Time to give Al Franken the boot - Here's how:

Overwhelm him with complaints:


Senator Franken:

The irrefutable photographic evidence of your groping of Ms. Leeann Tweeden is vile and disgusting.

To have done this during a tour to entertain our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines raises the disgusting extent of your actions by orders of magnitude.

Members of the U.S. Senate on both sides of the aisle, the media, and a large swath of the public are demanding Judge Roy Moore withdraw from the race for a Senate seat representing Alabama based on accusations with little in the way of hard evidence. Your case, however, clearly and irrefutably shows the same behavior on your part.

You must resign your Senate seat immediately.

You must do this as one part of atonement for your repulsive behavior. Other elements would be to publicly apologize to Ms. Tweeden during a speech from the Senate floor, a speech where you accept full responsibility for your actions, beg her forgiveness, and announce your resignation.

Resign or be branded a unrepentant sexual predator just like Mr. Harvey Weinstein and so many others.
You're right...Franken should resign....then we can certainly run a comparison with others in Politics....
Overwhelm him with complaints:


Senator Franken:

The irrefutable photographic evidence of your groping of Ms. Leeann Tweeden is vile and disgusting.

To have done this during a tour to entertain our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines raises the disgusting extent of your actions by orders of magnitude.

Members of the U.S. Senate on both sides of the aisle, the media, and a large swath of the public are demanding Judge Roy Moore withdraw from the race for a Senate seat representing Alabama based on accusations with little in the way of hard evidence. Your case, however, clearly and irrefutably shows the same behavior on your part.

You must resign your Senate seat immediately.

You must do this as one part of atonement for your repulsive behavior. Other elements would be to publicly apologize to Ms. Tweeden during a speech from the Senate floor, a speech where you accept full responsibility for your actions, beg her forgiveness, and announce your resignation.

Resign or be branded a unrepentant sexual predator just like Mr. Harvey Weinstein and so many others.

Once AGAIN --- suppose he fully acknowledges and takes responsibility and apologizes (and I believe he already has) for poor taste for actions taken while he was a comedian ---- why would it then be necessary to "resign" from a completely different gig?
. Is this how it is, where as if a Dem just apologizes, it is all forgiven, and it will be ok ?? So it will just be business as usual after that ?? Is it that the desensitized public have been conditioned to just look the other way if a Dem does anything crazy or wrong headed, but a Republican man or woman attempting to live a Christian Life (all though not perfect), must be sentenced to the harshest punishment available for their mistaken fowel or mis-deeds ?? The Dems we're working as hard as they could to normalize as much as it could over the past years, and they did this in so that it could withstand or insulate itself from any attacks to be based upon morals or ethics violations in which might be found in an event or in a case brought. Genius is what it is, but very evil in it's intent.

Once AGAIN --- the question is "on what basis does Franken 'need to resign'"? You didn't address that question at all. Neither did the OP.

See where we're going with this yet?

Do a little research, read the allegations and get back to us when you have a fricken clue.

Oh I know exactly what the allegations are. Heard them all day on the road in my travels.

The question STILL REMAINS ---- on what basis does Franken need to "resign"?

That's seven times I've posted that question. Got zero answers.
Franken deserves to pay for his idiocy. But you people just fall all over yourselves kissing Moore's and Trump's ass. They also need to face the same penalties as Franken.

So where's the proof that Moore or Trump did anything wrong?

"He said/she said" is not evidence.

Trump admitted it on tape...

I could say "I robbed a bank".

But without some bank coming forward and proof that I actually did, there's no case.

Did he touch her in that picture?

What does that matter? At the least, it's called "sexual harassment" and "creating a hostile work environment". He should step down immediately because he is unfit to represent the people of Minnesota.

Are you in Minnesota?
Overwhelm him with complaints:


Senator Franken:

The irrefutable photographic evidence of your groping of Ms. Leeann Tweeden is vile and disgusting.

To have done this during a tour to entertain our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines raises the disgusting extent of your actions by orders of magnitude.

Members of the U.S. Senate on both sides of the aisle, the media, and a large swath of the public are demanding Judge Roy Moore withdraw from the race for a Senate seat representing Alabama based on accusations with little in the way of hard evidence. Your case, however, clearly and irrefutably shows the same behavior on your part.

You must resign your Senate seat immediately.

You must do this as one part of atonement for your repulsive behavior. Other elements would be to publicly apologize to Ms. Tweeden during a speech from the Senate floor, a speech where you accept full responsibility for your actions, beg her forgiveness, and announce your resignation.

Resign or be branded a unrepentant sexual predator just like Mr. Harvey Weinstein and so many others.

Once AGAIN --- suppose he fully acknowledges and takes responsibility and apologizes (and I believe he already has) for poor taste for actions taken while he was a comedian ---- why would it then be necessary to "resign" from a completely different gig?
. Is this how it is, where as if a Dem just apologizes, it is all forgiven, and it will be ok ?? So it will just be business as usual after that ?? Is it that the desensitized public have been conditioned to just look the other way if a Dem does anything crazy or wrong headed, but a Republican man or woman attempting to live a Christian Life (all though not perfect), must be sentenced to the harshest punishment available for their mistaken fowel or mis-deeds ?? The Dems we're working as hard as they could to normalize as much as it could over the past years, and they did this in so that it could withstand or insulate itself from any attacks to be based upon morals or ethics violations in which might be found in an event or in a case brought. Genius is what it is, but very evil in it's intent.

Once AGAIN --- the question is "on what basis does Franken 'need to resign'"? You didn't address that question at all. Neither did the OP.

See where we're going with this yet?

You do realize that you're going way out on a limb here, in order to defend a sexual predator. Right?

That speaks volumes about your own morality or lack thereof.
False equivalency.

Franken sexually harassed an adult woman who was fully clothed.

Moore stripped himself and a 14 year old girl down to their underwear and made her touch his erection while she protested.

See the difference?
There is proof of Franken's conduct. None of Moores. See the difference?
Overwhelm him with complaints:


Senator Franken:

The irrefutable photographic evidence of your groping of Ms. Leeann Tweeden is vile and disgusting.

To have done this during a tour to entertain our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines raises the disgusting extent of your actions by orders of magnitude.

Members of the U.S. Senate on both sides of the aisle, the media, and a large swath of the public are demanding Judge Roy Moore withdraw from the race for a Senate seat representing Alabama based on accusations with little in the way of hard evidence. Your case, however, clearly and irrefutably shows the same behavior on your part.

You must resign your Senate seat immediately.

You must do this as one part of atonement for your repulsive behavior. Other elements would be to publicly apologize to Ms. Tweeden during a speech from the Senate floor, a speech where you accept full responsibility for your actions, beg her forgiveness, and announce your resignation.

Resign or be branded a unrepentant sexual predator just like Mr. Harvey Weinstein and so many others.

Once AGAIN --- suppose he fully acknowledges and takes responsibility and apologizes (and I believe he already has) for poor taste for actions taken while he was a comedian ---- why would it then be necessary to "resign" from a completely different gig?

How many times has he done similar things and 'apologized?' That's the MO of a molester. It ain't up to him to exonerate himself because he is 'sorry.'

And now it's eight times unanswered.

Again for you kids on the short bus --- the question is WHY he "needs to resign". Asking "how may times has he done similar things and apologized" is in no way an answer to that question.
False equivalency.

Franken sexually harassed an adult woman who was fully clothed.

Moore stripped himself and a 14 year old girl down to their underwear and made her touch his erection while she protested.

See the difference?

We have a PHOTO of Franken molesting a woman. We do not have a photo of Moore. Not only do we have a photo of Franken molesting a woman's breasts while she sleeps, but we have her testimony that Franken shoved his tongue down her throat against her will. Photos and testimony......He should be convicted, sent to jail and removed from his seat. We also have Bill Maher's show where Franken and Melanie Morgan got into a heated debate on air. When the show was over, he followed her to the green room and harassed her more. Then he illicitly got her phone# from the producer of the show (which should not have happened) and called her over and over. If that doesn't raise red flags then you are a political hack.
Overwhelm him with complaints:


Senator Franken:

The irrefutable photographic evidence of your groping of Ms. Leeann Tweeden is vile and disgusting.

To have done this during a tour to entertain our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines raises the disgusting extent of your actions by orders of magnitude.

Members of the U.S. Senate on both sides of the aisle, the media, and a large swath of the public are demanding Judge Roy Moore withdraw from the race for a Senate seat representing Alabama based on accusations with little in the way of hard evidence. Your case, however, clearly and irrefutably shows the same behavior on your part.

You must resign your Senate seat immediately.

You must do this as one part of atonement for your repulsive behavior. Other elements would be to publicly apologize to Ms. Tweeden during a speech from the Senate floor, a speech where you accept full responsibility for your actions, beg her forgiveness, and announce your resignation.

Resign or be branded a unrepentant sexual predator just like Mr. Harvey Weinstein and so many others.

Once AGAIN --- suppose he fully acknowledges and takes responsibility and apologizes (and I believe he already has) for poor taste for actions taken while he was a comedian ---- why would it then be necessary to "resign" from a completely different gig?
. Is this how it is, where as if a Dem just apologizes, it is all forgiven, and it will be ok ?? So it will just be business as usual after that ?? Is it that the desensitized public have been conditioned to just look the other way if a Dem does anything crazy or wrong headed, but a Republican man or woman attempting to live a Christian Life (all though not perfect), must be sentenced to the harshest punishment available for their mistaken fowel or mis-deeds ?? The Dems we're working as hard as they could to normalize as much as it could over the past years, and they did this in so that it could withstand or insulate itself from any attacks to be based upon morals or ethics violations in which might be found in an event or in a case brought. Genius is what it is, but very evil in it's intent.

Once AGAIN --- the question is "on what basis does Franken 'need to resign'"? You didn't address that question at all. Neither did the OP.

See where we're going with this yet?

You do realize that you're going way out on a limb here, in order to defend a sexual predator. Right?

That speaks volumes about your own morality or lack thereof.

Once AGAIN --- the question is "on what basis does Franken 'need to resign'"?

That's nine now.
Franken deserves to pay for his idiocy. But you people just fall all over yourselves kissing Moore's and Trump's ass. They also need to face the same penalties as Franken.

So where's the proof that Moore or Trump did anything wrong?

"He said/she said" is not evidence.

Trump admitted it on tape...

I could say "I robbed a bank".

But without some bank coming forward and proof that I actually did, there's no case.

Did he touch her in that picture?

What does that matter? At the least, it's called "sexual harassment" and "creating a hostile work environment". He should step down immediately because he is unfit to represent the people of Minnesota.

What does it matter? Was he naked? Was she naked? Did he touch her?
Overwhelm him with complaints:


Senator Franken:

The irrefutable photographic evidence of your groping of Ms. Leeann Tweeden is vile and disgusting.

To have done this during a tour to entertain our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines raises the disgusting extent of your actions by orders of magnitude.

Members of the U.S. Senate on both sides of the aisle, the media, and a large swath of the public are demanding Judge Roy Moore withdraw from the race for a Senate seat representing Alabama based on accusations with little in the way of hard evidence. Your case, however, clearly and irrefutably shows the same behavior on your part.

You must resign your Senate seat immediately.

You must do this as one part of atonement for your repulsive behavior. Other elements would be to publicly apologize to Ms. Tweeden during a speech from the Senate floor, a speech where you accept full responsibility for your actions, beg her forgiveness, and announce your resignation.

Resign or be branded a unrepentant sexual predator just like Mr. Harvey Weinstein and so many others.

Once AGAIN --- suppose he fully acknowledges and takes responsibility and apologizes (and I believe he already has) for poor taste for actions taken while he was a comedian ---- why would it then be necessary to "resign" from a completely different gig?
. Is this how it is, where as if a Dem just apologizes, it is all forgiven, and it will be ok ?? So it will just be business as usual after that ?? Is it that the desensitized public have been conditioned to just look the other way if a Dem does anything crazy or wrong headed, but a Republican man or woman attempting to live a Christian Life (all though not perfect), must be sentenced to the harshest punishment available for their mistaken fowel or mis-deeds ?? The Dems we're working as hard as they could to normalize as much as it could over the past years, and they did this in so that it could withstand or insulate itself from any attacks to be based upon morals or ethics violations in which might be found in an event or in a case brought. Genius is what it is, but very evil in it's intent.

Once AGAIN --- the question is "on what basis does Franken 'need to resign'"? You didn't address that question at all. Neither did the OP.

See where we're going with this yet?

Do a little research, read the allegations and get back to us when you have a fricken clue.

Oh I know exactly what the allegations are. Heard them all day on the road in my travels.

The question STILL REMAINS ---- on what basis does Franken need to "resign"?

That's seven times I've posted that question. Got zero answers.

It's called "sexual harassment".
Once AGAIN --- suppose he fully acknowledges and takes responsibility and apologizes (and I believe he already has) for poor taste for actions taken while he was a comedian ---- why would it then be necessary to "resign" from a completely different gig?
. Is this how it is, where as if a Dem just apologizes, it is all forgiven, and it will be ok ?? So it will just be business as usual after that ?? Is it that the desensitized public have been conditioned to just look the other way if a Dem does anything crazy or wrong headed, but a Republican man or woman attempting to live a Christian Life (all though not perfect), must be sentenced to the harshest punishment available for their mistaken fowel or mis-deeds ?? The Dems we're working as hard as they could to normalize as much as it could over the past years, and they did this in so that it could withstand or insulate itself from any attacks to be based upon morals or ethics violations in which might be found in an event or in a case brought. Genius is what it is, but very evil in it's intent.

Once AGAIN --- the question is "on what basis does Franken 'need to resign'"? You didn't address that question at all. Neither did the OP.

See where we're going with this yet?

Do a little research, read the allegations and get back to us when you have a fricken clue.

Oh I know exactly what the allegations are. Heard them all day on the road in my travels.

The question STILL REMAINS ---- on what basis does Franken need to "resign"?

That's seven times I've posted that question. Got zero answers.

It's called "sexual harassment".

And that's your basis that he should resign from the Senate?
. Is this how it is, where as if a Dem just apologizes, it is all forgiven, and it will be ok ?? So it will just be business as usual after that ?? Is it that the desensitized public have been conditioned to just look the other way if a Dem does anything crazy or wrong headed, but a Republican man or woman attempting to live a Christian Life (all though not perfect), must be sentenced to the harshest punishment available for their mistaken fowel or mis-deeds ?? The Dems we're working as hard as they could to normalize as much as it could over the past years, and they did this in so that it could withstand or insulate itself from any attacks to be based upon morals or ethics violations in which might be found in an event or in a case brought. Genius is what it is, but very evil in it's intent.

Once AGAIN --- the question is "on what basis does Franken 'need to resign'"? You didn't address that question at all. Neither did the OP.

See where we're going with this yet?

Do a little research, read the allegations and get back to us when you have a fricken clue.

Oh I know exactly what the allegations are. Heard them all day on the road in my travels.

The question STILL REMAINS ---- on what basis does Franken need to "resign"?

That's seven times I've posted that question. Got zero answers.

It's called "sexual harassment".

And that's your basis that he should resign from the Senate?

Overwhelm him with complaints:


Senator Franken:

The irrefutable photographic evidence of your groping of Ms. Leeann Tweeden is vile and disgusting.

To have done this during a tour to entertain our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines raises the disgusting extent of your actions by orders of magnitude.

Members of the U.S. Senate on both sides of the aisle, the media, and a large swath of the public are demanding Judge Roy Moore withdraw from the race for a Senate seat representing Alabama based on accusations with little in the way of hard evidence. Your case, however, clearly and irrefutably shows the same behavior on your part.

You must resign your Senate seat immediately.

You must do this as one part of atonement for your repulsive behavior. Other elements would be to publicly apologize to Ms. Tweeden during a speech from the Senate floor, a speech where you accept full responsibility for your actions, beg her forgiveness, and announce your resignation.

Resign or be branded a unrepentant sexual predator just like Mr. Harvey Weinstein and so many others.

Once AGAIN --- suppose he fully acknowledges and takes responsibility and apologizes (and I believe he already has) for poor taste for actions taken while he was a comedian ---- why would it then be necessary to "resign" from a completely different gig?
. Is this how it is, where as if a Dem just apologizes, it is all forgiven, and it will be ok ?? So it will just be business as usual after that ?? Is it that the desensitized public have been conditioned to just look the other way if a Dem does anything crazy or wrong headed, but a Republican man or woman attempting to live a Christian Life (all though not perfect), must be sentenced to the harshest punishment available for their mistaken fowel or mis-deeds ?? The Dems we're working as hard as they could to normalize as much as it could over the past years, and they did this in so that it could withstand or insulate itself from any attacks to be based upon morals or ethics violations in which might be found in an event or in a case brought. Genius is what it is, but very evil in it's intent.

Once AGAIN --- the question is "on what basis does Franken 'need to resign'"? You didn't address that question at all. Neither did the OP.

See where we're going with this yet?

Do a little research, read the allegations and get back to us when you have a fricken clue.

Oh I know exactly what the allegations are. Heard them all day on the road in my travels.

The question STILL REMAINS ---- on what basis does Franken need to "resign"?

That's seven times I've posted that question. Got zero answers.

Well for one thing, the entire Democrat Party's credibility on sexual harassment is at stake here.This is a test of the Democratic Party’s consistency, honesty, and decency. If Democrats wish to preserve whatever moral standing they have today, they must exhort Franken to leave the Senate, with no hesitation or reservations.
The sheer hypocrisy of Franken's meager apology is galling. Following the Harvey Weinstein scandal, Franken wrote an impassioned Facebook post declaring that saxual harassment is "appaling" and "far too common".

Al Franken who is a self-proclaimed defender of women’s rights has revealed himself to be a misogynistic fraud. Franken’s ardent promotion of gender equality on the Senate floor is rendered meaningless in the face of his disgusting conduct. If the Democrat party wishes to retain an ounce of credibility, it must demand Franken’s swift resignation.
The demo apologists for Franken now are just a joke at this point. No pun intended. DNC is the swamp!
Name those who have apologized for him.

They are calling for an 'investigation' when there is clear evidence of his actions. Does that not seem curious to you?

Especially since that "investigation" would take at least a year.

Especially when the Trump hoaxes have gone on more than a year...
We can see the photo. He's not actually touching her.

Hence, there's no groping. It's harassment, not sexual assault.

The lesson? Conservative liars need to stop lying.

I never said that what Stuart Smalley did was assault. YOU stop lying.

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