Time for a little truth on Russian interference.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
First, we need to go back a bit in history. Second, we need to go back beyond the 2016 election to before 2012. This is when Hillary and the State Department did violate international sanctions to gin up the Civil War in Libya, and then use Libya as a staging area to ship weapons to Jihadists in Syria. Syria, we’ll start there, although we could move back a little further. Syria has a single leader, a dictator if you like, called Assad. Assad is no worse, and arguably was better than the other Dictators of the era. What made Assad a good target was that he had something that nobody else had. He had a small Naval Base that could if it struggled support four or five Destroyers belonging to Russia. It was this Naval Base, the only one Russia has in the entire Mediterranean Sea, that made Syria a target ripe for the picking.

Hillary and Obama could cover the move as an effort to dethrone a Dictator, and in the mean time insure that Russia no longer had any military to speak of in the Mediterranean region. A win/win scenario.

Russia saw the threat and quickly jumped in to save their ally. Completely understandable. We would have done much much more if our Naval Base at Rota Spain was threatened.

When Syria didn’t fall, and in fact it looked like the war was going to drag on for years, suddenly there are problems in Ukraine. I’ll be honest. I don’t know if we contributed to the problems that erupted in Ukraine, or if it was the understandable animosity that Ukraine felt towards Russia after a century or more of being subjugated. Either way it doesn’t matter. You see, the Crimean Peninsula has another Naval Base belonging to Russia, and again the Naval Base was the contributor to Russian action. Before you say this proves that Russia is totally evil, think about how we would react if our base in Cuba was threatened. We would blow a blood vessel, and the calls for war in the Congress would be uninterrupted and the vote would probably not have a single dissenting participant.

Now, four years after all of this happened, Hillary is running for President. The woman who was Secretary of State when Syria got started. The woman who’s State Department violated International Sanctions to arm Libya. The woman who was a big participant in the effort to unseat Assad and drive the Russians out of the Med.

Hillary was going to win. It was not even close. NPR Battleground Map: Hillary Clinton Is Winning — And It's Not Close

The “nightmare” scenario was that Trump might win more popular votes while Hillary won the Electoral votes. That was the worst case scenario according to everyone. Do we think that the Russians saw it any differently? Unless you believe their political prognosticators are superior to our own, then you have to admit it. No, they didn’t expect Trump to win.

So why hack the emails? Why target Hillary? The truth was that they were ginning up populist nonsense against both candidates, but the lions share went towards Hillary. After the election, Russian Trolls organized protests against Trump.

Thousands attended protest organized by Russians on Facebook

Russian trolls orchestrated divisive protests in the US about Trump — here are 9 that we know about

Election Day 2016. Trump is going to lose. It is a foregone conclusion. As the day goes on, and the polls don’t seem to be reflecting what is actually happening when people vote, then the stress started. The Rust Belt, the Blue Wall guaranteed to put Hillary in the White House collapsed. Trump was elected.

So why didn’t Obama make a stink when this was all found out before the election? Again, Hillary was guaranteed a win. It wasn’t even in doubt. Those handful of faithful who said Trump would win were jeered and laughed at. Polls had it Hillary by a million electoral votes. So Obama’s plan was to hand the White House over to Hillary, and with it a Hole Card to use against the Russians to gin up her support. You see, you have to support me. The Russians were out to get me. Unify behind me my people.

But it didn’t happen that way. Trump won. Everyone was wrong. The prognosticators were wrong. The Russians switched to ginning up hatred of Trump. See the links above. The idea was to further divide us.

But the world isn’t taking our side on this. The reason? Simple, we have fucked in other peoples elections so often that many think it is good we got a taste of our own medicine. It is so foul we vomit it up regularly.

So why did Hillary lose if the Russians were not to blame? And let’s be honest, they weren’t to blame. The reason Hillary lost is what you are doing right now. You are reading posts on the internet, looking for more ammunition to hate the other side. Your facebook and twitter feeds are full of similarly minded individuals. You tweet that this guy is a sexist and a racist, and everyone cheers you. Trump is awesome and you get a thousand likes. Trump is hitler, and you get a thousand likes.

We have moved into a virtual bubble. This bubble is full to the brim of like minded people. People we followed online because they said something we liked. Outside of the bubble is the minority, they must be the minority since there are none here where I am reading thousands of tweets and see nothing but mockery of the other side.

Fake news happens all the time. Our reporters have gotten in the bubble, and they aren’t bothering to hide it. They lie, and when caught, they double down. This one, the Reporter lied about a quote from Nikki Haley. Object lesson: Don't print fake news about Nikki Haley

Hours and hours later, the truth is finally admitted, but nobody cares, for the rest of our lives, the lie will be thrown out regularly to show how uncaring and awful Nikki Haley is.

It wasn’t Russia that got Trump elected. It was Hillary. Hillary the corrupt. Hillary the despicable. The woman who violated international sanctions regarding Libya. The woman who pressured Israel to elect a leader we liked. The woman who had the State Department into it up to their armpits about running illegal weapons into Syria and arming the Jihadists like ISIS.

Time and again, Hillary’s arrogance showed, and it was off putting. Yes Trump is arrogant, and a braggart and a blow hard. But that has been his persona for decades. Hillary was the smartest woman in the room, the most qualified candidate ever.

It wasn’t the Russians, it wasn’t racism. It wasn’t sexism. It was Hillary who lost because she was unable to be something she wasn’t. She could not be genuine. She couldn’t tell the truth if her nose grew every time she lied.

The shock of it was incredible. Unwilling to admit that most of the Country preferred Trump, greater and more incredible conspiracy theories have been put out to explain the simple. Trump cheated. The Russians Cheated. Everyone cheated including Hillary, but they cheated way more.

The truth is the experts didn’t know what the hell they were talking about. They made the mistake of taking Trump literally but not seriously. While those who voted for him took him Seriously, but not Literally.

Hillary was a bad candidate. Democrats can win in 2020, but they have to return to political core beliefs of actually caring about issues and having one issue other than hatred of Republicans would be a big help.

The Russians didn’t get Trump elected. It was the Democrats terrible read on the society, and the terrible campaign they ran.

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