This isn't the 50's. Blacks won't back down from the GOP's new race war.

Trump saying he made the first black president PROVE he was born here. How disrespectful.

Trump putting together the most racist administration in decades.

Trump's own racist history.

The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

Republicans saying that the young black men shot by police were thugs who deserved to die.

Wanting to restart such racist policies as "stop and frisk".

When Pence signed that bill allowing companies to reject gay customers, it was also aimed right at blacks and other minorities.

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers -

Republicans over turning the Voting Right's Act.

This isn't 1952. Republicans can't stomp all over minorities without paying a huge cost. After what Republicans are doing, our allies won't see this country as a beacon of democracy but a country of oppression. Building walls. A religious test. Ignoring the constitution.

Isis uses Trump to recruit.

Terror recruitment video has Trump excerpt -

Republicans may be trying to turn this country into the old South Africa, but minorities won't go down without fighting. Believe it. The GOP might want to rethink it's policies.

The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

That's right. They're gonna suppress the fuck out of the dead, fraudulent and illegal alien voters the Dems have depended on for years.
How Republicans Rationalize Voter Suppression

Not something our nation can be proud of. Republicans have lost the US any moral authority. And the rest of the world knows it.

How Democrats Rationalize Vote Fraud

Not something our nation can be proud of.

I agree, Dem vote fraud is a disgrace.
The real disgrace is that Dems let the GrOPers get away with too damn much! ..little things like voter suppression, tampering with voting machines, voter fraud while accusing the dems of doing it. Closing polls when people are still in line, and a plethora of other criminal acts. Yet, the dems have been rather obsequious in denouncing any of those things. That is how Trump won!
Not really. The media really is on the side of Trump.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Trump received more than double free air time than all the other candidates put together. Even on a channel like MSNBC, every day, you had Chris Mathews and Chuck Todd play Trump speeches from beginning to end. Then play a 30 clip of Hillary saying Trump hasn't the temperament. Then calling Hillary untrustworthy and unlikable and dishonest and complaining she isn't getting her message out. Then when they ask people on the street what they thought about Hillary, they would give a predictable untrustworthy and unlikable.

In my lifetime, I never saw a presidential candidate so supported by a press, many times, he wouldn't even let into his rallies. Only the cameras.

What this shows is the press can get anyone elected.
I agree . the media DID aid Trump immensely with all that free publicity. Ratings and greed probably drove that exposure. White males own most of the media and they knew they wouldn't be affected no matter who won so they didn't care that they were helping Trump. After all he IS one of THEM…Hillary? She was just a "GURL," anyway. But I still stand by my statement on the obsequiousness of the Democrats; especially those who were key to Hillary's campaign strategies. They never delivered an enthusiastic spirited effort and were thoroughly outfoxed by Trump and the aggressive deplorables. In hindsight, the focus should have been on stopping voter suppression in those key battleground states. The Republicans stole this election and the Democrats let them do it with barely a whimper.
The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

That's right. They're gonna suppress the fuck out of the dead, fraudulent and illegal alien voters the Dems have depended on for years.
How Republicans Rationalize Voter Suppression

Not something our nation can be proud of. Republicans have lost the US any moral authority. And the rest of the world knows it.

How Democrats Rationalize Vote Fraud

Not something our nation can be proud of.

I agree, Dem vote fraud is a disgrace.
The real disgrace is that Dems let the GrOPers get away with too damn much! ..little things like voter suppression, tampering with voting machines, voter fraud while accusing the dems of doing it. Closing polls when people are still in line, and a plethora of other criminal acts. Yet, the dems have been rather obsequious in denouncing any of those things. That is how Trump won!
Not really. The media really is on the side of Trump.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Trump received more than double free air time than all the other candidates put together. Even on a channel like MSNBC, every day, you had Chris Mathews and Chuck Todd play Trump speeches from beginning to end. Then play a 30 clip of Hillary saying Trump hasn't the temperament. Then calling Hillary untrustworthy and unlikable and dishonest and complaining she isn't getting her message out. Then when they ask people on the street what they thought about Hillary, they would give a predictable untrustworthy and unlikable.

In my lifetime, I never saw a presidential candidate so supported by a press, many times, he wouldn't even let into his rallies. Only the cameras.

What this shows is the press can get anyone elected.
I agree . the media DID aid Trump immensely with all that free publicity. Ratings and greed probably drove that exposure. White males own most of the media and they knew they wouldn't be affected no matter who won so they didn't care that they were helping Trump. After all he IS one of THEM…Hillary? All she was just a "GURL," anyway. But I still stand by my statement on the obsequiousness of the Democrats; especially those who were key to Hillary's campaign strategies. They never delivered an enthusiastic spirited effort and were thoroughly outfoxed by Trump and the aggressive deplorables. In hindsight, the focus should have been on stopping voter suppression in those key battleground states. The Republicans stole this election and the Democrats let them do it with barely a whimper.

Wow, more liberal BS, Hillary out spent Trump by how much?

If the liberal Democrats would have selected a better candidate this wouldn't be a discussion as the left would of had their President.

The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

That's right. They're gonna suppress the fuck out of the dead, fraudulent and illegal alien voters the Dems have depended on for years.
How Republicans Rationalize Voter Suppression

Not something our nation can be proud of. Republicans have lost the US any moral authority. And the rest of the world knows it.

How Democrats Rationalize Vote Fraud

Not something our nation can be proud of.

I agree, Dem vote fraud is a disgrace.
The real disgrace is that Dems let the GrOPers get away with too damn much! ..little things like voter suppression, tampering with voting machines, voter fraud while accusing the dems of doing it. Closing polls when people are still in line, and a plethora of other criminal acts. Yet, the dems have been rather obsequious in denouncing any of those things. That is how Trump won!
Not really. The media really is on the side of Trump.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Trump received more than double free air time than all the other candidates put together. Even on a channel like MSNBC, every day, you had Chris Mathews and Chuck Todd play Trump speeches from beginning to end. Then play a 30 clip of Hillary saying Trump hasn't the temperament. Then calling Hillary untrustworthy and unlikable and dishonest and complaining she isn't getting her message out. Then when they ask people on the street what they thought about Hillary, they would give a predictable untrustworthy and unlikable.

In my lifetime, I never saw a presidential candidate so supported by a press, many times, he wouldn't even let into his rallies. Only the cameras.

What this shows is the press can get anyone elected.

Hillary spend 3 or 4 times the amount Trump spent, and still couldn't get enough people
to vote for her "new car smell".

Then calling Hillary untrustworthy and unlikable and dishonest

Yeah, truth hurts.

What this shows is the press can get anyone elected.

Except they couldn't get Hillary elected, could they?
Trump was the media darling..not Hillary. The media marketed Trump and he won.
I said it in another thread, people thought race relations got bad under Obama... oh it is going to get worse. A lot lot worse in the next 4 years. If Trump keeps doing the things he is doing, this could be one of the most disastrous Presidencies ever... and quite honestly could lead to a near Civil War.
Not to bright for trumps minions as the demographics are changing and they will be the minorities soon

the demographics are changing and they will be the minorities soon

How soon if we deport 15 million illegal aliens and stop more from sneaking in?
We don't have the resources or the money to do that! Do you want to see a 30 Trillion dollar national debt in 5 years?
Trump saying he made the first black president PROVE he was born here. How disrespectful.

Trump putting together the most racist administration in decades.

Trump's own racist history.

The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

Republicans saying that the young black men shot by police were thugs who deserved to die.

Wanting to restart such racist policies as "stop and frisk".

When Pence signed that bill allowing companies to reject gay customers, it was also aimed right at blacks and other minorities.

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers -

Republicans over turning the Voting Right's Act.

This isn't 1952. Republicans can't stomp all over minorities without paying a huge cost. After what Republicans are doing, our allies won't see this country as a beacon of democracy but a country of oppression. Building walls. A religious test. Ignoring the constitution.

Isis uses Trump to recruit.

Terror recruitment video has Trump excerpt -

Republicans may be trying to turn this country into the old South Africa, but minorities won't go down without fighting. Believe it. The GOP might want to rethink it's policies.
Well unfortunately, if these folks riot or legal proceedings, they will stop when a well placed load of buckshot meets them head on.
How Republicans Rationalize Voter Suppression

Not something our nation can be proud of. Republicans have lost the US any moral authority. And the rest of the world knows it.

How Democrats Rationalize Vote Fraud

Not something our nation can be proud of.

I agree, Dem vote fraud is a disgrace.
The real disgrace is that Dems let the GrOPers get away with too damn much! ..little things like voter suppression, tampering with voting machines, voter fraud while accusing the dems of doing it. Closing polls when people are still in line, and a plethora of other criminal acts. Yet, the dems have been rather obsequious in denouncing any of those things. That is how Trump won!
Not really. The media really is on the side of Trump.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Trump received more than double free air time than all the other candidates put together. Even on a channel like MSNBC, every day, you had Chris Mathews and Chuck Todd play Trump speeches from beginning to end. Then play a 30 clip of Hillary saying Trump hasn't the temperament. Then calling Hillary untrustworthy and unlikable and dishonest and complaining she isn't getting her message out. Then when they ask people on the street what they thought about Hillary, they would give a predictable untrustworthy and unlikable.

In my lifetime, I never saw a presidential candidate so supported by a press, many times, he wouldn't even let into his rallies. Only the cameras.

What this shows is the press can get anyone elected.

Hillary spend 3 or 4 times the amount Trump spent, and still couldn't get enough people
to vote for her "new car smell".

Then calling Hillary untrustworthy and unlikable and dishonest

Yeah, truth hurts.

What this shows is the press can get anyone elected.

Except they couldn't get Hillary elected, could they?
Trump was the media darling..not Hillary. The media marketed Trump and he won.

BS, just more excuses. No one on the left when the media went after Trump for his campaign mistakes, you nut jobs were all laughing and now it has bit you in the ass.
Here's a book that might help you, rderp.....


The Secret of Letting Go: Guy Finley: 9780738711980: Books
Last edited:
How Republicans Rationalize Voter Suppression

Not something our nation can be proud of. Republicans have lost the US any moral authority. And the rest of the world knows it.

How Democrats Rationalize Vote Fraud

Not something our nation can be proud of.

I agree, Dem vote fraud is a disgrace.
The real disgrace is that Dems let the GrOPers get away with too damn much! ..little things like voter suppression, tampering with voting machines, voter fraud while accusing the dems of doing it. Closing polls when people are still in line, and a plethora of other criminal acts. Yet, the dems have been rather obsequious in denouncing any of those things. That is how Trump won!
Not really. The media really is on the side of Trump.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Trump received more than double free air time than all the other candidates put together. Even on a channel like MSNBC, every day, you had Chris Mathews and Chuck Todd play Trump speeches from beginning to end. Then play a 30 clip of Hillary saying Trump hasn't the temperament. Then calling Hillary untrustworthy and unlikable and dishonest and complaining she isn't getting her message out. Then when they ask people on the street what they thought about Hillary, they would give a predictable untrustworthy and unlikable.

In my lifetime, I never saw a presidential candidate so supported by a press, many times, he wouldn't even let into his rallies. Only the cameras.

What this shows is the press can get anyone elected.

Hillary spend 3 or 4 times the amount Trump spent, and still couldn't get enough people
to vote for her "new car smell".

Then calling Hillary untrustworthy and unlikable and dishonest

Yeah, truth hurts.

What this shows is the press can get anyone elected.

Except they couldn't get Hillary elected, could they?
Trump was the media darling..not Hillary. The media marketed Trump and he won.

Trump was the media darling..not Hillary.

As shown by the leaked emails proving media collusion for Hillary.
And the non-stop attacks on Trump while Hillary got nothing but positive coverage.
Hillary spent 3 or 4 times as much as Trump and media help still couldn't get enough votes
for her new car smell.
I said it in another thread, people thought race relations got bad under Obama... oh it is going to get worse. A lot lot worse in the next 4 years. If Trump keeps doing the things he is doing, this could be one of the most disastrous Presidencies ever... and quite honestly could lead to a near Civil War.
Not to bright for trumps minions as the demographics are changing and they will be the minorities soon

the demographics are changing and they will be the minorities soon

How soon if we deport 15 million illegal aliens and stop more from sneaking in?
We don't have the resources or the money to do that! Do you want to see a 30 Trillion dollar national debt in 5 years?

We don't have the resources or the money to do that!

Are you kidding? We'll save billions.
President Trump abolutely deserves all of the cooperation and respect that the GOP extended to President Obama. Let's hope that the Democrats put the country first, just as the GOP did.

If they do they will oppose the nanny state and stripping citizens of freedoms. You're too stupid to understand why obama was opposed.
This is the point you were supposed to come up with examples.

And didn't. Figures.
How Democrats Rationalize Vote Fraud

Not something our nation can be proud of.

I agree, Dem vote fraud is a disgrace.
The real disgrace is that Dems let the GrOPers get away with too damn much! ..little things like voter suppression, tampering with voting machines, voter fraud while accusing the dems of doing it. Closing polls when people are still in line, and a plethora of other criminal acts. Yet, the dems have been rather obsequious in denouncing any of those things. That is how Trump won!
Not really. The media really is on the side of Trump.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Trump received more than double free air time than all the other candidates put together. Even on a channel like MSNBC, every day, you had Chris Mathews and Chuck Todd play Trump speeches from beginning to end. Then play a 30 clip of Hillary saying Trump hasn't the temperament. Then calling Hillary untrustworthy and unlikable and dishonest and complaining she isn't getting her message out. Then when they ask people on the street what they thought about Hillary, they would give a predictable untrustworthy and unlikable.

In my lifetime, I never saw a presidential candidate so supported by a press, many times, he wouldn't even let into his rallies. Only the cameras.

What this shows is the press can get anyone elected.

Hillary spend 3 or 4 times the amount Trump spent, and still couldn't get enough people
to vote for her "new car smell".

Then calling Hillary untrustworthy and unlikable and dishonest

Yeah, truth hurts.

What this shows is the press can get anyone elected.

Except they couldn't get Hillary elected, could they?
Trump was the media darling..not Hillary. The media marketed Trump and he won.

Trump was the media darling..not Hillary.

As shown by the leaked emails proving media collusion for Hillary.
And the non-stop attacks on Trump while Hillary got nothing but positive coverage.
Hillary spent 3 or 4 times as much as Trump and media help still couldn't get enough votes
for her new car smell.
Positive coverage. You mean:

Benghazi - 8 investigations (how many did 9/11 get?)
Emails, endless emails
Clinton Foundation

And what was found? Nothing wrong.


The real deal
3 billion in free air time
Infomercials on his Golf Courses and Hotels
Taxes ignored
All his racist comments given a bye
His speeches played from beginning to end almost daily
Endlessly repeating his sound bytes against Hillary
Never mentioning his court date for Nov 28 that he now magically settled
And why the endless investigations into Clinton Foundation and none on the Trump Foundation? Only a single reporter uncovered the foundation was never certified, never licensed, the bribes paid with foundation money, the lies about giving to charity, the stuff he bought for himself with charity money, the lawsuits he paid with charity money. And the millions he illegally collected with his uncertified charity he will probably have to give back as soon as all the investigations are finished and the charges laid out. That's coming from the state of New York, not the DOJ. States don't work for him. So this will be a scandal, minor or major, it will be a scandal. He was already fined by the IRS for using the charity as a tax dodge. And when was that reported? I never heard it reported once.

I retired in July. I watched this race every day on CNN, FOX, MSNBC and other channels. I don't think I ever heard a complete Clinton speech from beginning to end. They rarely let one go on more than 10 minutes. But Trump? He was all they could talk about. Every show was the Trump Show. And Market Watch reported Trump received over 3 billion in free air time.

And there are so many stories like this that were never reported:

Trump Once Cut Off Medical Care For Sick Infant To Spite the Parents

And Trump even admitted he did that.

Trump gets way more TV news time than Clinton. So what?

Trump’s Media Saturation, Quantified

Reporters Know They Are Being Conned by Donald Trump, but Not What to Do About It

I saw one report say Trump received 13 negative stories in one night but Clinton received none. Yea, none. She was never mentioned. When you are the only one getting any publicity, it's all good. Especially when you tell everyone the media is bad.
This isn't about Hillary. Trump is a racist and his administration will be racist. It's been pretty well documented.

His administration will bring more prosperity for black families and support a black middle class. Its a long time in coming.
The real disgrace is that Dems let the GrOPers get away with too damn much! ..little things like voter suppression, tampering with voting machines, voter fraud while accusing the dems of doing it. Closing polls when people are still in line, and a plethora of other criminal acts. Yet, the dems have been rather obsequious in denouncing any of those things. That is how Trump won!
Not really. The media really is on the side of Trump.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Trump received more than double free air time than all the other candidates put together. Even on a channel like MSNBC, every day, you had Chris Mathews and Chuck Todd play Trump speeches from beginning to end. Then play a 30 clip of Hillary saying Trump hasn't the temperament. Then calling Hillary untrustworthy and unlikable and dishonest and complaining she isn't getting her message out. Then when they ask people on the street what they thought about Hillary, they would give a predictable untrustworthy and unlikable.

In my lifetime, I never saw a presidential candidate so supported by a press, many times, he wouldn't even let into his rallies. Only the cameras.

What this shows is the press can get anyone elected.

Hillary spend 3 or 4 times the amount Trump spent, and still couldn't get enough people
to vote for her "new car smell".

Then calling Hillary untrustworthy and unlikable and dishonest

Yeah, truth hurts.

What this shows is the press can get anyone elected.

Except they couldn't get Hillary elected, could they?
Trump was the media darling..not Hillary. The media marketed Trump and he won.

Trump was the media darling..not Hillary.

As shown by the leaked emails proving media collusion for Hillary.
And the non-stop attacks on Trump while Hillary got nothing but positive coverage.
Hillary spent 3 or 4 times as much as Trump and media help still couldn't get enough votes
for her new car smell.
Positive coverage. You mean:

Benghazi - 8 investigations (how many did 9/11 get?)
Emails, endless emails
Clinton Foundation

And what was found? Nothing wrong.


The real deal
3 billion in free air time
Infomercials on his Golf Courses and Hotels
Taxes ignored
All his racist comments given a bye
His speeches played from beginning to end almost daily
Endlessly repeating his sound bytes against Hillary
Never mentioning his court date for Nov 28 that he now magically settled
And why the endless investigations into Clinton Foundation and none on the Trump Foundation? Only a single reporter uncovered the foundation was never certified, never licensed, the bribes paid with foundation money, the lies about giving to charity, the stuff he bought for himself with charity money, the lawsuits he paid with charity money. And the millions he illegally collected with his uncertified charity he will probably have to give back as soon as all the investigations are finished and the charges laid out. That's coming from the state of New York, not the DOJ. States don't work for him. So this will be a scandal, minor or major, it will be a scandal. He was already fined by the IRS for using the charity as a tax dodge. And when was that reported? I never heard it reported once.

I retired in July. I watched this race every day on CNN, FOX, MSNBC and other channels. I don't think I ever heard a complete Clinton speech from beginning to end. They rarely let one go on more than 10 minutes. But Trump? He was all they could talk about. Every show was the Trump Show. And Market Watch reported Trump received over 3 billion in free air time.

And there are so many stories like this that were never reported:

Trump Once Cut Off Medical Care For Sick Infant To Spite the Parents

And Trump even admitted he did that.

Trump gets way more TV news time than Clinton. So what?

Trump’s Media Saturation, Quantified

Reporters Know They Are Being Conned by Donald Trump, but Not What to Do About It

I saw one report say Trump received 13 negative stories in one night but Clinton received none. Yea, none. She was never mentioned. When you are the only one getting any publicity, it's all good. Especially when you tell everyone the media is bad.

Yes, I remember lots of coverage of Hillary when she was too ill to campaign at the very end.

Every other story was about where she could be hiding, what was wrong with her, was she healthy enough to serve.

Oh, wait, I never heard that once.

Do you think she'll last another year? I don't think so much alcohol is good with her meds.
The real disgrace is that Dems let the GrOPers get away with too damn much! ..little things like voter suppression, tampering with voting machines, voter fraud while accusing the dems of doing it. Closing polls when people are still in line, and a plethora of other criminal acts. Yet, the dems have been rather obsequious in denouncing any of those things. That is how Trump won!
Not really. The media really is on the side of Trump.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Trump received more than double free air time than all the other candidates put together. Even on a channel like MSNBC, every day, you had Chris Mathews and Chuck Todd play Trump speeches from beginning to end. Then play a 30 clip of Hillary saying Trump hasn't the temperament. Then calling Hillary untrustworthy and unlikable and dishonest and complaining she isn't getting her message out. Then when they ask people on the street what they thought about Hillary, they would give a predictable untrustworthy and unlikable.

In my lifetime, I never saw a presidential candidate so supported by a press, many times, he wouldn't even let into his rallies. Only the cameras.

What this shows is the press can get anyone elected.

Hillary spend 3 or 4 times the amount Trump spent, and still couldn't get enough people
to vote for her "new car smell".

Then calling Hillary untrustworthy and unlikable and dishonest

Yeah, truth hurts.

What this shows is the press can get anyone elected.

Except they couldn't get Hillary elected, could they?
Trump was the media darling..not Hillary. The media marketed Trump and he won.

Trump was the media darling..not Hillary.

As shown by the leaked emails proving media collusion for Hillary.
And the non-stop attacks on Trump while Hillary got nothing but positive coverage.
Hillary spent 3 or 4 times as much as Trump and media help still couldn't get enough votes
for her new car smell.
Positive coverage. You mean:

Benghazi - 8 investigations (how many did 9/11 get?)
Emails, endless emails
Clinton Foundation

And what was found? Nothing wrong.


The real deal
3 billion in free air time
Infomercials on his Golf Courses and Hotels
Taxes ignored
All his racist comments given a bye
His speeches played from beginning to end almost daily
Endlessly repeating his sound bytes against Hillary
Never mentioning his court date for Nov 28 that he now magically settled
And why the endless investigations into Clinton Foundation and none on the Trump Foundation? Only a single reporter uncovered the foundation was never certified, never licensed, the bribes paid with foundation money, the lies about giving to charity, the stuff he bought for himself with charity money, the lawsuits he paid with charity money. And the millions he illegally collected with his uncertified charity he will probably have to give back as soon as all the investigations are finished and the charges laid out. That's coming from the state of New York, not the DOJ. States don't work for him. So this will be a scandal, minor or major, it will be a scandal. He was already fined by the IRS for using the charity as a tax dodge. And when was that reported? I never heard it reported once.

I retired in July. I watched this race every day on CNN, FOX, MSNBC and other channels. I don't think I ever heard a complete Clinton speech from beginning to end. They rarely let one go on more than 10 minutes. But Trump? He was all they could talk about. Every show was the Trump Show. And Market Watch reported Trump received over 3 billion in free air time.

And there are so many stories like this that were never reported:

Trump Once Cut Off Medical Care For Sick Infant To Spite the Parents

And Trump even admitted he did that.

Trump gets way more TV news time than Clinton. So what?

Trump’s Media Saturation, Quantified

Reporters Know They Are Being Conned by Donald Trump, but Not What to Do About It

I saw one report say Trump received 13 negative stories in one night but Clinton received none. Yea, none. She was never mentioned. When you are the only one getting any publicity, it's all good. Especially when you tell everyone the media is bad.

Poor rdean, next time get a better candidate than a Wall St. whore.
How Democrats Rationalize Vote Fraud

Not something our nation can be proud of.

I agree, Dem vote fraud is a disgrace.
The real disgrace is that Dems let the GrOPers get away with too damn much! ..little things like voter suppression, tampering with voting machines, voter fraud while accusing the dems of doing it. Closing polls when people are still in line, and a plethora of other criminal acts. Yet, the dems have been rather obsequious in denouncing any of those things. That is how Trump won!
Not really. The media really is on the side of Trump.

Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Trump received more than double free air time than all the other candidates put together. Even on a channel like MSNBC, every day, you had Chris Mathews and Chuck Todd play Trump speeches from beginning to end. Then play a 30 clip of Hillary saying Trump hasn't the temperament. Then calling Hillary untrustworthy and unlikable and dishonest and complaining she isn't getting her message out. Then when they ask people on the street what they thought about Hillary, they would give a predictable untrustworthy and unlikable.

In my lifetime, I never saw a presidential candidate so supported by a press, many times, he wouldn't even let into his rallies. Only the cameras.

What this shows is the press can get anyone elected.

Hillary spend 3 or 4 times the amount Trump spent, and still couldn't get enough people
to vote for her "new car smell".

Then calling Hillary untrustworthy and unlikable and dishonest

Yeah, truth hurts.

What this shows is the press can get anyone elected.

Except they couldn't get Hillary elected, could they?
Trump was the media darling..not Hillary. The media marketed Trump and he won.

Trump was the media darling..not Hillary.

As shown by the leaked emails proving media collusion for Hillary.
And the non-stop attacks on Trump while Hillary got nothing but positive coverage.
Hillary spent 3 or 4 times as much as Trump and media help still couldn't get enough votes
for her new car smell.

Trump got loads of free air time that Hillary could only dream about. That helped Trump not Hillary.

E-mails: Why was it that only a high ranking Democrat's e-mails were hacked and made public and NO Republican e-mails? That, in and of itself, is suspicious. Hillary was targeted and no one else. That helped Trump.

The media bias: I've already gone over the media's generous air time gifts to Trump but that bias became even more evident when, during the debates, media moderators allowed Trump to talk over Hillary and harp longer on irrelevancies and e-mails. That was noteworthy since Hillary had already been cleared of criminality by the FBI.
This isn't about Hillary. Trump is a racist and his administration will be racist. It's been pretty well documented.

His administration will bring more prosperity for black families and support a black middle class. Its a long time in coming.

I hope you are right. But if he adheres to the Republican model, Blacks won't be any better off than those poor Blacks unfortunate enough to live in Republican governed states. We have already seen that movie! Red states are the poorest in the nation…and that includes a helluva lot of White people too.
I said it in another thread, people thought race relations got bad under Obama... oh it is going to get worse. A lot lot worse in the next 4 years. If Trump keeps doing the things he is doing, this could be one of the most disastrous Presidencies ever... and quite honestly could lead to a near Civil War.
Not to bright for trumps minions as the demographics are changing and they will be the minorities soon

the demographics are changing and they will be the minorities soon

How soon if we deport 15 million illegal aliens and stop more from sneaking in?
We don't have the resources or the money to do that! Do you want to see a 30 Trillion dollar national debt in 5 years?

We don't have the resources or the money to do that!

Are you kidding? We'll save billions.
WTF? Let me try this again. Where are we going to get the resources and the money to round up, detain, and deport 15 million people while, simultaneously, building a Trillion dollar wall? A republican Congress isn't going to write either of those checks.
I said it in another thread, people thought race relations got bad under Obama... oh it is going to get worse. A lot lot worse in the next 4 years. If Trump keeps doing the things he is doing, this could be one of the most disastrous Presidencies ever... and quite honestly could lead to a near Civil War.
Not to bright for trumps minions as the demographics are changing and they will be the minorities soon

the demographics are changing and they will be the minorities soon

How soon if we deport 15 million illegal aliens and stop more from sneaking in?
We don't have the resources or the money to do that! Do you want to see a 30 Trillion dollar national debt in 5 years?

We don't have the resources or the money to do that!

Are you kidding? We'll save billions.
WTF? Let me try this again. Where are we going to get the resources and the money to round up, detain, and deport 15 million people while, simultaneously, building a Trillion dollar wall? A republican Congress isn't going to write either of those checks.

Of course they will. The
President Trump abolutely deserves all of the cooperation and respect that the GOP extended to President Obama. Let's hope that the Democrats put the country first, just as the GOP did.

If they do they will oppose the nanny state and stripping citizens of freedoms. You're too stupid to understand why obama was opposed.
This is the point you were supposed to come up with examples.

And didn't. Figures.

ROFLMAO. I don't need "examples. I already know "why" Obama was "opposed".......he does too, but just won't say why.
It so precious when Dems, the Party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, black eugenics through Planned Parenthood, failed inner city public schools, public housing and "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next few 200 years", talk about the black vote
President Trump abolutely deserves all of the cooperation and respect that the GOP extended to President Obama. Let's hope that the Democrats put the country first, just as the GOP did.

If they do they will oppose the nanny state and stripping citizens of freedoms. You're too stupid to understand why obama was opposed.
This is the point you were supposed to come up with examples.

And didn't. Figures.
examples of the GOP opposing obama's leftists policies? Sorry, I don't do stupid. You made the race charge and only had old weak shit so .....

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