Tiny blond white woman complains to police about 8 mo. pregnant black woman police slam hard

If you want to argue Zimmerman, go to one of those threads. We already have him on the phone talking to the police about that kid who RAN from him. The police told him to leave the kid alone, but he tracked the kid down anyway, why? "Because they always get away". Yea, that sounds real fucking innocent.

Put yourself in that place. You are coming home from the store and someone starts following you. You get so spooked you run off. They track you down and corner you. They act threatening to you. What do you do? Fight back or become a rape victim? From what you are insinuating, I'm guessing you choose rape victim.
How many times and in how many ways can you lose the same argument?
Screwy right wingers are always saying the most stupid shit and they are wrong. But assume they "won". See 6,000 year old earth. See vaccines cause autism. See Iraq. See Trickle down. See climate change. See, well, just about everything....................................
Then you admit you are smearing a pregnant woman guilty because you don't like the way she talks?
Her pregnancy is irrelevant. I am smearing a bitch because she is a bitch.

I am also smearing you because you are a friggin idiot.
If I would have come across this video on my own. I would still wonder why it had to escalate to that but ...she she should have given her name.
I'm glad there are people who go out of their way to find all the facts and initially look at it from another angle.
Isnt that what justice is.:smile:
Why should she give her name if the white woman didn't have to?
#1. The white woman gave her name when she called the police.
#2. The white woman was not asked for her name.

The white woman answered all of the officer's questions and acted fairly respectable and proper. She did not cop an attitude and did not act like an entitled bitch.

Any more questions, idjut?
First of all, how do you know the white woman gave her name? Second, so because of the way the white women acted, it's OK to beat up a black women? Got it!
When you call the police, they ask your name, stupid.
The way the black woman was treated had ZERO to do with the way the white woman acted. She has only herself to blame for the consequences of her actions.

Now, Dweeb. I'm going to work. You have a blissfully stupid afternoon, ya hear?
Then you admit you are smearing a pregnant woman guilty because you don't like the way she talks?
Her pregnancy is irrelevant. I am smearing a bitch because she is a bitch.

I am also smearing you because you are a friggin idiot.
If I would have come across this video on my own. I would still wonder why it had to escalate to that but ...she she should have given her name.
I'm glad there are people who go out of their way to find all the facts and initially look at it from another angle.
Isnt that what justice is.:smile:
Why should she give her name if the white woman didn't have to?

Every time you open your mouth you re-enforce the fact that you're a moron.
She called the cops. The cops aren't investigating her because she's the victim,on top of that the 911 operator already has that information.
So everyone that calls the cops is the victim. To a "thinking" person, it's possible she called the cops because she knew they would believe her and not a black person.


Next you'll say every woman that screams rape is always telling the truth.

And the tard is calling me a moron.

Yes, maybe you aren't familiar with how things work, but the person calling the police is the one who is filing a complaint.
Has there been outstanding warrants found or are you smearing someone simply because they are black?
No we're smearing a bitch with an attitude.
Then you admit you are smearing a pregnant woman guilty because you don't like the way she talks?
Her pregnancy is irrelevant. I am smearing a bitch because she is a bitch.

I am also smearing you because you are a friggin idiot.
If I would have come across this video on my own. I would still wonder why it had to escalate to that but ...she she should have given her name.
I'm glad there are people who go out of their way to find all the facts and initially look at it from another angle.
Isnt that what justice is.:smile:
Why should she give her name if the white woman didn't have to?

Because the police ASKED her to.
Then you admit you are smearing a pregnant woman guilty because you don't like the way she talks?
Her pregnancy is irrelevant. I am smearing a bitch because she is a bitch.

I am also smearing you because you are a friggin idiot.
If I would have come across this video on my own. I would still wonder why it had to escalate to that but ...she she should have given her name.
I'm glad there are people who go out of their way to find all the facts and initially look at it from another angle.
Isnt that what justice is.:smile:
Why should she give her name if the white woman didn't have to?
#1. The white woman gave her name when she called the police.
#2. The white woman was not asked for her name.

The white woman answered all of the officer's questions and acted fairly respectable and proper. She did not cop an attitude and did not act like an entitled bitch.

Any more questions, idjut?
First of all, how do you know the white woman gave her name? Second, so because of the way the white women acted, it's OK to beat up a black women? Got it!
Dweeb! You're twisting in the wind here. I don't know if you've ever called the cops to report a crime; Lord knows it's likely the other guy who is calling about you, but, when you call the police, they ask your name so they know who to talk to when they get to the scene.
Logical, yes?

Oh crap! I forgot who I was talking to for a second...

AGAIN! the way the white woman was treated and how she responded to the officer is irrelevant to how the black woman was treated. Had the black woman been cooperative and given her name when asked, she would have been treated exactly the same way as the white woman was.
This bitch felt entitled. She refused to give her name, then became belligerent and tried to walk away. She was restrained and rather than complying with the officer's request, resisted arrest. She brought this shit on herself.
The officer is to be commended for not putting a .40 in her ass. I have far less patience.
Will some blacks ever learn that they have to cooperate with LE? When they ask your damn name, give them your name and do not go the other way. What was the cop supposed to do when she refused and started to leave? "Great have a nice day?" Why should some blacks feel they do not have to cooperate?
Never occurs to those right wingers that the white women felt totally safe in reporting a black. Because she knows the police will listen to her just because she's white. In their tiny minds, it's not possible she was playing "get back" at a black person who wouldn't be bullied.
Never occurs to those right wingers that the white women felt totally safe in reporting a black. Because she knows the police will listen to her just because she's white. In their tiny minds, it's not possible she was playing "get back" at a black person who wouldn't be bullied.

I've found through the years in my life those who think the world is cheating them are the ones you have to worry about.
Never occurs to those right wingers that the white women felt totally safe in reporting a black. Because she knows the police will listen to her just because she's white. In their tiny minds, it's not possible she was playing "get back" at a black person who wouldn't be bullied.
She felt completely safe because she isn't going to make an ass out of herself and belligerently refuse to answer an officer's questions. She knows she is not going to leave before she has answered those questions and she knows she isn't going to resist if the officer attempts to detain her. She has no reason to expect anything but a courteous encounter.
She knows the police will listen to her because she will be courteous and civil.

I really didn't think you could surpass a few other stupid threads, Dweeb, but in this one, you've set a new standard for stupidity that will likely never be equaled.
Never occurs to those right wingers that the white women felt totally safe in reporting a black. Because she knows the police will listen to her just because she's white. In their tiny minds, it's not possible she was playing "get back" at a black person who wouldn't be bullied.

So, how many more scenarios could you make up out of this situation that you don't know anything about?
I was just questioning the use of force. Awhile back I was at West lake Center downtown...I was waiting to meet a friend and noticed this guy sitting on a bench carving on a piece of wood. At first he was just carving & talking to himself, then he became angrier, and started carving harder. Then the guy got up and was walking around yelling. A cop approached him. ..the whole time the man never really calmed down and it was at least 20 mins I was standing there.
Kinda unnerving watching this guy yell and point everywhere while holding a pocket knife. Maybe the cop was familiar with this guy ( he looked homeless) and knew how to handle him...idk.
Myself & ( and the people standing around me) couldn't believe he didn't do more. Eventually I left so I don't know the outcome.

He is a Seattle cop, maybe he just completed his tree hugging training.:rofl:
Her pregnancy is irrelevant. I am smearing a bitch because she is a bitch.

I am also smearing you because you are a friggin idiot.
If I would have come across this video on my own. I would still wonder why it had to escalate to that but ...she she should have given her name.
I'm glad there are people who go out of their way to find all the facts and initially look at it from another angle.
Isnt that what justice is.:smile:
Why should she give her name if the white woman didn't have to?
#1. The white woman gave her name when she called the police.
#2. The white woman was not asked for her name.

The white woman answered all of the officer's questions and acted fairly respectable and proper. She did not cop an attitude and did not act like an entitled bitch.

Any more questions, idjut?
First of all, how do you know the white woman gave her name? Second, so because of the way the white women acted, it's OK to beat up a black women? Got it!
When you call the police, they ask your name, stupid.
The way the black woman was treated had ZERO to do with the way the white woman acted. She has only herself to blame for the consequences of her actions.

Now, Dweeb. I'm going to work. You have a blissfully stupid afternoon, ya hear?
How do you know that police knew that it was that white woman who called the police without asking her name? Do you think she told the desk she was the little blond in the tight pants? You can't miss me? They wouldn't just walk up and say "Did you call the police"? Because anyone could say yes. They would ask "Are you Sally?"

Gawd you're dumb. Crawl back under your rock tard.
Never occurs to those right wingers that the white women felt totally safe in reporting a black. Because she knows the police will listen to her just because she's white. In their tiny minds, it's not possible she was playing "get back" at a black person who wouldn't be bullied.

So, how many more scenarios could you make up out of this situation that you don't know anything about?
Probably more than you if I really tried. You don't seem particularly bright.
Never occurs to those right wingers that the white women felt totally safe in reporting a black. Because she knows the police will listen to her just because she's white. In their tiny minds, it's not possible she was playing "get back" at a black person who wouldn't be bullied.

So, how many more scenarios could you make up out of this situation that you don't know anything about?
Probably more than you if I really tried. You don't seem particularly bright.

I can pretty much guarantee that I'm brighter than you. MUCH brighter! :lol:
If I would have come across this video on my own. I would still wonder why it had to escalate to that but ...she she should have given her name.
I'm glad there are people who go out of their way to find all the facts and initially look at it from another angle.
Isnt that what justice is.:smile:
Why should she give her name if the white woman didn't have to?
#1. The white woman gave her name when she called the police.
#2. The white woman was not asked for her name.

The white woman answered all of the officer's questions and acted fairly respectable and proper. She did not cop an attitude and did not act like an entitled bitch.

Any more questions, idjut?
First of all, how do you know the white woman gave her name? Second, so because of the way the white women acted, it's OK to beat up a black women? Got it!
When you call the police, they ask your name, stupid.
The way the black woman was treated had ZERO to do with the way the white woman acted. She has only herself to blame for the consequences of her actions.

Now, Dweeb. I'm going to work. You have a blissfully stupid afternoon, ya hear?
How do you know that police knew that it was that white woman who called the police without asking her name? Do you think she told the desk she was the little blond in the tight pants? You can't miss me? They wouldn't just walk up and say "Did you call the police"? Because anyone could say yes. They would ask "Are you Sally?"

Gawd you're dumb. Crawl back under your rock tard.

Sounds like you're jelly? Does the blonde lady look nicer in her tight pants than you do in yours? Ba-ha-ha!
If I would have come across this video on my own. I would still wonder why it had to escalate to that but ...she she should have given her name.
I'm glad there are people who go out of their way to find all the facts and initially look at it from another angle.
Isnt that what justice is.:smile:
Why should she give her name if the white woman didn't have to?
#1. The white woman gave her name when she called the police.
#2. The white woman was not asked for her name.

The white woman answered all of the officer's questions and acted fairly respectable and proper. She did not cop an attitude and did not act like an entitled bitch.

Any more questions, idjut?
First of all, how do you know the white woman gave her name? Second, so because of the way the white women acted, it's OK to beat up a black women? Got it!
When you call the police, they ask your name, stupid.
The way the black woman was treated had ZERO to do with the way the white woman acted. She has only herself to blame for the consequences of her actions.

Now, Dweeb. I'm going to work. You have a blissfully stupid afternoon, ya hear?
How do you know that police knew that it was that white woman who called the police without asking her name? Do you think she told the desk she was the little blond in the tight pants? You can't miss me? They wouldn't just walk up and say "Did you call the police"? Because anyone could say yes. They would ask "Are you Sally?"

Gawd you're dumb. Crawl back under your rock tard.
And you call me dumb....

Difficult to watch. They force her down onto her stomach while her 2nd grade daughter is right there.

Notice the police don't ask the white woman for her name or even check out where she works.

Look how they treat the black women.

This is why we need body cams.

I know USMB Right wingers will see nothing wrong. They never do.

Body cam video catches Barstow cops slamming black pregnant woman to ground letting white woman go free

Video shows cops toss 8-months pregnant woman to ground - NY Daily News

People are so fucking stupid.

All could have been avoided had she just given her name.

What happened to her dumbass was all her fault.

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