Time for men to step up

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim

Come on men, time to support the radical feminists!!! ... :thup:
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Oh, you want to post insane tweets that get a lot of likes and retweets? Should I start with MTG, Bo-Bo, Gaetz, Cawthorn, or Don, Jr.?

Maybe you should stay in your lane and start threads titled 'Time for Men to Strap On'.
and btw if you take two minutes to do a bit of primary research, you'll find this is a troll account

It makes me sad because MRAs and anti-SJWs love to find fringe examples of people to prove that feminists are crazy or SJWs are unhinged and have no common sense. And when people are confronted with an obvious troll like this, they believe it.

Maybe this was some 4channer trolling for the lulz. Or a man trying to make feminism look bad. Either way, all the believers show it is a clear demonstration of the damage already done to the movement.

And for anyone skeptical of my assertion that Emilly is a troll, I did the proper detective work.
Emilly Swaven speaks for 95% of Progressive Feminists and 80% of Progressives. Perhaps she does not exist as a physical person and there is a male satirist running that account. Nevertheless, she accurately articulates the goals of the vast majority of Progressives. The only difference between her and most Progressives is that Progressives take a great effort to present their ideas in a palatable fashion. Make no mistake about it, Emilly Swaven -- the voice of most Progressives is much more dangerous then Emilly Swaven -- a lonely extremist.

The original idea expressed by this satire account is ``Men, if a woman accuses you of rape, even if you didn't do it, you shut up, and accept the charges, women have been systematically oppressed for years and you giving up some years of your freedom doesn't compare to the oppression they have been through." No true Progressive would publicly express the sentiment using these words, but 95% of Progressive Feminists and 80% of Progressives agree with this sentiment. Progressives who agree with this sentiment have enough popular support, political power, and viciousness to turn this sentiment into policy.

Most Progressives support Presumption of Guilt for men accused of sexual misconduct. This is also a part of official guideline for universities under Biden Government. This is also the policy of most employers. Tens or hundreds of thousands of men have lost their careers due to unproven and frequently false accusations of Sexual Misconduct. Progressive Feminists are very well aware of the outcome of their policies, yet they are willing to sacrifice tens or hundreds of thousands of innocent men for what they view as the Greater Good.

Progressive Feminists frequently argue that false accusations of sexual assault are very rare. They often cite ``False Allegations of Sexual Assault: An Analysis of Ten Years of Reported Cases" published in Violence Against Women in 2010. According to studies cited in the article, 2% -- 10% of sexual assault allegations were determined to be false. Someone who has not studied the article thoroughly would be left with a conclusion that 89% to 98% of sexual assault allegations are true. In reality, 2% -- 10% of SA allegations were proven false, 4% -- 20% of SA allegations were proven true, while in 70% to 94% of cases only the accuser and the accused know the truth.

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