Thoughts on Americans being able to make 70,000 a year out of high school?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
For decades in the 20th century, this is how things worked in this country. People got jobs out of high school, or even if they dropped out of high school that set them for life. We don’t have that now because the government gave away jobs to China and India and they never had to do that but they did so out of greed corporate greed, that is.

Now today there are many untapped resources in America that we could use to be able to get great job two men and women right out of high school. Just like it was in the 20th century.

Not everyone can go to college. This is just a math situation. There’s not enough trade jobs if everyone did a trade or a skilled type of job it wouldn’t work out. There’s over 300 million people in America not everyone can go to college, not everyone can learn to skilled trade. By the way, it takes a lot of skill And physical skill and mental skill to be able to do factory jobs.

If we don’t have a middle class, America will be destroyed. Simply put if people want to see a country where you have huge portions of Americans, making minimum wage we will turn into a third world country. So let’s hope that our leaders and politicians can do the right thing and bring back the middle class jobs or else does countries finished no matter what side of the aisle you come down on that’s just simple math.
It’s a terrible thing that Amazon and Walmart are the largest employers in America certainly among the largest. They provide low-paying jobs with no unions no benefits. And there’s nothing good about being able to go on Amazon or Walmart and get things cheaper when huge portions of Americans are homeless or living in poverty. That’s a bad formula and it can’t continue on like this or we will turn into a Third World country.
“Well, those days are over we cannot turn back the clock”

Well, there’s tons of untapped resources in America even the clean energy jobs that could be a potential for middle class jobs out of high school. Bottom line we have over 300 million Americans in this country not everyone can go to college there’s not enough jobs to fill if everyone learn a skill trade, it just doesn’t work like that.

So we’re either going to have a slave society were tons of people are working garbage jobs relying on government assistance. That is literally a form of slavery. Not the same type of slavery We had 300 years ago in Africa and America. That’s modern day slavery when someone in America has to work three low-paying jobs and rely on government assistance.. So we can’t have that in America that’s not how this country supposed to be
We don’t have that now because the government gave away jobs to China and India and they never had to do that but they did so out of greed corporate greed, that is.

The Govt cannot give away jobs of private companies, that is a choice each of them make.
The Govt cannot give away jobs of private companies, that is a choice each of them make.

While they can not, they can help incentivize the move.

It should be the opposite. Huge tax increases for offshoring.
While they can not, they can help incentivize the move.

It should be the opposite. Huge tax increases for offshoring.

How do they move jobs overseas? How many jobs per shipping container?
How does that give them a tax break?
For decades in the 20th century, this is how things worked in this country. People got jobs out of high school, or even if they dropped out of high school that set them for life. We don’t have that now because the government gave away jobs to China and India and they never had to do that but they did so out of greed corporate greed, that is.

Now today there are many untapped resources in America that we could use to be able to get great job two men and women right out of high school. Just like it was in the 20th century.

Not everyone can go to college. This is just a math situation. There’s not enough trade jobs if everyone did a trade or a skilled type of job it wouldn’t work out. There’s over 300 million people in America not everyone can go to college, not everyone can learn to skilled trade. By the way, it takes a lot of skill And physical skill and mental skill to be able to do factory jobs.

If we don’t have a middle class, America will be destroyed. Simply put if people want to see a country where you have huge portions of Americans, making minimum wage we will turn into a third world country. So let’s hope that our leaders and politicians can do the right thing and bring back the middle class jobs or else does countries finished no matter what side of the aisle you come down on that’s just simple math.
My sons and daughters have lots of friends that make over seventy grand a year right out of high school. Many more that went to trade school and make that much, or more. For those with just a high school diploma, warehouse work, delivery drivers for Fedex or UPS. Sure, ninety hours a week is not unusual but it is that overtime that pushes the earnings up.

But yes, I agree, changes need to be made and we begin by increases the corporate income tax rate. Doubling it would be a good start. I am old enough to remember the 60's. The corporate income tax rate from 1968 to 1969 was 24.2% on the first $25,000 in income and 52.8% for all the income over $25,000. Today it is 21% from dollar one. Considering it was 15% for income below $50,000 prior to the much heralded Trump corporate tax cut it is pretty safe to say that Trump screwed small businesses.

What everyone fails to understand is that the corporate tax rate is merely the "cost" of taking money out of the business. This dismal rate of 21% is insulting, and please, don't even try to compare it to countries in Europe where they have a VAT in addition to the corporate tax rate. So, back in 1969, if a business granted a raise to employees, or even invested in training, it cost them less than fifty cents on the dollar. Today, it costs them almost eighty cents.

The real "proof" of this concept. Remember when the Trump tax cuts were passed. Remember all the companies, from Walmart to Sprint, that handed out bonuses to employees, all claiming it was because of the corporate tax cut. Well damn, every one of those bonuses was distributed out under the OLD corporate tax rate. Since the new one went into effect those bonuses dried up.

Look, I worked for Walmart for a brief period of time, about three years. I was a manager. I know the numbers, intimately. A manager of a Supercenter, with a volume of at least 95 million dollars a year, makes a quarter of a million dollars a year. Few of them have a college degree. But the grocery department manager makes about $21 an hour, which isn't even $45,000 a year, and he is responsible for about 18 million dollars a year in volume. That is insulting, but it gets worse. A manager of the perishable departments, meat and produce, makes about $18 an hour while generating at least half of the profit for the entire store. The reality is that the Walmart heirs, with more than 50% of the outstanding stock, make more from that perishable department than the manager. That is FUBARED.

We have all been fawked. The middle class is dying because the Republican party has continually catered to the wealthy. Nothing demonstrates that more than the Republican party's opposition to those additional IRS agents. Hell, not only to corporations and wealthy individuals relish an extremely low tax rate, they can cheat like hell because the IRS is so understaffed. They are so understaffed that even though they are required, by law, to audit the president and the vice-president, they haven't even completed Trump's 2017 audit. So don't anyone bitch if Biden is grifting several million dollars a year in bribes. You guys established the precedence and refuse to fund the enforcement.
What everyone fails to understand is that the corporate tax rate is merely the "cost" of taking money out of the business. This dismal rate of 21% is insulting, and please, don't even try to compare it to countries in Europe where they have a VAT in addition to the corporate tax rate. So, back in 1969, if a business granted a raise to employees, or even invested in training, it cost them less than fifty cents on the dollar. Today, it costs them almost eighty cents.

Corporations exist to "take money out of the business".
If you insist on having the highest corporate tax in the 1st World, corporations
will move somewhere cheaper.
My sons and daughters have lots of friends that make over seventy grand a year right out of high school. Many more that went to trade school and make that much, or more. For those with just a high school diploma, warehouse work, delivery drivers for Fedex or UPS. Sure, ninety hours a week is not unusual but it is that overtime that pushes the earnings up.

But yes, I agree, changes need to be made and we begin by increases the corporate income tax rate. Doubling it would be a good start. I am old enough to remember the 60's. The corporate income tax rate from 1968 to 1969 was 24.2% on the first $25,000 in income and 52.8% for all the income over $25,000. Today it is 21% from dollar one. Considering it was 15% for income below $50,000 prior to the much heralded Trump corporate tax cut it is pretty safe to say that Trump screwed small businesses.

What everyone fails to understand is that the corporate tax rate is merely the "cost" of taking money out of the business. This dismal rate of 21% is insulting, and please, don't even try to compare it to countries in Europe where they have a VAT in addition to the corporate tax rate. So, back in 1969, if a business granted a raise to employees, or even invested in training, it cost them less than fifty cents on the dollar. Today, it costs them almost eighty cents.

The real "proof" of this concept. Remember when the Trump tax cuts were passed. Remember all the companies, from Walmart to Sprint, that handed out bonuses to employees, all claiming it was because of the corporate tax cut. Well damn, every one of those bonuses was distributed out under the OLD corporate tax rate. Since the new one went into effect those bonuses dried up.

Look, I worked for Walmart for a brief period of time, about three years. I was a manager. I know the numbers, intimately. A manager of a Supercenter, with a volume of at least 95 million dollars a year, makes a quarter of a million dollars a year. Few of them have a college degree. But the grocery department manager makes about $21 an hour, which isn't even $45,000 a year, and he is responsible for about 18 million dollars a year in volume. That is insulting, but it gets worse. A manager of the perishable departments, meat and produce, makes about $18 an hour while generating at least half of the profit for the entire store. The reality is that the Walmart heirs, with more than 50% of the outstanding stock, make more from that perishable department than the manager. That is FUBARED.

We have all been fawked. The middle class is dying because the Republican party has continually catered to the wealthy. Nothing demonstrates that more than the Republican party's opposition to those additional IRS agents. Hell, not only to corporations and wealthy individuals relish an extremely low tax rate, they can cheat like hell because the IRS is so understaffed. They are so understaffed that even though they are required, by law, to audit the president and the vice-president, they haven't even completed Trump's 2017 audit. So don't anyone bitch if Biden is grifting several million dollars a year in bribes. You guys established the precedence and refuse to fund the enforcement.
What a very well thought out post. There’s a lot there, so I’m gonna try and respond to that later.

And thanks everyone else for the responses. I will see you also my dad, Uncle , and grandfather all made 70 K a year adjusted for inflation along with millions of Americans right out of high school in the 20th century.
It can still be done.
Kids today dont seem to have the drive I had when I was a youngster.
They still live at home while I couldnt wait to move out.
You can be a machinist,plumber,electrician,truck driver and many other blue collar jobs.
Kids today want top dollar when they dont have the skills for it.
Had a shop manager that dealt with those types by handing them a blueprint and telling them to go at it with no help from anyone.
They of course all failed.
A manager of the perishable departments, meat and produce, makes about $18 an hour while generating at least half of the profit for the entire store. The reality is that the Walmart heirs, with more than 50% of the outstanding stock, make more from that perishable department than the manager. That is FUBARED.

OMG! The owners make more than a manager. Outrageous!

He should take his expertise and start his own store.
He'll make millions. It'll be easy.

My sons and daughters have lots of friends that make over seventy grand a year right out of high school. Many more that went to trade school and make that much, or more. For those with just a high school diploma, warehouse work, delivery drivers for Fedex or UPS. Sure, ninety hours a week is not unusual but it is that overtime that pushes the earnings up.

But yes, I agree, changes need to be made and we begin by increases the corporate income tax rate. Doubling it would be a good start. I am old enough to remember the 60's. The corporate income tax rate from 1968 to 1969 was 24.2% on the first $25,000 in income and 52.8% for all the income over $25,000. Today it is 21% from dollar one. Considering it was 15% for income below $50,000 prior to the much heralded Trump corporate tax cut it is pretty safe to say that Trump screwed small businesses.

What everyone fails to understand is that the corporate tax rate is merely the "cost" of taking money out of the business. This dismal rate of 21% is insulting, and please, don't even try to compare it to countries in Europe where they have a VAT in addition to the corporate tax rate. So, back in 1969, if a business granted a raise to employees, or even invested in training, it cost them less than fifty cents on the dollar. Today, it costs them almost eighty cents.

The real "proof" of this concept. Remember when the Trump tax cuts were passed. Remember all the companies, from Walmart to Sprint, that handed out bonuses to employees, all claiming it was because of the corporate tax cut. Well damn, every one of those bonuses was distributed out under the OLD corporate tax rate. Since the new one went into effect those bonuses dried up.

Look, I worked for Walmart for a brief period of time, about three years. I was a manager. I know the numbers, intimately. A manager of a Supercenter, with a volume of at least 95 million dollars a year, makes a quarter of a million dollars a year. Few of them have a college degree. But the grocery department manager makes about $21 an hour, which isn't even $45,000 a year, and he is responsible for about 18 million dollars a year in volume. That is insulting, but it gets worse. A manager of the perishable departments, meat and produce, makes about $18 an hour while generating at least half of the profit for the entire store. The reality is that the Walmart heirs, with more than 50% of the outstanding stock, make more from that perishable department than the manager. That is FUBARED.

We have all been fawked. The middle class is dying because the Republican party has continually catered to the wealthy. Nothing demonstrates that more than the Republican party's opposition to those additional IRS agents. Hell, not only to corporations and wealthy individuals relish an extremely low tax rate, they can cheat like hell because the IRS is so understaffed. They are so understaffed that even though they are required, by law, to audit the president and the vice-president, they haven't even completed Trump's 2017 audit. So don't anyone bitch if Biden is grifting several million dollars a year in bribes. You guys established the precedence and refuse to fund the enforcement.
by the way, I did speak with a UPS driver yesterday. They recently signed a new contract and they’re getting like $41 an hour after sometime on the job I don’t think it’s that much time I’m gonna have to go back and check. That deserves a thread of its own. That is really great news for America, and for the working man and woman in this country.

But you know what with UPS you have to be able to lift a certain amount of weight so that might be an issue for some folks. Nevertheless, it’s an amazing thing excellent work by the Teamsters union. So that definitely deserves it’s own thread maybe you should make it. You should make a thread about UPS driver signing a new contract because I’m not fully aware of the details of the contract but I’m going to look that up.

I’ll try and respond to you and others later. I’m very busy right now.
For decades in the 20th century, this is how things worked in this country. People got jobs out of high school, or even if they dropped out of high school that set them for life. We don’t have that now because the government gave away jobs to China and India and they never had to do that but they did so out of greed corporate greed, that is.

Now today there are many untapped resources in America that we could use to be able to get great job two men and women right out of high school. Just like it was in the 20th century.

Not everyone can go to college. This is just a math situation. There’s not enough trade jobs if everyone did a trade or a skilled type of job it wouldn’t work out. There’s over 300 million people in America not everyone can go to college, not everyone can learn to skilled trade. By the way, it takes a lot of skill And physical skill and mental skill to be able to do factory jobs.

If we don’t have a middle class, America will be destroyed. Simply put if people want to see a country where you have huge portions of Americans, making minimum wage we will turn into a third world country. So let’s hope that our leaders and politicians can do the right thing and bring back the middle class jobs or else does countries finished no matter what side of the aisle you come down on that’s just simple math.
This has more to do with the products America produces and imports than anything else.

What do you think are the chief exports in America today vx the exports of 50 years ago?
What a very well thought out post. There’s a lot there, so I’m gonna try and respond to that later.

And thanks everyone else for the responses. I will see you also my dad, Uncle , and grandfather all made 70 K a year adjusted for inflation along with millions of Americans right out of high school in the 20th century.
Well my company has manufacturing jobs that will pay high school level folks $52k to start, plus benefits and a likely bonus at the end of the year. I think it depends on if you live in a state that never shut down during Covid, like I do, that supports companies like this one who look for and reward the best workers. All you need is a good work ethic.
Henry Ford was one of the greatest and most wealthiest human beings to ever exist. And so he provided American men and women, black and white with millions of middle class jobs. Because of Henry Ford, millions of Americans throughout the 20th century were making great money right out of high school. We don’t have any Henry Ford’s today

Certainly not Jeff Bezos even Elon musk of Tesla is paying a low wage to there workers and they are a billionaire. So there’s no excuse for this. There’s no excuse to have billionaire CEOs who have these companies that sell cheap products to people which are by the way that products they don’t they’re not even good.

Props to Elon musk, for breaking free speech to Twitter, but he’s got a provider union for Tesla workers, and better wages.

For those who disagreed all I say, is look at Henry Ford. Because I admire and honorable CEO and we just don’t have those today.

So it’s a terrible thing that people are going on Amazon. Going to Walmart getting cheap things while the middle class has been devastated in this country. And there’s no excuse for it. This is the greatest country in the history of the world. For 60 or 70 years we had a situation where the CEOs like Henry Ford were the richest people on the planet, but they provided for the middle class. We don’t have that anymore and we need to bring that back or this country will become a third world country. …
Henry Ford was a one time opponent of unions, but at the insistence of his wife and son he ended up working with unions. He became friends with Walter Reuther.
One of my sisters makes $27 and some change an hour which works out to close to $60K a year before any over time in a non-unionized factory job that doesn't require a college degree (even though she has one). One of my brother does better because of a lot of overtime working in a unionized factory job who has no college degree. There are a few of those places left. The lower wage factory jobs are mostly the ones that left the country--textiles and the like.

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