This isn't the 50's. Blacks won't back down from the GOP's new race war.

Trump saying he made the first black president PROVE he was born here. How disrespectful.

Trump putting together the most racist administration in decades.

Trump's own racist history.

The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

Republicans saying that the young black men shot by police were thugs who deserved to die.

Wanting to restart such racist policies as "stop and frisk".

When Pence signed that bill allowing companies to reject gay customers, it was also aimed right at blacks and other minorities.

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers -

Republicans over turning the Voting Right's Act.

This isn't 1952. Republicans can't stomp all over minorities without paying a huge cost. After what Republicans are doing, our allies won't see this country as a beacon of democracy but a country of oppression. Building walls. A religious test. Ignoring the constitution.

Isis uses Trump to recruit.

Terror recruitment video has Trump excerpt -

Republicans may be trying to turn this country into the old South Africa, but minorities won't go down without fighting. Believe it. The GOP might want to rethink it's policies.

You go girl! You keep playing the race card. That is working so well!
I said it in another thread, people thought race relations got bad under Obama... oh it is going to get worse. A lot lot worse in the next 4 years. If Trump keeps doing the things he is doing, this could be one of the most disastrous Presidencies ever... and quite honestly could lead to a near Civil War.
Not to bright for trumps minions as the demographics are changing and they will be the minorities soon

the demographics are changing and they will be the minorities soon

How soon if we deport 15 million illegal aliens and stop more from sneaking in?

Wait... so the number has gone up from 11 million to 15 million? But Trump is only looking to deport about 1-2 million...

Wait... so the number has gone up from 11 million to 15 million?

It's probably closer to 20 million.
Trump saying he made the first black president PROVE he was born here. How disrespectful.

Trump putting together the most racist administration in decades.

Trump's own racist history.

The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

Republicans saying that the young black men shot by police were thugs who deserved to die.

Wanting to restart such racist policies as "stop and frisk".

When Pence signed that bill allowing companies to reject gay customers, it was also aimed right at blacks and other minorities.

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers -

Republicans over turning the Voting Right's Act.

This isn't 1952. Republicans can't stomp all over minorities without paying a huge cost. After what Republicans are doing, our allies won't see this country as a beacon of democracy but a country of oppression. Building walls. A religious test. Ignoring the constitution.

Isis uses Trump to recruit.

Terror recruitment video has Trump excerpt -

Republicans may be trying to turn this country into the old South Africa, but minorities won't go down without fighting. Believe it. The GOP might want to rethink it's policies.
Its funny how the only time you hear "race war" is when a democrat is saying it. Why are democrats so intent on a war between races?
Trump received more than double free air time than all the other candidates put together. Even on a channel like MSNBC, every day, you had Chris Mathews and Chuck Todd play Trump speeches from beginning to end. Then play a 30 clip of Hillary saying Trump hasn't the temperament. Then calling Hillary untrustworthy and unlikable and dishonest and complaining she isn't getting her message out. Then when they ask people on the street what they thought about Hillary, they would give a predictable untrustworthy and unlikable.

In my lifetime, I never saw a presidential candidate so supported by a press, many times, he wouldn't even let into his rallies. Only the cameras.

What this shows is the press can get anyone elected.

What this shows is that Hillary was one of the most uninteresting candidates for any office in recent memory,

The press understandably gave time to the newsmaker, not to the ratings killer. And while the coverage of Trump was free, it was not positive by any standard.
At least you are admitting he was given an unfair massive advantage.

Constant negative coverage is hardly an advantage.
I said it in another thread, people thought race relations got bad under Obama... oh it is going to get worse. A lot lot worse in the next 4 years. If Trump keeps doing the things he is doing, this could be one of the most disastrous Presidencies ever... and quite honestly could lead to a near Civil War.
It didn't get bad under Obama. It was always there. But once Obama was elected, Republicans showed us who they are. I was pointing out the GOP is 90% white before Obama was ever elected. That tells you something about the GOP.

It's White Republicans that freed the slaves and White Republicans who signed the civil rights bill.

Indeed. NOTHERN Republicans and Northern Democrats.

Who all died a looooong time ago.

Bullspit. I'm still here. The simple fact is that no progress on racial issues could ever have been made without the active cooperation and assistance of many many whites from both North and South. The goal was, and should remain, equality and Americans who consider themselves Americans rather than Black Americans or White Americans or Whatever Americans. Now Obama, groups like BLM, and some rabid members of this board have destroyed much of the trust and progress it took so long and so much trouble to make. If you are determined to polarize the races I can't stop you. Just remember that spiting on people for trying to help only creates ill will. Fool me once; shame on you. Fool me twice; shame on me.
I said it in another thread, people thought race relations got bad under Obama... oh it is going to get worse. A lot lot worse in the next 4 years. If Trump keeps doing the things he is doing, this could be one of the most disastrous Presidencies ever... and quite honestly could lead to a near Civil War.
It didn't get bad under Obama. It was always there. But once Obama was elected, Republicans showed us who they are. I was pointing out the GOP is 90% white before Obama was ever elected. That tells you something about the GOP.

It's White Republicans that freed the slaves and White Republicans who signed the civil rights bill.

Indeed. NOTHERN Republicans and Northern Democrats.

Who all died a looooong time ago.

Bullspit. I'm still here. The simple fact is that no progress on racial issues could ever have been made without the active cooperation and assistance of many many whites from both North and South. The goal was, and should remain, equality and Americans who consider themselves Americans rather than Black Americans or White Americans or Whatever Americans. Now Obama, groups like BLM, and some rabid members of this board have destroyed much of the trust and progress it took so long and so much trouble to make. If you are determined to polarize the races I can't stop you. Just remember that spiting on people for trying to help only creates ill will. Fool me once; shame on you. Fool me twice; shame on me.

How is acknowledging the truth "spitting" on anyone or polarizing the races?

It is a historical fact that Northern Republicans and Northern Democrats in the political arena were more instrumental in passing the Civil Rights Act than their southern counterparts.

Of course that does not minimize the contributions of concerned PRIVATE citizens who believed in equality for all. I know that as well as anyone. My parents marched in the 60's with MLK and had quite a few white allies who showed up in support. There were white civil rights workers who lost their lives as well.

I never denied that, so what is your point?

Now as far as Obama goes, that's a different narrative that appears to have haunted the psyche of many white Americans for the past 8 years.

The very fact that he was even appointed as POTUS harmed race relations in the minds of some who believed that him just being elected marginalized their status.

For that segment of society, Trump is the extreme "Anti Obama".....the one who is going to humble the "evil minorities" and give them back "their country".

What do you think about the KKK parade being held in Trumps honor in North Carolina on December 3rd?
Last edited:
Trump saying he made the first black president PROVE he was born here. How disrespectful.

Trump putting together the most racist administration in decades.

Trump's own racist history.

The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

Republicans saying that the young black men shot by police were thugs who deserved to die.

Wanting to restart such racist policies as "stop and frisk".

When Pence signed that bill allowing companies to reject gay customers, it was also aimed right at blacks and other minorities.

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers -

Republicans over turning the Voting Right's Act.

This isn't 1952. Republicans can't stomp all over minorities without paying a huge cost. After what Republicans are doing, our allies won't see this country as a beacon of democracy but a country of oppression. Building walls. A religious test. Ignoring the constitution.

Isis uses Trump to recruit.

Terror recruitment video has Trump excerpt -

Republicans may be trying to turn this country into the old South Africa, but minorities won't go down without fighting. Believe it. The GOP might want to rethink it's policies.
Look at these Republicans ranting denial. But they don't actually point out anything that's wrong. They just don't want to accept the truth. Not sure why? It's who they are.
You are down to talking to yourself. You made the charge of racism, you need to back it up or it's just noise.

You could do a quick Google search. Trump's racist comments.

Nevermind, I'll do it for you:


You can say you refuse to believe it. You can say "Mexico is sending us rapists, but I assume "some" are good people" and "laziness is a trait in blacks" doesn't mean he's racist. But I suspect that's because you and Trump share the same values and morals and feelings about other races.

Trump's rhetoric, the court cases he lost for discrimination prove he's a racist. I don't care if you believe it or not. Now don't you have a pu$$y you can go grab? According to the way the GOP voted, it seem sexual assault is "in" these days.
That was his first speech when he kicked off his campaign and only lefties took it to mean all Mexicans. Or even all Mexican immigrants. Surely if he was such a racist you wouldn't need to rely on a flimsy first?
Trump saying he made the first black president PROVE he was born here. How disrespectful.

Trump putting together the most racist administration in decades.

Trump's own racist history.

The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

Republicans saying that the young black men shot by police were thugs who deserved to die.

Wanting to restart such racist policies as "stop and frisk".

When Pence signed that bill allowing companies to reject gay customers, it was also aimed right at blacks and other minorities.

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers -

Republicans over turning the Voting Right's Act.

This isn't 1952. Republicans can't stomp all over minorities without paying a huge cost. After what Republicans are doing, our allies won't see this country as a beacon of democracy but a country of oppression. Building walls. A religious test. Ignoring the constitution.

Isis uses Trump to recruit.

Terror recruitment video has Trump excerpt -

Republicans may be trying to turn this country into the old South Africa, but minorities won't go down without fighting. Believe it. The GOP might want to rethink it's policies.
Look at these Republicans ranting denial. But they don't actually point out anything that's wrong. They just don't want to accept the truth. Not sure why? It's who they are.
You are down to talking to yourself. You made the charge of racism, you need to back it up or it's just noise.

You could do a quick Google search. Trump's racist comments.

Nevermind, I'll do it for you:


You can say you refuse to believe it. You can say "Mexico is sending us rapists, but I assume "some" are good people" and "laziness is a trait in blacks" doesn't mean he's racist. But I suspect that's because you and Trump share the same values and morals and feelings about other races.

Trump's rhetoric, the court cases he lost for discrimination prove he's a racist. I don't care if you believe it or not. Now don't you have a pu$$y you can go grab? According to the way the GOP voted, it seem sexual assault is "in" these days.
That was his first speech when he kicked off his campaign and only lefties took it to mean all Mexicans. Or even all Mexican immigrants. Surely if he was such a racist you wouldn't need to rely on a flimsy first?

It was the biased media who reported it as all Mexicans.
My parents marched in the 60's with MLK

MLK believed in equality and in achieving equal civil rights through peaceful protest. I think he would be appalled at current race relations and agree with my post above,

"Now as far as Obama goes, that's a different narrative
The very fact that he was even appointed as POTUS harmed race relations in the minds of some who believed that him just being elected marginalized their status".

Wrong. Obama is very much part of the narrative because he is a racist who was elected President and used his power to discriminate against some races and in favor of others. Doing so is about as divisive as it gets and that makes him central to the issue.

"What do you think about the KKK parade being held in Trumps honor in North Carolina on December 3rd?"

I don't care one way or the other. Not surprising. Push people and they tend to push back. None of my or Mr. Trump's doing. You have a problem with peaceful protest?
President Trump abolutely deserves all of the cooperation and respect that the GOP extended to President Obama. Let's hope that the Democrats put the country first, just as the GOP did.

If they do they will oppose the nanny state and stripping citizens of freedoms. You're too stupid to understand why obama was opposed.
Trump saying he made the first black president PROVE he was born here. How disrespectful.

Trump putting together the most racist administration in decades.

Trump's own racist history.

The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

Republicans saying that the young black men shot by police were thugs who deserved to die.

Wanting to restart such racist policies as "stop and frisk".

When Pence signed that bill allowing companies to reject gay customers, it was also aimed right at blacks and other minorities.

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers -

Republicans over turning the Voting Right's Act.

This isn't 1952. Republicans can't stomp all over minorities without paying a huge cost. After what Republicans are doing, our allies won't see this country as a beacon of democracy but a country of oppression. Building walls. A religious test. Ignoring the constitution.

Isis uses Trump to recruit.

Terror recruitment video has Trump excerpt -

Republicans may be trying to turn this country into the old South Africa, but minorities won't go down without fighting. Believe it. The GOP might want to rethink it's policies. lost......fear.....suck it.....
I get accused of lying a lot. Then I ask for the lies to be quoted and right wingers become strangely silent.
Trump saying he made the first black president PROVE he was born here. How disrespectful.

Trump putting together the most racist administration in decades.

Trump's own racist history.

The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

Republicans saying that the young black men shot by police were thugs who deserved to die.

Wanting to restart such racist policies as "stop and frisk".

When Pence signed that bill allowing companies to reject gay customers, it was also aimed right at blacks and other minorities.

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers -

Republicans over turning the Voting Right's Act.

This isn't 1952. Republicans can't stomp all over minorities without paying a huge cost. After what Republicans are doing, our allies won't see this country as a beacon of democracy but a country of oppression. Building walls. A religious test. Ignoring the constitution.

Isis uses Trump to recruit.

Terror recruitment video has Trump excerpt -

Republicans may be trying to turn this country into the old South Africa, but minorities won't go down without fighting. Believe it. The GOP might want to rethink it's policies.
Look at these Republicans ranting denial. But they don't actually point out anything that's wrong. They just don't want to accept the truth. Not sure why? It's who they are.
You are down to talking to yourself. You made the charge of racism, you need to back it up or it's just noise.

You could do a quick Google search. Trump's racist comments.

Nevermind, I'll do it for you:


You can say you refuse to believe it. You can say "Mexico is sending us rapists, but I assume "some" are good people" and "laziness is a trait in blacks" doesn't mean he's racist. But I suspect that's because you and Trump share the same values and morals and feelings about other races.

Trump's rhetoric, the court cases he lost for discrimination prove he's a racist. I don't care if you believe it or not. Now don't you have a pu$$y you can go grab? According to the way the GOP voted, it seem sexual assault is "in" these days.
That was his first speech when he kicked off his campaign and only lefties took it to mean all Mexicans. Or even all Mexican immigrants. Surely if he was such a racist you wouldn't need to rely on a flimsy first?

He said the Mexicans Mexico sent here. And he included all of South America. They rest he wants to put behind a wall.

You tend to lie about people you hate. Like saying thousands of Muslims by where he lived cheered the downing of the WTC Towers. No one else saw that. Laziness is a trait in blacks. Mrs. Housekeeping. I mean come on. How many of his quotes need to be said? Just one of those from a Democrat and Republicans would be screaming bloody murder. Or blood coming out of her whatever. Now, let's go make fun of someone disabled. That's always a good laugh. To a Trump minion.
My parents marched in the 60's with MLK

MLK believed in equality and in achieving equal civil rights through peaceful protest. I think he would be appalled at current race relations and agree with my post above,

"Now as far as Obama goes, that's a different narrative
The very fact that he was even appointed as POTUS harmed race relations in the minds of some who believed that him just being elected marginalized their status".

Wrong. Obama is very much part of the narrative because he is a racist who was elected President and used his power to discriminate against some races and in favor of others. Doing so is about as divisive as it gets and that makes him central to the issue.

"What do you think about the KKK parade being held in Trumps honor in North Carolina on December 3rd?"

I don't care one way or the other. Not surprising. Push people and they tend to push back. None of my or Mr. Trump's doing. You have a problem with peaceful protest?
You can't just make a claim and not give any examples.

And never, in my lifetime, did a party meet before a president was sworn in and make plans to destroy his presidency to the detriment of the country. I truly believe Republicans are such racists, they are traitors. By their actions.
Trump saying he made the first black president PROVE he was born here. How disrespectful.

Trump putting together the most racist administration in decades.

Trump's own racist history.

The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

Republicans saying that the young black men shot by police were thugs who deserved to die.

Wanting to restart such racist policies as "stop and frisk".

When Pence signed that bill allowing companies to reject gay customers, it was also aimed right at blacks and other minorities.

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers -

Republicans over turning the Voting Right's Act.

This isn't 1952. Republicans can't stomp all over minorities without paying a huge cost. After what Republicans are doing, our allies won't see this country as a beacon of democracy but a country of oppression. Building walls. A religious test. Ignoring the constitution.

Isis uses Trump to recruit.

Terror recruitment video has Trump excerpt -

Republicans may be trying to turn this country into the old South Africa, but minorities won't go down without fighting. Believe it. The GOP might want to rethink it's policies.
Look at these Republicans ranting denial. But they don't actually point out anything that's wrong. They just don't want to accept the truth. Not sure why? It's who they are.
You are down to talking to yourself. You made the charge of racism, you need to back it up or it's just noise.

You could do a quick Google search. Trump's racist comments.

Nevermind, I'll do it for you:


You can say you refuse to believe it. You can say "Mexico is sending us rapists, but I assume "some" are good people" and "laziness is a trait in blacks" doesn't mean he's racist. But I suspect that's because you and Trump share the same values and morals and feelings about other races.

Trump's rhetoric, the court cases he lost for discrimination prove he's a racist. I don't care if you believe it or not. Now don't you have a pu$$y you can go grab? According to the way the GOP voted, it seem sexual assault is "in" these days.
That was his first speech when he kicked off his campaign and only lefties took it to mean all Mexicans. Or even all Mexican immigrants. Surely if he was such a racist you wouldn't need to rely on a flimsy first?

He said the Mexicans Mexico sent here. And he included all of South America. They rest he wants to put behind a wall.

You tend to lie about people you hate. Like saying thousands of Muslims by where he lived cheered the downing of the WTC Towers. No one else saw that. Laziness is a trait in blacks. Mrs. Housekeeping. I mean come on. How many of his quotes need to be said? Just one of those from a Democrat and Republicans would be screaming bloody murder. Or blood coming out of her whatever. Now, let's go make fun of someone disabled. That's always a good laugh. To a Trump minion.
...and libs took it the worst way possible. Problem is he did pretty well with Hispanics so obviously they awere too stupid to understand ...or you are.
Trump saying he made the first black president PROVE he was born here. How disrespectful.

Trump putting together the most racist administration in decades.

Trump's own racist history.

The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

Republicans saying that the young black men shot by police were thugs who deserved to die.

Wanting to restart such racist policies as "stop and frisk".

When Pence signed that bill allowing companies to reject gay customers, it was also aimed right at blacks and other minorities.

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers -

Republicans over turning the Voting Right's Act.

This isn't 1952. Republicans can't stomp all over minorities without paying a huge cost. After what Republicans are doing, our allies won't see this country as a beacon of democracy but a country of oppression. Building walls. A religious test. Ignoring the constitution.

Isis uses Trump to recruit.

Terror recruitment video has Trump excerpt -

Republicans may be trying to turn this country into the old South Africa, but minorities won't go down without fighting. Believe it. The GOP might want to rethink it's policies. lost......fear.....suck it.....
I get accused of lying a lot. Then I ask for the lies to be quoted and right wingers become strangely silent.

"Trump putting together the most racist administration in decades".
"Trump's own racist history"
"Republicans saying that the young black men shot by police were thugs who deserved to die."
"When Pence signed that bill allowing companies to reject gay customers, it was also aimed right at blacks and other minorities.

to start with.
President Trump abolutely deserves all of the cooperation and respect that the GOP extended to President Obama. Let's hope that the Democrats put the country first, just as the GOP did.

If they do they will oppose the nanny state and stripping citizens of freedoms. You're too stupid to understand why obama was opposed.[/QUOTE

If they do they will oppose the nanny state and stripping citizens of freedoms. You're too stupid to understand why obama was opposed.

Well, since YOU are so well informed, please feel free to elaborate(if you can) on WHY Obama was "opposed".
Last edited:
My parents marched in the 60's with MLK

MLK believed in equality and in achieving equal civil rights through peaceful protest. I think he would be appalled at current race relations and agree with my post above,

"Now as far as Obama goes, that's a different narrative
The very fact that he was even appointed as POTUS harmed race relations in the minds of some who believed that him just being elected marginalized their status".

Wrong. Obama is very much part of the narrative because he is a racist who was elected President and used his power to discriminate against some races and in favor of others. Doing so is about as divisive as it gets and that makes him central to the issue.

"What do you think about the KKK parade being held in Trumps honor in North Carolina on December 3rd?"

I don't care one way or the other. Not surprising. Push people and they tend to push back. None of my or Mr. Trump's doing. You have a problem with peaceful protest?

"Obama is a racist" has been the mantra of the extreme right from practically day one that he set foot in Washington.

What acts of undeniable racism did he display during his two terms? And against who?

As far as MLK, I know what he stood for, and I don't have a problem with "peaceful protests" even if it is on the part of fringe lunatics.
Last edited:
The lies are flowing today! I'll bet tonight the liberal losers are gonna go out and beat some old white lady!
Trump saying he made the first black president PROVE he was born here. How disrespectful.

Trump putting together the most racist administration in decades.

Trump's own racist history.

The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

Republicans saying that the young black men shot by police were thugs who deserved to die.

Wanting to restart such racist policies as "stop and frisk".

When Pence signed that bill allowing companies to reject gay customers, it was also aimed right at blacks and other minorities.

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers -

Republicans over turning the Voting Right's Act.

This isn't 1952. Republicans can't stomp all over minorities without paying a huge cost. After what Republicans are doing, our allies won't see this country as a beacon of democracy but a country of oppression. Building walls. A religious test. Ignoring the constitution.

Isis uses Trump to recruit.

Terror recruitment video has Trump excerpt -

Republicans may be trying to turn this country into the old South Africa, but minorities won't go down without fighting. Believe it. The GOP might want to rethink it's policies. lost......fear.....suck it.....
I get accused of lying a lot. Then I ask for the lies to be quoted and right wingers become strangely silent.
They don't become strangely silent. I don't. I just won't waste my time playing your liberal shill game. What you would do, as the no good liar you are, is just keep parroting your lies saying na-na-na-na-na-na, prove it.

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