This Reads Like a Parody But Isn’t One


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
“After Tuesday’s massacre in Jersey City, New Jersey’s Jews are still in shock, just like the Jews in Pittsburgh last year. When our Shabbat services ended the day of that shooting, I left the sanctuary to be greeted by a fleet of police cars surrounding our synagogue. As I learned what happened 350 miles to the west I thought of Sinclair Lewis’ ironically titled 1935 novel, “It Can’t Happen Here.” What he meant, of course, was it can happen here. And it just did. . . .

And, perhaps, this latest massacre will increase the momentum for the serious and effective gun policies this country so obviously needs.

All of which is well and good. But, If antisemitic incidents are on the rise, we Jews have to figure out what we do next. Then, I thought, who better to ask than a Muslim?”

A rabbi seeks a Muslim’s advice after hate and death fills a Jewish market in Jersey City | Opinion

Great thinking! Hitler took Guns from Jews but we’ll get it right this time! And our Muslim friends will help us!

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