Time to put pressure on the GOP. . .

Which statement re the President is most accurate for you at this time?

  • I hate President Trump and won't support anything he supports.

  • I strongly dislike the President and will oppose his re-election.

  • I don't hate the President but I oppose most or all of his agenda.

  • I like the President but I oppose most or all of his agenda.

  • I find the President unlikable at times but I support most or all of his agenda.

  • I appreciate the President and I support most or all of his agenda.

  • Other that I have explained in my post.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Why must you effin LIE so much?

14 of Donald Trump's most outrageous 'birther' claims - CNNPolitics

No wonder your dumb-ass loves Trump so much, the lies bind you in common.

At no point did he say in ANY of those statements/incidents that Obama was born in Kenya. He was repeating the controversies--most of which were created by Obama himself with his inadvertent statements--that were floating around all over the country at that time. It was things like Obama saying "my Muslim faith"--something George Stephanopoulous quickly urged him to correct to "Christian faith", the well publicized statement by his Kenyan grandmother that he was born there, the intense secrecy Obama kept about all his birth records, that when he did release them he would only allow a couple of staunch Obama supporters examine and report on them, his secrecy about college admissions, etc. when he could have put the controversies to rest by simply making them available, etc.

I don't blame him for not making those things public but he did invite the controversy to continue. Just as Trump is encouraging speculation about his taxes when he chose not to release them for public scrutiny.

Whenever somebody says something can't be done--like getting Obama's birth records--that is like waving a flag in front of a bull to Donald Trump, then and now. He loves a challenge and he loves accomplishing things that people say he can't done or that can't be done. I am pretty sure that was his motive for going after Obama's birth records.

And ultimately it was Donald Trump who put the matter to rest with his unequivocable and firm statement that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii.

Trump has a habit of never explicitly saying something is true, instead using terms like "I've heard from many people" or "Lots of people are saying." It allows him to put a message out while leaving himself an opening to back away from it, "I never actually said that, I just pointed out other people are saying it." He rarely seems to actually point out who it is he's heard saying things. I hate to use this analogy because I'm afraid it will lead to the idea I think he's a criminal, but it reminds me of the way criminals in TV and film will use the word 'allegedly' when describing crimes they committed, in order to not explicitly admit to the crimes. It gives the impression of plausible deniability, which is another example of why I don't think Trump is so very different from the politicians we normally see.

So while Trump may never have said "Obama was born in Kenya," he helped push that narrative.

He didn't help more than did millions of us who were curious about all that. He joined in the questions/discussions/subjects about it that probably 90% of us who were not lavish Obama supporters participated in. He joins in a lot of national discussions that way, and he is NOT wrong in saying that the discussion is out there. And like me and many others, he is curious about what is true and what is not in those discussions. He would have made a brilliant journalist in being unafraid to be politically incorrect on issues while not committing to a conclusion until the evidence is totally convincing.

A lot of the more hateful anti-Trumpers and media could take lessons from that.

Trump absolutely helped the birther movement more than most others. If for no other reason, Trump has both more resources and more attention put on him than the vast majority of people. Celebrities are able to reach a wider audience more easily than the average person, and Trump has been a celebrity (whether one thinks he is good or bad) for many years.

The Birther controversy was not Donald Trump's doing. But yes, he had the time and wherewithal that many don't so that he could see if he could solve the mystery. That isn't a crime. It isn't even really criticizable. So he had some fun with it. And he is the one who ended it.

1. There wasn't really a mystery. There was, for the most part, conspiracy theory nonsense. And no, I am not and have never been a "lavish Obama supporter." I didn't vote for him, didn't push for him to be elected, didn't promote him as a good president, etc.
2. You give Trump too much credit. Of course, he does the same for himself. Trump did not end the birther movement. It still exists. All Trump did was end his own public endorsement of the movement.

I can absolutely criticize Trump for promoting himself through the birther movement. I don't believe he really questioned Obama's birthplace. I think it was, as most things seem to be with Trump, another way to promote himself. The man clearly likes attention, and being evasive and hinting that he thought Obama was born in Kenya gave him that. All of the times he said things like a credible source told him the released BC was fake, or that he was told the BC would list Obama as a Muslim, those did not strike me as a man with an honest curiosity about a subject, not a man with a real intellectual question, but instead a man who likes to be involved in the sensational and scandalous.

If all Trump was doing was "having fun with it," as you say, that seems pretty damned mean-spirited to impugn a president's reputation by promoting the idea that he's lied about his birthplace and citizenship. It also seems to me that it just invites people to be similarly mean-spirited to him now that he is president, and perhaps provides some of those who are virulently anti-Trump with just one more excuse to do so.
At no point did he say in ANY of those statements/incidents that Obama was born in Kenya. He was repeating the controversies--most of which were created by Obama himself with his inadvertent statements--that were floating around all over the country at that time. It was things like Obama saying "my Muslim faith"--something George Stephanopoulous quickly urged him to correct to "Christian faith", the well publicized statement by his Kenyan grandmother that he was born there, the intense secrecy Obama kept about all his birth records, that when he did release them he would only allow a couple of staunch Obama supporters examine and report on them, his secrecy about college admissions, etc. when he could have put the controversies to rest by simply making them available, etc.

I don't blame him for not making those things public but he did invite the controversy to continue. Just as Trump is encouraging speculation about his taxes when he chose not to release them for public scrutiny.

Whenever somebody says something can't be done--like getting Obama's birth records--that is like waving a flag in front of a bull to Donald Trump, then and now. He loves a challenge and he loves accomplishing things that people say he can't done or that can't be done. I am pretty sure that was his motive for going after Obama's birth records.

And ultimately it was Donald Trump who put the matter to rest with his unequivocable and firm statement that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii.

Trump has a habit of never explicitly saying something is true, instead using terms like "I've heard from many people" or "Lots of people are saying." It allows him to put a message out while leaving himself an opening to back away from it, "I never actually said that, I just pointed out other people are saying it." He rarely seems to actually point out who it is he's heard saying things. I hate to use this analogy because I'm afraid it will lead to the idea I think he's a criminal, but it reminds me of the way criminals in TV and film will use the word 'allegedly' when describing crimes they committed, in order to not explicitly admit to the crimes. It gives the impression of plausible deniability, which is another example of why I don't think Trump is so very different from the politicians we normally see.

So while Trump may never have said "Obama was born in Kenya," he helped push that narrative.

He didn't help more than did millions of us who were curious about all that. He joined in the questions/discussions/subjects about it that probably 90% of us who were not lavish Obama supporters participated in. He joins in a lot of national discussions that way, and he is NOT wrong in saying that the discussion is out there. And like me and many others, he is curious about what is true and what is not in those discussions. He would have made a brilliant journalist in being unafraid to be politically incorrect on issues while not committing to a conclusion until the evidence is totally convincing.

A lot of the more hateful anti-Trumpers and media could take lessons from that.

Trump absolutely helped the birther movement more than most others. If for no other reason, Trump has both more resources and more attention put on him than the vast majority of people. Celebrities are able to reach a wider audience more easily than the average person, and Trump has been a celebrity (whether one thinks he is good or bad) for many years.

The Birther controversy was not Donald Trump's doing. But yes, he had the time and wherewithal that many don't so that he could see if he could solve the mystery. That isn't a crime. It isn't even really criticizable. So he had some fun with it. And he is the one who ended it.

1. There wasn't really a mystery. There was, for the most part, conspiracy theory nonsense. And no, I am not and have never been a "lavish Obama supporter." I didn't vote for him, didn't push for him to be elected, didn't promote him as a good president, etc.
2. You give Trump too much credit. Of course, he does the same for himself. Trump did not end the birther movement. It still exists. All Trump did was end his own public endorsement of the movement.

I can absolutely criticize Trump for promoting himself through the birther movement. I don't believe he really questioned Obama's birthplace. I think it was, as most things seem to be with Trump, another way to promote himself. The man clearly likes attention, and being evasive and hinting that he thought Obama was born in Kenya gave him that. All of the times he said things like a credible source told him the released BC was fake, or that he was told the BC would list Obama as a Muslim, those did not strike me as a man with an honest curiosity about a subject, not a man with a real intellectual question, but instead a man who likes to be involved in the sensational and scandalous.

If all Trump was doing was "having fun with it," as you say, that seems pretty damned mean-spirited to impugn a president's reputation by promoting the idea that he's lied about his birthplace and citizenship. It also seems to me that it just invites people to be similarly mean-spirited to him now that he is president, and perhaps provides some of those who are virulently anti-Trump with just one more excuse to do so.

Again Obama by his behavior, his and Michelle's sometimes 'slip of the tongue'? and extreme secrecy they insisted on is what kept the birther conspiracy going. President Trump had little or nothing to do with that.

President Trump gets the credit for good things that happen in his administration when it is his policy(ies) that contribute to them even if he does nothing more than getting government out of the way so the people can do it themselves.

And in my opinion, those who use the birther issue even now as their primary criticism of the President and keep bringing that up over and over even as they dismiss, ignore, or deny his track record while in office, really don't have much of an argument at all. What President Trump or anybody else gets wrong or right while in power is fair game to criticize or praise now and in the future. But digging up old bones that are entirely irrelevant to the here and now, whether Trump, Obama, Hillary, George, Bill, etc. is not helpful to the national discussion and usually constitutes denial of or deflection from current realities.
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One hopes that the anti-Trumpers within the GOP get axed in the next primary. Some have retired and some ought to be replaced if they aren't willing to put the best interests of their country ahead of their own personal goals. And the same goes for the Dems, enough of the BS Green New Deal. Get real or get out, one wonders how much longer the Dems can continue down this non-sensical path.

We have to be careful though. It will make it much tougher for President Trump to succeed if the Senate succumbs to the vengeful Democrats too. I would rather reform those in the Senate than risk losing the Senate and thereby making it far more difficult for the President to get his agenda done.

This president had both houses of Congress for two years and was able to negotiate nothing.

Except for reforming a tax code in a way that has jump started the economy like nothing else could have. That plus eliminating the most onerous mandates of Obamacare has put trillions of dollars that were sheltered overseas or sidelined here in the states back into the economy. It has doubled business and consumer confidence. It has created more than 5 million new jobs including hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs that even Republicans like John McCain said would never come back. It is bringing businesses back to the states, has turned millions of part time jobs into full time ones and lowered unemployment rates in ALL categories to record or near record levels, and that included groups considered the hard core unemployed. And it is raising wages and family incomes at a level we have not seen for more than a decade.

My goodness! You are a true believer. He was born on third base in life and as he assumed office. He is entirely incompetent.

And you fancy yourself to be a deep thinker. Crazy.
What makes you say Trump does not go looking for adversaries? He seems to do exactly that to me. I get the feeling he is more comfortable with someone to point to and say, "They are the bad guy!" You also say he is the first president in a long time to put himself out there to solve real problems and accomplish good things. What measures are you using to come to that conclusion? It sounds to me more like he is the first president in a long time who is promoting policies you agree with. That is not the same thing.

He doesn't throw the first punch. Ever. He will return a punch when one is thrown at him. And I say he puts himself out there because he doesn't knuckle under to the political correctness nazis or take his marching orders from the most recent poll. Again and again, under the heaviest and most dishonest and malicious criticism, he sticks to his guns when he believes he is right. Example: the crisis on the border.

Will he be wrong from time to time? Yes he will, because he is human which makes him as fallible as any human. Does he sometimes respond in ways that are unhelpful and/or criticizable? Yes he does. He is who he is. But I have never in my lifetime witnessed a President who keeps trying to do the right thing under the most intense and hateful fire ever thrown at somebody as he does. He puts himself out there.

Not being obnoxious has nothing to do with political correctness. That is a typical excuse people like you make for Trump. The reason he doesn't take orders from polls is because he is stupid enough to believe he is winning. That is what is happened in 2018.

The fact is that he is nearly always wrong. He appeals to his far right wing base. He is selfish and will divide Americans because he knows that is the only way he has a prayer.

Well for being always wrong the Country is doing pretty damned good.

I'll take Trumps wrong every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

The only people dividing America are lefty loons like you.

Carry on you whiny little shit.

The country isn’t doing that well. 7000 per month are dying of opioid abuse. Mid-western farmers who trusted Trump on his Chinese Tariffs are losing their farms.

Trump’s attempts to turn back time on coal production and steel manufacturing have been an abject failure. And the hourly wage workers who voted for Trump have been totally screwed over.

The economy was BETTER under Obama.

Anybody who believes as you do is simply in denial.

Midwestern farmers took a modest hit on soybeans due to the China tariffs but no farmer depends on soybeans alone for income . The Midwestern farmers have been devastated by floods it is true, last year and again this year, but that is hardly Trump's fault. Farmers overall are in Trump's camp and are greatly appreciating his policies and relief from what some described as Obama's reign of terror against American agriculture.

The President has made opioid abuse a central issue from the beginning and continues to do so. The devil is always in the details in these things to not step all over state's rights or deny necessary pain relief to those who need it while preventing the rampant abuse that has existed for decades now. And he is also addressing other dangerous and illegal drugs pouring into the country including those coming across an unsecure border.

I don't recall Obama addressing the issue at all other than arguing that drug abuse is a health problem and not a criminal problem and then did nothing about either.

You don't reopen closed mines overnight or reopen or build steel mills overnight, but we are not closing facilities or bleeding more jobs than we are gaining as we were for the last couple of decades at least. In any economic overhaul, there will be winners and losers. Trump policies are allowing far more winners than losers. Including in coal and steel. Both industries lost jobs in the Obama administration. And at one point Hillary famously campaigned on closing coal mines.

You are both closing manufacturing facilities and the manufacturing jobs you are gaining are in the new high tech manufacturing and steel milling which is less labour intensive.

Notice that there much todo about the new steel mill being built in Pittsburgh, but no mention of how many people it will employ. I read the article from start to finish. Much talk of this being a “new technology”, 24-hour a day rolling mill, investment for which was made possible by the steel tariff, and how this new technology will allow this mill to compete world wide, how much the new plant is costing, what this investment will mean for the area, and not one mention of how many new jobs are being created. Not even a hint.

Could it be that the entire plant is run by robots and the only jobs being created are for a handful of highly skilled robotics technicians to keep them working properly?
He doesn't throw the first punch. Ever. He will return a punch when one is thrown at him. And I say he puts himself out there because he doesn't knuckle under to the political correctness nazis or take his marching orders from the most recent poll. Again and again, under the heaviest and most dishonest and malicious criticism, he sticks to his guns when he believes he is right. Example: the crisis on the border.

Will he be wrong from time to time? Yes he will, because he is human which makes him as fallible as any human. Does he sometimes respond in ways that are unhelpful and/or criticizable? Yes he does. He is who he is. But I have never in my lifetime witnessed a President who keeps trying to do the right thing under the most intense and hateful fire ever thrown at somebody as he does. He puts himself out there.

Not being obnoxious has nothing to do with political correctness. That is a typical excuse people like you make for Trump. The reason he doesn't take orders from polls is because he is stupid enough to believe he is winning. That is what is happened in 2018.

The fact is that he is nearly always wrong. He appeals to his far right wing base. He is selfish and will divide Americans because he knows that is the only way he has a prayer.

Well for being always wrong the Country is doing pretty damned good.

I'll take Trumps wrong every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

The only people dividing America are lefty loons like you.

Carry on you whiny little shit.

The country isn’t doing that well. 7000 per month are dying of opioid abuse. Mid-western farmers who trusted Trump on his Chinese Tariffs are losing their farms.

Trump’s attempts to turn back time on coal production and steel manufacturing have been an abject failure. And the hourly wage workers who voted for Trump have been totally screwed over.

The economy was BETTER under Obama.

Anybody who believes as you do is simply in denial.

Midwestern farmers took a modest hit on soybeans due to the China tariffs but no farmer depends on soybeans alone for income . The Midwestern farmers have been devastated by floods it is true, last year and again this year, but that is hardly Trump's fault. Farmers overall are in Trump's camp and are greatly appreciating his policies and relief from what some described as Obama's reign of terror against American agriculture.

The President has made opioid abuse a central issue from the beginning and continues to do so. The devil is always in the details in these things to not step all over state's rights or deny necessary pain relief to those who need it while preventing the rampant abuse that has existed for decades now. And he is also addressing other dangerous and illegal drugs pouring into the country including those coming across an unsecure border.

I don't recall Obama addressing the issue at all other than arguing that drug abuse is a health problem and not a criminal problem and then did nothing about either.

You don't reopen closed mines overnight or reopen or build steel mills overnight, but we are not closing facilities or bleeding more jobs than we are gaining as we were for the last couple of decades at least. In any economic overhaul, there will be winners and losers. Trump policies are allowing far more winners than losers. Including in coal and steel. Both industries lost jobs in the Obama administration. And at one point Hillary famously campaigned on closing coal mines.

You are both closing manufacturing facilities and the manufacturing jobs you are gaining are in the new high tech manufacturing and steel milling which is less labour intensive.

Notice that there much todo about the new steel mill being built in Pittsburgh, but no mention of how many people it will employ. I read the article from start to finish. Much talk of this being a “new technology”, 24-hour a day rolling mill, investment for which was made possible by the steel tariff, and how this new technology will allow this mill to compete world wide, how much the new plant is costing, what this investment will mean for the area, and not one mention of how many new jobs are being created. Not event a hint.

Could it be that the entire plant is run by robots and the only jobs being created are for highly skilled robotics technicians to keep them working properly?

Employment under 4%, the lowest in more than 60 years. Wages and incomes rising at a very good rate with millions of people having more full time permanent jobs that were difficult to come by in the Obama years. No the coal and steel industries haven't fully recovered from their decimation over the last 30 years, but the jobs are slowly coming back, and the decline has been stopped and in many case reversed.

President Trump is the only President in my lifetime who has been committed to making sure America CAN compete world wide instead of getting the left overs the last several Presidents have settled for.
Not being obnoxious has nothing to do with political correctness. That is a typical excuse people like you make for Trump. The reason he doesn't take orders from polls is because he is stupid enough to believe he is winning. That is what is happened in 2018.

The fact is that he is nearly always wrong. He appeals to his far right wing base. He is selfish and will divide Americans because he knows that is the only way he has a prayer.

Well for being always wrong the Country is doing pretty damned good.

I'll take Trumps wrong every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

The only people dividing America are lefty loons like you.

Carry on you whiny little shit.

The country isn’t doing that well. 7000 per month are dying of opioid abuse. Mid-western farmers who trusted Trump on his Chinese Tariffs are losing their farms.

Trump’s attempts to turn back time on coal production and steel manufacturing have been an abject failure. And the hourly wage workers who voted for Trump have been totally screwed over.

The economy was BETTER under Obama.

Anybody who believes as you do is simply in denial.

Midwestern farmers took a modest hit on soybeans due to the China tariffs but no farmer depends on soybeans alone for income . The Midwestern farmers have been devastated by floods it is true, last year and again this year, but that is hardly Trump's fault. Farmers overall are in Trump's camp and are greatly appreciating his policies and relief from what some described as Obama's reign of terror against American agriculture.

The President has made opioid abuse a central issue from the beginning and continues to do so. The devil is always in the details in these things to not step all over state's rights or deny necessary pain relief to those who need it while preventing the rampant abuse that has existed for decades now. And he is also addressing other dangerous and illegal drugs pouring into the country including those coming across an unsecure border.

I don't recall Obama addressing the issue at all other than arguing that drug abuse is a health problem and not a criminal problem and then did nothing about either.

You don't reopen closed mines overnight or reopen or build steel mills overnight, but we are not closing facilities or bleeding more jobs than we are gaining as we were for the last couple of decades at least. In any economic overhaul, there will be winners and losers. Trump policies are allowing far more winners than losers. Including in coal and steel. Both industries lost jobs in the Obama administration. And at one point Hillary famously campaigned on closing coal mines.

You are both closing manufacturing facilities and the manufacturing jobs you are gaining are in the new high tech manufacturing and steel milling which is less labour intensive.

Notice that there much todo about the new steel mill being built in Pittsburgh, but no mention of how many people it will employ. I read the article from start to finish. Much talk of this being a “new technology”, 24-hour a day rolling mill, investment for which was made possible by the steel tariff, and how this new technology will allow this mill to compete world wide, how much the new plant is costing, what this investment will mean for the area, and not one mention of how many new jobs are being created. Not event a hint.

Could it be that the entire plant is run by robots and the only jobs being created are for highly skilled robotics technicians to keep them working properly?

Employment under 4%, the lowest in more than 60 years. Wages and incomes rising at a very good rate with millions of people having more full time permanent jobs that were difficult to come by in the Obama years. No the coal and steel industries haven't fully recovered from their decimation over the last 30 years, but the jobs are slowly coming back, and the decline has been stopped and in many case reversed.

President Trump is the only President in my lifetime who has been committed to making sure America CAN compete world wide instead of getting the left overs the last several Presidents have settled for.

Well for being always wrong the Country is doing pretty damned good.

I'll take Trumps wrong every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

The only people dividing America are lefty loons like you.

Carry on you whiny little shit.

The country isn’t doing that well. 7000 per month are dying of opioid abuse. Mid-western farmers who trusted Trump on his Chinese Tariffs are losing their farms.

Trump’s attempts to turn back time on coal production and steel manufacturing have been an abject failure. And the hourly wage workers who voted for Trump have been totally screwed over.

The economy was BETTER under Obama.

Anybody who believes as you do is simply in denial.

Midwestern farmers took a modest hit on soybeans due to the China tariffs but no farmer depends on soybeans alone for income . The Midwestern farmers have been devastated by floods it is true, last year and again this year, but that is hardly Trump's fault. Farmers overall are in Trump's camp and are greatly appreciating his policies and relief from what some described as Obama's reign of terror against American agriculture.

The President has made opioid abuse a central issue from the beginning and continues to do so. The devil is always in the details in these things to not step all over state's rights or deny necessary pain relief to those who need it while preventing the rampant abuse that has existed for decades now. And he is also addressing other dangerous and illegal drugs pouring into the country including those coming across an unsecure border.

I don't recall Obama addressing the issue at all other than arguing that drug abuse is a health problem and not a criminal problem and then did nothing about either.

You don't reopen closed mines overnight or reopen or build steel mills overnight, but we are not closing facilities or bleeding more jobs than we are gaining as we were for the last couple of decades at least. In any economic overhaul, there will be winners and losers. Trump policies are allowing far more winners than losers. Including in coal and steel. Both industries lost jobs in the Obama administration. And at one point Hillary famously campaigned on closing coal mines.

You are both closing manufacturing facilities and the manufacturing jobs you are gaining are in the new high tech manufacturing and steel milling which is less labour intensive.

Notice that there much todo about the new steel mill being built in Pittsburgh, but no mention of how many people it will employ. I read the article from start to finish. Much talk of this being a “new technology”, 24-hour a day rolling mill, investment for which was made possible by the steel tariff, and how this new technology will allow this mill to compete world wide, how much the new plant is costing, what this investment will mean for the area, and not one mention of how many new jobs are being created. Not event a hint.

Could it be that the entire plant is run by robots and the only jobs being created are for highly skilled robotics technicians to keep them working properly?

Employment under 4%, the lowest in more than 60 years. Wages and incomes rising at a very good rate with millions of people having more full time permanent jobs that were difficult to come by in the Obama years. No the coal and steel industries haven't fully recovered from their decimation over the last 30 years, but the jobs are slowly coming back, and the decline has been stopped and in many case reversed.

President Trump is the only President in my lifetime who has been committed to making sure America CAN compete world wide instead of getting the left overs the last several Presidents have settled for.

I bet you wake up in a new world every day. Get out of the basement before its too late. There is a real world out here and good things are happening.
What did he do? He constantly trolled the right, and endlessly insinuated that everyone was racists. Calling everyone racists for 8 years could cause racial tensions to increase, is a shocker to you?

I can't remember a single time when I personally was called racists from the 1990s to 2012. From 2012 on, I heard the race card being dropped against me and every one that dared to question anything Obama did, on a routine basis.

So yeah, Obama is who stirred up racial tensions in this country.

And it hasn't stopped since then. That's why you have Jesse Smollett. You can't even find enough hate to attack, so you have to fake it up.

When I look across this entire forum, I see Jesse Smollett everywhere. Your post, is Jesse Smollet. This thread is Jesse Smollett. The entire Democrap party, is a giant Jesse Smollett party.
I'd like 3 instances of when President Obama trolled the right

3 instances of him insinuating that everyone was racist.

You said he was doing it constantly for 8 years, so this should be a piece of cake for you to come up with.

I'll be waiting.

"The Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home. . . . What I think we know — separate and apart from this incident — is that there is a long history in their country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately, and that’s just a fact."

"If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2." -clear race baiting

"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned: (White) People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves. They were more than satisfied, they were relieved -- such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time." -more race baiting

"The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person..." - Yeah his grandmother wasn't racists, but she wasn't the typical white person. Clear race baiting.

"That's just how white folks will do you. It wasn't merely the cruelty involved; I was learning that black people could be mean and then some. It was a particular brand of arrogance, an obtuseness in otherwise sane people that brought forth our bitter laughter. It was as if whites didn't know that they were being cruel in the first place. Or at least thought you deserving of their scorn." -Yeah that's just how white folks do you.

"It is this world, a world where cruise ships throw away more food in a day than most residents of Port-au-Prince see in a year, where white folks' greed runs a world in need, apartheid in one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere...That's the world! On which hope sits!"

Obama routinely and consistently attacked people on race throughout his presidency.

After his speech on Ferguson, there were race riots.
After his speech on Castile, there was a guy in Texas shooting police.

This is the legacy of Obama. The Jesse Smollett legacy of Obama.

You said 3 examples? Just three? I found a dozen in under 3 minutes. What rock were you living under, that you don't know what Obama had been doing for 8 years?
The country isn’t doing that well. 7000 per month are dying of opioid abuse. Mid-western farmers who trusted Trump on his Chinese Tariffs are losing their farms.

Trump’s attempts to turn back time on coal production and steel manufacturing have been an abject failure. And the hourly wage workers who voted for Trump have been totally screwed over.

The economy was BETTER under Obama.

Anybody who believes as you do is simply in denial.

Midwestern farmers took a modest hit on soybeans due to the China tariffs but no farmer depends on soybeans alone for income . The Midwestern farmers have been devastated by floods it is true, last year and again this year, but that is hardly Trump's fault. Farmers overall are in Trump's camp and are greatly appreciating his policies and relief from what some described as Obama's reign of terror against American agriculture.

The President has made opioid abuse a central issue from the beginning and continues to do so. The devil is always in the details in these things to not step all over state's rights or deny necessary pain relief to those who need it while preventing the rampant abuse that has existed for decades now. And he is also addressing other dangerous and illegal drugs pouring into the country including those coming across an unsecure border.

I don't recall Obama addressing the issue at all other than arguing that drug abuse is a health problem and not a criminal problem and then did nothing about either.

You don't reopen closed mines overnight or reopen or build steel mills overnight, but we are not closing facilities or bleeding more jobs than we are gaining as we were for the last couple of decades at least. In any economic overhaul, there will be winners and losers. Trump policies are allowing far more winners than losers. Including in coal and steel. Both industries lost jobs in the Obama administration. And at one point Hillary famously campaigned on closing coal mines.

You are both closing manufacturing facilities and the manufacturing jobs you are gaining are in the new high tech manufacturing and steel milling which is less labour intensive.

Notice that there much todo about the new steel mill being built in Pittsburgh, but no mention of how many people it will employ. I read the article from start to finish. Much talk of this being a “new technology”, 24-hour a day rolling mill, investment for which was made possible by the steel tariff, and how this new technology will allow this mill to compete world wide, how much the new plant is costing, what this investment will mean for the area, and not one mention of how many new jobs are being created. Not event a hint.

Could it be that the entire plant is run by robots and the only jobs being created are for highly skilled robotics technicians to keep them working properly?

Employment under 4%, the lowest in more than 60 years. Wages and incomes rising at a very good rate with millions of people having more full time permanent jobs that were difficult to come by in the Obama years. No the coal and steel industries haven't fully recovered from their decimation over the last 30 years, but the jobs are slowly coming back, and the decline has been stopped and in many case reversed.

President Trump is the only President in my lifetime who has been committed to making sure America CAN compete world wide instead of getting the left overs the last several Presidents have settled for.

I bet you wake up in a new world every day. Get out of the basement before its too late. There is a real world out here and good things are happening.

Yeah. Everything is rosy.
One item especially important to the President's immigration policy is a physical border wall in places where that could make a difference. His border patrol is pretty much 100% with him on that initiatives.

The Democrats are pretty much opposed to it.

Republicans, while a significant majority support it, are all over the map on that issue:
Republican Views on a Border Wall | Republican Views

The most disingenuous on all sides say that a border wall won't fix the problem. They won't acknowledge that the President has never said that it would but includes that, along with other immigration policy reforms, will significantly help.

I am with the President on that issue. I wish all others who also support that initiative would start pushing their elected representatives to get behind him on that.
One item especially important to the President's immigration policy is a physical border wall in places where that could make a difference. His border patrol is pretty much 100% with him on that initiatives.

The Democrats are pretty much opposed to it.

Republicans, while a significant majority support it, are all over the map on that issue:
Republican Views on a Border Wall | Republican Views

The most disingenuous on all sides say that a border wall won't fix the problem. They won't acknowledge that the President has never said that it would but includes that, along with other immigration policy reforms, will significantly help.

I am with the President on that issue. I wish all others who also support that initiative would start pushing their elected representatives to get behind him on that.

I don't like the idea of eminent domain being used to put up border wall. Everything I recall reading on the subject indicates that it would be used quite a lot to put up the wall.
The people who are blaming TDS for criticism of Trump were themselves OBS sufferers. Maybe we ought to consider the novel idea that there is legitinate criticosm.

For example, no one claimed Trump is dismantling all environmental regulations. He has however, without thought, attempted to with as many Obama era rules as he can with no study, no careful pro and con consideration of the effects but solely because Obama did it. Many of the people he put in charge are energy industry people who will directly benefit from these actions. Add to that he has had a number of ethically challenged if not downright corrupt people in charge.

His behavior regarding healthcare is similar. No replacement but doing all he can to wreck it. How will that effect people? Now I am willing to give him a positive if he tackles drug prices.

Your evidence that the rolled back regulations were done with no study or careful pro and con consideration for the effects? Or are you simply reciting the propaganda/talking points the left puts out about that? Those rolled back regulations have been an important part of the current economic boom as is the stability in a much more business and prosperity friendly tax code.

My husband and I losing our primary care doctors and him losing his trusted cancer doctor as a direct result of Obamacare was enough for me to want to dump the whole thing that President Trump has not done. Nor is he trying to get rid of coverage for pre-existing conditions. He has removed some of the most damning and ridiculous aspects of it which is one of several reasons the economy is now booming and couldn't before.

Obama went before the cameras time and again to assure us that if like our doctor we can keep our doctor, period. If we like our healthcare plan we can keep our healthcare plan, period. Both turned out to be bald faced lies. Doctors and healthcare plans had to comply with Obamacare rules or they were not allowed to be in business.

Obama assured us our taxes would not go up one penny due to Obamacare. Then his lawyers went before the Supreme Court arguing that the mandates were a tax and therefore legal for Congress to enact.

Though they haven't done it, there wasn't anything in place before Obamacare other than Medicare and Medicaid and the VA. So requiring the government to REPLACE any part of Obamacare with something is pretty short sighted. When you put out a fire, what do you replace it with?

Obama claimed millions who were insured who did not have insurance before. But his rules required such enormous deductibles, copays, and coverage holes for so many people and/or lack of access to healthcare that they were far worse off than they were before. Which has been the case with us in addition to premiums for non government subsidized insurance increasing far more rapidly than it had before.

Partisan talking points are not convincing for those dealing with onerous and unnecessary government taxes, regulation, mandates in the real world. I have run a business that dealt with hundreds of businesses dealing with issues in the real world. So I know first hand, up close and personal why Trump's policies beat most of Obama's hands down.

Great post.

The ONLY people who thought Obamacare was great were the people the rest of us were paying for.

My benefit costs went up 30% every year to cover that cost.

It was a POS that never should have been passed.

If Renquist had still been alive and the Chief Justice of the SC instead of Roberts The SC would have said No to Obamacare.

A overwhelming majority of people say that Obamacare should be fixed not repealed. Obamacare has become more popular than Trump.

If the Rehnquist court had overturned it then they would have been legislating from the bench. The government has the power to regulate insurance and regulate health insurance in this country.
If you poll the people getting free coverage, they're all in. If you poll the people who get to pay for the slackers, most of them are out. If you talk to the millions of people who will lose their existing coverage, they're out. If you talk to the politicians who want to use healthcare control to expand their own political power, they're all in. A couple rules of thumb. Nothing is free. You can never get more for less without getting government out of the equation. And covering 30 million illegal aliens and refugees will bankrupt our country within a year. Not only that, but there's something morally wrong when you make a college aged male purchase pregnancy insurance

The Obamacare subsidies draw the highest support. The fact is that states that has the highest percentage of people receiving subsidies are red states like Arkansas, Alabama and other red states. The fact is that voters overwhelmingly want Obamacare fixed not repealed. The fact is that everyone subsidizes someone else to a degree when they buy insurance.
He has torn the country apart, and has left it open to it's enemies, and namely one of it's greatest enemies.

Him being there can only lead to disaster.

LMAO For a torn apart country its doing damned well. A great economy. UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs everywhere.

If that's your idea of torn apart then your in the wrong country.

Oh and I don't see any disasters yet. You??

The country is so much more than the economy, and the economy really isn't that great right now. Wages are not rising very quickly. Tax revenues are way, way down, and the public isn't spending.

Trump's constant need for an adversary, someone to take on and defeat, means he uses everything at his disposal to create "enemies". The Democrats, the refugees, the Muslims. It's hateful and divisive. It's not building up anything, just tearing everything apart.

The NY Times, Washington Post, et al, no friends of the President, and others of the MSM concede wages are rising at the fastest rate that they have in a decade but at a rate that isn't impacting inflation. And those who most need that increase the most are doing better than the higher paid people. When you have full employment, it is a seller's market for labor. Also family income/wealth that had declined under Obama is again rising.

Trump does not go looking for adversaries. He has adversaries because he poses such a threat to the permanent political class and a socialist and/or Marxist agenda pushed by the Democrats. He is the first President in a very long time willing to put himself out there to solve real problems and actually accomplish good things for America and the American people. And he is demonstrating in spades how ineffective and nonproductive their policies have been for so long.

But yes the country is so much more than the economy. But without the ability to earn a living and take care of yourself and your family, nothing much else matters all that much.

That is not true. The fact is that most people live paycheck to paycheck. There are still a large number of people who work and need help from the government to make ends meet. Many people still have food emergencies. There is plenty of anxiety despite the good economy.,

Trump needs enemies to run against. If he can't find them then he will make them up. Trump appeals to his base and ignores everyone else. A President has to be the President for all people. He is not solving real problems. He demonizes various groups and lies constantly. The fact is that Trump's policies have been bad for America. The tax cuts for the rich are driving deficits higher than they were under Obama. He has produced nothing of value.

Paycheck to paycheck?? Oh some do I'm sure. People who aren't responsible for anything in their lives. Freeloaders.

Things are great in the country right now and only lefty loon idiots like you don't see it.

Move to Mexico then your drivel will be true.

You are the one giving us drivel. The fact is that most of the benefits have gone to rich. Ordinary people have not shared in the benefits of a rising economy.
The country is so much more than the economy, and the economy really isn't that great right now. Wages are not rising very quickly. Tax revenues are way, way down, and the public isn't spending.

Trump's constant need for an adversary, someone to take on and defeat, means he uses everything at his disposal to create "enemies". The Democrats, the refugees, the Muslims. It's hateful and divisive. It's not building up anything, just tearing everything apart.

The NY Times, Washington Post, et al, no friends of the President, and others of the MSM concede wages are rising at the fastest rate that they have in a decade but at a rate that isn't impacting inflation. And those who most need that increase the most are doing better than the higher paid people. When you have full employment, it is a seller's market for labor. Also family income/wealth that had declined under Obama is again rising.

Trump does not go looking for adversaries. He has adversaries because he poses such a threat to the permanent political class and a socialist and/or Marxist agenda pushed by the Democrats. He is the first President in a very long time willing to put himself out there to solve real problems and actually accomplish good things for America and the American people. And he is demonstrating in spades how ineffective and nonproductive their policies have been for so long.

But yes the country is so much more than the economy. But without the ability to earn a living and take care of yourself and your family, nothing much else matters all that much.

What makes you say Trump does not go looking for adversaries? He seems to do exactly that to me. I get the feeling he is more comfortable with someone to point to and say, "They are the bad guy!" You also say he is the first president in a long time to put himself out there to solve real problems and accomplish good things. What measures are you using to come to that conclusion? It sounds to me more like he is the first president in a long time who is promoting policies you agree with. That is not the same thing.

He doesn't throw the first punch. Ever. He will return a punch when one is thrown at him. And I say he puts himself out there because he doesn't knuckle under to the political correctness nazis or take his marching orders from the most recent poll. Again and again, under the heaviest and most dishonest and malicious criticism, he sticks to his guns when he believes he is right. Example: the crisis on the border.

Will he be wrong from time to time? Yes he will, because he is human which makes him as fallible as any human. Does he sometimes respond in ways that are unhelpful and/or criticizable? Yes he does. He is who he is. But I have never in my lifetime witnessed a President who keeps trying to do the right thing under the most intense and hateful fire ever thrown at somebody as he does. He puts himself out there.

Not being obnoxious has nothing to do with political correctness. That is a typical excuse people like you make for Trump. The reason he doesn't take orders from polls is because he is stupid enough to believe he is winning. That is what is happened in 2018.

The fact is that he is nearly always wrong. He appeals to his far right wing base. He is selfish and will divide Americans because he knows that is the only way he has a prayer.

Well for being always wrong the Country is doing pretty damned good.

I'll take Trumps wrong every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

The only people dividing America are lefty loons like you.

Carry on you whiny little shit.

Trump and his supporters are the ones dividing America. You right wing fascists can't win any other way.

The fact is that what growth the country is experiencing started under Obama. Trump has brought the unemployment rate from a whopping 4.7%. You know who is responsible. Neither Trump nor Obama.

You are the whiny piece of garbage that pollutes this country.
One hopes that the anti-Trumpers within the GOP get axed in the next primary. Some have retired and some ought to be replaced if they aren't willing to put the best interests of their country ahead of their own personal goals. And the same goes for the Dems, enough of the BS Green New Deal. Get real or get out, one wonders how much longer the Dems can continue down this non-sensical path.

We have to be careful though. It will make it much tougher for President Trump to succeed if the Senate succumbs to the vengeful Democrats too. I would rather reform those in the Senate than risk losing the Senate and thereby making it far more difficult for the President to get his agenda done.

This president had both houses of Congress for two years and was able to negotiate nothing.

Except for reforming a tax code in a way that has jump started the economy like nothing else could have. That plus eliminating the most onerous mandates of Obamacare has put trillions of dollars that were sheltered overseas or sidelined here in the states back into the economy. It has doubled business and consumer confidence. It has created more than 5 million new jobs including hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs that even Republicans like John McCain said would never come back. It is bringing businesses back to the states, has turned millions of part time jobs into full time ones and lowered unemployment rates in ALL categories to record or near record levels, and that included groups considered the hard core unemployed. And it is raising wages and family incomes at a level we have not seen for more than a decade.

Manufacturing jobs have been coming back since Obama was President. The biggest reason are cheap natural gas and the desire to maintain tighter control over their company. The fact is the unemployment rate was 4.7% when Obama left office. Obama had nothing to do with it but the economy is riding on the momentum that was started when Obama was President. Any rising wages are due to the inability of companies to find workers that started under Obama.
One item especially important to the President's immigration policy is a physical border wall in places where that could make a difference. His border patrol is pretty much 100% with him on that initiatives.

The Democrats are pretty much opposed to it.

Republicans, while a significant majority support it, are all over the map on that issue:
Republican Views on a Border Wall | Republican Views

The most disingenuous on all sides say that a border wall won't fix the problem. They won't acknowledge that the President has never said that it would but includes that, along with other immigration policy reforms, will significantly help.

I am with the President on that issue. I wish all others who also support that initiative would start pushing their elected representatives to get behind him on that.

The fact is that we don't need immigration reforms. A majority of voters see no need to change asylum laws for example. Trump is playing to his white supremacist base.
One item especially important to the President's immigration policy is a physical border wall in places where that could make a difference. His border patrol is pretty much 100% with him on that initiatives.

The Democrats are pretty much opposed to it.

Republicans, while a significant majority support it, are all over the map on that issue:
Republican Views on a Border Wall | Republican Views

The most disingenuous on all sides say that a border wall won't fix the problem. They won't acknowledge that the President has never said that it would but includes that, along with other immigration policy reforms, will significantly help.

I am with the President on that issue. I wish all others who also support that initiative would start pushing their elected representatives to get behind him on that.

The fact is that we don't need immigration reforms. A majority of voters see no need to change asylum laws for example. Trump is playing to his white supremacist base.
The fact is, you got your facts wrong.
Paycheck to paycheck?? Oh some do I'm sure. People who aren't responsible for anything in their lives. Freeloaders.

Things are great in the country right now and only lefty loon idiots like you don't see it.

Move to Mexico then your drivel will be true.
Move back to Europe you bigot.

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