This Was Bound To Happen.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
Most likely the public education issue will be in the top three hot button issues, if not the hottest in the 2024 election year. Both inflation & environmental politick'n are strong contenders for the other two issues in the top three in my opinion.

Now it's tougher than shit to remove a bad teacher. Open up your eyes.
The education system has been on a decline....doubt you would notice though.
So you have no idea what you are talking about, all you know is goooberment and unions bad. Just checking, I had hoped you had some intelligent discussion about why our system is stuck in the 60's. But you go, gooberment bad is all you need to know.
So you have no idea what you are talking about, all you know is goooberment and unions bad. Just checking, I had hoped you had some intelligent discussion about why our system is stuck in the 60's. But you go, gooberment bad is all you need to know.
Dude, you should be embarrased. What do you mean by, "So you have no idea what I'm talking about"?
I told you what I'm talking about, it is factual, and we are sliding in education on the world scene.
Pull your head out of your ass and do your own research, Loretta.
Not that you care anything about the children and what's in their best party, party, party with you.

Dude, you should be embarrased. What do you mean by, "So you have no idea what I'm talking about"?
I told you what I'm talking about, it is factual, and we are sliding in education on the world scene.
Pull your head out of your ass and do your own research, Loretta.
Not that you care anything about the children and what's in their best party, party, party with you.
Yes, I believe our education system indeed needs a great deal of improvement. You stated it was because the Gooberment and the unions. I asked you specifically what they did to screw it up, you know, like maybe if we know what happened, we know what to fix. All you have is the "do your own research" reply. Which means you have no clue what you are talking about. Carry on with your RW conspiracy theory nutty circle jerk. I guess I expected too much.
Yes, I believe our education system indeed needs a great deal of improvement. You stated it was because the Gooberment and the unions. I asked you specifically what they did to screw it up, you know, like maybe if we know what happened, we know what to fix. All you have is the "do your own research" reply. Which means you have no clue what you are talking about. Carry on with your RW conspiracy theory nutty circle jerk. I guess I expected too much.
No, you just don't think enough. The federal government has two viable parties that want one goal...votes.
How do you play the long game and garner more and more votes? You indoctrinate the future voters.
It's working, and what is going on in the schools is less basics and more and more agenda driven.
Now run along and let your masters tell you how to think.
So you have no idea what you are talking about, all you know is goooberment and unions bad. Just checking, I had hoped you had some intelligent discussion about why our system is stuck in the 60's. But you go, gooberment bad is all you need to know.
True, too. All anyone needs to know with the catastrophe going on in our schools.
Zilch. All they do is indoctrination. Teaching the three "R's"? Never mind, better teach blacks how to be victim and dumb down schools so whites can't learn either. When I went to school, schools were good -----------------

No longer.

My late husband taught sixth grade, back in the 70's, and he remembered the exact moment when it happened. The teachers' union told him he could no longer teach anything resembling values.

Now all they teach is fucked up, backward lies that they call "values".

I'm glad he did not live long enough to see this.


My late husband taught sixth grade, back in the 70's, and he remembered the exact moment when it happened. The teachers' union told him he could no longer teach anything resembling values.

Now all they teach is fucked up, backward lies that they call "values".

I'm glad he did not live long enough to see this.

Yea, that happened.
Look how the federal government screwed up the education system once they took over.
What could possibly go wrong? :smoke:
Once congress got pres. Jimma d' Carter to sign off on their Dept. Of Education legislation it was over for America. Take a look around you, like current America does not even resemble the pre D.O.E. era. Americans wanted big g'ment & boy oh boy did they ever get it, like g'ment debt $pending fueled inflation, major decline in morality, lack of work ethic & a world cop program that has drained Americans wealth. Be careful of what ones little ones learn in public schools as it can come back in spades upon a society.

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