Tim Apple. Oranges. German Dad. Mental Health Experts Warn That Trump Is In Decline.


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2018
'ā€œThe ā€˜Tim Appleā€™ episode a few weeks ago, his calling Venezuela a company, and then yesterday, confusing his grandfatherā€™s birthplace with his fatherā€™s, mispronouncing ā€˜orangesā€™ for ā€˜origins,ā€™ and stating out of the blue, ā€˜Iā€™m very normal,ā€™ā€ recited Bandy Lee, a professor of psychiatry at Yale University who has been waving red flags about Trumpā€™s mental state for years. ā€œThere is no question he needs an examination.ā€

ā€œI think heā€™s suffering from pre-dementia. And itā€™s only getting worse,ā€ said John Gartner, a clinical psychologist with practices in New York City and Baltimore.

Both acknowledged that they have not given Trump a full examination and could not offer a definitive diagnosis, but Gartner noted that the presidentā€™s behaviors are on full view every single day. ā€œThe evidence is right in front of our eyes,ā€ he said.

Lee and Gartner are among the relatively few mental health professionals speaking out about Trumpā€™s condition because of guidelines against speculating about patients a doctor has not personally examined. Both said those standards should not apply in situations where the safety of the nation is at stake and the presidentā€™s behavior is on public display.

White House spokesman Hogan Gidley denied that Trump had any cognitive difficulties and said that those who actually work with Trump ā€œsee his total command of complex issuesā€ on a daily basis. ā€œThese ā€˜doctorsā€™ are disgusting, and they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to use their titles to push their own personal political views.ā€
Speaking in the Oval Office Tuesday, Trump said that his father was ā€œborn in a very wonderful place in Germany.ā€ In fact, his father was born in the Bronx. It was his paternal grandfather who emigrated from Germany. The president also said repeatedly that he wanted to take a look at the ā€œorangesā€ of the special counsel investigation against him, when he clearly meant ā€œorigins.ā€
Edited to comply with copyright regulations

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.'
Tim Apple. Oranges. German Dad. Mental Health Experts Warn That Trump Is In Decline.

The guy is clearly losing it.

Anyone who says he is showing no/hardly any signs of dementia either is delusional and/or does not know the symptoms of dementia.
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of course your cult leader can do no wrong.
Wow yes sir we really really have him now! We absolutely have him!
We have a partisan person that wants someone else in his place who has done a long distance cognitive evaluation which has no meaning or basis in real medicine making bias assumptions. Oh yes we have him now! Please wait while I run off and masterbate. I am just so excited.
The way he commonly and randomly outbursts in fits of cussing I'd say he has a touch of the Assburger's too, aka Aspergers Syndrome.
'ā€œThe ā€˜Tim Appleā€™ episode a few weeks ago, his calling Venezuela a company, and then yesterday, confusing his grandfatherā€™s birthplace with his fatherā€™s, mispronouncing ā€˜orangesā€™ for ā€˜origins,ā€™ and stating out of the blue, ā€˜Iā€™m very normal,ā€™ā€ recited Bandy Lee, a professor of psychiatry at Yale University who has been waving red flags about Trumpā€™s mental state for years. ā€œThere is no question he needs an examination.ā€

ā€œI think heā€™s suffering from pre-dementia. And itā€™s only getting worse,ā€ said John Gartner, a clinical psychologist with practices in New York City and Baltimore.

Both acknowledged that they have not given Trump a full examination and could not offer a definitive diagnosis, but Gartner noted that the presidentā€™s behaviors are on full view every single day. ā€œThe evidence is right in front of our eyes,ā€ he said.

Lee and Gartner are among the relatively few mental health professionals speaking out about Trumpā€™s condition because of guidelines against speculating about patients a doctor has not personally examined. Both said those standards should not apply in situations where the safety of the nation is at stake and the presidentā€™s behavior is on public display.

White House spokesman Hogan Gidley denied that Trump had any cognitive difficulties and said that those who actually work with Trump ā€œsee his total command of complex issuesā€ on a daily basis. ā€œThese ā€˜doctorsā€™ are disgusting, and they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to use their titles to push their own personal political views.ā€

Speaking in the Oval Office Tuesday, Trump said that his father was ā€œborn in a very wonderful place in Germany.ā€ In fact, his father was born in the Bronx. It was his paternal grandfather who emigrated from Germany. The president also said repeatedly that he wanted to take a look at the ā€œorangesā€ of the special counsel investigation against him, when he clearly meant ā€œorigins.ā€

Last month, Trump called Apple CEO Tim Cook ā€œTim Appleā€ ā€• but later claimed that he had, in fact, said ā€œTim Cook Apple,ā€ but people missed ā€œCookā€ because heā€™d said it very rapidly, and finally claimed that he was trying to save time by skipping some words.

ā€œThat was real cognitive slippage,ā€ Gartner said. ā€œAnd then he tried to cover for it.ā€

The White House this year did not make available the doctor who performed Trumpā€™s annual physical exam and released scant information about its results.

In contrast, last year Trump authorized physician Ronny Jackson to field questions about his health for nearly a full hour. The president himself bragged about his performance on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a screening tool for Alzheimerā€™s disease that asks the patient, for instance, to identify a camel and to draw a clock.

ā€œThere arenā€™t a lot of people that can do that,ā€ Trump said days later, boasting of his 30-out-of-30 score to a Republican National Committee audience.

That test, though, was never designed to be an in-depth analysis of cognitive function, Lee and other experts said. ā€œRonny Jackson declared his boss and commander-in-chief ā€˜fit for dutyā€™ based on a 10-minute cognitive screen on which full-blown Alzheimer patients and hospitalized schizophrenia patients are known to score in the normal range,ā€ she said.

Large numbers of Americans who are not mental health professionals have also started to question Trumpā€™s mental condition, including prominent critics like George Conway, the husband of top White House aide Kellyanne Conway. Theyā€™ve noted both the presidentā€™s actions and his televised speeches and public remarks, in which he is frequently incoherent and goes off on long, unrelated tangents.

On Tuesday night, during his speech at the National Republican Congressional Committee spring dinner, Trump, who was then in the middle of 90 minutes of rambling remarks, veered off on a two-minute, 22-second detour that touched on how wind turbines kill bald eagles and other birds, moved on to how North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was not ready for a deal, came back to how people who use wind power canā€™t watch television if the wind doesnā€™t blow, and finished with former President Barack Obama playing golf in Hawaii:

Hillary wanted to put up wind. Wind. If you ā€• if you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations: Your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, OK? ā€œRrrrr, rrrrrā€ ā€• you know the thing that makes the ā€• itā€™s so noisy. And of course itā€™s like a graveyard for birds. If you love birds, youā€™d never want to walk under a windmill because itā€™s a very sad, sad sight. Itā€™s like a cemetery. We put a little, we put a little statute for the poor birds. Itā€™s true. You know in California, if you shoot a bald eagle, they put you in jail for five years. And yet the windmills wipe ā€™em all out. Itā€™s true. They wipe ā€™em out. Itā€™s terrible. And I told the other day at CPAC. Great people at CPAC. We had an incredible thing. I had nothing to do. It was early on a Saturday morning. I had just gotten back from dealing with Kim Jong Un. We had a walk. He wasnā€™t ready for a deal but thatā€™s OK because we get along great. He wasnā€™t ready. I told him, youā€™re not ready for a deal. Thatā€™s the first time anybody has ever told him that and left. It never happened to him before. Nobodyā€™s ever left. But I said youā€™re not ready for a deal, but weā€™ll make a deal. We have a good relationship. We have a good relationship. But I told a story about, at CPAC. The woman, she wants to watch television. And she says to her husband, ā€œIs the wind blowing? Iā€™d love to watch a show tonight, darling. The wind hasnā€™t blown for three days. I canā€™t watch television, darling. Darling, please tell the wind to blow.ā€ No, windā€™s not so good. And you know, you have no idea how expensive it is to make those things. Theyā€™re all made in China and Germany, but the way, just in case youā€™re ā€• we donā€™t make ā€™em here, essentially. We donā€™t make ā€™em here. And by the way, the carbon, and all those things flying up in the air, you know the carbon footprint? President Obama used to talk about the carbon footprint, and then heā€™d hop on Air Force One, a big 747 with very old engines, and heā€™d fly to Hawaii to play a round of golf. You tell me, the carbon footprint.

ā€œHe has been growing less and less coherent,ā€ Lee said, pointing to Trumpā€™s appearance a month ago at the Conservative Political Action Conference, which Trump referenced on Tuesday night. ā€œHis two-hour CPAC speech revealed a lot of rambling sentences, tangential thought trails, word-finding difficulties and repetition.ā€

That exhortation followed up on a string of Conway tweets listing the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.

Gartner, though, said Trumpā€™s condition appears to be an even worse variant of that disorder and a condition that is common to dictators: malignant narcissism, whose traits include narcissism, paranoia, sociopathy ā€• exhibited by constant lying ā€• and sadism.

ā€œHe has been getting worse in the last few months,ā€ Gartner said, adding that he agrees with Conway that earlier interviews show how far Trumpā€™s decline has progressed. In the past, Gartner said, ā€œhe not only spoke in complete sentences, he spoke in complete paragraphs.ā€

Gartner pointed out that one of the symptoms of narcissism is repeated lying. ā€œDonald Trump is the most documented liar in human history,ā€ he said. ā€œWe observe his behavior every day.ā€

This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley." data-reactid="36" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley.

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.'
Tim Apple. Oranges. German Dad. Mental Health Experts Warn That Trump Is In Decline.

The guy is clearly losing it.

Anyone who says he is showing no/hardly any signs of dementia either is delusional and/or does not know the symptoms of dementia.

Yayhoo nooz and HuffingGluePost...Making psych evaluations without a one-on-one interview and exam of the subject.


Grow the fuck up s0n.
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'ā€œThe ā€˜Tim Appleā€™ episode a few weeks ago, his calling Venezuela a company, and then yesterday, confusing his grandfatherā€™s birthplace with his fatherā€™s, mispronouncing ā€˜orangesā€™ for ā€˜origins,ā€™ and stating out of the blue, ā€˜Iā€™m very normal,ā€™ā€ recited Bandy Lee, a professor of psychiatry at Yale University who has been waving red flags about Trumpā€™s mental state for years. ā€œThere is no question he needs an examination.ā€

ā€œI think heā€™s suffering from pre-dementia. And itā€™s only getting worse,ā€ said John Gartner, a clinical psychologist with practices in New York City and Baltimore.

Both acknowledged that they have not given Trump a full examination and could not offer a definitive diagnosis, but Gartner noted that the presidentā€™s behaviors are on full view every single day. ā€œThe evidence is right in front of our eyes,ā€ he said.

Lee and Gartner are among the relatively few mental health professionals speaking out about Trumpā€™s condition because of guidelines against speculating about patients a doctor has not personally examined. Both said those standards should not apply in situations where the safety of the nation is at stake and the presidentā€™s behavior is on public display.

White House spokesman Hogan Gidley denied that Trump had any cognitive difficulties and said that those who actually work with Trump ā€œsee his total command of complex issuesā€ on a daily basis. ā€œThese ā€˜doctorsā€™ are disgusting, and they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to use their titles to push their own personal political views.ā€

Speaking in the Oval Office Tuesday, Trump said that his father was ā€œborn in a very wonderful place in Germany.ā€ In fact, his father was born in the Bronx. It was his paternal grandfather who emigrated from Germany. The president also said repeatedly that he wanted to take a look at the ā€œorangesā€ of the special counsel investigation against him, when he clearly meant ā€œorigins.ā€

Last month, Trump called Apple CEO Tim Cook ā€œTim Appleā€ ā€• but later claimed that he had, in fact, said ā€œTim Cook Apple,ā€ but people missed ā€œCookā€ because heā€™d said it very rapidly, and finally claimed that he was trying to save time by skipping some words.

ā€œThat was real cognitive slippage,ā€ Gartner said. ā€œAnd then he tried to cover for it.ā€

The White House this year did not make available the doctor who performed Trumpā€™s annual physical exam and released scant information about its results.

In contrast, last year Trump authorized physician Ronny Jackson to field questions about his health for nearly a full hour. The president himself bragged about his performance on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a screening tool for Alzheimerā€™s disease that asks the patient, for instance, to identify a camel and to draw a clock.

ā€œThere arenā€™t a lot of people that can do that,ā€ Trump said days later, boasting of his 30-out-of-30 score to a Republican National Committee audience.

That test, though, was never designed to be an in-depth analysis of cognitive function, Lee and other experts said. ā€œRonny Jackson declared his boss and commander-in-chief ā€˜fit for dutyā€™ based on a 10-minute cognitive screen on which full-blown Alzheimer patients and hospitalized schizophrenia patients are known to score in the normal range,ā€ she said.

Large numbers of Americans who are not mental health professionals have also started to question Trumpā€™s mental condition, including prominent critics like George Conway, the husband of top White House aide Kellyanne Conway. Theyā€™ve noted both the presidentā€™s actions and his televised speeches and public remarks, in which he is frequently incoherent and goes off on long, unrelated tangents.

On Tuesday night, during his speech at the National Republican Congressional Committee spring dinner, Trump, who was then in the middle of 90 minutes of rambling remarks, veered off on a two-minute, 22-second detour that touched on how wind turbines kill bald eagles and other birds, moved on to how North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was not ready for a deal, came back to how people who use wind power canā€™t watch television if the wind doesnā€™t blow, and finished with former President Barack Obama playing golf in Hawaii:

Hillary wanted to put up wind. Wind. If you ā€• if you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations: Your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, OK? ā€œRrrrr, rrrrrā€ ā€• you know the thing that makes the ā€• itā€™s so noisy. And of course itā€™s like a graveyard for birds. If you love birds, youā€™d never want to walk under a windmill because itā€™s a very sad, sad sight. Itā€™s like a cemetery. We put a little, we put a little statute for the poor birds. Itā€™s true. You know in California, if you shoot a bald eagle, they put you in jail for five years. And yet the windmills wipe ā€™em all out. Itā€™s true. They wipe ā€™em out. Itā€™s terrible. And I told the other day at CPAC. Great people at CPAC. We had an incredible thing. I had nothing to do. It was early on a Saturday morning. I had just gotten back from dealing with Kim Jong Un. We had a walk. He wasnā€™t ready for a deal but thatā€™s OK because we get along great. He wasnā€™t ready. I told him, youā€™re not ready for a deal. Thatā€™s the first time anybody has ever told him that and left. It never happened to him before. Nobodyā€™s ever left. But I said youā€™re not ready for a deal, but weā€™ll make a deal. We have a good relationship. We have a good relationship. But I told a story about, at CPAC. The woman, she wants to watch television. And she says to her husband, ā€œIs the wind blowing? Iā€™d love to watch a show tonight, darling. The wind hasnā€™t blown for three days. I canā€™t watch television, darling. Darling, please tell the wind to blow.ā€ No, windā€™s not so good. And you know, you have no idea how expensive it is to make those things. Theyā€™re all made in China and Germany, but the way, just in case youā€™re ā€• we donā€™t make ā€™em here, essentially. We donā€™t make ā€™em here. And by the way, the carbon, and all those things flying up in the air, you know the carbon footprint? President Obama used to talk about the carbon footprint, and then heā€™d hop on Air Force One, a big 747 with very old engines, and heā€™d fly to Hawaii to play a round of golf. You tell me, the carbon footprint.

ā€œHe has been growing less and less coherent,ā€ Lee said, pointing to Trumpā€™s appearance a month ago at the Conservative Political Action Conference, which Trump referenced on Tuesday night. ā€œHis two-hour CPAC speech revealed a lot of rambling sentences, tangential thought trails, word-finding difficulties and repetition.ā€

That exhortation followed up on a string of Conway tweets listing the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.

Gartner, though, said Trumpā€™s condition appears to be an even worse variant of that disorder and a condition that is common to dictators: malignant narcissism, whose traits include narcissism, paranoia, sociopathy ā€• exhibited by constant lying ā€• and sadism.

ā€œHe has been getting worse in the last few months,ā€ Gartner said, adding that he agrees with Conway that earlier interviews show how far Trumpā€™s decline has progressed. In the past, Gartner said, ā€œhe not only spoke in complete sentences, he spoke in complete paragraphs.ā€

Gartner pointed out that one of the symptoms of narcissism is repeated lying. ā€œDonald Trump is the most documented liar in human history,ā€ he said. ā€œWe observe his behavior every day.ā€

This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley." data-reactid="36" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley.

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.'
Tim Apple. Oranges. German Dad. Mental Health Experts Warn That Trump Is In Decline.

The guy is clearly losing it.

Anyone who says he is showing no/hardly any signs of dementia either is delusional and/or does not know the symptoms of dementia.
ā€œThese ā€˜doctorsā€™ are disgusting, and they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to use their titles to push their own personal political views.ā€ The only intelligent thing in that entire post!
" White House spokesman Hogan Gidley denied that Trump had any cognitive difficulties and said that those who actually work with Trump ā€œsee his total command of complex issuesā€ on a daily basis. " More lies. His daily briefings, when he has them, consist of an oral presentation with lots of photos. He obviously can't give a coherent speech anymore let alone have command of complex issues.
'ā€œThe ā€˜Tim Appleā€™ episode a few weeks ago, his calling Venezuela a company, and then yesterday, confusing his grandfatherā€™s birthplace with his fatherā€™s, mispronouncing ā€˜orangesā€™ for ā€˜origins,ā€™ and stating out of the blue, ā€˜Iā€™m very normal,ā€™ā€ recited Bandy Lee, a professor of psychiatry at Yale University who has been waving red flags about Trumpā€™s mental state for years. ā€œThere is no question he needs an examination.ā€

ā€œI think heā€™s suffering from pre-dementia. And itā€™s only getting worse,ā€ said John Gartner, a clinical psychologist with practices in New York City and Baltimore.

Both acknowledged that they have not given Trump a full examination and could not offer a definitive diagnosis, but Gartner noted that the presidentā€™s behaviors are on full view every single day. ā€œThe evidence is right in front of our eyes,ā€ he said.

Lee and Gartner are among the relatively few mental health professionals speaking out about Trumpā€™s condition because of guidelines against speculating about patients a doctor has not personally examined. Both said those standards should not apply in situations where the safety of the nation is at stake and the presidentā€™s behavior is on public display.

White House spokesman Hogan Gidley denied that Trump had any cognitive difficulties and said that those who actually work with Trump ā€œsee his total command of complex issuesā€ on a daily basis. ā€œThese ā€˜doctorsā€™ are disgusting, and they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to use their titles to push their own personal political views.ā€

Speaking in the Oval Office Tuesday, Trump said that his father was ā€œborn in a very wonderful place in Germany.ā€ In fact, his father was born in the Bronx. It was his paternal grandfather who emigrated from Germany. The president also said repeatedly that he wanted to take a look at the ā€œorangesā€ of the special counsel investigation against him, when he clearly meant ā€œorigins.ā€

Last month, Trump called Apple CEO Tim Cook ā€œTim Appleā€ ā€• but later claimed that he had, in fact, said ā€œTim Cook Apple,ā€ but people missed ā€œCookā€ because heā€™d said it very rapidly, and finally claimed that he was trying to save time by skipping some words.

ā€œThat was real cognitive slippage,ā€ Gartner said. ā€œAnd then he tried to cover for it.ā€

The White House this year did not make available the doctor who performed Trumpā€™s annual physical exam and released scant information about its results.

In contrast, last year Trump authorized physician Ronny Jackson to field questions about his health for nearly a full hour. The president himself bragged about his performance on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a screening tool for Alzheimerā€™s disease that asks the patient, for instance, to identify a camel and to draw a clock.

ā€œThere arenā€™t a lot of people that can do that,ā€ Trump said days later, boasting of his 30-out-of-30 score to a Republican National Committee audience.

That test, though, was never designed to be an in-depth analysis of cognitive function, Lee and other experts said. ā€œRonny Jackson declared his boss and commander-in-chief ā€˜fit for dutyā€™ based on a 10-minute cognitive screen on which full-blown Alzheimer patients and hospitalized schizophrenia patients are known to score in the normal range,ā€ she said.

Large numbers of Americans who are not mental health professionals have also started to question Trumpā€™s mental condition, including prominent critics like George Conway, the husband of top White House aide Kellyanne Conway. Theyā€™ve noted both the presidentā€™s actions and his televised speeches and public remarks, in which he is frequently incoherent and goes off on long, unrelated tangents.

On Tuesday night, during his speech at the National Republican Congressional Committee spring dinner, Trump, who was then in the middle of 90 minutes of rambling remarks, veered off on a two-minute, 22-second detour that touched on how wind turbines kill bald eagles and other birds, moved on to how North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was not ready for a deal, came back to how people who use wind power canā€™t watch television if the wind doesnā€™t blow, and finished with former President Barack Obama playing golf in Hawaii:

Hillary wanted to put up wind. Wind. If you ā€• if you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations: Your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, OK? ā€œRrrrr, rrrrrā€ ā€• you know the thing that makes the ā€• itā€™s so noisy. And of course itā€™s like a graveyard for birds. If you love birds, youā€™d never want to walk under a windmill because itā€™s a very sad, sad sight. Itā€™s like a cemetery. We put a little, we put a little statute for the poor birds. Itā€™s true. You know in California, if you shoot a bald eagle, they put you in jail for five years. And yet the windmills wipe ā€™em all out. Itā€™s true. They wipe ā€™em out. Itā€™s terrible. And I told the other day at CPAC. Great people at CPAC. We had an incredible thing. I had nothing to do. It was early on a Saturday morning. I had just gotten back from dealing with Kim Jong Un. We had a walk. He wasnā€™t ready for a deal but thatā€™s OK because we get along great. He wasnā€™t ready. I told him, youā€™re not ready for a deal. Thatā€™s the first time anybody has ever told him that and left. It never happened to him before. Nobodyā€™s ever left. But I said youā€™re not ready for a deal, but weā€™ll make a deal. We have a good relationship. We have a good relationship. But I told a story about, at CPAC. The woman, she wants to watch television. And she says to her husband, ā€œIs the wind blowing? Iā€™d love to watch a show tonight, darling. The wind hasnā€™t blown for three days. I canā€™t watch television, darling. Darling, please tell the wind to blow.ā€ No, windā€™s not so good. And you know, you have no idea how expensive it is to make those things. Theyā€™re all made in China and Germany, but the way, just in case youā€™re ā€• we donā€™t make ā€™em here, essentially. We donā€™t make ā€™em here. And by the way, the carbon, and all those things flying up in the air, you know the carbon footprint? President Obama used to talk about the carbon footprint, and then heā€™d hop on Air Force One, a big 747 with very old engines, and heā€™d fly to Hawaii to play a round of golf. You tell me, the carbon footprint.

ā€œHe has been growing less and less coherent,ā€ Lee said, pointing to Trumpā€™s appearance a month ago at the Conservative Political Action Conference, which Trump referenced on Tuesday night. ā€œHis two-hour CPAC speech revealed a lot of rambling sentences, tangential thought trails, word-finding difficulties and repetition.ā€

That exhortation followed up on a string of Conway tweets listing the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.

Gartner, though, said Trumpā€™s condition appears to be an even worse variant of that disorder and a condition that is common to dictators: malignant narcissism, whose traits include narcissism, paranoia, sociopathy ā€• exhibited by constant lying ā€• and sadism.

ā€œHe has been getting worse in the last few months,ā€ Gartner said, adding that he agrees with Conway that earlier interviews show how far Trumpā€™s decline has progressed. In the past, Gartner said, ā€œhe not only spoke in complete sentences, he spoke in complete paragraphs.ā€

Gartner pointed out that one of the symptoms of narcissism is repeated lying. ā€œDonald Trump is the most documented liar in human history,ā€ he said. ā€œWe observe his behavior every day.ā€

This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley." data-reactid="36" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley.

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.'
Tim Apple. Oranges. German Dad. Mental Health Experts Warn That Trump Is In Decline.

The guy is clearly losing it.

Anyone who says he is showing no/hardly any signs of dementia either is delusional and/or does not know the symptoms of dementia.

I watched Alzheimers from beginning to end with 2 relatives.

I see the same behavior with trump.

He's right on schedule with the other 2 I watched. When they hit 70 the signs start to come out so blatantly that it's impossible to ignore it. By the time they're 75 they need to be in a facility for they own protection.

Alzheimers is a gene passed from one generation to the next. trump's father died of Alzheimers. The first born child always gets the gene. The second won't. The third might. If there's any break between births of children the next child born will usually have the gene.

There was nearly 3 years divide between trump and his next oldest sibling. Which means that trump most likely got the gene.

You can't out run your genes. You can't be cured of Alzheimers. It's an automatic death sentence but a drawn out and horrible death.

The brain is basically killed by the disease. Brain cells are supposed to stuff off when they die but with Alzheimers they don't. It creates scar tissue which creates more of the dead brain cells and more Alzheimers. They lose their sense of balance. They lose control of their body functions. They lose control of their thoughts. They see things that aren't there and believe things that aren't real. It's not just memory but the whole brain and it's functions. The brain controls all the functions of the body.

At the end of the disease they have horrible brain seizures. It's horrible to see. The whole body is racked with it and it goes on for weeks until they die.

I've watched trump since 2015. I believed then that he was in the beginnings of the middle stages. Alzheimers starts years before it shows. He holds that podium and I can see he does that to keep his balance at times. I see him getting off a plane with the car right there in front of him but he walks away from it and needs someone to guide him back to the car. I see him saying some of the most ridiculous things. These are stages of the disease. I've seen it before in two relatives. I'm seeing the same thing with trump.

The very sad thing about this is that his followers don't care. They could careless that he is in distress. All they care about is that he does what they want him to do. Not that he has a problem. Not that he needs help.

I saw the same behavior with Reagan. He also was in the throws of Alzheimers when he was president but it was covered up. Not very well though. Just after he left office it was announced he had Alzheimers. No one cared when he was president and no one cared when he wasn't president. The republicans just moved on to the next republican candidate.
'ā€œThe ā€˜Tim Appleā€™ episode a few weeks ago, his calling Venezuela a company, and then yesterday, confusing his grandfatherā€™s birthplace with his fatherā€™s, mispronouncing ā€˜orangesā€™ for ā€˜origins,ā€™ and stating out of the blue, ā€˜Iā€™m very normal,ā€™ā€ recited Bandy Lee, a professor of psychiatry at Yale University who has been waving red flags about Trumpā€™s mental state for years. ā€œThere is no question he needs an examination.ā€

ā€œI think heā€™s suffering from pre-dementia. And itā€™s only getting worse,ā€ said John Gartner, a clinical psychologist with practices in New York City and Baltimore.

Both acknowledged that they have not given Trump a full examination and could not offer a definitive diagnosis, but Gartner noted that the presidentā€™s behaviors are on full view every single day. ā€œThe evidence is right in front of our eyes,ā€ he said.

Lee and Gartner are among the relatively few mental health professionals speaking out about Trumpā€™s condition because of guidelines against speculating about patients a doctor has not personally examined. Both said those standards should not apply in situations where the safety of the nation is at stake and the presidentā€™s behavior is on public display.

White House spokesman Hogan Gidley denied that Trump had any cognitive difficulties and said that those who actually work with Trump ā€œsee his total command of complex issuesā€ on a daily basis. ā€œThese ā€˜doctorsā€™ are disgusting, and they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to use their titles to push their own personal political views.ā€

Speaking in the Oval Office Tuesday, Trump said that his father was ā€œborn in a very wonderful place in Germany.ā€ In fact, his father was born in the Bronx. It was his paternal grandfather who emigrated from Germany. The president also said repeatedly that he wanted to take a look at the ā€œorangesā€ of the special counsel investigation against him, when he clearly meant ā€œorigins.ā€

Last month, Trump called Apple CEO Tim Cook ā€œTim Appleā€ ā€• but later claimed that he had, in fact, said ā€œTim Cook Apple,ā€ but people missed ā€œCookā€ because heā€™d said it very rapidly, and finally claimed that he was trying to save time by skipping some words.

ā€œThat was real cognitive slippage,ā€ Gartner said. ā€œAnd then he tried to cover for it.ā€

The White House this year did not make available the doctor who performed Trumpā€™s annual physical exam and released scant information about its results.

In contrast, last year Trump authorized physician Ronny Jackson to field questions about his health for nearly a full hour. The president himself bragged about his performance on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a screening tool for Alzheimerā€™s disease that asks the patient, for instance, to identify a camel and to draw a clock.

ā€œThere arenā€™t a lot of people that can do that,ā€ Trump said days later, boasting of his 30-out-of-30 score to a Republican National Committee audience.

That test, though, was never designed to be an in-depth analysis of cognitive function, Lee and other experts said. ā€œRonny Jackson declared his boss and commander-in-chief ā€˜fit for dutyā€™ based on a 10-minute cognitive screen on which full-blown Alzheimer patients and hospitalized schizophrenia patients are known to score in the normal range,ā€ she said.

Large numbers of Americans who are not mental health professionals have also started to question Trumpā€™s mental condition, including prominent critics like George Conway, the husband of top White House aide Kellyanne Conway. Theyā€™ve noted both the presidentā€™s actions and his televised speeches and public remarks, in which he is frequently incoherent and goes off on long, unrelated tangents.

On Tuesday night, during his speech at the National Republican Congressional Committee spring dinner, Trump, who was then in the middle of 90 minutes of rambling remarks, veered off on a two-minute, 22-second detour that touched on how wind turbines kill bald eagles and other birds, moved on to how North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was not ready for a deal, came back to how people who use wind power canā€™t watch television if the wind doesnā€™t blow, and finished with former President Barack Obama playing golf in Hawaii:

Hillary wanted to put up wind. Wind. If you ā€• if you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations: Your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, OK? ā€œRrrrr, rrrrrā€ ā€• you know the thing that makes the ā€• itā€™s so noisy. And of course itā€™s like a graveyard for birds. If you love birds, youā€™d never want to walk under a windmill because itā€™s a very sad, sad sight. Itā€™s like a cemetery. We put a little, we put a little statute for the poor birds. Itā€™s true. You know in California, if you shoot a bald eagle, they put you in jail for five years. And yet the windmills wipe ā€™em all out. Itā€™s true. They wipe ā€™em out. Itā€™s terrible. And I told the other day at CPAC. Great people at CPAC. We had an incredible thing. I had nothing to do. It was early on a Saturday morning. I had just gotten back from dealing with Kim Jong Un. We had a walk. He wasnā€™t ready for a deal but thatā€™s OK because we get along great. He wasnā€™t ready. I told him, youā€™re not ready for a deal. Thatā€™s the first time anybody has ever told him that and left. It never happened to him before. Nobodyā€™s ever left. But I said youā€™re not ready for a deal, but weā€™ll make a deal. We have a good relationship. We have a good relationship. But I told a story about, at CPAC. The woman, she wants to watch television. And she says to her husband, ā€œIs the wind blowing? Iā€™d love to watch a show tonight, darling. The wind hasnā€™t blown for three days. I canā€™t watch television, darling. Darling, please tell the wind to blow.ā€ No, windā€™s not so good. And you know, you have no idea how expensive it is to make those things. Theyā€™re all made in China and Germany, but the way, just in case youā€™re ā€• we donā€™t make ā€™em here, essentially. We donā€™t make ā€™em here. And by the way, the carbon, and all those things flying up in the air, you know the carbon footprint? President Obama used to talk about the carbon footprint, and then heā€™d hop on Air Force One, a big 747 with very old engines, and heā€™d fly to Hawaii to play a round of golf. You tell me, the carbon footprint.

ā€œHe has been growing less and less coherent,ā€ Lee said, pointing to Trumpā€™s appearance a month ago at the Conservative Political Action Conference, which Trump referenced on Tuesday night. ā€œHis two-hour CPAC speech revealed a lot of rambling sentences, tangential thought trails, word-finding difficulties and repetition.ā€

That exhortation followed up on a string of Conway tweets listing the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.

Gartner, though, said Trumpā€™s condition appears to be an even worse variant of that disorder and a condition that is common to dictators: malignant narcissism, whose traits include narcissism, paranoia, sociopathy ā€• exhibited by constant lying ā€• and sadism.

ā€œHe has been getting worse in the last few months,ā€ Gartner said, adding that he agrees with Conway that earlier interviews show how far Trumpā€™s decline has progressed. In the past, Gartner said, ā€œhe not only spoke in complete sentences, he spoke in complete paragraphs.ā€

Gartner pointed out that one of the symptoms of narcissism is repeated lying. ā€œDonald Trump is the most documented liar in human history,ā€ he said. ā€œWe observe his behavior every day.ā€

This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley." data-reactid="36" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley.

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.'
Tim Apple. Oranges. German Dad. Mental Health Experts Warn That Trump Is In Decline.

The guy is clearly losing it.

Anyone who says he is showing no/hardly any signs of dementia either is delusional and/or does not know the symptoms of dementia.

I watched Alzheimers from beginning to end with 2 relatives.

I see the same behavior with trump.

He's right on schedule with the other 2 I watched. When they hit 70 the signs start to come out so blatantly that it's impossible to ignore it. By the time they're 75 they need to be in a facility for they own protection.

Alzheimers is a gene passed from one generation to the next. trump's father died of Alzheimers. The first born child always gets the gene. The second won't. The third might. If there's any break between births of children the next child born will usually have the gene.

There was nearly 3 years divide between trump and his next oldest sibling. Which means that trump most likely got the gene.

You can't out run your genes. You can't be cured of Alzheimers. It's an automatic death sentence but a drawn out and horrible death.

The brain is basically killed by the disease. Brain cells are supposed to stuff off when they die but with Alzheimers they don't. It creates scar tissue which creates more of the dead brain cells and more Alzheimers. They lose their sense of balance. They lose control of their body functions. They lose control of their thoughts. They see things that aren't there and believe things that aren't real. It's not just memory but the whole brain and it's functions. The brain controls all the functions of the body.

At the end of the disease they have horrible brain seizures. It's horrible to see. The whole body is racked with it and it goes on for weeks until they die.

I've watched trump since 2015. I believed then that he was in the beginnings of the middle stages. Alzheimers starts years before it shows. He holds that podium and I can see he does that to keep his balance at times. I see him getting off a plane with the car right there in front of him but he walks away from it and needs someone to guide him back to the car. I see him saying some of the most ridiculous things. These are stages of the disease. I've seen it before in two relatives. I'm seeing the same thing with trump.

The very sad thing about this is that his followers don't care. They could careless that he is in distress. All they care about is that he does what they want him to do. Not that he has a problem. Not that he needs help.

I saw the same behavior with Reagan. He also was in the throws of Alzheimers when he was president but it was covered up. Not very well though. Just after he left office it was announced he had Alzheimers. No one cared when he was president and no one cared when he wasn't president. The republicans just moved on to the next republican candidate.


you've spent zero time with him and couldnt know a thing about him

but you obviously are suffering with a massive case of TDS
I do not think he is suffering from any mental issues, but if any of the Trumpians had an ounce of honesty they would have to admit the father born in Germany is a bit weird. He has said it at least 3 times and even goes into detail about the village.

It is not a slip of the tongue.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
'ā€œThe ā€˜Tim Appleā€™ episode a few weeks ago, his calling Venezuela a company, and then yesterday, confusing his grandfatherā€™s birthplace with his fatherā€™s, mispronouncing ā€˜orangesā€™ for ā€˜origins,ā€™ and stating out of the blue, ā€˜Iā€™m very normal,ā€™ā€ recited Bandy Lee, a professor of psychiatry at Yale University who has been waving red flags about Trumpā€™s mental state for years. ā€œThere is no question he needs an examination.ā€

ā€œI think heā€™s suffering from pre-dementia. And itā€™s only getting worse,ā€ said John Gartner, a clinical psychologist with practices in New York City and Baltimore.

Both acknowledged that they have not given Trump a full examination and could not offer a definitive diagnosis, but Gartner noted that the presidentā€™s behaviors are on full view every single day. ā€œThe evidence is right in front of our eyes,ā€ he said.

Lee and Gartner are among the relatively few mental health professionals speaking out about Trumpā€™s condition because of guidelines against speculating about patients a doctor has not personally examined. Both said those standards should not apply in situations where the safety of the nation is at stake and the presidentā€™s behavior is on public display.

White House spokesman Hogan Gidley denied that Trump had any cognitive difficulties and said that those who actually work with Trump ā€œsee his total command of complex issuesā€ on a daily basis. ā€œThese ā€˜doctorsā€™ are disgusting, and they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to use their titles to push their own personal political views.ā€

Speaking in the Oval Office Tuesday, Trump said that his father was ā€œborn in a very wonderful place in Germany.ā€ In fact, his father was born in the Bronx. It was his paternal grandfather who emigrated from Germany. The president also said repeatedly that he wanted to take a look at the ā€œorangesā€ of the special counsel investigation against him, when he clearly meant ā€œorigins.ā€

Last month, Trump called Apple CEO Tim Cook ā€œTim Appleā€ ā€• but later claimed that he had, in fact, said ā€œTim Cook Apple,ā€ but people missed ā€œCookā€ because heā€™d said it very rapidly, and finally claimed that he was trying to save time by skipping some words.

ā€œThat was real cognitive slippage,ā€ Gartner said. ā€œAnd then he tried to cover for it.ā€

The White House this year did not make available the doctor who performed Trumpā€™s annual physical exam and released scant information about its results.

In contrast, last year Trump authorized physician Ronny Jackson to field questions about his health for nearly a full hour. The president himself bragged about his performance on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a screening tool for Alzheimerā€™s disease that asks the patient, for instance, to identify a camel and to draw a clock.

ā€œThere arenā€™t a lot of people that can do that,ā€ Trump said days later, boasting of his 30-out-of-30 score to a Republican National Committee audience.

That test, though, was never designed to be an in-depth analysis of cognitive function, Lee and other experts said. ā€œRonny Jackson declared his boss and commander-in-chief ā€˜fit for dutyā€™ based on a 10-minute cognitive screen on which full-blown Alzheimer patients and hospitalized schizophrenia patients are known to score in the normal range,ā€ she said.

Large numbers of Americans who are not mental health professionals have also started to question Trumpā€™s mental condition, including prominent critics like George Conway, the husband of top White House aide Kellyanne Conway. Theyā€™ve noted both the presidentā€™s actions and his televised speeches and public remarks, in which he is frequently incoherent and goes off on long, unrelated tangents.

On Tuesday night, during his speech at the National Republican Congressional Committee spring dinner, Trump, who was then in the middle of 90 minutes of rambling remarks, veered off on a two-minute, 22-second detour that touched on how wind turbines kill bald eagles and other birds, moved on to how North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was not ready for a deal, came back to how people who use wind power canā€™t watch television if the wind doesnā€™t blow, and finished with former President Barack Obama playing golf in Hawaii:

Hillary wanted to put up wind. Wind. If you ā€• if you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations: Your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, OK? ā€œRrrrr, rrrrrā€ ā€• you know the thing that makes the ā€• itā€™s so noisy. And of course itā€™s like a graveyard for birds. If you love birds, youā€™d never want to walk under a windmill because itā€™s a very sad, sad sight. Itā€™s like a cemetery. We put a little, we put a little statute for the poor birds. Itā€™s true. You know in California, if you shoot a bald eagle, they put you in jail for five years. And yet the windmills wipe ā€™em all out. Itā€™s true. They wipe ā€™em out. Itā€™s terrible. And I told the other day at CPAC. Great people at CPAC. We had an incredible thing. I had nothing to do. It was early on a Saturday morning. I had just gotten back from dealing with Kim Jong Un. We had a walk. He wasnā€™t ready for a deal but thatā€™s OK because we get along great. He wasnā€™t ready. I told him, youā€™re not ready for a deal. Thatā€™s the first time anybody has ever told him that and left. It never happened to him before. Nobodyā€™s ever left. But I said youā€™re not ready for a deal, but weā€™ll make a deal. We have a good relationship. We have a good relationship. But I told a story about, at CPAC. The woman, she wants to watch television. And she says to her husband, ā€œIs the wind blowing? Iā€™d love to watch a show tonight, darling. The wind hasnā€™t blown for three days. I canā€™t watch television, darling. Darling, please tell the wind to blow.ā€ No, windā€™s not so good. And you know, you have no idea how expensive it is to make those things. Theyā€™re all made in China and Germany, but the way, just in case youā€™re ā€• we donā€™t make ā€™em here, essentially. We donā€™t make ā€™em here. And by the way, the carbon, and all those things flying up in the air, you know the carbon footprint? President Obama used to talk about the carbon footprint, and then heā€™d hop on Air Force One, a big 747 with very old engines, and heā€™d fly to Hawaii to play a round of golf. You tell me, the carbon footprint.

ā€œHe has been growing less and less coherent,ā€ Lee said, pointing to Trumpā€™s appearance a month ago at the Conservative Political Action Conference, which Trump referenced on Tuesday night. ā€œHis two-hour CPAC speech revealed a lot of rambling sentences, tangential thought trails, word-finding difficulties and repetition.ā€

That exhortation followed up on a string of Conway tweets listing the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.

Gartner, though, said Trumpā€™s condition appears to be an even worse variant of that disorder and a condition that is common to dictators: malignant narcissism, whose traits include narcissism, paranoia, sociopathy ā€• exhibited by constant lying ā€• and sadism.

ā€œHe has been getting worse in the last few months,ā€ Gartner said, adding that he agrees with Conway that earlier interviews show how far Trumpā€™s decline has progressed. In the past, Gartner said, ā€œhe not only spoke in complete sentences, he spoke in complete paragraphs.ā€

Gartner pointed out that one of the symptoms of narcissism is repeated lying. ā€œDonald Trump is the most documented liar in human history,ā€ he said. ā€œWe observe his behavior every day.ā€

This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley." data-reactid="36" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley.

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.'
Tim Apple. Oranges. German Dad. Mental Health Experts Warn That Trump Is In Decline.

The guy is clearly losing it.

Anyone who says he is showing no/hardly any signs of dementia either is delusional and/or does not know the symptoms of dementia.

I watched Alzheimers from beginning to end with 2 relatives.

I see the same behavior with trump.

He's right on schedule with the other 2 I watched. When they hit 70 the signs start to come out so blatantly that it's impossible to ignore it. By the time they're 75 they need to be in a facility for they own protection.

Alzheimers is a gene passed from one generation to the next. trump's father died of Alzheimers. The first born child always gets the gene. The second won't. The third might. If there's any break between births of children the next child born will usually have the gene.

There was nearly 3 years divide between trump and his next oldest sibling. Which means that trump most likely got the gene.

You can't out run your genes. You can't be cured of Alzheimers. It's an automatic death sentence but a drawn out and horrible death.

The brain is basically killed by the disease. Brain cells are supposed to stuff off when they die but with Alzheimers they don't. It creates scar tissue which creates more of the dead brain cells and more Alzheimers. They lose their sense of balance. They lose control of their body functions. They lose control of their thoughts. They see things that aren't there and believe things that aren't real. It's not just memory but the whole brain and it's functions. The brain controls all the functions of the body.

At the end of the disease they have horrible brain seizures. It's horrible to see. The whole body is racked with it and it goes on for weeks until they die.

I've watched trump since 2015. I believed then that he was in the beginnings of the middle stages. Alzheimers starts years before it shows. He holds that podium and I can see he does that to keep his balance at times. I see him getting off a plane with the car right there in front of him but he walks away from it and needs someone to guide him back to the car. I see him saying some of the most ridiculous things. These are stages of the disease. I've seen it before in two relatives. I'm seeing the same thing with trump.

The very sad thing about this is that his followers don't care. They could careless that he is in distress. All they care about is that he does what they want him to do. Not that he has a problem. Not that he needs help.

I saw the same behavior with Reagan. He also was in the throws of Alzheimers when he was president but it was covered up. Not very well though. Just after he left office it was announced he had Alzheimers. No one cared when he was president and no one cared when he wasn't president. The republicans just moved on to the next republican candidate.


you've spent zero time with him and couldnt know a thing about him

but you obviously are suffering with a massive case of TDS

I'm not a liar. Every word I posted is true. Which is why you have that upset response.

No I've not spent one minute of time with trump. I've watched him just as everyone else for the last 4 years. It's not hard to see if you have seen it before like I have.

I've posted about it since 2017 and received the same response from republicans as the one from you.

Denying it won't make it untrue or go away.
'ā€œThe ā€˜Tim Appleā€™ episode a few weeks ago, his calling Venezuela a company, and then yesterday, confusing his grandfatherā€™s birthplace with his fatherā€™s, mispronouncing ā€˜orangesā€™ for ā€˜origins,ā€™ and stating out of the blue, ā€˜Iā€™m very normal,ā€™ā€ recited Bandy Lee, a professor of psychiatry at Yale University who has been waving red flags about Trumpā€™s mental state for years. ā€œThere is no question he needs an examination.ā€

ā€œI think heā€™s suffering from pre-dementia. And itā€™s only getting worse,ā€ said John Gartner, a clinical psychologist with practices in New York City and Baltimore.

Both acknowledged that they have not given Trump a full examination and could not offer a definitive diagnosis, but Gartner noted that the presidentā€™s behaviors are on full view every single day. ā€œThe evidence is right in front of our eyes,ā€ he said.

Lee and Gartner are among the relatively few mental health professionals speaking out about Trumpā€™s condition because of guidelines against speculating about patients a doctor has not personally examined. Both said those standards should not apply in situations where the safety of the nation is at stake and the presidentā€™s behavior is on public display.

White House spokesman Hogan Gidley denied that Trump had any cognitive difficulties and said that those who actually work with Trump ā€œsee his total command of complex issuesā€ on a daily basis. ā€œThese ā€˜doctorsā€™ are disgusting, and they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to use their titles to push their own personal political views.ā€

Speaking in the Oval Office Tuesday, Trump said that his father was ā€œborn in a very wonderful place in Germany.ā€ In fact, his father was born in the Bronx. It was his paternal grandfather who emigrated from Germany. The president also said repeatedly that he wanted to take a look at the ā€œorangesā€ of the special counsel investigation against him, when he clearly meant ā€œorigins.ā€

Last month, Trump called Apple CEO Tim Cook ā€œTim Appleā€ ā€• but later claimed that he had, in fact, said ā€œTim Cook Apple,ā€ but people missed ā€œCookā€ because heā€™d said it very rapidly, and finally claimed that he was trying to save time by skipping some words.

ā€œThat was real cognitive slippage,ā€ Gartner said. ā€œAnd then he tried to cover for it.ā€

The White House this year did not make available the doctor who performed Trumpā€™s annual physical exam and released scant information about its results.

In contrast, last year Trump authorized physician Ronny Jackson to field questions about his health for nearly a full hour. The president himself bragged about his performance on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a screening tool for Alzheimerā€™s disease that asks the patient, for instance, to identify a camel and to draw a clock.

ā€œThere arenā€™t a lot of people that can do that,ā€ Trump said days later, boasting of his 30-out-of-30 score to a Republican National Committee audience.

That test, though, was never designed to be an in-depth analysis of cognitive function, Lee and other experts said. ā€œRonny Jackson declared his boss and commander-in-chief ā€˜fit for dutyā€™ based on a 10-minute cognitive screen on which full-blown Alzheimer patients and hospitalized schizophrenia patients are known to score in the normal range,ā€ she said.

Large numbers of Americans who are not mental health professionals have also started to question Trumpā€™s mental condition, including prominent critics like George Conway, the husband of top White House aide Kellyanne Conway. Theyā€™ve noted both the presidentā€™s actions and his televised speeches and public remarks, in which he is frequently incoherent and goes off on long, unrelated tangents.

On Tuesday night, during his speech at the National Republican Congressional Committee spring dinner, Trump, who was then in the middle of 90 minutes of rambling remarks, veered off on a two-minute, 22-second detour that touched on how wind turbines kill bald eagles and other birds, moved on to how North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was not ready for a deal, came back to how people who use wind power canā€™t watch television if the wind doesnā€™t blow, and finished with former President Barack Obama playing golf in Hawaii:

Hillary wanted to put up wind. Wind. If you ā€• if you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations: Your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, OK? ā€œRrrrr, rrrrrā€ ā€• you know the thing that makes the ā€• itā€™s so noisy. And of course itā€™s like a graveyard for birds. If you love birds, youā€™d never want to walk under a windmill because itā€™s a very sad, sad sight. Itā€™s like a cemetery. We put a little, we put a little statute for the poor birds. Itā€™s true. You know in California, if you shoot a bald eagle, they put you in jail for five years. And yet the windmills wipe ā€™em all out. Itā€™s true. They wipe ā€™em out. Itā€™s terrible. And I told the other day at CPAC. Great people at CPAC. We had an incredible thing. I had nothing to do. It was early on a Saturday morning. I had just gotten back from dealing with Kim Jong Un. We had a walk. He wasnā€™t ready for a deal but thatā€™s OK because we get along great. He wasnā€™t ready. I told him, youā€™re not ready for a deal. Thatā€™s the first time anybody has ever told him that and left. It never happened to him before. Nobodyā€™s ever left. But I said youā€™re not ready for a deal, but weā€™ll make a deal. We have a good relationship. We have a good relationship. But I told a story about, at CPAC. The woman, she wants to watch television. And she says to her husband, ā€œIs the wind blowing? Iā€™d love to watch a show tonight, darling. The wind hasnā€™t blown for three days. I canā€™t watch television, darling. Darling, please tell the wind to blow.ā€ No, windā€™s not so good. And you know, you have no idea how expensive it is to make those things. Theyā€™re all made in China and Germany, but the way, just in case youā€™re ā€• we donā€™t make ā€™em here, essentially. We donā€™t make ā€™em here. And by the way, the carbon, and all those things flying up in the air, you know the carbon footprint? President Obama used to talk about the carbon footprint, and then heā€™d hop on Air Force One, a big 747 with very old engines, and heā€™d fly to Hawaii to play a round of golf. You tell me, the carbon footprint.

ā€œHe has been growing less and less coherent,ā€ Lee said, pointing to Trumpā€™s appearance a month ago at the Conservative Political Action Conference, which Trump referenced on Tuesday night. ā€œHis two-hour CPAC speech revealed a lot of rambling sentences, tangential thought trails, word-finding difficulties and repetition.ā€

That exhortation followed up on a string of Conway tweets listing the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.

Gartner, though, said Trumpā€™s condition appears to be an even worse variant of that disorder and a condition that is common to dictators: malignant narcissism, whose traits include narcissism, paranoia, sociopathy ā€• exhibited by constant lying ā€• and sadism.

ā€œHe has been getting worse in the last few months,ā€ Gartner said, adding that he agrees with Conway that earlier interviews show how far Trumpā€™s decline has progressed. In the past, Gartner said, ā€œhe not only spoke in complete sentences, he spoke in complete paragraphs.ā€

Gartner pointed out that one of the symptoms of narcissism is repeated lying. ā€œDonald Trump is the most documented liar in human history,ā€ he said. ā€œWe observe his behavior every day.ā€

This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley." data-reactid="36" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley.

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.'
Tim Apple. Oranges. German Dad. Mental Health Experts Warn That Trump Is In Decline.

The guy is clearly losing it.

Anyone who says he is showing no/hardly any signs of dementia either is delusional and/or does not know the symptoms of dementia.

I watched Alzheimers from beginning to end with 2 relatives.

I see the same behavior with trump.

He's right on schedule with the other 2 I watched. When they hit 70 the signs start to come out so blatantly that it's impossible to ignore it. By the time they're 75 they need to be in a facility for they own protection.

Alzheimers is a gene passed from one generation to the next. trump's father died of Alzheimers. The first born child always gets the gene. The second won't. The third might. If there's any break between births of children the next child born will usually have the gene.

There was nearly 3 years divide between trump and his next oldest sibling. Which means that trump most likely got the gene.

You can't out run your genes. You can't be cured of Alzheimers. It's an automatic death sentence but a drawn out and horrible death.

The brain is basically killed by the disease. Brain cells are supposed to stuff off when they die but with Alzheimers they don't. It creates scar tissue which creates more of the dead brain cells and more Alzheimers. They lose their sense of balance. They lose control of their body functions. They lose control of their thoughts. They see things that aren't there and believe things that aren't real. It's not just memory but the whole brain and it's functions. The brain controls all the functions of the body.

At the end of the disease they have horrible brain seizures. It's horrible to see. The whole body is racked with it and it goes on for weeks until they die.

I've watched trump since 2015. I believed then that he was in the beginnings of the middle stages. Alzheimers starts years before it shows. He holds that podium and I can see he does that to keep his balance at times. I see him getting off a plane with the car right there in front of him but he walks away from it and needs someone to guide him back to the car. I see him saying some of the most ridiculous things. These are stages of the disease. I've seen it before in two relatives. I'm seeing the same thing with trump.

The very sad thing about this is that his followers don't care. They could careless that he is in distress. All they care about is that he does what they want him to do. Not that he has a problem. Not that he needs help.

I saw the same behavior with Reagan. He also was in the throws of Alzheimers when he was president but it was covered up. Not very well though. Just after he left office it was announced he had Alzheimers. No one cared when he was president and no one cared when he wasn't president. The republicans just moved on to the next republican candidate.


you've spent zero time with him and couldnt know a thing about him

but you obviously are suffering with a massive case of TDS

I'm not a liar. Every word I posted is true. Which is why you have that upset response.

No I've not spent one minute of time with trump. I've watched him just as everyone else for the last 4 years. It's not hard to see if you have seen it before like I have.

I've posted about it since 2017 and received the same response from republicans as the one from you.

Denying it won't make it untrue or go away.

I never denied it, just that you couldnt know cause youve not spent anytime with him

and I'm not a repube and didnt vote for trump

what he is is a big government progressive that has trouble keeping his words straight due to his/their deceitful agenda
'ā€œThe ā€˜Tim Appleā€™ episode a few weeks ago, his calling Venezuela a company, and then yesterday, confusing his grandfatherā€™s birthplace with his fatherā€™s, mispronouncing ā€˜orangesā€™ for ā€˜origins,ā€™ and stating out of the blue, ā€˜Iā€™m very normal,ā€™ā€ recited Bandy Lee, a professor of psychiatry at Yale University who has been waving red flags about Trumpā€™s mental state for years. ā€œThere is no question he needs an examination.ā€

ā€œI think heā€™s suffering from pre-dementia. And itā€™s only getting worse,ā€ said John Gartner, a clinical psychologist with practices in New York City and Baltimore.

Both acknowledged that they have not given Trump a full examination and could not offer a definitive diagnosis, but Gartner noted that the presidentā€™s behaviors are on full view every single day. ā€œThe evidence is right in front of our eyes,ā€ he said.

Lee and Gartner are among the relatively few mental health professionals speaking out about Trumpā€™s condition because of guidelines against speculating about patients a doctor has not personally examined. Both said those standards should not apply in situations where the safety of the nation is at stake and the presidentā€™s behavior is on public display.

White House spokesman Hogan Gidley denied that Trump had any cognitive difficulties and said that those who actually work with Trump ā€œsee his total command of complex issuesā€ on a daily basis. ā€œThese ā€˜doctorsā€™ are disgusting, and they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to use their titles to push their own personal political views.ā€

Speaking in the Oval Office Tuesday, Trump said that his father was ā€œborn in a very wonderful place in Germany.ā€ In fact, his father was born in the Bronx. It was his paternal grandfather who emigrated from Germany. The president also said repeatedly that he wanted to take a look at the ā€œorangesā€ of the special counsel investigation against him, when he clearly meant ā€œorigins.ā€

Last month, Trump called Apple CEO Tim Cook ā€œTim Appleā€ ā€• but later claimed that he had, in fact, said ā€œTim Cook Apple,ā€ but people missed ā€œCookā€ because heā€™d said it very rapidly, and finally claimed that he was trying to save time by skipping some words.

ā€œThat was real cognitive slippage,ā€ Gartner said. ā€œAnd then he tried to cover for it.ā€

The White House this year did not make available the doctor who performed Trumpā€™s annual physical exam and released scant information about its results.

In contrast, last year Trump authorized physician Ronny Jackson to field questions about his health for nearly a full hour. The president himself bragged about his performance on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a screening tool for Alzheimerā€™s disease that asks the patient, for instance, to identify a camel and to draw a clock.

ā€œThere arenā€™t a lot of people that can do that,ā€ Trump said days later, boasting of his 30-out-of-30 score to a Republican National Committee audience.

That test, though, was never designed to be an in-depth analysis of cognitive function, Lee and other experts said. ā€œRonny Jackson declared his boss and commander-in-chief ā€˜fit for dutyā€™ based on a 10-minute cognitive screen on which full-blown Alzheimer patients and hospitalized schizophrenia patients are known to score in the normal range,ā€ she said.

Large numbers of Americans who are not mental health professionals have also started to question Trumpā€™s mental condition, including prominent critics like George Conway, the husband of top White House aide Kellyanne Conway. Theyā€™ve noted both the presidentā€™s actions and his televised speeches and public remarks, in which he is frequently incoherent and goes off on long, unrelated tangents.

On Tuesday night, during his speech at the National Republican Congressional Committee spring dinner, Trump, who was then in the middle of 90 minutes of rambling remarks, veered off on a two-minute, 22-second detour that touched on how wind turbines kill bald eagles and other birds, moved on to how North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was not ready for a deal, came back to how people who use wind power canā€™t watch television if the wind doesnā€™t blow, and finished with former President Barack Obama playing golf in Hawaii:

Hillary wanted to put up wind. Wind. If you ā€• if you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations: Your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, OK? ā€œRrrrr, rrrrrā€ ā€• you know the thing that makes the ā€• itā€™s so noisy. And of course itā€™s like a graveyard for birds. If you love birds, youā€™d never want to walk under a windmill because itā€™s a very sad, sad sight. Itā€™s like a cemetery. We put a little, we put a little statute for the poor birds. Itā€™s true. You know in California, if you shoot a bald eagle, they put you in jail for five years. And yet the windmills wipe ā€™em all out. Itā€™s true. They wipe ā€™em out. Itā€™s terrible. And I told the other day at CPAC. Great people at CPAC. We had an incredible thing. I had nothing to do. It was early on a Saturday morning. I had just gotten back from dealing with Kim Jong Un. We had a walk. He wasnā€™t ready for a deal but thatā€™s OK because we get along great. He wasnā€™t ready. I told him, youā€™re not ready for a deal. Thatā€™s the first time anybody has ever told him that and left. It never happened to him before. Nobodyā€™s ever left. But I said youā€™re not ready for a deal, but weā€™ll make a deal. We have a good relationship. We have a good relationship. But I told a story about, at CPAC. The woman, she wants to watch television. And she says to her husband, ā€œIs the wind blowing? Iā€™d love to watch a show tonight, darling. The wind hasnā€™t blown for three days. I canā€™t watch television, darling. Darling, please tell the wind to blow.ā€ No, windā€™s not so good. And you know, you have no idea how expensive it is to make those things. Theyā€™re all made in China and Germany, but the way, just in case youā€™re ā€• we donā€™t make ā€™em here, essentially. We donā€™t make ā€™em here. And by the way, the carbon, and all those things flying up in the air, you know the carbon footprint? President Obama used to talk about the carbon footprint, and then heā€™d hop on Air Force One, a big 747 with very old engines, and heā€™d fly to Hawaii to play a round of golf. You tell me, the carbon footprint.

ā€œHe has been growing less and less coherent,ā€ Lee said, pointing to Trumpā€™s appearance a month ago at the Conservative Political Action Conference, which Trump referenced on Tuesday night. ā€œHis two-hour CPAC speech revealed a lot of rambling sentences, tangential thought trails, word-finding difficulties and repetition.ā€

That exhortation followed up on a string of Conway tweets listing the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.

Gartner, though, said Trumpā€™s condition appears to be an even worse variant of that disorder and a condition that is common to dictators: malignant narcissism, whose traits include narcissism, paranoia, sociopathy ā€• exhibited by constant lying ā€• and sadism.

ā€œHe has been getting worse in the last few months,ā€ Gartner said, adding that he agrees with Conway that earlier interviews show how far Trumpā€™s decline has progressed. In the past, Gartner said, ā€œhe not only spoke in complete sentences, he spoke in complete paragraphs.ā€

Gartner pointed out that one of the symptoms of narcissism is repeated lying. ā€œDonald Trump is the most documented liar in human history,ā€ he said. ā€œWe observe his behavior every day.ā€

This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley." data-reactid="36" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley.

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.'
Tim Apple. Oranges. German Dad. Mental Health Experts Warn That Trump Is In Decline.

The guy is clearly losing it.

Anyone who says he is showing no/hardly any signs of dementia either is delusional and/or does not know the symptoms of dementia.
/ā€”ā€”-/ Oh we got him this time. #7,546
'ā€œThe ā€˜Tim Appleā€™ episode a few weeks ago, his calling Venezuela a company, and then yesterday, confusing his grandfatherā€™s birthplace with his fatherā€™s, mispronouncing ā€˜orangesā€™ for ā€˜origins,ā€™ and stating out of the blue, ā€˜Iā€™m very normal,ā€™ā€ recited Bandy Lee, a professor of psychiatry at Yale University who has been waving red flags about Trumpā€™s mental state for years. ā€œThere is no question he needs an examination.ā€

ā€œI think heā€™s suffering from pre-dementia. And itā€™s only getting worse,ā€ said John Gartner, a clinical psychologist with practices in New York City and Baltimore.

Both acknowledged that they have not given Trump a full examination and could not offer a definitive diagnosis, but Gartner noted that the presidentā€™s behaviors are on full view every single day. ā€œThe evidence is right in front of our eyes,ā€ he said.

Lee and Gartner are among the relatively few mental health professionals speaking out about Trumpā€™s condition because of guidelines against speculating about patients a doctor has not personally examined. Both said those standards should not apply in situations where the safety of the nation is at stake and the presidentā€™s behavior is on public display.

White House spokesman Hogan Gidley denied that Trump had any cognitive difficulties and said that those who actually work with Trump ā€œsee his total command of complex issuesā€ on a daily basis. ā€œThese ā€˜doctorsā€™ are disgusting, and they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to use their titles to push their own personal political views.ā€

Speaking in the Oval Office Tuesday, Trump said that his father was ā€œborn in a very wonderful place in Germany.ā€ In fact, his father was born in the Bronx. It was his paternal grandfather who emigrated from Germany. The president also said repeatedly that he wanted to take a look at the ā€œorangesā€ of the special counsel investigation against him, when he clearly meant ā€œorigins.ā€

Last month, Trump called Apple CEO Tim Cook ā€œTim Appleā€ ā€• but later claimed that he had, in fact, said ā€œTim Cook Apple,ā€ but people missed ā€œCookā€ because heā€™d said it very rapidly, and finally claimed that he was trying to save time by skipping some words.

ā€œThat was real cognitive slippage,ā€ Gartner said. ā€œAnd then he tried to cover for it.ā€

The White House this year did not make available the doctor who performed Trumpā€™s annual physical exam and released scant information about its results.

In contrast, last year Trump authorized physician Ronny Jackson to field questions about his health for nearly a full hour. The president himself bragged about his performance on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a screening tool for Alzheimerā€™s disease that asks the patient, for instance, to identify a camel and to draw a clock.

ā€œThere arenā€™t a lot of people that can do that,ā€ Trump said days later, boasting of his 30-out-of-30 score to a Republican National Committee audience.

That test, though, was never designed to be an in-depth analysis of cognitive function, Lee and other experts said. ā€œRonny Jackson declared his boss and commander-in-chief ā€˜fit for dutyā€™ based on a 10-minute cognitive screen on which full-blown Alzheimer patients and hospitalized schizophrenia patients are known to score in the normal range,ā€ she said.

Large numbers of Americans who are not mental health professionals have also started to question Trumpā€™s mental condition, including prominent critics like George Conway, the husband of top White House aide Kellyanne Conway. Theyā€™ve noted both the presidentā€™s actions and his televised speeches and public remarks, in which he is frequently incoherent and goes off on long, unrelated tangents.

On Tuesday night, during his speech at the National Republican Congressional Committee spring dinner, Trump, who was then in the middle of 90 minutes of rambling remarks, veered off on a two-minute, 22-second detour that touched on how wind turbines kill bald eagles and other birds, moved on to how North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was not ready for a deal, came back to how people who use wind power canā€™t watch television if the wind doesnā€™t blow, and finished with former President Barack Obama playing golf in Hawaii:

Hillary wanted to put up wind. Wind. If you ā€• if you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations: Your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, OK? ā€œRrrrr, rrrrrā€ ā€• you know the thing that makes the ā€• itā€™s so noisy. And of course itā€™s like a graveyard for birds. If you love birds, youā€™d never want to walk under a windmill because itā€™s a very sad, sad sight. Itā€™s like a cemetery. We put a little, we put a little statute for the poor birds. Itā€™s true. You know in California, if you shoot a bald eagle, they put you in jail for five years. And yet the windmills wipe ā€™em all out. Itā€™s true. They wipe ā€™em out. Itā€™s terrible. And I told the other day at CPAC. Great people at CPAC. We had an incredible thing. I had nothing to do. It was early on a Saturday morning. I had just gotten back from dealing with Kim Jong Un. We had a walk. He wasnā€™t ready for a deal but thatā€™s OK because we get along great. He wasnā€™t ready. I told him, youā€™re not ready for a deal. Thatā€™s the first time anybody has ever told him that and left. It never happened to him before. Nobodyā€™s ever left. But I said youā€™re not ready for a deal, but weā€™ll make a deal. We have a good relationship. We have a good relationship. But I told a story about, at CPAC. The woman, she wants to watch television. And she says to her husband, ā€œIs the wind blowing? Iā€™d love to watch a show tonight, darling. The wind hasnā€™t blown for three days. I canā€™t watch television, darling. Darling, please tell the wind to blow.ā€ No, windā€™s not so good. And you know, you have no idea how expensive it is to make those things. Theyā€™re all made in China and Germany, but the way, just in case youā€™re ā€• we donā€™t make ā€™em here, essentially. We donā€™t make ā€™em here. And by the way, the carbon, and all those things flying up in the air, you know the carbon footprint? President Obama used to talk about the carbon footprint, and then heā€™d hop on Air Force One, a big 747 with very old engines, and heā€™d fly to Hawaii to play a round of golf. You tell me, the carbon footprint.

ā€œHe has been growing less and less coherent,ā€ Lee said, pointing to Trumpā€™s appearance a month ago at the Conservative Political Action Conference, which Trump referenced on Tuesday night. ā€œHis two-hour CPAC speech revealed a lot of rambling sentences, tangential thought trails, word-finding difficulties and repetition.ā€

That exhortation followed up on a string of Conway tweets listing the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.

Gartner, though, said Trumpā€™s condition appears to be an even worse variant of that disorder and a condition that is common to dictators: malignant narcissism, whose traits include narcissism, paranoia, sociopathy ā€• exhibited by constant lying ā€• and sadism.

ā€œHe has been getting worse in the last few months,ā€ Gartner said, adding that he agrees with Conway that earlier interviews show how far Trumpā€™s decline has progressed. In the past, Gartner said, ā€œhe not only spoke in complete sentences, he spoke in complete paragraphs.ā€

Gartner pointed out that one of the symptoms of narcissism is repeated lying. ā€œDonald Trump is the most documented liar in human history,ā€ he said. ā€œWe observe his behavior every day.ā€

This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley." data-reactid="36" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley.

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.'
Tim Apple. Oranges. German Dad. Mental Health Experts Warn That Trump Is In Decline.

The guy is clearly losing it.

Anyone who says he is showing no/hardly any signs of dementia either is delusional and/or does not know the symptoms of dementia.

I watched Alzheimers from beginning to end with 2 relatives.

I see the same behavior with trump.

He's right on schedule with the other 2 I watched. When they hit 70 the signs start to come out so blatantly that it's impossible to ignore it. By the time they're 75 they need to be in a facility for they own protection.

Alzheimers is a gene passed from one generation to the next. trump's father died of Alzheimers. The first born child always gets the gene. The second won't. The third might. If there's any break between births of children the next child born will usually have the gene.

There was nearly 3 years divide between trump and his next oldest sibling. Which means that trump most likely got the gene.

You can't out run your genes. You can't be cured of Alzheimers. It's an automatic death sentence but a drawn out and horrible death.

The brain is basically killed by the disease. Brain cells are supposed to stuff off when they die but with Alzheimers they don't. It creates scar tissue which creates more of the dead brain cells and more Alzheimers. They lose their sense of balance. They lose control of their body functions. They lose control of their thoughts. They see things that aren't there and believe things that aren't real. It's not just memory but the whole brain and it's functions. The brain controls all the functions of the body.

At the end of the disease they have horrible brain seizures. It's horrible to see. The whole body is racked with it and it goes on for weeks until they die.

I've watched trump since 2015. I believed then that he was in the beginnings of the middle stages. Alzheimers starts years before it shows. He holds that podium and I can see he does that to keep his balance at times. I see him getting off a plane with the car right there in front of him but he walks away from it and needs someone to guide him back to the car. I see him saying some of the most ridiculous things. These are stages of the disease. I've seen it before in two relatives. I'm seeing the same thing with trump.

The very sad thing about this is that his followers don't care. They could careless that he is in distress. All they care about is that he does what they want him to do. Not that he has a problem. Not that he needs help.

I saw the same behavior with Reagan. He also was in the throws of Alzheimers when he was president but it was covered up. Not very well though. Just after he left office it was announced he had Alzheimers. No one cared when he was president and no one cared when he wasn't president. The republicans just moved on to the next republican candidate.

That's a laughable post, Dana! Trump will get up on stage and talk for an hour without a teleprompter or written notes...something that Barack Obama refused to do! Does he misspeak from time to time? Oh, yeah...just as most of us would if we were talking at length off the top of our heads! You Trump haters will take an hour long off the cuff speech...pull out one thing he said that was weird...and pitch a fit about how he's obviously "impaired"!

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