Thousands of women haven't been harassed by Cain

As far as he can REMEMBER about what he could RECALL, that is... :eusa_whistle:

You gtotta love that dumb bastard. He rants on and on about false accusations then turns right around and accuses the Democratic party of being responsible for it. Somebody should tell him he can't have it both ways.

Also he said he would take a lie detector test but only if he felt one was justified. I'd guess we shouldn't hold our breath.
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As far as he can REMEMBER about what he could RECALL, that is... :eusa_whistle:

You gtotta love that dumb bastard. He rants on and on about false accusations then turns right around and accuses the Democratic party of being responsible for it. Somebody should tell him he can't have it both ways.

Also he said he would take a lie detector test but only if he felt one was justified. I'd guess we shouldn't hold our breath.

have your blinders on withregards that all 5 bimbos and liars are desperate and looking for a cash out. beyond the scope of normal thinking
In all his years in business the alleged inappropriate conduct all occurred in a two year period when he worked for the National Restaurant Association. None of the women filed a complaint with any agency at the time, and they all have close ties to the democrats today.

That's a lot of coincidence.
If they would recognize the difference between sexual harassment and gender bias, there would be very few legitimate complaints.
In all his years in business the alleged inappropriate conduct all occurred in a two year period when he worked for the National Restaurant Association. None of the women filed a complaint with any agency at the time, and they all have close ties to the democrats today.

That's a lot of coincidence.

Joe Paterno and Sandusky are Republicans. Are the Democrats doing all this recent stuff to them.
What a pig.

Why do conservatives protect him, I'll never understand that or vote for them because of that.

Not that it matters, of course.
What a pig.

Why do conservatives protect him, I'll never understand that or vote for them because of that.

Not that it matters, of course.

because they're misogynists... they couldn't care less if someone sexually harasses women. these are the same people who think a woman is "asking for it" if she wears seductive clothing. just like they have no problem with gingrich cheating on his wife while impeaching bill clinton for cheating.. and then not caring that he served divorce papers on his wife while she was in her hospital bed after a mastectomy.

i mean... how pathetic a person do you have to be do do that? or to vote for someone who would do that?
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Most mass murderers murdered thousands fewer people than they met. This guy was the head of a Federal Reserve Bank? Holy shit.

The Federal Reserve Is not on my Christmas List. That in itself does not work well as a hold card for me. The Sexual Advance charges trouble me too, I just can't bring myself to consider them credible at this point, because of the time factor. Would I like the matter cleared up. one way or the other? Yes. Do I give the Left or the media credibility, considering how they totally swept the Clinton Rape Allegations under the rug? Not at all. I believe there is little the Left will not do to advance it's agenda.

We now have a President that has gifted himself the Power to Target Anyone for Drone Attack, for Assassination, without any oversight from Congress or the Courts, without any checks and balances, and the silence remains deafening.

It just goes to show you that the Left can't do anything wrong, and the Right can't do anything right. Total Hypocrisy. I guess in the end we get exactly what we deserve, in this case, as punishment for Stupidity and General Principle.

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