Time to stop lying about Black Lives Matter

Pay real close attention to the words below.

"We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people."

Read their website. They are Marxist LGBT whack jobs. They don't even pretend to care about Black people. You are being played for a chump.
Pay real close attention to the words below.

"We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people."

Except those that are murdered by other black people.. Game over folks..

Pay real close attention to the words below.

"We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people."

I clicked on the link. It's a lot of verbiage to take in at one time. Will you summarize?
There is a lot but I chose to post the statement in the OP because this is important for people to know.
Important to know that blacks lives doesnt matter when it is black on black murders?
Pay real close attention to the words below.

"We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people."


Evidently they're not working vigorously enough for the freedom and justice for all those black men, women, and children who are being murdered every day in every city of this country.

Black men, women, and children who aren't being murdered by white people, I might add.

Do you even know their names?









Pay real close attention to the words below.

"We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people."

Except those that are murdered by other black people.. Game over folks..

We'll be ignoring posts from racists citing bullshit from the Washington times.

In 2018 according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered. 2,925 blacks were murdered. 81 percent of all whites who were killed were killed by another white person. More whites were killed than blacks. More whites killed each other than blacks who killed each other. It is time some whites started looking at themselves. Work on the violence in the white community. Maybe start acting like white lives matter.
They are even a level worse than that. They exploit Racial hatred for their own objectives. They don't care about Black peopleThey want to fundamentally change America. How do you do that? You destroy law and order, the nuclear family and everything that has made this the greatest country in the world. They are opportunistic little weasels who have just been granted enormous power.
One must wonder whether "justice" is the ideal (for BLM), or good outcomes for Black folks. They are not the same thing.

Every reliable source of information in the U.S. reports that a tiny fraction of the U.S. population - Black males - are in fact responsible for nearly half of all the violent crime. If "justice" is the objective, then all of these perpetrators must be subject to the same laws as everyone else, and that includes stiff prison sentences for proved criminal conduct. And of course the vast, vast, vast majority of the Black males who are in jail are there because of a guilty plea, in which the standard protocol is that the accused pleads guilty to a LESSER CRIME than the one that he actually committed, in order to expedite the court system and save the taxpayers the time and expense of a trial.

Using terms like, "mass incarceration" is in fact a lie, because there is no such thing as mass incarceration in this country. Every single person serving time in prison is there due to a guilty verdict, based on either a guilty plea or a jury being convinced "beyond a reasonable doubt" of their guilt.

Justice for all? Seriously?

What about justice for police? Many more police officers are shot by Blacks than Blacks are wrongfully shot by police. It's not even close. What is the reward for America's urban police forces for risking their lives every single day to protect the interests and lives of law abiding ghetto-dwellers? BLM brands them all homicidal racists and demands their mass firing.

Justice for police? I don't think so.

"Black lives matter" is the most ridiculous and self-deluding slogan ever devised by man. While screaming that "Black lives matter," they sit by and watch scores of YBM's shot every day, some of them fatally, without the proverbial "peep." The facts mock your very existence. Black lives don't matter at all to other Black folks, as proven day after day in the nation's newspapers.
Thats a lie.
Wrong. Read the link.

Of course they're going to say good things about themselves. But the real question is, what is their idea of "freedom and justice" for all people? What you're not getting is that they are a Marxist front group, pushing a number of subversive agendas, and it's not really about helping Black people. Also, you have to look into who is funding them. Rich white powerful establishment types who - despite their words - don't really care about Black people, or ANY of us for that matter. They are using Blacks as pawns.

Even many people of color can see this. Please watch this video. The pertinent part starts at around 3:30, so if you don't want to watch the whole thing just skip ahead to that.


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