Time to ask - Is Trump a RINO?

Nobody who voted for him thought he was a Conservative or a Republican. We voted for him because he was a business man.

He won because he is also a Washington outsider. He beat the Democrats as a DC outsider and they will never forgive him for that.
These kids never committed a crime as they were brought here by their parents. .

YOU DON'T KNOW THAT, !!!!!! How many times do we have to say it????. Obozo didn't vet of these dreamers and all illegals have learned to lie and say they were brought here as infants.

They are fraudsters not dreamers,. THINK
So...if they have learned to lie....you too could be one of them....and I could be...and all of us here could be.
speedos is a jerk.....when you confront him about the bullshit he posts he puts you on ignore,thats his way of not having to answer questions......he claimed blacks get 20 points on the civil service exam,after i had a good laugh i asked him to prove that.....that was around 2 years ago,his way of dealing with me was to put me on ignore....the guy is a wuss and he doesnt do much THINKING.....
Black widows of vietnam vets might get 20 points total on the civil service exam as it used to be managed. I posted a link in that thread of yours showing that blacks got seeded into the top of the hiring list even if they weren't in the top point wise with or without bonus points. Blacks who only scored 70% got hired while whites who scored 110% with bonuses got passed over even with bonus points. The one time I took a civil service exam I got 110% for getting a perfect score and being a vet and I ended up tieing in 3rd place with 140 other people. None of us got the job.
im talking about the exam for the Post Office i cant say about the other branches....because if you took the PO Civil Service test then i find that hard to believe....if you were a vet and got 100 you would have been hired.....when i was working the newly hired vets scored in the 70's and 80's and they were hired over ANYONE else who scored in the same bracket even those who scored in the 90's.....as long as they passed they were in.....
Time to ask - Is Trump a RINO?

The Modern GOP.... They're ALL fucking RINOS!

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