Title IX pays off

... your made-up narratives.....

I've told you several times that I am talking about real human beings I know about personally. The fact that you have to deny the consequences of your careless disregard says just about enough about you and the rest of your cold-blooded leftist ideologues.
The radical leftist version of equality is like that. Leftists would take a hacksaw to all tall men and saw off their legs at the knees so shorter people won't feel bad. That kind of 'thinking' makes sense to leftists. Glampers, all of them.


That is a stupid meme that was scoffed off long ago.
The illustration shows no loss to to the first two in order to give to the 3rd.
Nor does it illustrate the differences in contribution.
That is the general idea
You help those who need helping

By hurting someone you resent.

Nobody was hurt in assigning boxes

That's because your little illustration is a false representation. The leftist way is for a mob of salivating democrats killing the first two guys so the third can stand on their corpses to watch the game.
The radical leftist version of equality is like that. Leftists would take a hacksaw to all tall men and saw off their legs at the knees so shorter people won't feel bad. That kind of 'thinking' makes sense to leftists. Glampers, all of them.


That is a stupid meme that was scoffed off long ago.
The illustration shows no loss to to the first two in order to give to the 3rd.
Nor does it illustrate the differences in contribution.
That is the general idea
You help those who need helping

By hurting someone you resent.

Nobody was hurt in assigning boxes

Tell that to #1 and #2 for paying 50% tax rate so #3 can have not just one box, but two!! #1 and #2 had to work to get their box, #3 got them for nothing.
Men's Football and Men's Basketball bring in the money in colleges. All other sports are parasites. My neighborhood softball league when I was a lot younger would beat any women's team today. It would be home run derby.
But they put woman's softball championships on cable TV for a few weeks on multiple ESPN channels every spring. So by that logic why not men's competitive neighborhood softball leagues. And of course the inner city Basketball guys get no play either. They would massacre the WNBA in head to head matches. Why no cable TV on ESPN for them? Its funny. You go from equality to insulting the man versus women thing when it conveniences you. I only ask for cable TV reform where we can pick our own basic channels. And all of a sudden it is not touchable even for a monopoly. Well there has to be a reason we purchase most of our great tech products from Asia. They be badazzes! And they be going to run things in a few decades...
This should excite you

I never got Andy Kaufman. Many comedians thought he was genius. Not as much the public though. He played Latka on Taxi as to me his highlight and then they introduce Christopher Lloyd as Reverend Jim Ignatowski.."Iggy" who blows him out of the water as a character. Lloyd was more of an actor then comedienne also.

Kaufman was hit or miss

Pissing people off is not comedy

Andy Kaufman was a comedic genius !!!!
Not sure how this went to Andy Kaufman...but I didn't find the guy too funny to be honest. Just not into "whacky" comedy. Never have been. Much prefer witty humor such as Bill Burr.
Yes, it really paid off for all those male wrestlers and male volleyball players who's teams got cut to meet the quotas.

Be happy for something, but don't ignore the consequences.
It was the schools decision
They could have just increased funding of women’s programs

As it was, women’s sports has received more funding, better training, better facilities

It is paying dividends

I have to throw a flag on that one. You've said multiple times that the schools "could have just increased funding of women's programs". Think it through a little more carefully and I think you'll grasp that to which I am objecting.
They could have increased funding

Instead, they just evenly distributed scholarships

Again, "they could have increased funding". From where would this funding come?
Like all athletic funding, it would have come from academics

Think about what you're advocating. You are in essence saying that girls' sports should have been a higher priority than the education of the students.

Is that accurate?

That is a stupid meme that was scoffed off long ago.
The illustration shows no loss to to the first two in order to give to the 3rd.
Nor does it illustrate the differences in contribution.
That is the general idea
You help those who need helping

By hurting someone you resent.

Nobody was hurt in assigning boxes

That's because your little illustration is a false representation. The leftist way is for a mob of salivating democrats killing the first two guys so the third can stand on their corpses to watch the game.
Helping those who need help
It was the schools decision
They could have just increased funding of women’s programs

As it was, women’s sports has received more funding, better training, better facilities

It is paying dividends

I have to throw a flag on that one. You've said multiple times that the schools "could have just increased funding of women's programs". Think it through a little more carefully and I think you'll grasp that to which I am objecting.
They could have increased funding

Instead, they just evenly distributed scholarships

Again, "they could have increased funding". From where would this funding come?
Like all athletic funding, it would have come from academics

Think about what you're advocating. You are in essence saying that girls' sports should have been a higher priority than the education of the students.

Is that accurate?
Merely commenting on the priorities of our society

A society that prioritized academics would have no athletic scholarships
That is a stupid meme that was scoffed off long ago.
The illustration shows no loss to to the first two in order to give to the 3rd.
Nor does it illustrate the differences in contribution.
That is the general idea
You help those who need helping

By hurting someone you resent.

Nobody was hurt in assigning boxes

That's because your little illustration is a false representation. The leftist way is for a mob of salivating democrats killing the first two guys so the third can stand on their corpses to watch the game.
Helping those who need help

Again with the idea with reality removed.
But I understand. In order to support left social programs you have to lie to yourself.
Like lying to yourself that 30 years of free shit for nothing has done nothing but good for the black race. Now let's encourage banks to give them financing on houses they can't possibly afford. Gee...seems like that was tried before...yes it has...and ended quite badly for all of America. But, again, in order to support leftist social programs you have to ignore reality.
It's... for the chiiillldren

That is a stupid meme that was scoffed off long ago.
The illustration shows no loss to to the first two in order to give to the 3rd.
Nor does it illustrate the differences in contribution.
That is the general idea
You help those who need helping

By hurting someone you resent.

Nobody was hurt in assigning boxes

Tell that to #1 and #2 for paying 50% tax rate so #3 can have not just one box, but two!! #1 and #2 had to work to get their box, #3 got them for nothing.
Nobody pays a 50% tax rate

We help those that need help
If we are offering scholarships and have $10,000 to spend on three applicants
If one student is from a poor family, one is middle class and one is wealthy, we don’t give each one $3,333

The poor student might get $6,666 and the middle class student gets $3,333 and the wealthy student is ineligible
That is a stupid meme that was scoffed off long ago.
The illustration shows no loss to to the first two in order to give to the 3rd.
Nor does it illustrate the differences in contribution.
That is the general idea
You help those who need helping

By hurting someone you resent.

Nobody was hurt in assigning boxes

Tell that to #1 and #2 for paying 50% tax rate so #3 can have not just one box, but two!! #1 and #2 had to work to get their box, #3 got them for nothing.
Nobody pays a 50% tax rate

We help those that need help
If we are offering scholarships and have $10,000 to spend on three applicants
If one student is from a poor family, one is middle class and one is wealthy, we don’t give each one $3,333

The poor student might get $6,666 and the middle class student gets $3,333 and the wealthy student is ineligible

And the poor students fail as high as 84% depending on the school. That is evil. It is setting kids up to fail. A real shitty thing to do to kids who have absolutely no chance of getting a degree. NONE.
That is the general idea
You help those who need helping

By hurting someone you resent.

Nobody was hurt in assigning boxes

Tell that to #1 and #2 for paying 50% tax rate so #3 can have not just one box, but two!! #1 and #2 had to work to get their box, #3 got them for nothing.
Nobody pays a 50% tax rate

We help those that need help
If we are offering scholarships and have $10,000 to spend on three applicants
If one student is from a poor family, one is middle class and one is wealthy, we don’t give each one $3,333

The poor student might get $6,666 and the middle class student gets $3,333 and the wealthy student is ineligible

And the poor students fail as high as 84% depending on the school. That is evil. It is setting kids up to fail. A real shitty thing to do to kids who have absolutely no chance of getting a degree. NONE.
Not relevant to the example
By hurting someone you resent.

Nobody was hurt in assigning boxes

Tell that to #1 and #2 for paying 50% tax rate so #3 can have not just one box, but two!! #1 and #2 had to work to get their box, #3 got them for nothing.
Nobody pays a 50% tax rate

We help those that need help
If we are offering scholarships and have $10,000 to spend on three applicants
If one student is from a poor family, one is middle class and one is wealthy, we don’t give each one $3,333

The poor student might get $6,666 and the middle class student gets $3,333 and the wealthy student is ineligible

And the poor students fail as high as 84% depending on the school. That is evil. It is setting kids up to fail. A real shitty thing to do to kids who have absolutely no chance of getting a degree. NONE.
Not relevant to the example
Because you don't want to face reality. I get it. I really do. Ignorance is bliss. It is much harder to face ugly realities.
Realities like "helping the poor" has nearly destroyed an entire race of people all over the country.
Nobody was hurt in assigning boxes

Tell that to #1 and #2 for paying 50% tax rate so #3 can have not just one box, but two!! #1 and #2 had to work to get their box, #3 got them for nothing.
Nobody pays a 50% tax rate

We help those that need help
If we are offering scholarships and have $10,000 to spend on three applicants
If one student is from a poor family, one is middle class and one is wealthy, we don’t give each one $3,333

The poor student might get $6,666 and the middle class student gets $3,333 and the wealthy student is ineligible

And the poor students fail as high as 84% depending on the school. That is evil. It is setting kids up to fail. A real shitty thing to do to kids who have absolutely no chance of getting a degree. NONE.
Not relevant to the example
Because you don't want to face reality. I get it. I really do. Ignorance is bliss. It is much harder to face ugly realities.
Realities like "helping the poor" has nearly destroyed an entire race of people all over the country.
Actually it kept them from starving and provided shelter, healthcare and educational support
I have to throw a flag on that one. You've said multiple times that the schools "could have just increased funding of women's programs". Think it through a little more carefully and I think you'll grasp that to which I am objecting.
They could have increased funding

Instead, they just evenly distributed scholarships

Again, "they could have increased funding". From where would this funding come?
Like all athletic funding, it would have come from academics

Think about what you're advocating. You are in essence saying that girls' sports should have been a higher priority than the education of the students.

Is that accurate?
Merely commenting on the priorities of our society

A society that prioritized academics would have no athletic scholarships

That is exactly wrong. Academics and physical education have always gone together.
I have to throw a flag on that one. You've said multiple times that the schools "could have just increased funding of women's programs". Think it through a little more carefully and I think you'll grasp that to which I am objecting.
They could have increased funding

Instead, they just evenly distributed scholarships

Again, "they could have increased funding". From where would this funding come?
Like all athletic funding, it would have come from academics

Think about what you're advocating. You are in essence saying that girls' sports should have been a higher priority than the education of the students.

Is that accurate?
Merely commenting on the priorities of our society

A society that prioritized academics would have no athletic scholarships

That would do away with the dumb jock college student stereotype.
They could have increased funding

Instead, they just evenly distributed scholarships

Again, "they could have increased funding". From where would this funding come?
Like all athletic funding, it would have come from academics

Think about what you're advocating. You are in essence saying that girls' sports should have been a higher priority than the education of the students.

Is that accurate?
Merely commenting on the priorities of our society

A society that prioritized academics would have no athletic scholarships

That would do away with the dumb jock college student stereotype.

People can stop using irrational stereotypes whenever they want.
They could have increased funding

Instead, they just evenly distributed scholarships

Again, "they could have increased funding". From where would this funding come?
Like all athletic funding, it would have come from academics

Think about what you're advocating. You are in essence saying that girls' sports should have been a higher priority than the education of the students.

Is that accurate?
Merely commenting on the priorities of our society

A society that prioritized academics would have no athletic scholarships

That is exactly wrong. Academics and physical education have always gone together.
[Academics and physical education have always gone together.] Wrong

Actually, Unkotare is right. At the inception of academia in ancient Greece, education and physical training went together. Ever since there were at least phases reviving the concept under the banner of "mens sana in corpore sano", and to this day sports is part of school. At least in the first world...

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