This Was Bound To Happen.

I do believe one's reaction to this might depend upon when they were educated.

Recent graduates of a failed system see nothing wrong with it.

That's the thing. If it's all you've ever known, it's normal to most folks.

There will always be those who see that naked emperor, but it's going to become a pitiful few if we don't stop the shit now.

The children I know who were home schooled and have never had those horrible Holy Glowing Rectangles in their lives are an entirely different species -- as we all used to be. They can converse intelligently with adults! They have accepted moral teaching! They have actual compassion!

No, you just don't think enough. The federal government has two viable parties that want one goal...votes.
How do you play the long game and garner more and more votes? You indoctrinate the future voters.
It's working, and what is going on in the schools is less basics and more and more agenda driven.
Now run along and let your masters tell you how to think.
Racism under any title(critical race theory/woke etc.), Marxism(perpetual revolution/war), sex obsession like gender identity, dual gender restrooms, parents don't need to know policy etc. need to be removed from the public school system. Many of us find out about our sexuality before first grade like we do not need teachers to enlighten us about our magic spots between our legs. Better yet terminate the D.O. E. & let the states manage their own education systems.

You are CORRECT about the 'two viable parties" which I term as the RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP). Again you are correct; "...that want one goal...votes." I have been telling folks for decades now to dump the RCDP idolatry & vote for independent candidates that hold fast to original intent Constitutional values. The RNC/DNC are quite possibly the most corrupt corporations on the face of our planet earth. Vote for the candidate NOT the political party/corporation.



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