Thought crimes, Two Minutes of Hate - Fox News and Sean Hannity lie and engage in propaganda about pro Palestine Americans


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May 12, 2022

I caught the end portion of Hannity tonight. I never thought that this nonsense would come back. About 10 years ago perhaps even 15 years ago I recall all of the hysteria and propaganda about Muslims from Fox News . And now it’s back. And my fellow Trump supporters you simply have to remember. Fox News doesn’t have our back, they fired Tucker Carlson for no good reason. Carlson was bringing us raw hard-hitting stories about the attacks on free speech.

Tonight Sean Hannity interviewed a former Prime Minister of Israel…. The interview was filled with misinformation and anti-American propaganda. The claim was made on two specific points the idea that saying “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free“ is somehow anti-Semitic and that it is terroristic to say “Allah Akbar”. Well truth is there are those Christians and Muslims in Palestine today fighting for freedom defending their homes right now in Gaza doing what any Christian patriotic American would do if we were invaded . Israel invaded Gaza based on some false flag. Israel goes in the Gaza based on a false flag it’s just like the film 1984. Well in Palestine, brave Christians and Muslims believe in equality, they believe in helping the poor and they are fighting for freedom.

^One day, perhaps there will be freedom in the holy land.

As for Fox News and what they aired tonight It couldn’t have been more like 1984. A thought crime if you will. The idea that people like Hannity and those like him can tell people what they are thinking.

…..well too bad for Fox News and Hannity, they will not win. The spirit of Jesus, our founding fathers and the Spirit of freedom prevails over them.

And with that being said…from the river to the sea Palestine will be free. Allah Akbar.
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Just like Roger waters of Pink Floyd said. The Palestinians are occupied. They have a right to resist under the Geneva conventions and basic human dignity.

Hamas is not the only Palestinian militant group. There are tons of Palestinians, who are secular, who are Christians, and Muslims who believe in freedom, and they have every right to resist when their land is invaded.

The whole Hamas angle is propaganda. They were first created by Israel as a bul work against the secular Palestinian resistance groups. If people don’t buy this simply ask yourself but one question. Where are the air strikes from Palestinian jets into Israel right now. Jets not glorified fire crackers. . Where are organized Palestinian armies with tanks marching into Israel right now.? Nope that ain’t happening.

All the power, all the money lay in Israel. They are the invaders they have invaded Gaza based on what they say is the oct 7 attack which even people in Israel believe may have been a false flag. Well it’s all the more interesting because Israeli politicians are literally talking about taking over Gaza, seems like they’re getting what they want, they as in the far right wing in Israel… not the every day good people of Israel.

if we Americans were living in a situation where all of a sudden homes and apartment complexes all around us were being bombed. How would we react to that? That’s what the people of Gaza face.

And if we want to live up to the ideals of the founding fathers and American integrity, we need to rethink how we approach the situation in the holy land.
The people of Gaza ARE hamas. They are hamas wherever they are. Even here.
That’s the whole point. See Israel is getting what it wants out of this hamas propaganda angle. How Israeli officials constantly use the word Hamas as if it represents all Palestinians, doesn’t that remind us of 1984 and the lessons that movie teaches us. The lessons of George Orwell.

Israeli gov officials use Hamas as a justification for a continuous war to take over Gaza.

Hamas doesn’t represent all Palestinians, they were funded by Israel, they aren’t even in the west bank.
Hamas does represent all Palestinians. It is a terrorist network there, here, anywhere else in the world they might be. The Palestinian Authority is in the West Bank. They are another terrorist organization. Like Isis and the Taliban. All terrorists with different names. Like Central American drug cartels.

I caught the end portion of Hannity tonight. I never thought that this nonsense would come back. About 10 years ago perhaps even 15 years ago I recall all of the hysteria and propaganda about Muslims from Fox News . And now it’s back. And my fellow Trump supporters you simply have to remember. Fox News doesn’t have our back, they fired Tucker Carlson for no good reason. Carlson was bringing us raw hard-hitting stories about the attacks on free speech.

Tonight Sean Hannity interviewed a former Prime Minister of Israel…. The interview was filled with misinformation and anti-American propaganda. The claim was made on two specific points the idea that saying “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free“ is somehow anti-Semitic and that it is terroristic to say “Allah Akbar”. Well truth is there are those Christians and Muslims in Palestine today fighting for freedom defending their homes right now in Gaza doing what any Christian patriotic American would do if we were invaded . Israel invaded Gaza based on some false flag. Israel goes in the Gaza based on a false flag it’s just like the film 1984. Well in Palestine, brave Christians and Muslims believe in equality, they believe in helping the poor and they are fighting for freedom.

^One day, perhaps there will be freedom in the holy land.

As for Fox News and what they aired tonight It couldn’t have been more like 1984. A thought crime if you will. The idea that people like Hannity and those like him can tell people what they are thinking.

…..well too bad for Fox News and Hannity, they will not win. The spirit of Jesus, our founding fathers and the Spirit of freedom prevails over them.

And with that being said…from the river to the sea Palestine will be free. Allah Akbar.

Well truth is there are those Christians and Muslims in Palestine today fighting for freedom defending their homes right now in Gaza doing what any Christian patriotic American would do

Killing Hamas?

And with that being said…from the river to the sea Palestine will be free. Allah Akbar.

Can't hear you with that muzzie dick in your mouth.
"From the river to the sea" means, "from the River Jordan," which runs the entire border between Syria and Israel, thus the entire recognized nation of Israel should no longer exist and they make it clear that ALL Jews (Hebrews) should be killed (men, women, children, babies). Every one of them. Hamas is simply, hardcore Islamists that want an Islamic Caliphate, period. They're vehemently anti-gay and kill them when they discover any. They oppress their women and beat them. If Jews were all wiped out tomorrow, they would then divert their attention to the Christians.
As for Israel, it's original name was NOT Palestine, but Judea and Jerusalem was founded by the Hebrews (Jews) in 1000 BC. Whereas Islam wasn't founded until the early 600's AD by Muhammad, a tribal murderous warrior, who's goal was to spread Islam across the known world, via the sword. If you were to dig up the remains of Jerusalem's original inhabitants, you could no doubt match their DNA to existing Jews in Jerusalem. They are, the Indigenous Peoples. Many migrated away, but came back.
Excluding converts to Judaism, the bulk of them are descendants of the original inhabitants. That said, they're entitled to have some of their land back.
People in the US squawk that the Europeans "stole" the lands from the Indigenous Peoples and some of that is true, while other times the land was purchased from the tribes. In any case, it was good to hear that the Creek Indians got back half of Oklahoma, which was originally stolen from them. Many in the US were happy to hear this correction for a wrongdoing.
In the case of Judea, that land was stolen from the Jews in war and the Jews via the British and the United Nations Security Council, got back a portion of their land. Good for them. The Muslims on the other hand, follow the Quran, which teaches them that once they conquer a land from infidels, that land becomes Muslim land and should the infidels fight and get there land back, those infidels are to always be considered "OCCUPIERS" by Muslims until they can win it back by war. Sound familiar?
"From the river to the sea" means, "from the River Jordan," which runs the entire border between Syria and Israel, thus the entire recognized nation of Israel should no longer exist and they make it clear that ALL Jews (Hebrews) should be killed (men, women, children, babies). Every one of them. Hamas is simply, hardcore Islamists that want an Islamic Caliphate, period. They're vehemently anti-gay and kill them when they discover any. They oppress their women and beat them. If Jews were all wiped out tomorrow, they would then divert their attention to the Christians.
As for Israel, it's original name was NOT Palestine, but Judea and Jerusalem was founded by the Hebrews (Jews) in 1000 BC. Whereas Islam wasn't founded until the early 600's AD by Muhammad, a tribal murderous warrior, who's goal was to spread Islam across the known world, via the sword. If you were to dig up the remains of Jerusalem's original inhabitants, you could no doubt match their DNA to existing Jews in Jerusalem. They are, the Indigenous Peoples. Many migrated away, but came back.
Excluding converts to Judaism, the bulk of them are descendants of the original inhabitants. That said, they're entitled to have some of their land back.
People in the US squawk that the Europeans "stole" the lands from the Indigenous Peoples and some of that is true, while other times the land was purchased from the tribes. In any case, it was good to hear that the Creek Indians got back half of Oklahoma, which was originally stolen from them. Many in the US were happy to hear this correction for a wrongdoing.
In the case of Judea, that land was stolen from the Jews in war and the Jews via the British and the United Nations Security Council, got back a portion of their land. Good for them. The Muslims on the other hand, follow the Quran, which teaches them that once they conquer a land from infidels, that land becomes Muslim land and should the infidels fight and get there land back, those infidels are to always be considered "OCCUPIERS" by Muslims until they can win it back by war. Sound familiar?
From the river to the sea , Palestine will be free means that the West Bank and Gaza will be free.

Anything else is simply the idea of a thought crime, trying to tell people how they think when they make some kind of a statement … that ain’t right. Sean Hannity is wrong.

Palestinians have been in the holy land for thousands of years. Palestine is thousands of years old and there was a Roman province called Palestine.

Arab Jews have been in Israel for just as long as Arab Muslims.

Spain was Muslim for centuries. There is no serious effort today by any Muslim country to reconquer Al Andalus.

Saying that the Quran preaches evil is no different than saying the Torah preaches is evil
From the river to the sea , Palestine will be free means that the West Bank and Gaza will be free.

Anything else is simply the idea of a thought crime, trying to tell people how they think when they make some kind of a statement … that ain’t right. Sean Hannity is wrong.

Palestinians have been in the holy land for thousands of years. Palestine is thousands of years old and there was a Roman province called Palestine.

Arab Jews have been in Israel for just as long as Arab Muslims.

Spain was Muslim for centuries. There is no serious effort today by any Muslim country to reconquer Al Andalus.

Saying that the Quran preaches evil is no different than saying the Torah preaches is evil
From the river to the sea means exactly what I said it means, one just has to look at the map. Frankly you're just a troll.
From the river to the sea , Palestine will be free means that the West Bank and Gaza will be free.

Anything else is simply the idea of a thought crime, trying to tell people how they think when they make some kind of a statement … that ain’t right. Sean Hannity is wrong.

Palestinians have been in the holy land for thousands of years. Palestine is thousands of years old and there was a Roman province called Palestine.

Arab Jews have been in Israel for just as long as Arab Muslims.

Spain was Muslim for centuries. There is no serious effort today by any Muslim country to reconquer Al Andalus.

Saying that the Quran preaches evil is no different than saying the Torah preaches is evil

The word Palestine refers to the Philistines, who it is believed were established Greeks in that region. No matter what you like to believe, Islam (Muslims) could NOT have come along until Muhammad created the barbaric religion, in the 600's and the Muslims didn't even conquer the area until the mid 600's. So, they are the occupiers.
The wannabe commie scumbag OP is a fucking piece of shit, just like his namesake.
The people of Gaza ARE hamas. They are hamas wherever they are. Even here.
Franklin brings me back to my childhood when read the islamo-naz propaganda that floated around my sem-rural suburban USA town in little seedy pamphlets, way back in the 1950s.
By the time I was an adolescent (circa 1960) I thought that NO ONE could believe the crap in those pamphlets-----but then I came into contact with lots of "highly educated" muslims ---they had been brought up on the same idiocy that Franklin spews. Later in life I joined the NAVY----the southern recruits are another target for islamo nazi BS----nice but naive kids
Franklin brings me back to my childhood when read the islamo-naz propaganda that floated around my sem-rural suburban USA town in little seedy pamphlets, way back in the 1950s.
By the time I was an adolescent (circa 1960) I thought that NO ONE could believe the crap in those pamphlets-----but then I came into contact with lots of "highly educated" muslims ---they had been brought up on the same idiocy that Franklin spews. Later in life I joined the NAVY----the southern recruits are another target for islamo nazi BS----nice but naive kids
I always lived in major cities. In the 90s and 2000s lived in a Muslim neighborhood. They were the nicest, kindest people you might ever meet. They would also rip open your gut and eat your liver -raw. They lied with flowers. I even went to mosque to hear love and piousness in English and vile murderousness in Arabic. Trust these people at your peril.

There is a reason why Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark are deporting their Muslim migrants.
I always lived in major cities. In the 90s and 2000s lived in a Muslim neighborhood. They were the nicest, kindest people you might ever meet. They would also rip open your gut and eat your liver -raw. They lied with flowers. I even went to mosque to hear love and piousness in English and vile murderousness in Arabic. Trust these people at your peril.

There is a reason why Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark are deporting their Muslim migrants.
I have worked with lots of muslim professionals whom I got to know very
well. They were educated in muslim
countries and our conversations were
candid. (intense high-pressure long hours work does that to people) The crap stuffed
into their heads in school is reflected PRECISELY in the posts of----uhm.....the usual
suspects on these boards. SOS---the Same
Old Stuff decade after decade
to pepoe
From the river to the sea means exactly what I said it means, one just has to look at the map. Frankly you're just a troll.
I am fascinated with Franklin's statement>>>
Arab Jews have been in Israel for just as long as Arab Muslims.
???? can some-
one interpret that one for me?

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