This is your VP - She talks to her people like they have the minds of young children

Never mind every word she says is scripted. That's the difference between she and Biden, VS Trump. Take a guess who is genuine, and isn't.

But you'll notice Kamala often speaks to her supporters like they're young children. Why do you think she does that?

Any chance the Democrats believe their supporters have brains of young children? Nah, couldn't be that, could it?

Simple minds work in simple ways.

Never mind every word she says is scripted. That's the difference between she and Biden, VS Trump. Take a guess who is genuine, and isn't.

But you'll notice Kamala often speaks to her supporters like they're young children. Why do you think she does that?

Any chance the Democrats believe their supporters have brains of young children? Nah, couldn't be that, could it?

Nothing new to the democrats, where Biden once said that if a black doesn't vote for him then they aren't really black.
Kamala Harris has echolalia. Her speeches have to be crafted so she doesn't repeat words or syllables often enough to trigger her. This results in an overly simplistic style.
Nose-Pin Zone

Bill O'Reilly has it, too. OK? He has it. Echolallia, logorrhea, gobbledygook, going on and on and then repeating part of the sentence. Repeating. So, you see, it's like this, you see. He's not a spin doctor, like all the other bloviators. Not a spin doctor.

I attribute this, and also Kamalaprop's gibberish, to the fact that they know they're just trying to push some lying claptrap and hope that by constant reinforcement by repetition, it will numb the audience into believing that they are sincere.
Nose-Pin Zone

Bill O'Reilly has it, too. OK? He has it. Echolallia, logorrhea, gobbledygook, going on and on and then repeating part of the sentence. Repeating. So, you see, it's like this, you see. He's not a spin doctor, like all the other bloviators. Not a spin doctor.

I attribute this, and also Kamalaprop's gibberish, to the fact that they know they're just trying to push some lying claptrap and hope that by constant reinforcement by repetition, it will numb the audience into believing that they are sincere.
Watch her. She gets lost in her repetition and cannot gat out. Then she gives a cringworthy cackle.
Trump is interesting. Has charisma and keeps an audience enthralled. We have a dystopian state today that takes every syllable spoken and breaks it down into propaganda if the speaker is against the system they promote.
Finalize and You'll Find Their Final Lies

The Demwits contextualize and actualize the present moment of now.

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