Time to go.

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Diamond Member
Nov 18, 2011
After almost 9 years of fairly regular posting on these forums, I am taking my leave.

Some of the posters of here I will miss. Some I hold in high esteem. Some, however, well......

The vitriol and hostility here has increased to a level that I know longer find pleasurable to participate in.

I am sure, as is always the case in these "Farewell" threads, someone will say "Why don't you just go?". I assure you, it is not about the drama of leaving. But about thanking people for being a part of my online life for 9 years. I hope I have made a positive contribution to things here. I'll be here for the rest of the day (I think).

Thanks for good times and thoughtful debate. My addiction to these forums was mostly good.
That's too bad. I enjoy your posts. I always tell newbies not to take things personally and you'll be better off. This place has gotten more hostile since I've joined...but to someone like me, that's just chum in the water for the sharks.
I can't resist. When I get tired of it, I step away for a few days.
After almost 9 years of fairly regular posting on these forums, I am taking my leave.

Some of the posters of here I will miss. Some I hold in high esteem. Some, however, well......

The vitriol and hostility here has increased to a level that I know longer find pleasurable to participate in.

I am sure, as is always the case in these "Farewell" threads, someone will say "Why don't you just go?". I assure you, it is not about the drama of leaving. But about thanking people for being a part of my online life for 9 years. I hope I have made a positive contribution to things here. I'll be here for the rest of the day (I think).

Thanks for good times and thoughtful debate. My addiction to these forums was mostly good.

Take care of yourself, enjoy the peace.

After almost 9 years of fairly regular posting on these forums, I am taking my leave.

Some of the posters of here I will miss. Some I hold in high esteem. Some, however, well......

The vitriol and hostility here has increased to a level that I know longer find pleasurable to participate in.

I am sure, as is always the case in these "Farewell" threads, someone will say "Why don't you just go?". I assure you, it is not about the drama of leaving. But about thanking people for being a part of my online life for 9 years. I hope I have made a positive contribution to things here. I'll be here for the rest of the day (I think).

Thanks for good times and thoughtful debate. My addiction to these forums was mostly good.
Just take a break and come back when you feel like it?
Too bad, and I get what you're saying about the seeming levels of hostility. I dropped off for a while also as the clamor seemed just ridiculous, and actual discussion/debate, somewhat rancorous or not, seemed impossible to see beyond all of the just naked rage.

People are fired up right now on a lot of fronts during a really chaotic period. That is spilling over here.

It's been a long slog for a lot of people between ~March and here and a lot of it has been bad, bad stuff. People have died, they're still dying, the economy is taking a pounding, the cities are burning, violence is rising amidst social unrest stemming from the Virus and social conflict.

Worse, there is no certainty about when or how any of it ends, which messes with people's heads more I think than people realize. I've seen studies on how this type of uncertainty gnaws at people, increases stress levels beyond a given situation itself and manifests in a host of other ways.

People are worried, they're scared, they're drained, teetering financially, in a lot of cases they are angry from one perspective or another and they're lashing out.

It will pass. Hopefully relatively soon, as this basically sucks.
After almost 9 years of fairly regular posting on these forums, I am taking my leave.

Some of the posters of here I will miss. Some I hold in high esteem. Some, however, well......

The vitriol and hostility here has increased to a level that I know longer find pleasurable to participate in.

I am sure, as is always the case in these "Farewell" threads, someone will say "Why don't you just go?". I assure you, it is not about the drama of leaving. But about thanking people for being a part of my online life for 9 years. I hope I have made a positive contribution to things here. I'll be here for the rest of the day (I think).

Thanks for good times and thoughtful debate. My addiction to these forums was mostly good.
Dont always agree, but I appreciate your posts
After almost 9 years of fairly regular posting on these forums, I am taking my leave.

Some of the posters of here I will miss. Some I hold in high esteem. Some, however, well......

The vitriol and hostility here has increased to a level that I know longer find pleasurable to participate in.

I am sure, as is always the case in these "Farewell" threads, someone will say "Why don't you just go?". I assure you, it is not about the drama of leaving. But about thanking people for being a part of my online life for 9 years. I hope I have made a positive contribution to things here. I'll be here for the rest of the day (I think).

Thanks for good times and thoughtful debate. My addiction to these forums was mostly good.
Do I detect the beginnings of a clandestine rendezvous with oldlady? ;)
After almost 9 years of fairly regular posting on these forums, I am taking my leave.

Some of the posters of here I will miss. Some I hold in high esteem. Some, however, well......

The vitriol and hostility here has increased to a level that I know longer find pleasurable to participate in.

I am sure, as is always the case in these "Farewell" threads, someone will say "Why don't you just go?". I assure you, it is not about the drama of leaving. But about thanking people for being a part of my online life for 9 years. I hope I have made a positive contribution to things here. I'll be here for the rest of the day (I think).

Thanks for good times and thoughtful debate. My addiction to these forums was mostly good.

I enjoy your posts. Sorry to see you go. It's helpful to keep this place in perspective. I wish you good luck in all your future endeavors!
After almost 9 years of fairly regular posting on these forums, I am taking my leave.

Some of the posters of here I will miss. Some I hold in high esteem. Some, however, well......

The vitriol and hostility here has increased to a level that I know longer find pleasurable to participate in.

I am sure, as is always the case in these "Farewell" threads, someone will say "Why don't you just go?". I assure you, it is not about the drama of leaving. But about thanking people for being a part of my online life for 9 years. I hope I have made a positive contribution to things here. I'll be here for the rest of the day (I think).

Thanks for good times and thoughtful debate. My addiction to these forums was mostly good.
Do I detect the beginnings of a clandestine rendezvous with oldlady? ;)

They're starting a new board....Oldery and Ivory.
After almost 9 years of fairly regular posting on these forums, I am taking my leave.

Some of the posters of here I will miss. Some I hold in high esteem. Some, however, well......

The vitriol and hostility here has increased to a level that I know longer find pleasurable to participate in.

I am sure, as is always the case in these "Farewell" threads, someone will say "Why don't you just go?". I assure you, it is not about the drama of leaving. But about thanking people for being a part of my online life for 9 years. I hope I have made a positive contribution to things here. I'll be here for the rest of the day (I think).

Thanks for good times and thoughtful debate. My addiction to these forums was mostly good.
Ahhh... Stick around. Things always ratchet up before an election, you know that. Besides. Its always good to have people around who like to talk shop about guns in the off politics forums.
After almost 9 years of fairly regular posting on these forums, I am taking my leave.

Some of the posters of here I will miss. Some I hold in high esteem. Some, however, well......

The vitriol and hostility here has increased to a level that I know longer find pleasurable to participate in.

I am sure, as is always the case in these "Farewell" threads, someone will say "Why don't you just go?". I assure you, it is not about the drama of leaving. But about thanking people for being a part of my online life for 9 years. I hope I have made a positive contribution to things here. I'll be here for the rest of the day (I think).

Thanks for good times and thoughtful debate. My addiction to these forums was mostly good.
Lou Gehrig did it much better.
After almost 9 years of fairly regular posting on these forums, I am taking my leave.

Some of the posters of here I will miss. Some I hold in high esteem. Some, however, well......

The vitriol and hostility here has increased to a level that I know longer find pleasurable to participate in.

I am sure, as is always the case in these "Farewell" threads, someone will say "Why don't you just go?". I assure you, it is not about the drama of leaving. But about thanking people for being a part of my online life for 9 years. I hope I have made a positive contribution to things here. I'll be here for the rest of the day (I think).

Thanks for good times and thoughtful debate. My addiction to these forums was mostly good.
Hmmmmmm. we may have differing views, but I'll give you credit for being able to discuss or debate a topic with common sense and intelligence, without the childish name calling & whining that gets old real fast.

Sorry to see you go, but fully understand why.
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