Through the looking glass - backwards


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2011
On my own 200 acres of the Frozen North
Sometimes I try to pinpoint the exact moment we slipped into this alternative, Twilight Zone universe we now inhabit. When did we step through the looking glass into a world turned inside out and upside down, where things are just so...wrong?

Just last week it was revealed that our own government, starting at the very top tiers, has deemed it fit and proper to use remote controlled weapons to murder American citizens on US soil, without due process, on nothing more substantial than a Presidential declaration of an individual's threatening nature.
Eric Holder: Drone strikes against Americans on U.S. soil are legal |

Now, news breaks that a [suspected] terrorist accused of murdering Americans, a man who was captured overseas by a foreign force, has now been afforded his Constitutional "right" to due process. He will be tried in NY for his crimes. He has even been provided an attorney (probably more than one) paid for by the American taxpayers.

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