Those Evil Corporations


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Birmingham, AL
We've all read the breathless rants about the "greedy rich" and "evil corporations" who are supposedly ruining everything for everyone in society. It comes from mostly the left spilling over into some paranoid libertarian types. Their rhetoric is garnished with alarmist buzzwords like "huge multinationals" and "global corporatists." We're "informed" of their "record profits" and warned of how they are out of control leviathans, destroying the middle class and profiteering on the backs of the poor or working class. Statistics are drawn and presented to supposedly support their claims and arguments, but it is all one-sided statistics compiled by the leftists to help support their agenda-driven message. In most realms this is commonly known as "propaganda."

One of their favorite laments is the recent Supreme Court ruling in Citizen's United, which basically found that corporations are Constitutionally protected by the First Amendment. This has been turned into the mindless rant of "corporations are people" by the lefties. Of course, the SCOTUS didn't rule that corporations are people, they don't have voting rights as a corporation, but every corporation is comprised of people. In fact, they are an association of people. Under our Constitution, you are endowed with your rights regardless of association. Your rights can not be restricted simply because you belong to an association, therefore, corporations (associations of people) have freedom of speech. To restrict it is to restrict the individuals who comprise the corporation on the basis of association, which is not allowed under the Constitution.

Whenever we see these extremist rants about the greedy multinational corporations, it's important to understand what they are really saying in essence. What they are arguing against is freedom. The ability of any American citizen to enter the arena of ideas and compete. To take your talent and idea and forge a better life for yourself and your family through free enterprise in the free market capitalist system. They wish to prohibit you from being free to do this because you may become a greedy multinational corporation in the process, and those are bad.

It is safe to say that every corporation which has ever existed, started out as an individual with an idea. Some of the largest multinational conglomerates began in someone's basement with virtually no money. Eventually, other people became involved who believed in the idea, and the corporation was born because the idea was good. Because it was a good idea, consumers responded by supporting whatever the corporation did and they began to make profit. They reinvested the profit, grew the company, and made their product or service available to more consumers. Finally, they expanded operations to other countries and became multinational.

The lefties seem to conveniently forget that virtually everything we do from the moment we wake until we go to sleep, involves some corporation providing a good or service to meet our needs. And as a matter of fact, even when we sleep, we sleep on a pillow and mattress between sheets made by corporations. All of our food, clothing, everything we have, comes from some corporate enterprise... unless we are like the Amish and make our own. For each of these corporations, at some point, an individual had an idea that people might be willing to pay money for something, and they made that happen through their own skill, talent, hard work and perseverance, in a free market capitalist system.

Now the intellectuals in the lefty crowd will drone on and on about the dangers of "unfettered capitalism" but to be honest, it's hard to tell what the dangers might be, because we've not had "unfettered capitalism" anywhere in the world for about a century or more. We began "fettering" capitalism in the early 1900s and we've not stopped. We've continued to heap on mounds and mounds of more government regulation and control over free market capitalism. We are taught about the "robber barons" from the early 20th century, as if they were always known as that. Truth is, this moniker didn't become popularized until much later, after we had destroyed their ability to be "unfettered capitalists" in America. At the time, they were businessmen who were engaging in capitalism to deliver goods and services, as well as jobs, to millions of people.

Capitalism in its rawest form is not perfection. Without constraints, capitalists tend to exploit any advantage to ensure greater profits. So most rational people, even the capitalists, realize there is some need for a degree of reasonable oversight and regulation. We don't allow monopolies, we established anti-trust laws, we passed initiatives to protect the environment from capitalist exploitation. But we currently have a flock of left-wing radicals who are vehemently committed to destroying all free market capitalism in America. So they parade around with their rhetoric designed to give the perception that capitalism is evil.

If capitalism has been so great, why would they do this? Well, it's so they can invoke a system of failed Marxist Socialism. You see, Marxism cannot flourish in a free market capitalist system. The ideas are contradictory to one another. The State needs to be in control of capitalism, not the free market or individuals. It's important to note when Marxism was developed, it was to counteract capitalism which was not free market based, but controlled by rulers and kings. Back in the 19th century across much of Europe and Asia, all the capitalism was conducted by the ruling class elite, at the expense of the peasants and working class. This is why they spend so much time trying to propagate this myth today, of the greedy multinational corporation raping the lowly working man. Marxism promises to do away with this awful capitalist exploitation by the rulers and install a system which mutually benefits all through socialization.

The problem is, the ideology has always failed to produce as advertised. Capitalism still happens, regardless of what system is in place. Under the Marxist model, the capitalists are those who have the political power and control the wealth. The working class peasants are no better off than they were under a system ruled by kings or monarchs. Corruption prevails and state-owned capitalism becomes no different than ruler-controlled capitalism. It was a breakthrough in human civilization when our founding fathers established on this continent, a system of free enterprise and free market capitalist economy. Finally, the average working man could go out there and through the fruits of his own labor, achieve the economic prosperity and future he had always dreamed of.
Interesting that the "OWS" went underground for a while. You almost gotta laugh when the radical left does it's little dance when the DOW spikes and they can credit Hussein but they still hate the corporate environment that generates the wealth. They all belong in the funny farm.
Even the official Tea Party response to President Obama's State of the Union speech last night acknowledged the growing income gap is a problem that needs to be resolved.

Time to come back to reality. There is a problem. A real problem. Denying the problem of the income gap is repeating the same mistake of denying there was a problem with health care in America.

And just like with health care, if you choose to ignore the problem, the Democrats will "solve" it for you. And you really, really don't want that!
What we are seeing today is an unnatural concentration of wealth. But where the Democrats go off the rails is that they want to punish the innocent with the guilty. They want to "tax the rich". They want the guy who lives in a bigger house than them to pay more.

The Democrats have it in their mind that every person's money is ill-gotten gains and therefore it is justifiable to take it from them. That's why you see them always tag unflattering labels on people whose money they want to take by force. They must assuage their guilt for this naked robbery and so have to find a way to paint the victim as deserving to be robbed. That's what every thief does.

For example, they want a person who is voluntarily uninsured to start buying insurance at a rate that far exceeds their risk liability. The Left wants that person's money so they can redistribute it. So they call that person a "freeloader", never noticing the irony the money they are stealing is going to people who did not earn the money. One third of the REAL freeloaders whose insurance is going to paid for by other people dropped out of high school. They are the ones being carried on our backs, but the Left calls the people who are paying for them "freeloaders". Does it get more insane than that?

But perhaps the greatest redistribution scheme in history is that of the common man's pocket being robbed to fill the coffers of Wall Street.

This is where there biggest unnatural concentration of wealth is occurring. Your 401k, your city treasury, your insurance company, your college endowment fund, your public employee pension fund are ALL being robbed by the openly fraudulent actions of broker-dealers. This is why your insurance goes up, your taxes go up, your tuition goes up.

I could lay down pages and pages and pages of the varieties of robberies which are stealing from you right under your nose. And it is being done with police protection.

It is as if a thief is coming into your home and helping himself to your stuff while a cop acts as a lookout. And on the off chance you catch the thief in the act, the judge fines him for less than the value of your belongings, and he gets to keep your stuff!

All of this is being accomplished with a great deal of assistance from a legislative tilting of the field in the thieves favor.

But because that is far too complex for the average person to be bothered with understanding, the Left just solves it all with "tax the rich more".

That won't solve anything. It punishes the innocent with the guilty, and the guilty will just increase their thievery to make up the difference.

The real battles are being fought in the halls of Congress. Wall Street has done a bang-up job of making Dodd-Frank completely toothless.

Stop looking for simplistic solutions to the complex problems. Start reading the legislation which is giving a license to steal from your wallet. Start paying attention to what the LIBOR and IDXfix scams were all about and start demanding your legislators do something about it. Look at who the biggest donors are to your legislators. R and D are owned by Wall Street.

Start digging. You will be shocked and amazed and very angry about what is going on once you look.

Along with the outright crimes, there are other ways you are being robbed. TARP, QE, ZIRP. These things are robbing you blind. Raising taxes will solve NONE of this.

Credit default swaps where the buyer does not have an insurable interest should be banned. Dodd-Frank did nothing about them, even though they were a leading factor in the global economic collapse.

All derivatives should be sold on a public exchange. Dodd-Frank is making this happen, but guess who gets to run the exchange? The very consortium which destroyed our economy in 2008! How about them apples?

Dodd-Frank requires derivatives sellers to put up an insurance premium for each derivative sold. A great idea. However, there are amendments which shoot this full of holes. Also, the federal body which is writing the regulations for the exchanges has been captured by those same players. For example, an "end user" is allowed to pay a lower premium that what you and I would consider to be a speculator. So you could save a lot of money if you got a federal agency to knight you as an end user, right? The federal body has to define what an "end user" is and who isn't an end user. Well, it is so shot full of holes that EVERYONE will be an end user. Even a fraudster sitting at a Goldman Sachs trading desk who will never even see the commodity he is buying and selling, much less use it, is going to considered an end user when all is said and done. That fuckhead will be given the same status as an airline which uses commodities futures to manage the price of the oil they use.

Your Congress is captured. Your federal regulatory agencies are captured. This is how the legislative field is tilted in the favor of few and causing the unnatural concentration of wealth. Money from your pockets to theirs.

Your Senators and Congressmen put federal pre-emptions in the legislation which pre-empts laws your state level representatives enacted to protect you from thieves like this. Those pre-emptions concentrate all the regulatory power at the federal level.

It is easier for the thieves to capture a single federal agency than it is to capture all 50 state agencies. See how that works?

Do you think your Senator would put a pre-emption like that in a law if he was appointed by state legislators who would kick his ass for doing something like that?

Neither do I.

Do you believe taxing a business owner more is going to fix that problem?

Neither do I.
The irony I can't pull my gaze away from is how evil the health insurance corporations were/are.
Now they're the ones reaping the biggest benefits from the ACA

We've all read the breathless rants about the "greedy rich" and "evil corporations" who are supposedly ruining everything for everyone in society. It comes from mostly the left spilling over into some paranoid libertarian types.

Stopped reading here.

So, OP, before I give your thread my time to read, answer me a question:

Is Edward Snowden a hero or traitor?
We've all read the breathless rants about the "greedy rich" and "evil corporations" who are supposedly ruining everything for everyone in society. It comes from mostly the left spilling over into some paranoid libertarian types.

Stopped reading here.

So, OP, before I give your thread my time to read, answer me a question:

Is Edward Snowden a hero or traitor?

He's a haitor.
Even the official Tea Party response to President Obama's State of the Union speech last night acknowledged the growing income gap is a problem that needs to be resolved

First, even if it's true, why would it be government's job to do that?

And second, government spending has been out of control, and you liberals are screaming the gap is "growing." Maybe if more government spending is widening the gap, even MORE government spending isn't the answer, ya think?
Even the official Tea Party response to President Obama's State of the Union speech last night acknowledged the growing income gap is a problem that needs to be resolved

First, even if it's true, why would it be government's job to do that?

And second, government spending has been out of control, and you liberals are screaming the gap is "growing." Maybe if more government spending is widening the gap, even MORE government spending isn't the answer, ya think?

It's not true. G5000 refers to the number of lies he can post in a single day.
Got debt or investments? Everything is ''illegally" manipulated to make sure that you pay more to borrow and get less on your investment, sometimes they get caught pay a fraction of what they stole in fines and walk away like it's just a routine part of their dirty business, if that's not evil I do not know what is. I like to focus on bankers because their attitude of cheating as a normal part of business and feeling pretty untouchable about it trickles down to the rest. God knows what it has cost us, it certainly cost the captains of industry our trust. Corpoartions are seen as evil for good reason, it has nothing to do with idological indoctrination and everything to do with watching them smugly get away with that shit over and over again. Too big to fail means essentially "too big to jail" apparently.
Its really simple the have not's are increasing in numbers because there is no more room at the top.
Think of it this way a college football player does not make it to the Pro's he is very good and maybe he can play in the pros--but there is a roster limit and it is full. So what does he do nock up some gal and play the system or find another career.

Well a college educated person might find a nice career if the older people retire or pass on. But older people can not make it on S/S so they stay working.

This is why the dems think increasing the minimum wage is the answer. You think the competition for a six figure job is hard guess what will happen if you force a raised minimum wage, Interviews will be the law of the land and those who are the best at cleaning up a table after customers leave will be competing for this job. Maybe that is what the lower class needs.

The industries that left as Ross Peroit predicted took way too many good paying jobs away from middle to lower America. Getting them back will require deregulation of environment foolishness, and other government mandates(OSHA for One) . Lower taxes.
You see Government in it self is not a living thing but it continues to grow. This is what will continue the downward spiral of The middle and lower class.

Not hard to understand and the TRUTH
Even the official Tea Party response to President Obama's State of the Union speech last night acknowledged the growing income gap is a problem that needs to be resolved

First, even if it's true, why would it be government's job to do that?

Because it was government which aided and abetted it with legislation!

And second, government spending has been out of control, and you liberals are screaming the gap is "growing." Maybe if more government spending is widening the gap, even MORE government spending isn't the answer, ya think?

You appear to have me confused with someone else. I am quite plainly against increased government spending.

In fact, I enjoy watching so called "conservatives" scream like hippies when I come after their government handouts. You interest deductions, child tax credits, and so forth. Your handouts far exceed the cost of food stamps or ObamaPhones, skippy. Tax expenditures are costing us over $1.2 trillion a year. Hmmmm...what's the current deficit? You think that's a coincidence?

Look in the mirror, jackass. You are the liberal spender. You are the reason tax rates are as high as they are.
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Even the official Tea Party response to President Obama's State of the Union speech last night acknowledged the growing income gap is a problem that needs to be resolved

First, even if it's true, why would it be government's job to do that?

Because it was government which aided and abetted it with legislation!

Government did it? WTF? The top 1% pay 20% of taxes, the top 5% pay 40%, meanwhile we've spent trillions on the war on those in poverty. Government constantly redistributes money from the "rich" to the "poor" and yet the gap keeps growing. You're just falling back on your hate the rich, down with corporations rhetoric.

Look in the mirror, jackass. You are the liberal spender. You are the reason tax rates are as high as they are.


Yeah, man, it's us libertarians who want to eliminate Federal welfare and all programs that don't pass 10th amendment muster, cut the military in half and make it defensive, end the war on drugs and turn drugs into a revenue center. We're the ones causing this. Gotcha...

In fact, I enjoy watching so called "conservatives" scream like hippies when I come after their government handouts. You interest deductions, child tax credits, and so forth. Your handouts far exceed the cost of food stamps or ObamaPhones, skippy. Tax expenditures are costing us over $1.2 trillion a year.

Wow, carrying the water for the Democrat's talking points sure is a good indication you're a "conservative."

For example, the mortgage deduction is a "handout?" Yes, comrade, when government doesn't take our money, that is government giving us money because all money is the people's money. From Marx lips to yours.

I oppose the mortgage deduction, but to call it a handout is pure Communist rhetoric. Government not taking your money, no matter what form it is, is not a "handout" unless it is inherently government's money and not yours.
In fact, I enjoy watching so called "conservatives" scream like hippies when I come after their government handouts. You interest deductions, child tax credits, and so forth. Your handouts far exceed the cost of food stamps or ObamaPhones, skippy. Tax expenditures are costing us over $1.2 trillion a year.

Wow, carrying the water for the Democrat's talking points sure is a good indication you're a "conservative."

For example, the mortgage deduction is a "handout?" Yes, comrade, when government doesn't take our money, that is government giving us money because all money is the people's money. From Marx lips to yours.

I oppose the mortgage deduction, but to call it a handout is pure Communist rhetoric. Government not taking your money, no matter what form it is, is not a "handout" unless it is inherently government's money and not yours.
ve lost count of his lies but we're well on the way to 5000.
We've all read the breathless rants about the "greedy rich" and "evil corporations" who are supposedly ruining everything for everyone in society. It comes from mostly the left spilling over into some paranoid libertarian types.

Stopped reading here.

So, OP, before I give your thread my time to read, answer me a question:

Is Edward Snowden a hero or traitor?

I'll decline to answer until you finish reading the OP. You might then realize, this is not a thread about Snowden.
Even the official Tea Party response to President Obama's State of the Union speech last night acknowledged the growing income gap is a problem that needs to be resolved.

Time to come back to reality. There is a problem. A real problem. Denying the problem of the income gap is repeating the same mistake of denying there was a problem with health care in America.

And just like with health care, if you choose to ignore the problem, the Democrats will "solve" it for you. And you really, really don't want that!

The GOP is currently in a tailspin. They are attempting more and more to sound like the liberal left because they believe that is the way back to political relevance.

There is a growing income gap because there is always a growing income gap and always will be, unless we adopt a Marxist system where everyone is poor and dependent on the ruling class elite.

Here is a chart to show you what is happening with income in America:

Now what is happening here? Surely you can see that while the middle class is declining, the number of wealthy are growing while the number of poor families remain about the same. In other words, the middle class are becoming the new wealthy.

There is always going to be wealth disparity because the wealthy tend to know how to grow wealth faster and are more motivated to do so, that's how they became wealthy in the first place. It's like complaining that the marathon runners are beating the couch potatoes in a race... it's an inevitable condition that can't be mitigated, and it certainly will not help anyone to hobble the marathon runner. You can say we have a "problem" that airplanes create an "altitude disparity" because they are gaining it more rapidly than cars. The solution isn't to remove the wings from airplanes. That will never cause cars to gain altitude like airplanes. So you are attempting to approach the "wealth disparity problem" the wrong way, with the wrong solutions. If you want more poor people to become wealthy, you have to introduce motivation. That simply is not done by punishing success.


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Even the official Tea Party response to President Obama's State of the Union speech last night acknowledged the growing income gap is a problem that needs to be resolved.

Time to come back to reality. There is a problem. A real problem. Denying the problem of the income gap is repeating the same mistake of denying there was a problem with health care in America.

And just like with health care, if you choose to ignore the problem, the Democrats will "solve" it for you. And you really, really don't want that!

The GOP is currently in a tailspin. They are attempting more and more to sound like the liberal left because they believe that is the way back to political relevance.

There is a growing income gap because there is always a growing income gap and always will be, unless we adopt a Marxist system where everyone is poor and dependent on the ruling class elite.

Here is a chart to show you what is happening with income in America:

Now what is happening here? Surely you can see that while the middle class is declining, the number of wealthy are growing while the number of poor families remain about the same. In other words, the middle class are becoming the new wealthy.

There is always going to be wealth disparity because the wealthy tend to know how to grow wealth faster and are more motivated to do so, that's how they became wealthy in the first place. It's like complaining that the marathon runners are beating the couch potatoes in a race... it's an inevitable condition that can't be mitigated, and it certainly will not help anyone to hobble the marathon runner. You can say we have a "problem" that airplanes create an "altitude disparity" because they are gaining it more rapidly than cars. The solution isn't to remove the wings from airplanes. That will never cause cars to gain altitude like airplanes. So you are attempting to approach the "wealth disparity problem" the wrong way, with the wrong solutions. If you want more poor people to become wealthy, you have to introduce motivation. That simply is not done by punishing success.

Very well put so the Libs will think you work for the GOP and are a rich guys puppet.
You see some people will never make first string but they still vote.

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