Our De Facto Antiwhite Apartheid

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

As an ivy leauge professor would say some white people need to die
Good read on marxist cancel culture ....that doesnt exist ....and otner issues :cool:

Screams of white snowflake white fragility in 3.....2.......1
you are here.jpeg
1. That article was very interesting. Thanks.

2. I think that Euro Americans have to accept brutal reality.

a. Some of their ancestors forced people from a faraway continent to come here to be unpaid workers.

b. Today's Euro Americans are experiencing the inevitable consequences. No, it is not fair, but no one has ever said that life is fair. What some of your ancestors sowed, you are now reaping.

c. This nation's Achilles' heel has always been the ethnic issue. We all knew that sooner or later, it would blow up in our faces.

d. So here are some suggestions on how to react in a rational and practical manner -- IMHO.

i. Vote for sympathetic politicians. (Your decision on November 3 will be critical.)
ii. Have more babies. (That is really the key.)
iii. Avoid going into certain professions, such as acting, teaching, law enforcement, etc. which will become increasingly filled by non-Euro Americans.
iv, Encourage your children to choose certain highly skilled professions, such as medicine. An especially competent doctor will be in demand by patients of all ethnicities.
v. Finally, if the situation in this country becomes unbearable for your children or especially for your great grandchildren, they may have to emigrate. Possibly Australia or Eastern Europe or Russia may still be hospitable places.
vi. Above all, do not become angry or bitter. Do the best under the circumstances. Remember the suffering of other people throughout history. (I especially think of those Jewish people in 1920s Germany. They could never have imagined what would happen to them in the next decade.)
1. That article was very interesting. Thanks.

2. I think that Euro Americans have to accept brutal reality.

a. Some of their ancestors forced people from a faraway continent to come here to be unpaid workers.

b. Today's Euro Americans are experiencing the inevitable consequences. No, it is not fair, but no one has ever said that life is fair. What some of your ancestors sowed, you are now reaping.

c. This nation's Achilles' heel has always been the ethnic issue. We all knew that sooner or later, it would blow up in our faces.

d. So here are some suggestions on how to react in a rational and practical manner -- IMHO.

i. Vote for sympathetic politicians. (Your decision on November 3 will be critical.)
ii. Have more babies. (That is really the key.)
iii. Avoid going into certain professions, such as acting, teaching, law enforcement, etc. which will become increasingly filled by non-Euro Americans.
iv, Encourage your children to choose certain highly skilled professions, such as medicine. An especially competent doctor will be in demand by patients of all ethnicities.
v. Finally, if the situation in this country becomes unbearable for your children or especially for your great grandchildren, they may have to emigrate. Possibly Australia or Eastern Europe or Russia may still be hospitable places.
vi. Above all, do not become angry or bitter. Do the best under the circumstances. Remember the suffering of other people throughout history. (I especially think of those Jewish people in 1920s Germany. They could never have imagined what would happen to them in the next decade.)
Lol! If you think the US will roll over, and go the way of South Africa; you’re tragically mistaken...
1. That article was very interesting. Thanks.

2. I think that Euro Americans have to accept brutal reality.

a. Some of their ancestors forced people from a faraway continent to come here to be unpaid workers.

b. Today's Euro Americans are experiencing the inevitable consequences. No, it is not fair, but no one has ever said that life is fair. What some of your ancestors sowed, you are now reaping.

c. This nation's Achilles' heel has always been the ethnic issue. We all knew that sooner or later, it would blow up in our faces.

d. So here are some suggestions on how to react in a rational and practical manner -- IMHO.

i. Vote for sympathetic politicians. (Your decision on November 3 will be critical.)
ii. Have more babies. (That is really the key.)
iii. Avoid going into certain professions, such as acting, teaching, law enforcement, etc. which will become increasingly filled by non-Euro Americans.
iv, Encourage your children to choose certain highly skilled professions, such as medicine. An especially competent doctor will be in demand by patients of all ethnicities.
v. Finally, if the situation in this country becomes unbearable for your children or especially for your great grandchildren, they may have to emigrate. Possibly Australia or Eastern Europe or Russia may still be hospitable places.
vi. Above all, do not become angry or bitter. Do the best under the circumstances. Remember the suffering of other people throughout history. (I especially think of those Jewish people in 1920s Germany. They could never have imagined what would happen to them in the next decade.)

Are you Lubed up western euro ? Its the only thing that explains your spinelessness and trying to lay the guilt trip
There is no whining quite like the whining by White, retarded racists. I thought it couldn't get any worse. Boy... Now they are likening their "experience" (using the term loosely) to that of Jews and Native Americans.

Never, ever did I expect to see such squealing sissies, such deplorable, self-styled "victims".
I don't care what nation you go to, life just ISN'T fair. Good people die young, bad people succeed, honest hard working people are murdered by criminals, authoritarian/totalitarian governments rise and oppress people. People cheat others. Life is what it is, unfair, and it can't be changed.
Advising people to become educated in "skilled" professions, such as in medicine (doctors, nurses) and will thus stay in demand, is naïve. Think back to Nazi Germany. No matter what profession the Jews had, medical or otherwise, with very few exceptions, they ended up being eliminated in Concentration Camps.
Keep in mind that when it comes to blacks, their total population is only about 14.8% of the overall population and among that 14.8% you can eliminated children, women that aren't part of the BLM movement and those intelligent blacks that side with the Constitution and you have reduced the radical BLM movement and criminals down to the single digits, as far as population goes.
That leaves the true Marxist/Communists, again, single digits. Most of the whites that have been duped into marching through the streets with BLM aren't true followers of the Communist manifesto, they're just immature idiots.
So, the likelihood of pro-Constitution people being driven out is pure fantasy. If it were to get to the point of armed conflict, the pro-Constitutional populace would drive them out.
Our De Facto Antiwhite Apartheid
As an ivy leauge professor would say some white people need to die
Some white people own black slaves and they're telling other white people to get off the property.
Good read on marxist cancel culture ....that doesnt exist ....and otner issues
Cancel culture is a teenage female office worker thing. It makes them feel empowered right in the c*** to "cancel" anything from a postage stamp to a driver's license that will cause the "person of interest" to come in to the office to resolve the issue with the appropriate law enforcement officers.
Our De Facto Antiwhite Apartheid
As an ivy leauge professor would say some white people need to die
Some white people own black slaves and they're telling other white people to get off the property.
Good read on marxist cancel culture ....that doesnt exist ....and otner issues
Cancel culture is a teenage female office worker thing. It makes them feel empowered right in the c*** to "cancel" anything from a postage stamp to a driver's license that will cause the "person of interest" to come in to the office to resolve the issue with the appropriate law enforcement officers.

Its not whining every white person needs to wake up youre being demonized ..

We were told to put on our tinfoil hats for years now ....now the morons call it whining lol

Don't think a lot of normies haven't noticed and aren't raising eyebrows

We said when they were tearing down stautes ...that b3long in museum's....museum's are next ...hummm what do ya know

Oh and listing many of white western cultures best qualities is quite clownworldish
Lol that list is off the wall

All races should aspire to adapt white western culture


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