Tim Kaine: "Climate change must be national security...."


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
".....must be a pillar of national security policy for Democrats in 2020!.....or they will lose"

Democrats Need to Start Talking About National Security

Hey, if you're a skeptic, this would be music to your ears! Go Tim....hope your are the DUMS campaign head for 2020, go!!!

First thing I thought when I saw this was. "Is this some kind of a joke?".....then jaw hit the floor!

OMG please make Climate Change a national security priority! I think I get it, you see we have highly classified material hidden deep in Igloos so with Global warming the igloos will melt and Chinese satellites will be able to see it. Tim Kaine is brilliant! :auiqs.jpg:
Dems talking about national security is enough to make anybody laugh. Protect our country from the weather but not from a million criminals pouring across our border every year. What's wrong with this picture?
Dems talking about national security is enough to make anybody laugh. Protect our country from the weather but not from a million criminals pouring across our border every year. What's wrong with this picture?

National security/climate change.....if there is a more retarded oxymoron, I'd love to know what it is.
Dim wit (socialist, fascists) lying about something over which they have no control, in an attempt to scare people into giving up their rights, without firing a shot... Maybe its time to start dealing with these fools that are trying like hell to take away our rights by shooting? Showing their lies and frauds doesn't seem to convince the useful idiots about how they are being used.

I guess that is why they call them useful idiots. Either way they are the first to go...
Dim wit (socialist, fascists) lying about something over which they have no control, in an attempt to scare people into giving up their rights, without firing a shot... Maybe its time to start dealing with these fools that are trying like hell to take away our rights by shooting? Showing their lies and frauds doesn't seem to convince the useful idiots about how they are being used.

I guess that is why they call them useful idiots. Either way they are the first to go...

Billy....no worries.....before too long we'll be doing the Cowboys and Lefties thing. It is a certainty at this point....just need the right trigger. Most on our side are very prepared.:coffee:. Fuckers will learn right quick this st00pid stuff wasnt worth the pain.
Most people believe climate change is a hoax. Hardly national security.

All the maps below from the interactive site Yale Climate Opinion Maps 2018. Worth a visit.




Most people believe climate change is a hoax. Hardly national security.

Actually this is a National Security issue.

Democrook pseudo-scientists are engaged in a massive fraud and deliberate malpractice. Like a surgeon dropping a scalpel into your gut and sewing it in, so as to slowly bleed you to death from the inside so he can charge more money as you suffer and not have to solve the problem.

That's why we have independent coroners who can investigate, but who is investigating the scientists?

If this was a real issue, it would transcend politics. Or at least it should. Yet the very people who insist it's a problem, and that the "solution" is using less fuel are the assholes who use the most.

Like Border Security should not be an issue. The difference is that the people who insist that it is actually work to solve the problem.


The Polls said Hillary would win in a Landslide. Americans, and people worldwide rate "Climate Change" as VERY low on their list of concerns.
The Yale data I posted show that a majority of Americans are worried about global warming. Compared to the risk that the presidency of Donald Trump poses to the future of the United States, it may not rate high among all concerns. And, again, these opinion threads have ZERO to do with whether or not AGW is a valid theory.
The Yale study is pure propaganda trying to justify laundering political money the way it was done with Solyndra.
Here is a link to the Yale Opinion maps home page at which the methodology behind the study that produced the data displayed may be examined. I would ask you for a link to whatever reference tells you those data are "pure propaganda trying to justify laundering political money the way it was done with Solyndra" but I would eat my hat if anything even approximately like such a thing ever existed.

Yale Climate Opinion Maps 2018
Most people believe climate change is a hoax. Hardly national security.

All the maps below from the interactive site Yale Climate Opinion Maps 2018. Worth a visit.

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IF we have that many easily duped people we are doomed as a country..

Yale has lowered itself to pure propagandist to get funding so I don't put much faith in this pile of crap..
Yale has lowered itself to pure propagandist to get funding so I don't put much faith in this pile of crap..

On what do you base this opinion? Have you reviewed their methodology? Do you believe they are simply making these things up? What is your actual charge here? Are you simply copying the comments of poster TipsyCatLover?
Yale has lowered itself to pure propagandist to get funding so I don't put much faith in this pile of crap..

On what do you base this opinion? Have you reviewed their methodology? Do you believe they are simply making these things up? What is your actual charge here? Are you simply copying the comments of poster TipsyCatLover?

s0n....you still dont do a good job collecting the dots on this.

You're no kid.....so how did you miss the memo that in life, words dont mean dick. It's all about behavior.

Youre like the guy who watches auto auctions on TV and proclaims himself an expert in classic cars.

People talk all the time about their concern about climate change.....but it's like peoples concern about UFO's. They are concerned....but not really that concerned. If they were really concerned about the science, we'd have seen climate change action from Congress over a decade ago. Trust me....nobody cares that much.

You are obsessed with it and incredibly, you perceive everybody else as being hysterical about it too! But there is zero evidence supporting your perceptions.....LOTS AND LOTS supporting my perceptions.

It's all about behavior in life s0n....not words. Do you understand the difference because to us, it doesnt appear so.
Yale has lowered itself to pure propagandist to get funding so I don't put much faith in this pile of crap..

On what do you base this opinion? Have you reviewed their methodology? Do you believe they are simply making these things up? What is your actual charge here? Are you simply copying the comments of poster TipsyCatLover?

Still waiting to hear an explanation of your comment. Why do you believe "Yale has lowered itself to pure propagandist (sic) to get funding"?
The Yale data I posted show that a majority of Americans are worried about global warming. Compared to the risk that the presidency of Donald Trump poses to the future of the United States, it may not rate high among all concerns. And, again, these opinion threads have ZERO to do with whether or not AGW is a valid theory.

Did you bother to read all the questions in the surveys? They center around a SINGLE ISSUE, thus misleading and dishonest.

The way they made the survey was to make it appear that there is a big concern, when there is only one class of questions asked, all of it on climate change only.

Here are a few much better surveys showing that global warming is a common bottom dweller worry, when they are part an open field of question concerns to answer other than just climate change concerns:


Who's Afraid Of Global Warming?

"Here's a list of 19 public priorities that Pew asked about in the January poll. Dealing with climate change ranked next to last. Fighting terrorism was first. The "other" category includes priorities that are opposed or considered not important."


September 23, 2014

Polls show most Americans believe in climate change, but give it low priority

"Last month, nearly half of Americans (48%) rated global climate change as a major threat — well behind concerns such as the militant group ISIS (67%), Iran’s nuclear program (59%) and North Korea’s nuclear program (57%). In an international survey of 39 publics last year, Americans were among the least concerned about climate change threatening their country.

Global warming also ranked near the bottom of Americans’ 2014 priorities for President Obama and Congress (28% said it was a top priority). Similarly, when asked last November about long-range foreign policy goals, 37% named global climate change as a top long-range goal; by comparison, 83% cited guarding against terrorist attacks and 81% named protecting American jobs as top goals."

Stop posting one sided polls!
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