Three biggest RW lies about poverty

when does luddley not troll?

seriously, how can those three things be lies about poverty and be only "RW" lies. because obama says the same thing...economic growth, jobs etc...will help america

you're seriously the most idiotic poster on this forum. you can't think for yourself.
The 3 Biggest Right-Wing Lies About Poverty | Alternet

Lie #1: Economic growth reduces poverty.

Lie #2: Jobs reduce poverty.

Lie #3: Ambition cures poverty.

I hope people will read the article because, though it may not seem obvious, these actually do make sense.

Did you even bother to read this little missive? Please do so and then report back to us how opinion without factual backup is anything more than yet another progressive propaganda puff piece.
So by that logic we can promote Apathy? Have less jobs, and a minus economic growth?

And we will reduce poverty how?

Maybe by taking more from someone else? problem with that is eventually someone else is not going to have more anymore.
Most I know that are graduates who don't do drugs and aren't afraid of work are doing okay. I've known many who lost their jobs due to downsizing and picked themselves up and found another job. Most I know aren't wealthy, but they have what they need and do okay.

The ones I know, including some family members, who do drugs, hate work and didn't even graduate high school are doing terribly and they opted to have the most children. I'm sure the size of the welfare check had nothing to do with that.

If you keep doing stupid shit and never catch up, then no one will hire you for a decent job. Companies like to see at a minimum, high school graduates, any kind of work experience and a clean record. Amazing how being presentable and having a few things going for yourself will get you hired faster than walking into an interview with a resume consisting of a conviction, no diploma and no experience.

Most people can eventually get a minimum wage job to start and if they have nothing to offer, they will stay there. Seems many are stuck in that rut. It's difficult to take night classes at a local college or trade school, but those who cared enough about themselves to do it are better off now.

Yes, you can improve your situation unless you are hopefully addicted to drugs or alcohol, have zero education and little or no experience. If you don't take initiative and improve yourself or you just can't drag yourself out of bed to find a job and keep it, you're fucked until you change.

The people that do better are those who have their shit together. It doesn't mean becoming wealthy, just living comfortably. Of course, with the rising prices of everything, piss poor economy and increased taxes, those who did it right are likely to suffer. Obama and his socialist buddies will see to that. Part of the plan is to rob more and more money from us to redistribute to those who supposedly don't have the control over their lives that the rest of us do.

Some people fall and we should help. Some intend to fall from the start. Those are the scammers and I do believe there are way more of those than the left is willing to admit. The left needs to have as many people dependent on them as possible and that is their goal.
Here's the one truth you need to folks, under Obama poverty has went up

welfare has exploded and jobs are being scaled back to part timers

so enjoy while ludds bitches about the RW
As long as the left keeps embracing policies that destroy manufacturing jobs, service jobs were never intended to provide a living wage yet policies have forced the US into a service economy and then wonder what went wrong. You can't have an economy where 76% is based on consumerism. Service jobs don't provide a good consumer base.
Democrats believe that food stamps and unemployment stimulate the economy

That's the level of stupidity we're dealing with

Say it slowly, unemployment stimulates the economy


Got it?
So by that logic we can promote Apathy? Have less jobs, and a minus economic growth?

And we will reduce poverty how?

Maybe by taking more from someone else? problem with that is eventually someone else is not going to have more anymore.


we need less economic growth

we need less jobs

we need less ambition

yay democrats!!!!!
The 3 Biggest Right-Wing Lies About Poverty | Alternet

Lie #1: Economic growth reduces poverty.

Lie #2: Jobs reduce poverty.

Lie #3: Ambition cures poverty.

I hope people will read the article because, though it may not seem obvious, these actually do make sense.

All the article did was throw out some claims, failed to back them up, and then failed to offer any explanation of why they believe that their claims should be taken at face value.

They claim there are more working poor, but lament the fact that people have minimum wage jobs and it's not enough for a family of four. Okay. Minimum wage jobs were never designed for the bread winners of the family and they are entry level jobs that require little, if any, experience or education. They claim the people cannot move up in those dead end jobs. Many have moved up. You can go from janitor to waiter to fry cook to assistant manager to manager if you have a clue what you're doing. That is where the education comes in. It's also easier for a person who didn't start a family with no means to support them. The time to be taking the starter jobs and trying to move up is when you're young and you don't have people depending on you.

The article doesn't address where most of the middle class jobs went. Obamacare has killed many small businesses which make up that precious ladder between minimum wage jobs and higher paying, middle class jobs.
Yet ANOTHER thread where some liberal recites things that conservatives didn't say, accuses them of saying them, then accuses them of lying?

You people are getting desperate, aren't you.

You really need some new material.
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The 3 Biggest Right-Wing Lies About Poverty | Alternet

Lie #1: Economic growth reduces poverty.

Lie #2: Jobs reduce poverty.

Lie #3: Ambition cures poverty.

I hope people will read the article because, though it may not seem obvious, these actually do make sense.

All the article did was throw out some claims, failed to back them up, and then failed to offer any explanation of why they believe that their claims should be taken at face value.

They claim there are more working poor, but lament the fact that people have minimum wage jobs and it's not enough for a family of four. Okay. Minimum wage jobs were never designed for the bread winners of the family and they are entry level jobs that require little, if any, experience or education. They claim the people cannot move up in those dead end jobs. Many have moved up. You can go from janitor to waiter to fry cook to assistant manager to manager if you have a clue what you're doing. That is where the education comes in. It's also easier for a person who didn't start a family with no means to support them. The time to be taking the starter jobs and trying to move up is when you're young and you don't have people depending on you.

The article doesn't address where most of the middle class jobs went. Obamacare has killed many small businesses which make up that precious ladder between minimum wage jobs and higher paying, middle class jobs.

that's the con they pull over people's eyes to push for businesses to have to pay out more because of their policies that is strangling business and us to death and that are affecting JOBS
The 3 Biggest Right-Wing Lies About Poverty | Alternet

Lie #1: Economic growth reduces poverty.

Lie #2: Jobs reduce poverty.

Lie #3: Ambition cures poverty.

I hope people will read the article because, though it may not seem obvious, these actually do make sense.

Since you don't read:

#1-When it all goes to the rich...
#2- Crap jobs..
#3- With crap education and training...
Good point. You can thank the left for the crap education.

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