Time Of Reason: Trump Likely To Support Ending Federal Ban On Marijuana...

Nice job President Trump. It's time. Let's stop throwing Citizens in cages for using Marijuana. It shouldn't have ever been criminalized. Legalize it, and then release all Citizens who are in prison for non-violent Marijuana offenses.

Trump says he is likely to support ending federal ban on marijuana

President Trump said he likely will support a congressional effort to end the federal ban on marijuana, a major step that would reshape the pot industry and end the threat of a Justice Department crackdown.

Trumpā€™s remarks put him sharply at odds with Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions on the issue. The bill in question, pushed by a bipartisan coalition, would allow states to go forward with legalization unencumbered by threats of federal prosecution.

Trump made his comments to a gaggle of reporters Friday morning just before he boarded a helicopter on his way to the G-7 summit in Canada. His remarks came the day after the bipartisan group of lawmakers proposed their measure.

ā€œI support Sen. Gardner,ā€ Trump said when asked about the bill. ā€œI know exactly what heā€™s doing. Weā€™re looking at it. But I probably will end up supporting that, yes.ā€...

Trump says he is likely to support ending federal ban on marijuana

Awesome news...Iā€™m hoping we can legalize heroin next. Decriminalizing / legalizing drugs makes them more accessible...it tells our children they must be okay....Plus, our children need more drug choices...impaired kids are always super productive and they always become super productive adults...thatā€™s why all stoners are such winners. This is so cool!
You only think you are sarcastically joking. The stoners actually believe that children are better off impaired and the impaired are super productive.
That is all this country needs, more potheads. That will really make America great again.

Maybe? Brilliant folks like Steve Jobs often partook in the Ganja.

I don't think decriminalizing pot will lead to more pot smokers. I laugh at those that say things like that.

I laugh at those who are so delusional to think that making pot legal and more readily available won't lead to an increase in usage.

The last thing we need in this overpopulated and disgustingly interdependent society are more people using using a mind altering drug. What could possibly go wrong?
Absolutely - the last thing we really need in this country is more freedom. That would be untenable. In fact, what we really need is more big government control to take all those bad choices we might make away from us.
Freedom without responsibility is license. What this country needs is a whole lot less freedom and a ton more responsibility.

You mean we have plenty of lowlife, bottom feeders now?
But, but, but....weed perpetuates such a class of winners...no?
Nice job President Trump. It's time. Let's stop throwing Citizens in cages for using Marijuana. It shouldn't have ever been criminalized. Legalize it, and then release all Citizens who are in prison for non-violent Marijuana offenses.

Trump says he is likely to support ending federal ban on marijuana

President Trump said he likely will support a congressional effort to end the federal ban on marijuana, a major step that would reshape the pot industry and end the threat of a Justice Department crackdown.

Trumpā€™s remarks put him sharply at odds with Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions on the issue. The bill in question, pushed by a bipartisan coalition, would allow states to go forward with legalization unencumbered by threats of federal prosecution.

Trump made his comments to a gaggle of reporters Friday morning just before he boarded a helicopter on his way to the G-7 summit in Canada. His remarks came the day after the bipartisan group of lawmakers proposed their measure.

ā€œI support Sen. Gardner,ā€ Trump said when asked about the bill. ā€œI know exactly what heā€™s doing. Weā€™re looking at it. But I probably will end up supporting that, yes.ā€...

Trump says he is likely to support ending federal ban on marijuana

Awesome news...Iā€™m hoping we can legalize heroin next. Decriminalizing / legalizing drugs makes them more accessible...it tells our children they must be okay....Plus, our children need more drug choices...impaired kids are always super productive and they always become super productive adults...thatā€™s why all stoners are such winners. This is so cool!
You only think you are sarcastically joking. The stoners actually believe that children are better off impaired and the impaired are super productive.

Oh believe me...I know. ā€˜Lifestyleā€™ stoners have themselves convinced that ALL doctors and lawyers are stoners.
Maybe? Brilliant folks like Steve Jobs often partook in the Ganja.

I don't think decriminalizing pot will lead to more pot smokers. I laugh at those that say things like that.

I laugh at those who are so delusional to think that making pot legal and more readily available won't lead to an increase in usage.

The last thing we need in this overpopulated and disgustingly interdependent society are more people using using a mind altering drug. What could possibly go wrong?
Absolutely - the last thing we really need in this country is more freedom. That would be untenable. In fact, what we really need is more big government control to take all those bad choices we might make away from us.
Freedom without responsibility is license. What this country needs is a whole lot less freedom and a ton more responsibility.

You mean we have plenty of lowlife, bottom feeders now?
But, but, but....weed perpetuates such a class of winners...no?

The nerve of those goddamn 6 figure bottom feeders wanting to legalize the devils candy. Fuck them all and throw them over the wall with the illegals. Burn those sob's at the stake, rip their gonads out. Yea, that'll teach those lazy ass 6 figure a year wage earner's.
I don't think decriminalizing pot will lead to more pot smokers. I laugh at those that say things like that.

I laugh at those who are so delusional to think that making pot legal and more readily available won't lead to an increase in usage.

The last thing we need in this overpopulated and disgustingly interdependent society are more people using using a mind altering drug. What could possibly go wrong?
Absolutely - the last thing we really need in this country is more freedom. That would be untenable. In fact, what we really need is more big government control to take all those bad choices we might make away from us.
Freedom without responsibility is license. What this country needs is a whole lot less freedom and a ton more responsibility.

You mean we have plenty of lowlife, bottom feeders now?
But, but, but....weed perpetuates such a class of winners...no?

The nerve of those goddamn 6 figure bottom feeders wanting to legalize the devils candy. Fuck them all and throw them over the wall with the illegals. Burn those sob's at the stake, rip their gonads out. Yea, that'll teach those lazy ass 6 figure a year wage earner's.
No need to go overboard. A bullet to the head will do quite well for druggies. Singapore and the Philippines do quite well.
I don't think decriminalizing pot will lead to more pot smokers. I laugh at those that say things like that.

I laugh at those who are so delusional to think that making pot legal and more readily available won't lead to an increase in usage.

The last thing we need in this overpopulated and disgustingly interdependent society are more people using using a mind altering drug. What could possibly go wrong?
Absolutely - the last thing we really need in this country is more freedom. That would be untenable. In fact, what we really need is more big government control to take all those bad choices we might make away from us.
Freedom without responsibility is license. What this country needs is a whole lot less freedom and a ton more responsibility.

You mean we have plenty of lowlife, bottom feeders now?
But, but, but....weed perpetuates such a class of winners...no?

The nerve of those goddamn 6 figure bottom feeders wanting to legalize the devils candy. Fuck them all and throw them over the wall with the illegals. Burn those sob's at the stake, rip their gonads out. Yea, that'll teach those lazy ass 6 figure a year wage earner's.

Haha... thanks for proving my point. Like I said the wackos are thoroughly convinced that all stoners are doctors and lawyers. haha
I laugh at those who are so delusional to think that making pot legal and more readily available won't lead to an increase in usage.

The last thing we need in this overpopulated and disgustingly interdependent society are more people using using a mind altering drug. What could possibly go wrong?
Absolutely - the last thing we really need in this country is more freedom. That would be untenable. In fact, what we really need is more big government control to take all those bad choices we might make away from us.
Freedom without responsibility is license. What this country needs is a whole lot less freedom and a ton more responsibility.

You mean we have plenty of lowlife, bottom feeders now?
But, but, but....weed perpetuates such a class of winners...no?

The nerve of those goddamn 6 figure bottom feeders wanting to legalize the devils candy. Fuck them all and throw them over the wall with the illegals. Burn those sob's at the stake, rip their gonads out. Yea, that'll teach those lazy ass 6 figure a year wage earner's.

Haha... thanks for proving my point. Like I said the wackos are thoroughly convinced that all stoners are doctors and lawyers. haha
They are all Steve Jobs. In fact, drugs are the reason why Apple is a multi billion dollar company. If it wasn't for pot, Jobs would have ended up in an alley.
Nice job President Trump. It's time. Let's stop throwing Citizens in cages for using Marijuana. It shouldn't have ever been criminalized. Legalize it, and then release all Citizens who are in prison for non-violent Marijuana offenses.

Trump says he is likely to support ending federal ban on marijuana

President Trump said he likely will support a congressional effort to end the federal ban on marijuana, a major step that would reshape the pot industry and end the threat of a Justice Department crackdown.

Trumpā€™s remarks put him sharply at odds with Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions on the issue. The bill in question, pushed by a bipartisan coalition, would allow states to go forward with legalization unencumbered by threats of federal prosecution.

Trump made his comments to a gaggle of reporters Friday morning just before he boarded a helicopter on his way to the G-7 summit in Canada. His remarks came the day after the bipartisan group of lawmakers proposed their measure.

ā€œI support Sen. Gardner,ā€ Trump said when asked about the bill. ā€œI know exactly what heā€™s doing. Weā€™re looking at it. But I probably will end up supporting that, yes.ā€...

Trump says he is likely to support ending federal ban on marijuana

You can't trust Trump, you should know that by now. What he is for today, he will be against tomorrow.

If you want real change with marijuana at the Federal level don't vote for any fucking Republicans. They have the number 1 lobbyists against legal marijuana in their pockets, law enforcement, then the 2nd lobbyists against medical marijuana, big Pharma. Republicans will do what their big campaign donors tell them to do.

I know I live in Colorado and we're still fighting the war on marijuana with ass hole Republicans in this state.

And make sure you get your ass's out to vote this coming November.

This bill being proposed, is Bi-Partisan-sponsored. But i have my doubts it'll ever make it to Trump's desk. If it does, i think he'll sign it.

I wouldn't be holding my breath on that one--:iyfyus.jpg:

Right now there are law enforcement & big pharma lobbyists calling the Republican congress and the senate making all kinds of threats. The only way you're going to get anything done is to insure that Democrats win this coming November. Republicans are bought and paid for. They always have been.

Well like i said, it is a Bi-Partisan-sponsored bill. So there's some hope for it getting through. Stay tuned.
That's why he was thrown out of his own company. When he began addiction recovery he was able to return.

Nah, he frequently partook in the Ganja his whole life. And he's only one of the most brilliant inventors in all of history.
You need to believe that.

No seriously, it's true. He enjoyed the Ganja his whole life. You should try it. It isn't the 'Evil Boogeyman' many have tried to make it out to be. It's far better than consuming alcohol.
Is it your opinion that his genius came from weed and all weed eaters are equally possessed of genius.

If someone tried to make me into an addict, I would cheerfully blow their head off and get away with it too.

Drug addicts cannot be rehabilitated their only recourse is the grave.
Which is why my step brother died from an overdose right after a supposed rehabiliation

Unlike alcohol and cigarettes, Marijuana is non-addictive.
If Trump actually mobilized some action on this, I would approve. I don't even smoke, but it is relatively harmless drug, FAR less harmful than alcohol, which is LEGAL and is actually Satan in a bottle.

But I'd say the chances of that happening are about 1/1000. His supporters would not allow it.

If the legislation reaches his desk, he has said he'll sign it. It's a Bi-Partisan sponsored bill. So i guess we'll see.

Has to make it through a republican congress. Seems unlikely.

And then, even if that did somehow happen, he has to resist the outcry of much of his base (the conservative christian south and midwest) that tend to oppose marijuana. It's not like this president does not have a habit of changing his mind.

I hear ya, he would face some backlash. But the old white religious zealots who oppose it, are quickly dying off. They're becoming irrelevant. I hope he understands that and does the right thing. Younger more enlightened folks, will fully support his decision.

The Republican Party has to be very careful on this. It's becoming known as the Party of 'Old Angry Backwards White Guys.' Trump could buck that image by ending Marijuana Prohibition. I hope he does that.
The only backwards zealots are those who focus on the ā€œwhitenessā€ of any organization or institution, much less voting citizens who havenā€™t done a damn thing to anyone.

If you seriously want to take the pot legalization campaign into an antiwhite direction, I will be glad to personally stomp a mud hole into your hopes and dreams as well.

You idiots will all be too high and stupid to do a damn thing to stop me.

Just sayin, the Republican Party is becoming known as the 'Angry Old White Guy Party.' AG Jeff Sessions represents that image perfectly. Trump should dump him.
That is all this country needs, more potheads. That will really make America great again.

Maybe? Brilliant folks like Steve Jobs often partook in the Ganja.

I don't think decriminalizing pot will lead to more pot smokers. I laugh at those that say things like that.

I laugh at those who are so delusional to think that making pot legal and more readily available won't lead to an increase in usage.

The last thing we need in this overpopulated and disgustingly interdependent society are more people using using a mind altering drug. What could possibly go wrong?
Absolutely - the last thing we really need in this country is more freedom. That would be untenable. In fact, what we really need is more big government control to take all those bad choices we might make away from us.

So what could possibly go wrong with the freedom to have more idiot pot heads?

Pot is a mind altering drug. The last thing any of us need are idiots using a mind altering drug driving around with our kids and grandkids on the roads. You want your doctor to be a pothead? How about any first responder when you get in the accident that the pot head caused while driving and grooving out? How about the chick filling out your prescription?

Using pot may not be the most stupid thing that a shithead could do but it is right up there near the top. The last thing we need to do is legalize more stupidity. Things will not work out like the idiot Moon Bats think it will.

The US has survived hundreds of years of millions of alcoholics. It'll survive some folks smokin some Ganja too. The sky won't fall. Seriously, it won't.
That is all this country needs, more potheads. That will really make America great again.

Maybe? Brilliant folks like Steve Jobs often partook in the Ganja.

I don't think decriminalizing pot will lead to more pot smokers. I laugh at those that say things like that.

I laugh at those who are so delusional to think that making pot legal and more readily available won't lead to an increase in usage.

The last thing we need in this overpopulated and disgustingly interdependent society are more people using using a mind altering drug. What could possibly go wrong?
Absolutely - the last thing we really need in this country is more freedom. That would be untenable. In fact, what we really need is more big government control to take all those bad choices we might make away from us.
Freedom without responsibility is license. What this country needs is a whole lot less freedom and a ton more responsibility.

Nah, less Government is the logical just way forward. If Adult Citizens wanna get high or drunk, so be it. Our Founders who created this greatest nation in history, often partook in the use of Marijuana, Cocaine, Alcohol, and so on. They would not support Prohibition.
Maybe? Brilliant folks like Steve Jobs often partook in the Ganja.

I don't think decriminalizing pot will lead to more pot smokers. I laugh at those that say things like that.

I laugh at those who are so delusional to think that making pot legal and more readily available won't lead to an increase in usage.

The last thing we need in this overpopulated and disgustingly interdependent society are more people using using a mind altering drug. What could possibly go wrong?
Absolutely - the last thing we really need in this country is more freedom. That would be untenable. In fact, what we really need is more big government control to take all those bad choices we might make away from us.

So what could possibly go wrong with the freedom to have more idiot pot heads?

Pot is a mind altering drug. The last thing any of us need are idiots using a mind altering drug driving around with our kids and grandkids on the roads. You want your doctor to be a pothead? How about any first responder when you get in the accident that the pot head caused while driving and grooving out? How about the chick filling out your prescription?

Using pot may not be the most stupid thing that a shithead could do but it is right up there near the top. The last thing we need to do is legalize more stupidity. Things will not work out like the idiot Moon Bats think it will.

The US has survived hundreds of years of millions of alcoholics. It'll survive some folks smokin some Ganja too. The sky won't fall. Seriously, it won't.

I don't think that I would agree with you that the US turning into a nation of pot heads will insure survival.

There are already too many people in this country fucked up without adding to the number. What could possibly go wrong in a nation of dumbshit asshole pot heads?
Nice job President Trump. It's time. Let's stop throwing Citizens in cages for using Marijuana. It shouldn't have ever been criminalized. Legalize it, and then release all Citizens who are in prison for non-violent Marijuana offenses.

Trump says he is likely to support ending federal ban on marijuana

President Trump said he likely will support a congressional effort to end the federal ban on marijuana, a major step that would reshape the pot industry and end the threat of a Justice Department crackdown.

Trumpā€™s remarks put him sharply at odds with Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions on the issue. The bill in question, pushed by a bipartisan coalition, would allow states to go forward with legalization unencumbered by threats of federal prosecution.

Trump made his comments to a gaggle of reporters Friday morning just before he boarded a helicopter on his way to the G-7 summit in Canada. His remarks came the day after the bipartisan group of lawmakers proposed their measure.

ā€œI support Sen. Gardner,ā€ Trump said when asked about the bill. ā€œI know exactly what heā€™s doing. Weā€™re looking at it. But I probably will end up supporting that, yes.ā€...

Trump says he is likely to support ending federal ban on marijuana

Awesome news...Iā€™m hoping we can legalize heroin next. Decriminalizing / legalizing drugs makes them more accessible...it tells our children they must be okay....Plus, our children need more drug choices...impaired kids are always super productive and they always become super productive adults...thatā€™s why all stoners are such winners. This is so cool!
You only think you are sarcastically joking. The stoners actually believe that children are better off impaired and the impaired are super productive.

Oh believe me...I know. ā€˜Lifestyleā€™ stoners have themselves convinced that ALL doctors and lawyers are stoners.

You're probably unaware of the fact our Founding Fathers often partook in the use of Marijuana, Cocaine, Alcohol, and so on. And they only created the greatest nation in world history. They would not support Prohibition. Adult Citizens should decide for themselves whether or not they wanna get high or drunk. It isn't a Government issue.
If Trump actually mobilized some action on this, I would approve. I don't even smoke, but it is relatively harmless drug, FAR less harmful than alcohol, which is LEGAL and is actually Satan in a bottle.

But I'd say the chances of that happening are about 1/1000. His supporters would not allow it.

If the legislation reaches his desk, he has said he'll sign it. It's a Bi-Partisan sponsored bill. So i guess we'll see.

Has to make it through a republican congress. Seems unlikely.

And then, even if that did somehow happen, he has to resist the outcry of much of his base (the conservative christian south and midwest) that tend to oppose marijuana. It's not like this president does not have a habit of changing his mind.

I hear ya, he would face some backlash. But the old white religious zealots who oppose it, are quickly dying off. They're becoming irrelevant. I hope he understands that and does the right thing. Younger more enlightened folks, will fully support his decision.

The Republican Party has to be very careful on this. It's becoming known as the Party of 'Old Angry Backwards White Guys.' Trump could buck that image by ending Marijuana Prohibition. I hope he does that.
The only backwards zealots are those who focus on the ā€œwhitenessā€ of any organization or institution, much less voting citizens who havenā€™t done a damn thing to anyone.

If you seriously want to take the pot legalization campaign into an antiwhite direction, I will be glad to personally stomp a mud hole into your hopes and dreams as well.

You idiots will all be too high and stupid to do a damn thing to stop me.

Just sayin, the Republican Party is becoming known as the 'Angry Old White Guy Party.' AG Jeff Sessions represents that image perfectly. Trump should dump him.
Trump is over 70.

It is better not to appease anti-white racists and tell them to go fuck themselves.

Anti-white racism is not "progressive" or forward thinking.

Democrats better hope to God that the majority of minorities never actually start to believe in equality or they will lose every state in the nation in a landslide. White Professor Banned from Diner after Complaining about Too Many Whites There is no difference between him and the rest of the Democrats.
I don't think decriminalizing pot will lead to more pot smokers. I laugh at those that say things like that.

I laugh at those who are so delusional to think that making pot legal and more readily available won't lead to an increase in usage.

The last thing we need in this overpopulated and disgustingly interdependent society are more people using using a mind altering drug. What could possibly go wrong?
Absolutely - the last thing we really need in this country is more freedom. That would be untenable. In fact, what we really need is more big government control to take all those bad choices we might make away from us.

So what could possibly go wrong with the freedom to have more idiot pot heads?

Pot is a mind altering drug. The last thing any of us need are idiots using a mind altering drug driving around with our kids and grandkids on the roads. You want your doctor to be a pothead? How about any first responder when you get in the accident that the pot head caused while driving and grooving out? How about the chick filling out your prescription?

Using pot may not be the most stupid thing that a shithead could do but it is right up there near the top. The last thing we need to do is legalize more stupidity. Things will not work out like the idiot Moon Bats think it will.

The US has survived hundreds of years of millions of alcoholics. It'll survive some folks smokin some Ganja too. The sky won't fall. Seriously, it won't.

I don't think that I would agree with you that the US turning into a nation of pot heads will insure survival.

There are already too many people in this country fucked up without adding to the number. What could possibly go wrong in a nation of dumbshit asshole pot heads?

Well, no one will force you to use Marijuana. It'll be your adult decision. That's the way it should be in a truly free nation.
Dschrute there is absolutely no benefit with debating the low IQ crowd. No one is forcing them to partake in smoking, vaping or eating marijuana edibles and they seem to thing everyone who does partake is a lowlife stay at home lazy mf that has done absolutely nothing in their lifetime. Like I said you don't have to partake but the leave the rest of us that do the hell alone.

Medical Cannabis Laws and Opioid Prescribing in the Medicare Part D Population

Opioid Use Lower In States That Eased Marijuana Laws

Studies: Marijuana Legalization Associated With Reduced Opioid...
Maybe? Brilliant folks like Steve Jobs often partook in the Ganja.

I don't think decriminalizing pot will lead to more pot smokers. I laugh at those that say things like that.

I laugh at those who are so delusional to think that making pot legal and more readily available won't lead to an increase in usage.

The last thing we need in this overpopulated and disgustingly interdependent society are more people using using a mind altering drug. What could possibly go wrong?
Absolutely - the last thing we really need in this country is more freedom. That would be untenable. In fact, what we really need is more big government control to take all those bad choices we might make away from us.

So what could possibly go wrong with the freedom to have more idiot pot heads?

Pot is a mind altering drug. The last thing any of us need are idiots using a mind altering drug driving around with our kids and grandkids on the roads. You want your doctor to be a pothead? How about any first responder when you get in the accident that the pot head caused while driving and grooving out? How about the chick filling out your prescription?

Using pot may not be the most stupid thing that a shithead could do but it is right up there near the top. The last thing we need to do is legalize more stupidity. Things will not work out like the idiot Moon Bats think it will.

The US has survived hundreds of years of millions of alcoholics. It'll survive some folks smokin some Ganja too. The sky won't fall. Seriously, it won't.
The real alcoholics tend to beat their spouses and get jailed, or die in a car crash that results in few deaths besides the driver.

If pot gets legalized the way it was in Colorado the best possible outcome is a complete shutdown of the country because of all the potheads. The worst outcome is that complete shutdown of the western economy long term.
I laugh at those who are so delusional to think that making pot legal and more readily available won't lead to an increase in usage.

The last thing we need in this overpopulated and disgustingly interdependent society are more people using using a mind altering drug. What could possibly go wrong?
Absolutely - the last thing we really need in this country is more freedom. That would be untenable. In fact, what we really need is more big government control to take all those bad choices we might make away from us.
Freedom without responsibility is license. What this country needs is a whole lot less freedom and a ton more responsibility.

You mean we have plenty of lowlife, bottom feeders now?
But, but, but....weed perpetuates such a class of winners...no?

The nerve of those goddamn 6 figure bottom feeders wanting to legalize the devils candy. Fuck them all and throw them over the wall with the illegals. Burn those sob's at the stake, rip their gonads out. Yea, that'll teach those lazy ass 6 figure a year wage earner's.

Haha... thanks for proving my point. Like I said the wackos are thoroughly convinced that all stoners are doctors and lawyers. haha

I would venture to guess the lowlife's that make in excess of 6 figures a year are not doctor's and lawyers, I'm not. I do know some doctor's, lawyers and even a couple judges that partake in the devil's candy.

If you and your kind didn't have such low IQ's and do much research, oh forget it you guys can't understand the research, just be your self.

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