
liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
TW is a hodgepodge of Trump quotes, tweets, cabinet advice, and Trump news friends, on topics and ideas not fake at all.

Shawn Spicer will try to clarity any news in TW which conflicts with reality or seems virtually impossible.
Global warming is not only a hoax but is being caused by the last administration.
Donald Jr has zero contact with his father except when they talk on the phone which isn't really contact per DJT.
Donald does his best thinking while golfing a Mar-a-Lago, Trump advisers claim the universe is in better alignment there.
Trump believes what he believes because he believes what he believes, does that help?
VP Pence is in the deep South compassionately explaining healthcare as government overreach to patients dying of needed care.
Pres Trump is saving all his tweets on a private server so he can sell them and make money for Sasquatch victims.
Pizzagate was almost as bad as Watergate except there were no burglars, no gate, but they did have pizza.
Pres Trump doesn't drink because he wants to maintain complete mental control when tweeting.
Pres Trump informed Jeff Sessions there was no need for cross burning on the White House lawn.
Scott Pruitt thinks there is no need for environmental regulations since Armageddon is right around the corner.
Trump finds proof of wire tapping, a loose wire was found under rug in WH.
Three million illegal Hillary voters were found in caves near Roswell and are now running back to Mexico.
Digital cameras were rigged by the Obama administration so that only part of Trump's inaugural crowd was shown.

Stay tuned for more important and not fake or made up news from Trump and the associated news agencies that verify the truth of Trump World.

TW best Tweets of Week:

Healthcare under Trumpcare will be the bestest and most likest in history and cheapest too!
Did you see the crowds at Mar-a-Lago jealous huh!
Shot a 69 at Mar-a-logo people laughed did they think I was lying!
Snow storm coming bad bad Dem's fault told you Global warming was made up!
Proof? Kellyann sees microwaves messages almost daily, they're real!
I have the best sources the best news the best friends the best hotels!
Don't I look so good saluting! Real soldier like!
Obamacare is imploding, all these people getting healthcare, un-American!
Media is rude I'm not they sure suck!
I get my best news from the best National Inquirer no fake news read it the best!
You see me on Fox and Friends, they are the bestest bet they read the Nat Inquirer too!

Sources, advisers, and publicists for Trump World information: Breitbart, National Inquirer, Townhall, Red State, AlexJones, Newsmax, Fox, OAN, Rush, and especially Friends at Fox.

Upcoming in TW: DJT finds WMDs, Gov Christie helps DJT with diet advice, DJT and Sarah Palin practice shooting at a gun range proving mentally challenged people are OK with guns.
Rachael Maddow the foxy Lesbian on tv disclosed Trump's Federal tax return for 2005. It shows $150 million income and $31 million tax for an effective rate of 21% -- resulting from the "alt min tax" signed into law by Jimmy Carter back in 1979.

The idea behind the alt min tax is that rich people should pay some minimum tax at 20%.

This still beats Mitt Romney's 14% tax rate on $20 million of income.

It's no wonder Trump wants to get rid of the alt min tax.

Trump's entire Presidency is political satire.
The Twitterverse is waking up to a major hack today.
<--White man dancing

A strange tweet beginning with a swastika and containing hashtags saying “Nazi Germany” and “Nazi Holland” made the rounds early Wednesday morning.

The tweet was sent thousands of times from numerous high-profile accounts of brands, businesses, and public figures, including Worcester State University and Polar Seltzer.

In a 5:36 a.m. e-mail to the Globe, a Twitter spokesman said a third-party application was to blame for the hack.
LOL You can't make this stuff up.

"We were concerned that, given his “straightforward” or "outsider" presentation and charisma, he would appeal to people who were unaware of the dangers of his obvious narcissistic personality type, and the offensive behaviors that can accompany it. These behaviors include but are not limited to condescension, gross exaggeration (lying), bullying, jealousy, fragile self-esteem, lack of compassion, and viewing the world as Us-vs.-Them. Having observed the schoolyard-bully tactics Trump employed during public debates, as well as his boasting presentation during interviews, we felt it was important to raise awareness about his behaviors. So in January 2016, we posted Bullies: An Exploration Into Different Types of Bullies." The Elephant in the Room

"Trump praised Jones for having an “amazing” reputation when he appeared on his show, and reportedly told him he was “one of the greatest influences I’ve ever seen” in a personal telephone conversation. According to Jones, he and Trump have kept in contact for months via phone conversations."
The Alex Jones influence: Trump’s “deep state” fears come from his conspiracy theorist ally and adviser
TW Updates:

Sean Spicer has clarified wiretap fiasco, tells CNN auto correct and the British were the cause.
White House press briefings are so entertaining they now draw more viewers than 'The Bold and the Beautiful''.
Donald J. Trump has only spent 22% of his time as president golfing and sunning at Mar-a-lago.
Latest unconstitutional ban on immigrants signed by Pres Trump ruled unconstitutional by federal judge. Strike two.
VP pence says his private use of email was different than Hillary's use, his was more private and more better too.
DJT is clear the Jewish bomb threats are once again the work of the last administration to make his voters look bad.
Reduced taxes for the wealthiest Americans is a great great Healthcare plan per DJT.
Kellyanne is first in line for ethics training in the Trump administration, most of the admin to follow.
DJT welcomes Julia Hahn the female Bannon and Breitbart anti immigration scholar.
Steve Bannon claims less government depth works best, he points to Hoover's presidency as proof that lack of depth works.
The Wall will only cost 21 billion, that along with tax relief for the wealthiest, aka healthcare, will bring down the deficit per DJT.
DJT financial stake in the Dakota pipeline had nothing to do with his Oking the work. Koch brothers agree.
Trump portrait on sale now, "no challenge is to great" it reads, but this one was paid for by sign waving Trump voters.
'Trumpcare, the Republican pay more for less care act' is moving along and may actually beat the Wall in completion.
White House curtains now gold, Pres Trump says great great great color. One great thing accomplished.
Press relationship improving, Bannon told the press to "keep its mouth shut' and Kellyanne Conway "ripped a new one".
America first budget will include no funds for Art or public radio to support DJT pledge to make America great great great.
Trump promised never to lie to his people, his people, others are open to lies and other misinformation.

We sincerely hope these updates clarify any misunderstanding caused by fake news sources. Pres Trump favorite news source is found at your food store check-out. No fake news in the National Inquirer. Read it and make sure you all see DJT on Fox and Friends discussing classified intelligence information again this week.

DJT quote of the week: My voters is good solid cornpone kinda folk, they ain't too racist and most don't even know what misogynist means, that's a joke folks, just a joke. Great I say make America great and win win we're gonna win....
Another week in Trump World, so much fun, so little sense.

Sean Spicer thinks they have finally solved the wire tapping but he wants to discuss with Rep Nunes first.
Rep Nunes was informed by Peter Severa that there was no Russian hacking or election spamming.
Our saber rattling is different than the democratic saber rattling per Sean Spicer.
When DJT tweeted if a president could be impeached for incompetence he didn't mean himself just to be clear.
Pres Trump asked China's leader if China made up global warming but since the answer was in Chinese we can't confirm.
Pres Trump takes credit for the beautiful Spring weather and blames Obama for the recent tornadoes.
Pres Trumps claims sixty million dollars for my golfing at Mar-a-Lago is fine didn't I win this entitlement.
Trump claims being president should benefit his family and hotels as he does so much for some Americans.
Jared Kushner will bring fresh eyes to every issue after all he knows little about any of the issues.
Ivanka says, 'Father knows Best' was her favorite show growing up.
Doesn't Pence look all VP like standing admiringly, gloating slightly as Trump signs EAs.
Trump agrees with NRA and their claim the mentally ill need guns to protect themselves from people mentally ill.
Clarification, Trump tweets nothing is fake if he says it and what he calls fake is fake.
Sean Hannity has argued 'mendacity' is a positive in media coverage, it helps his understanding of the issues.
Use of exclamation points confirms the importance of tweets per Pres Trump.
Comedy shows may switch to tragedy so comedy can make a come back after the Trump comedy passes.
Trump thinks Manaford's money laundering was a good idea, clean money is nicer per Donald.
The jig is up.

Trump exaggerated and lied.

He owes Obama an apology.

it will probably take him several years as before.
Trump week

News agencies feel there is no need to cover every Trump tweet, tomorrow's may even be better.
When Pres Trump said he wanted to stay out of intervening in places, he meant Baltimore and Chicago.
Pres Trump hopes he can find a church close to the Mar-a-lago golf course because of his tee time.
Some Americans are beginning to think continuing news coverage of Pres Trump may be worse than water boarding.
The reason Trump tweets are at a twelve year old level is because of his voter's busy lives.
Pres Trump claims his trickle down is a better trickle down than Reagan's trickle down.
Trump doesn't worry about his new business ideas failing, government can't go bankrupt there is always SS to pillage.
With democrats out of power Paul Ryan will be the new focus of investigations and criticism.
White House visitors to be kept secret to protect the identity of the innocent.
Hanover College asked the VP how he could participate in the discrimination, racism, xenophobia, and antipathy toward the poor.
Only republicans can say 'you lie' to democrats, republicans only confabulate per Sean and Joe.
Pres Donald J Trump is not a flip flopper he is flopper flipper according to his friends at Fox, there is a difference.
Seven miles financed so far, Pres Trump, great, great, it will be a great wall. Promise kept, says Pres.
Pres Trump doesn't have time to sue his accusers per Sean, travel between Washington and Florida keeps him too busy.
Joe's Barber Shop in Paducah Ky hired a second barber proving once more work is coming back and Trump is the reason.
Russians not longer know what to make of Pres Trump and neither do most Americans.
Pres Trump says 'the Swamp' is not refilled as news indicates, there are still several empty positions.
Trump's tax plan in a nutshell: there will be rich Americans and poor Americans, simplicity finally.
Trump world cont.

Trump, my rallies are the bestest, correspondent's diner not so good.
Trump tweets are now history regardless of applicability to anything at all.
Trump's imaginary armada confused everyone even him.
Trump, where is that armada anyway, Jared on whitehouse roof looking now.
Trump will reply to national security questions when he hears what Fox and Friends have to say.
Trump, removing millions from healthcare will make my plan more better good.
Trump, my white voters will now be safe, paying for the wall will be a great great privilege for them.
Trump feels SNL is unfair representation of reality, per Sean.
Trump praises Gorsuch, one down, lots more to go, great decision.
Trump likes strong leaders in other countries but not here.
Trump, wall is coming along fine, great great wall. Mar-a-Lago now safe.
Trump, Sean wasn't lying when he claimed he wasn't lying.
Trump holding another unconstitutional EA, ain't my signature the neatest.

"Giving every man a vote has no more made men wise and free than Christianity has made them good." H. L. Mencken
And the Trump show continues.....

While Trump's interviews are fact free his followers hear promise kept.
One hundred days of unconstitutional EOs, great great great, tweets Trump.
Trump, children don't need healthy food, they need Trumpcare.
Trump's social director claims fat people die sooner reducing health deficits.
Andrew Jackson great great slave owner, wanted slaves freed great great man per DJT.
Trump my brain is full of history just full of history, full of history....full....
Sean explains, Trump doesn't lie in his own mind.
Trump wishes reporters were like his cheering crowds, cheering not thinking.
Sean we already know Obamacare is more popular than Trumpcare but who cares, he won..
Libertarians, polluters and Donald agree, who needs the EPA anyway.
Trump finally realizes presidency wasn't only about setting up family businesses.
One fifth of the hundred days playing golf ain't that bad per Sean.
Sean blames Obama for everything he can't give credit to Trump for.
Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Ivanka and Jared to save the day.
Trump, who was the last person I talked to, he got it right, I think....
Trump world continues unabated....

Breitbart reports, deep state so deep they can't find Steve Bannon.
DJT may follow advice of Drudge and reduce staff to Fox and Friends for security matters.
Trump may have given out confidential info to the Russians but our media will blame media who will blame media.
Trump thinks Russians should be kept in the loop, Fox now agrees.
Fox news analysts claim defending Trump's leaks keeps their viewers buying gold and silver.
National Inquirer reports aliens revealed secrets to Russia not our president, they claim confirmation from aliens.
Did you see the republicans clapping over AHCA, it was just like watching the North Koreans clap for their leader.
Donald Trump and Paul Ryan selfie duplicated Kim Jong-Un's selfie.
Trump will correct 'ravages' of Obamacare with no healthcare or ravages.
You see that great selfie with congress, they have healthcare paid for by Americans, thus the big smiles.
Civil war would not have been fought if Donald J Trump were born then, per Sean.
Trump loves history he just doesn't read it or know any history.
Sean, Trump is not a fake president even though most of his EOs are sorta fake.
Rumored has it, Trump fired Comey because he was taller and that made Trump feel even more insecure.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders' nervous jaw twisting signals she's not making it up.
Huckabee Sanders pinch hits for Sean who is now battling Trump reality, a rare mental condition.
Trump actually said priming the pump, isn't that clever of our president claims Fox.
Donald J Trump may have been a draft dodger but give him the presidency, see how strong he is now.
Right wing media is reporting they are preparing excuses for the next Trump screw up.

"The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over." Joseph Goebbels
Trump Trip All About Real Estate

Trump, human rights concerns are often a barrier to trade and hotels.
Trump, after flying to Saudi Arabia says ocean was so big so big so big.
Trump turns, to Saudis, 'Islam is 'one of the world's great faiths'.
Trump couldn't say radical Islamic terrorism in a Muslim nation that's for the folks back home.
Trump didn't bow to Saudis he bowed to oil, the Koch bros agree. Fabulous! Fabulous!
Trump claims selling weapons to Saudi, a nation with potential potential potential.
Jared and Donald see hotels in all that sand, golf courses too.
Trump claims the crowds that greeted him in Israel were the largest since Moses parted the desert.
Trump at Israel Holocaust museum, "So Amazing - will never forget!"
Trump forgot Sean was a Catholic or he would have at least got him an autograph or holy card.
Trump claims I'm more richer than Angela Merkel and prettier too.
Trump diplomacy at its most refined: “The Germans are bad, very bad”.
Trump, of course Macron can talk tough to Putin he's not a real estate developer.
Trump says he was most well received president ever during his trip.
Trump aides say Trump's trip was so successful, Nobel coming soon.
Fox news claims Trump already the greatest president of all time and all nations ever.

Analysis | Fox News just pulled Trump into an alternate reality
Trump Tweeter in Chief

Tweeting is my macho man card, beware fake main stream media.
I am the greatest stump speaker of all time, did you see their faces.
My subjects will follow me no matter the lie or its consequences on them.
I had to abandon Paris Accord too many bald eagles are being killed by wind turbines.
How's my black cabinet guy doing, cities seem more peaceful good good job.
That red head did me no justice orangey tan looks so much better on me.
Just blame Hillary or Obama retroactively doesn't matter about what, my people will believe.
Did you see all those people smiling as I signed another piece of paper that was really meaningless about job creation.
Donald Trump Jr is following in my footsteps with fake and phony tweets, I'm so proud.
When anything happens and I tweet its reason I am always correct, tweets Trump about Trump.
Did they find Obama Kenyon birth certificate yet, my sources say they're close, real close.
Folks you gotta agree it's official I'm still more honest and my women more beautiful.
Being Pres is so neat I can make shat up and media talks about it for days on end not like in my old life.
My subjects know I don't really care about them that's what makes them such good followers.
When I said make America great I meant make America great for me no one has figured that out.
Make America great what a line what a line and so many China made hats sold.
And how about that wall ain't it great, so big, so long, so high....lol.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard

Today in Conservative Media: Fake “Fake News” About a London Protest

It has been confirmed that satirizing Donald J Trump and family along with his presidential staff is too easy. The entire presidency is a satire of American comedic dimensions. 'Being There' best exemplifies DJT rise to power, but you'd need to add in 'Wall Street', 'Dr Strangelove' and 'All in the Family' as footnotes.

"No, I can definitely say the president is not a liar." Sarah Huckabee Sanders

It was sunny on my inauguration, God knew whose day it was.
Three million illegals voted for Hillary and I still won the popular vote.
I was wire tapped, Hillary and Barack are seen in a video setting it up.
I accomplished so much in my first 100 days left me time for golf.
How about my great cabinet taking loyalty oaths to me, not to anyone but me.
I don't even know who James Comey is?
I do have tapes of my conversation with some one who may have been James Comey.
I've loved Russia since they bailed me out from bankruptcy.
As soon as I sue all the women who accused me of improper behavior I'll be even more richer.
I may even help build that Wall, you know the one, a great great wall started on day one.
Healthcare is coming soon, it will be so good so good you won't need it.
The FBI confirmed no collusion I don't even know where Russia is.
My favorability rating are the highest in American history maybe world history.
I am the greatest president in only four months and will be greater next month.
I know exactly what covfefe means.
I never ever ever lie, never.

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Chauncey Gardiner aka DJT Tweets

Can you imagine me president
I feel like I've been here all my life
I only bleach shirts
Watch jobs grow and grow and grow
I like to watch myself on TV
Healthcare is like the sun
I'm going to watch TV
I can't write I can't read
All jobs need is water the right amount of water
I am the rose among so much poison ivy
As long as the roots are OK America will be OK
Hammers are for mending fences not phones
With proper watering America will blossom
I like to watch
Too much sun burns the plants
At night the plants rest like me
I wear a hat in the rose garden
I talk and they listen
These people are so nice to me

"Going around under an umbrella interferes with one's looking up at the sky." Jerzy Kosinski

Rebecca Solnit: The Loneliness of Donald Trump

"Mere absurdity has never prevented the triumph of bad ideas, if they accord with easily aroused fantasies." Anthony Daniels
This thread is great! It shows just how far deep in a liberal person's head Trump can get! I don't know if the above stuff is true and who cares or to even read it. But the time spent to compile it all, the OP must be obsessed! That would indicate a real love for the guy and I suspect anyone following Trump that close must be a stalker with posters of him in their room and probably jacks off to Trump before they go to sleep listening to his speeches, then gets up and sits all day with six TV's and three laptops looking to compile every stray bit of trivia on him that they can! Go Donald! You've wrecked the Democratic Party and their members are going insane!!!

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