. Capitol Hill is flipping in November.

No President in history,and certainly No political party, has ever stood to big oil, big banking, and big Ag, not ever. There are some things that never change regardless of which Party is in office.

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