Time to find a new party

Which was the problem.

If you are going to get rid of something you have to have a plan to replace it, Trump had none.

The ACA sucks, more so for healthcare workers than for the normal joe. I would have loved to see it go.
why did we need a federal health care plan instead of private health care?

I dont know of any companies that do not provide health care. Creating jobs in the USA, does that provide health care?

There was a time, when I first started working, as long as I held a job, the corporation I worked for provided my healthcare.

Who destroyed healthcare in the USA
we never got a Trump plan, if you wish to quote and link to the plan, feel free, I would love to discuss the plan, and not your emotions
You Trump supporters really don't know anything about Trump, do you? All y'all got is embellishments about how great Trump is. But with issue after issue, conservatives like me expose how you were either duped by Trump, or you simply didn't care that you were duped.

My god, if you'd pay attention to what Trumps record actually was, instead of what HE says it is, you'd have a lot better perspective on him. "The concept of Trump is much better than Trump." Y'all make him out to be some sort of fairy tale super hero. But he's nothing more than a north eastern democrat with a Republican label. (a RINO)


how did the people recover the economy?
It was in a thread I started a week or so ago. It explains how we recover the economy. How we kept businesses open. How we struggled through all the recessions, high inflation, high fuel prices. How we kept things going until things finally started balancing out.
The government screws things up (by borrowing and spending so much). Ee pay the prices. And we correct their screw ups.

"Who did that?"
why did we need a federal health care plan instead of private health care?

I dont know of any companies that do not provide health care. Creating jobs in the USA, does that provide health care?

There was a time, when I first started working, as long as I held a job, the corporation I worked for provided my healthcare.

Who destroyed healthcare in the USA

The US government and the USD value.
GOP simply doesn't care about Fiscal or Constitutional Conservatism any longer. There's not enough F/C conservatives left in DC to shake a stick at. 90% of the GOP are Trump sucking RINO's who simply don't care about spending reductions (not real ones). They don't care about unconstitutional legislation & amendments. They're so far left of center, they can't even see center.

And for the democrats. The moderates have had to take a back seat to the radical progressives in the last decade or so. Shoving their trans, lgbt-abcdefg, woke, pro-Hamas, DEI, hate white people crap in our faces.

The two major parties have ran completely off the rails.

So what's left? 3rd party's? That's a waste of time. I'm a firm believer that the R's and D's have infiltrated the LP and the green party(what ever the green party stands for). So there is no options, really. Because there's still too many "lesser of two evils" voters, who are scared to death that the sky is going to fall if their party isn't in the majority.

Used to be, one only had to overlook a couple of issues that their party stood for, to continue supporting them. And they were usually minor issues. But now days, there's so much wrong with the R & D's, to support either one, you not only have to hold your nose, but you gotta wear a blindfold.

The 2020's is a real political circus.
==>It's highly likely other political parties or the third parties will fail. Too bad! :(

#### The Dominance of Two Political Parties in the US

In the United States, the dominance of two political parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, can be attributed to various factors. Here are some key reasons why other parties have failed to gain significant traction:

1. Historical Factors: The two-party system in the US has deep historical roots. Since the early days of the republic, political power has been concentrated in two major parties. The Democratic Party traces its origins to the Democratic-Republican Party of Thomas Jefferson, while the Republican Party emerged in the mid-19th century as an anti-slavery party.

2. Winner-Takes-All Electoral System: The US uses a winner-takes-all electoral system, where the candidate who receives the most votes in a particular district or state wins the entire representation. This system tends to favor the two major parties and makes it difficult for third parties to gain a foothold. Third-party candidates often face challenges in winning electoral votes or securing a majority in Congress.

3. Barriers to Entry: Third parties face significant barriers to entry, including restrictive ballot access laws, limited media coverage, and fundraising challenges. These barriers make it difficult for third-party candidates to compete on an equal footing with the major parties.

4. Voter Perceptions: Many voters perceive that voting for a third-party candidate is a wasted vote or could potentially help the candidate they least prefer to win. This perception, known as the "spoiler effect," can discourage voters from supporting third-party candidates.

5. Political Polarization: The US political landscape has become increasingly polarized between the two major parties. This polarization has made it challenging for third parties to attract a broad base of support and compete effectively.

6. Lack of Resources: Third parties often struggle to match the financial resources and organizational infrastructure of the major parties. This disparity in resources can limit their ability to run competitive campaigns and reach a wide audience.

While third parties have historically struggled to win the presidency or gain significant representation in Congress, they can still influence the political landscape by raising important issues, shaping public discourse, and potentially impacting the outcome of elections.

#### Conclusion

The dominance of two political parties in the US can be attributed to a combination of historical factors, the winner-takes-all electoral system, barriers to entry, voter perceptions, political polarization, and resource disparities. While other parties have faced challenges in gaining significant traction, they can still play a role in shaping the political landscape.


1. Former Republicans and Democrats form new third U.S. political party

2. The State of Democracy in the United States
What's the issue that makes it impossible for you to vote for either one?

Spending, monetary policy. The way they go at immigration from a physical standpoint, instead of a monetary standpoint.
Immigrants can come here and make as much in 1 day, as they can in almost 2 weeks in Mexico or South America.

They could kill several birds with on stone by addressing the currency value. Immigration, inflation, trade deficits and outsourcing.
==>It's highly likely other political parties or the third parties will fail. Too bad! :(

#### The Dominance of Two Political Parties in the US

In the United States, the dominance of two political parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, can be attributed to various factors. Here are some key reasons why other parties have failed to gain significant traction:

1. Historical Factors: The two-party system in the US has deep historical roots. Since the early days of the republic, political power has been concentrated in two major parties. The Democratic Party traces its origins to the Democratic-Republican Party of Thomas Jefferson, while the Republican Party emerged in the mid-19th century as an anti-slavery party.

2. Winner-Takes-All Electoral System: The US uses a winner-takes-all electoral system, where the candidate who receives the most votes in a particular district or state wins the entire representation. This system tends to favor the two major parties and makes it difficult for third parties to gain a foothold. Third-party candidates often face challenges in winning electoral votes or securing a majority in Congress.

3. Barriers to Entry: Third parties face significant barriers to entry, including restrictive ballot access laws, limited media coverage, and fundraising challenges. These barriers make it difficult for third-party candidates to compete on an equal footing with the major parties.

4. Voter Perceptions: Many voters perceive that voting for a third-party candidate is a wasted vote or could potentially help the candidate they least prefer to win. This perception, known as the "spoiler effect," can discourage voters from supporting third-party candidates.

5. Political Polarization: The US political landscape has become increasingly polarized between the two major parties. This polarization has made it challenging for third parties to attract a broad base of support and compete effectively.

6. Lack of Resources: Third parties often struggle to match the financial resources and organizational infrastructure of the major parties. This disparity in resources can limit their ability to run competitive campaigns and reach a wide audience.

While third parties have historically struggled to win the presidency or gain significant representation in Congress, they can still influence the political landscape by raising important issues, shaping public discourse, and potentially impacting the outcome of elections.

#### Conclusion

The dominance of two political parties in the US can be attributed to a combination of historical factors, the winner-takes-all electoral system, barriers to entry, voter perceptions, political polarization, and resource disparities. While other parties have faced challenges in gaining significant traction, they can still play a role in shaping the political landscape.


1. Former Republicans and Democrats form new third U.S. political party

2. The State of Democracy in the United States

You didn't read all of my posts. When I got to the subject of a third party, my first statement was "So what's left? 3rd party's? That's a waste of time."

P.S. I agree with your post.
Spending, monetary policy. The way they go at immigration from a physical standpoint, instead of a monetary standpoint.
Immigrants can come here and make as much in 1 day, as they can in almost 2 weeks in Mexico or South America.

They could kill several birds with on stone by addressing the currency value. Immigration, inflation, trade deficits and outsourcing.
Ok spending. Our defense budget is ridiculous. It should be cut cause we already have the best defense money can't buy. Oceans to the east and west, friendly neighbors to the north and south.
No matter what is said, Economy in 2019 was headed upwards at a steady pace. Not due to GOVT stimulus but real steady productivity.

Obiden 1 ”recovered” the economy using 2008 $1T stimulus baked into every years spending. When that $1T became washed out by other spending increases, 2015 2016 were flat to down.

Trump policy turned that stall back around. 2019 was the best business year of all. Then they launched and shutdown. Cant have the “other side” winning Sayeth the evil corrupted DemWitted loons. Even if America was winning…..shut it down. Blame Trump.
Ok spending. Our defense budget is ridiculous. It should be cut cause we already have the best defense money can't buy. Oceans to the east and west, friendly neighbors to the north and south.

If the value of the USD was right (say somewhere along the lines of the PESO), things would be so much economically sound.
They simply need to stop spending more than they take in, start paying down the debt.
We're spending millions on gender studies, political opposition candidates in foreign countries and all sort of completely retarded stuff.
They're like a bunch of rich housewives with a sugar daddy. The sugar daddy is the Fed Res.

50 years ago, one could retire in Mexico, and live great on $1000 per month. Now one can retire down there and live real good on $1500 per month. That's only a $500 increase in 50 years.
For that matter, 40 years ago, once could live here pretty good on $1000 per month.

So what's the difference between the Peso and the USD? The government borrowing and spending.

Trump's idea of nationalizing the oil, may not be too bad of an idea. As long as Americans weren't subjected to the global market price that forces $4 per gallon on us with each and every president.
No matter what is said, Economy in 2019 was headed upwards at a steady pace. Not due to GOVT stimulus but real steady productivity.

Obiden 1 ”recovered” the economy using 2008 $1T stimulus baked into every years spending. When that $1T became washed out by other spending increases, 2015 2016 were flat to down.

Trump policy turned that stall back around. 2019 was the best business year of all. Then they launched and shutdown. Cant have the “other side” winning Sayeth the evil corrupted DemWitted loons. Even if America was winning…..shut it down. Blame Trump.

The economy was recovering when Trump took office.

The president after Biden better have his big boy pants on. Because $8 trillion in 4 years buys a LOT of inflation. Whether it's Trump or Biden.
Then you are lazy minded. A rational adult can find a way to choose one over the other.

If I got to a grocery store and they only got tainted beef or tainted beef with sprinkles, I'm not choosing either. So why TF would I choose one of two politicians when I don't support either one?

An actual "rational" adult wouldn't choose either, also.

You're definition of "rational" is retarded.

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