Tired of Whining Vegans, Restaurant Owner Drops All Vegan Items from Menu


Ummmmm, God said this.....

Genesis 9:1-5

"And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every bird of the heavens, upon everything that creeps on the ground and all the fish of the sea. Into your hand they are delivered. Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything. But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood. And for your lifeblood I will require a reckoning: from every beast I will require it and from man. From his fellow man I will require a reckoning for the life of man."

maybe you want to read the article

The ancestor of modern ketchup was completely tomato-free. Though tomato plants were brought to England from South America in the 1500s, their fruits weren’t eaten for centuries since some people considered them
Yeah that’s what I said. It started out as a fish paste.
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Maybe, it’s about health non science person.

Doubtful. All REAL scientific studies show that veganism is detrimental to health. They have records of Buddhist monks going back thousands of years. Those who ate a completely vegan diet had a life expectancy of 31 years. If they added a single egg to their diet their life expectancy went up to 51 years.

Excuses excuses.

If you want to impugn someone's intelligence check your own spelling first.
I don't write the menus....that's for the printer and editor. I just make the contents after telling them what it is.
Doubtful. All REAL scientific studies show that veganism is detrimental to health. They have records of Buddhist monks going back thousands of years. Those who ate a completely vegan diet had a life expectancy of 31 years. If they added a single egg to their diet their life expectancy went up to 51 years.

They also show that the biggest medical cost in the us is treatment for diabetes brought on by possessed foods.
Compare the medical cost between treatment for vegan diets
and that for diabetes. You won’t find fat ass vegans. I’m not promoting it, but just the idea it restricts you from HFCs makes it head and shoulders better them fat ass, obese lardo health wise.
Those who ate a completely vegan diet had a life expectancy of 31 years. If they added a single egg to their diet their life expectancy went up to 51 years.
Ha ha.
This was the same time the life expectancy of everyone was less then 35, MAINLY due to infant high mortality rates up to 2-3 years. Like al, strict diets, they have their problems, ONLY mitigated by Food variety. But the problem pales compared to fat ass, obese Americans eating possessed foods.
Ha ha.
This was the same time the life expectancy of everyone was less then 35, MAINLY due to infant high mortality rates up to 2-3 years. Like al, strict diets, they have their problems, ONLY mitigated by Food variety. But the problem pales compared to fat ass, obese Americans eating possessed foods.
Do you monsters ever stop lying?
They also show that the biggest medical cost in the us is treatment for diabetes brought on by possessed foods.
Compare the medical cost between treatment for vegan diets
and that for diabetes. You won’t find fat ass vegans. I’m not promoting it, but just the idea it restricts you from HFCs makes it head and shoulders better them fat ass, obese lardo health wise.

No argument from me re processed foods. We avoid them like the plague. But advocating a vegan diet is no better. The problem is one of extremism. Extremism from either side is bad. Trading one extreme for the other is simply idiotic.
Do you fools ever open a science book that wasn’t publushed by the Hitler and his henchmen.

Of course. You should too.

You might actually learn something.

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