Time to ask - Is Trump a RINO?

I took Spanish in high school just to use it on USMB...I said quelle, that's the French version..
I took Latin (I'm very old...) so I'm still lost.
I studied some latin, since I was a lawyer wannabe, but it fell to the side as I became more interested in electronics..But Latin is not far from French so I'll say it in Latin, quid est..
Who is? I once got a "D" in Latin II...(embarrassed)
What, is the secret word...
English, please...
I took Spanish in high school just to use it on USMB...I said quelle, that's the French version..
I took Latin (I'm very old...) so I'm still lost.
I studied some latin, since I was a lawyer wannabe, but it fell to the side as I became more interested in electronics..But Latin is not far from French so I'll say it in Latin, quid est..
Who is? I once got a "D" in Latin II...(embarrassed)
What, is the secret word...
So, what was the question about again?
I took Spanish in high school just to use it on USMB...I said quelle, that's the French version..
I took Latin (I'm very old...) so I'm still lost.
I studied some latin, since I was a lawyer wannabe, but it fell to the side as I became more interested in electronics..But Latin is not far from French so I'll say it in Latin, quid est..
Who is? I once got a "D" in Latin II...(embarrassed)
What, is the secret word...
So, what was the question about again?
What...That is what I was saying in the different languages..
I took Latin (I'm very old...) so I'm still lost.
I studied some latin, since I was a lawyer wannabe, but it fell to the side as I became more interested in electronics..But Latin is not far from French so I'll say it in Latin, quid est..
Who is? I once got a "D" in Latin II...(embarrassed)
What, is the secret word...
So, what was the question about again?
What...That is what I was saying in the different languages..
I know...but what was the original question you asked me about?
His cave on DACA pretty much settles it. Like all the other rinos he no doubt was paid a HUGE corporate bribe to renege on his promise to kick out the criminal invaders who are bankrupting us. Sure trump has billions, but billionaires always want more.

I doubt they get the votes to pass it...If Trump supports this he wont win a second term
What Trump has done is kicked back to the house where it belongs. The house is NEVER going to pass that bill.
So he can say ya sure and never have to sign it! And he WINS because NOW he has the old laws and the old numbers for standards! So we the people lost nothing!

^ Dope.
I studied some latin, since I was a lawyer wannabe, but it fell to the side as I became more interested in electronics..But Latin is not far from French so I'll say it in Latin, quid est..
Who is? I once got a "D" in Latin II...(embarrassed)
What, is the secret word...
So, what was the question about again?
What...That is what I was saying in the different languages..
I know...but what was the original question you asked me about?
That they should speak English..
I think this would not matter to me as much as if there is blanket amnesty for all those who overstayed visas or ran over the border illegally. There are good people working hard and trying to be good citizens. If they have a clean record, follow our laws and can speak English, welcome.

And how much will that cost?? Vetting all these invaders will cost billions. Let's follow the law and kick them out. THINK

Just a few billion less than your wall that will never happen.

Do you see your tail yet?
His cave on DACA pretty much settles it. Like all the other rinos he no doubt was paid a HUGE corporate bribe to renege on his promise to kick out the criminal invaders who are bankrupting us. Sure trump has billions, but billionaires always want more.

I don't think he was PAID---:badgrin: Chuck Schumer stated a couple of weeks ago that Trump was no Republican--and there were millions of Republicans that never believed Trump was a Republican either. You heard the warnings about Trump--you just ignored them.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

STEVE BANNON (Brietbart News & others) turned Trump into what they "wanted" him to be during the election season. They guided him all along--coaching him, telling him what to say & do, and being a T.V. Reality star he had plenty of experience at "acting."

You were simply taken by a T.V. Reality Star CON MAN. Trump campaigned on single payer health care--you didn't hear it. Trump campaigned on Child Care Subsidies, (another Obamacare type program) and you didn't hear it--because you didn't want to hear it. His history has always been better suited for the Democrat party.
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy - Breitbart


Your right wing talk show hosts wanted a revolution against the Establishment--& they went wild for Trump. Ann Coulter who promoted Trump to no end during the election season is now calling for his impeachment.
Trump supporter Ann Coulter calls for his impeachment after he compromises on immigration

Here's one of your favorites admitting something shocking after a caller was able to sneak onto his program and corner him.

So when you point your fingers, point them in the right direction.


Reading never killed anyone yet, you should try it sometime.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media
The GOP That Failed
Caller to Limbaugh Show Exposes That Rush Knows He Blew It with Donald Trump

To get even, turn them off and start watchiing real news--changing the channel every now and then, and start reading real news. You have been horribly manipulated because of your insistence of living in a right wing media bubble for the last 2 decades, and the result is electing a President that is no conservative, certainly no Republican that is going to work much better with Nancy Pelosi & Chuck Schumer.
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Nobody who voted for him thought he was a Conservative or a Republican. We voted for him because he was a business man.

What business has he settled for You?
What he means is he has a different talent as our our representatives. Our representatives generally are not millionaires before they come into office, but certainly are when they leave. Doesn't that bother you? Trump is a man who hets things done. And our represetatives don't. We need someone who can work with people to accomplish things. I believe that is what enamoured many of us to him.
Nobody who voted for him thought he was a Conservative or a Republican. We voted for him because he was a business man.

What business has he settled for You?
What he means is he has a different talent as our our representatives. Our representatives generally are not millionaires before they come into office, but certainly are when they leave. Doesn't that bother you? Trump is a man who hets things done. And our represetatives don't. We need someone who can work with people to accomplish things. I believe that is what enamoured many of us to him.

What I meant was, what business has he settled for you?
Nobody who voted for him thought he was a Conservative or a Republican. We voted for him because he was a business man.

What business has he settled for You?
What he means is he has a different talent as our our representatives. Our representatives generally are not millionaires before they come into office, but certainly are when they leave. Doesn't that bother you? Trump is a man who hets things done. And our represetatives don't. We need someone who can work with people to accomplish things. I believe that is what enamoured many of us to him.

What I meant was, what business has he settled for you?
I don't have any businesses and he doesn't settle existing businesses. He makes deals.
Nobody who voted for him thought he was a Conservative or a Republican. We voted for him because he was a business man.

What business has he settled for You?
What he means is he has a different talent as our our representatives. Our representatives generally are not millionaires before they come into office, but certainly are when they leave. Doesn't that bother you? Trump is a man who hets things done. And our represetatives don't. We need someone who can work with people to accomplish things. I believe that is what enamoured many of us to him.

What I meant was, what business has he settled for you?
I don't have any businesses and he doesn't settle existing businesses. He makes deals.

What deals?

What talents?

What business?
Nobody who voted for him thought he was a Conservative or a Republican. We voted for him because he was a business man.

What business has he settled for You?
What he means is he has a different talent as our our representatives. Our representatives generally are not millionaires before they come into office, but certainly are when they leave. Doesn't that bother you? Trump is a man who hets things done. And our represetatives don't. We need someone who can work with people to accomplish things. I believe that is what enamoured many of us to him.

What I meant was, what business has he settled for you?
I don't have any businesses and he doesn't settle existing businesses. He makes deals.

What deals?

What talents?

What business?
Anyone who has made the hundreds of deals as he has done is the proverbial success. To learn about each deal, talents and businesses, you should read his book, "The Art of the Deal."
Just a few billion less than your wall that will never happen.

Do you see your tail yet?

We don't need a wall. Trump needs to enforce the law and kick illegals our of our schools and hospitals and welfare system. And jail employers who hire illegals. They will then self-deport and at no cost to america. In fact will save us $350 billion a year. THINK
I don't think he was PAID---:badgrin: Chuck Schumer stated a couple of weeks ago that Trump was no Republican--and there were millions of Republicans that never believed Trump was a Republican either. You heard the warnings about Trump--you just ignored them.

I heard the warnings but i didn't care that much. I thought he was sincere on the illegal alien issue and that's all i cared about.
Just a few billion less than your wall that will never happen.

Do you see your tail yet?

We don't need a wall. Trump needs to enforce the law and kick illegals our of our schools and hospitals and welfare system. And jail employers who hire illegals. They will then self-deport and at no cost to america. In fact will save us $350 billion a year. THINK

If Trump wimps out I expect him to face a tough primary in 2020.
Shitforhair is a chameleon. He'll suck up to either party as long as he can get his way, and a pat on the ass.

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