This is Why We Don't Need States Rights

good load, we agree IM2?

hold the phone, i'm off to by mega$$$ tix!
The gubmint might try this, but like I said, I'm not getting one and there will be a lot of other peope doing the same. Perhaps if peope quit giving Musk power, he can't sell the chip to the government.
Isn't that why originally Seven States seceded from the Union of States in 1861?
The South Secedes​
"When Abraham Lincoln, a known opponent of slavery, was elected president, the South Carolina legislature perceived a threat. Calling a state convention, the delegates voted to remove the state of South Carolina from the union known as the United States of America. The secession of South Carolina was followed by the secession of six more states—Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas–and the threat of secession by four more—Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina. These eleven states eventually formed the Confederate States of America".

And this is an example of why states rights need to go.
LOL. So, you are against state's having rights? You do realize this is the United50 States of America, not one socialist country, don't you? Maybe not.
I am against the fascism that is allowed by letting states run by extremists make rules.
That was done because the Articles of Confederation, which was a states rights government failed. And we don't need states passing laws like this.

Wrong. It provides a balance to government having both. It prevents one party from ruling the entire country from Washington. It also allows for people to see which ideas work and which dont.
I am against the fascism that is allowed by letting states run by extremists make rules.

And what happens when extremists run DC and there are no more states rights? that would be a nightmare scenario.
A lot of poor ass whites can't get them either maggot.
I have yet to hear Democrats complaining that whites can’t get them; or Asians, Latinos or any other race EXCEPT for Blacks. Interesting that you don’t hear Blacks and Democrats not having IDs for everyday life. Why is that??
Fascism in America.

'Y'all In For 4 YEARS OF HELL': La. House Bill Allows Cops To ARREST, FINGERPRINT ANYONE Without ID

More Republican antics.

States rights are not an “option”, they are encoded in our cotus. Unless you want to change the cotus, wanting them or not wanting them isn’t even part of the equation.
Blacks can't get any, ask IM2 and JoeB131

Nor can a lot of poor people or college students.

The University of Maryland’s Center for Democracy and Civic Engagement (CDCE) and VoteRiders, the nation’s leading voting rights organization focused on ID education and assistance, have released a new analysis showing that millions of voting-age Americans do not possess a non-expired, government-issued photo ID. The analysis comes as a growing number of states enact new or stricter voter ID requirements, likely increasing the number of Americans who lack the required ID to vote in their states.

For the report, WHO LACKED PHOTO ID IN 2020?: An Exploration of the American National Election Studies (ANES),” CDCE and VoteRiders analyzed data from the 2020 ANES, the premier survey of voting-age Americans’ political attitudes and behaviors. The analysis specifically looked at survey responses from Americans about whether they have a non-expired driver’s license, U.S. passport, or some other form of valid, government-issued photo ID. Only two types of IDs are common to all 36 states with voter ID laws as of 2023: a current driver’s license or a state ID card.

Key findings from the analysis include:

  • As of 2020, nearly 29 million voting-age U.S. citizens did not have a non-expired driver’s license and over 7 million did not have any other form of non-expired government-issued photo identification.
Nor can a lot of poor people or college students.

The University of Maryland’s Center for Democracy and Civic Engagement (CDCE) and VoteRiders, the nation’s leading voting rights organization focused on ID education and assistance, have released a new analysis showing that millions of voting-age Americans do not possess a non-expired, government-issued photo ID. The analysis comes as a growing number of states enact new or stricter voter ID requirements, likely increasing the number of Americans who lack the required ID to vote in their states.

For the report, WHO LACKED PHOTO ID IN 2020?: An Exploration of the American National Election Studies (ANES),” CDCE and VoteRiders analyzed data from the 2020 ANES, the premier survey of voting-age Americans’ political attitudes and behaviors. The analysis specifically looked at survey responses from Americans about whether they have a non-expired driver’s license, U.S. passport, or some other form of valid, government-issued photo ID. Only two types of IDs are common to all 36 states with voter ID laws as of 2023: a current driver’s license or a state ID card.

Key findings from the analysis include:

  • As of 2020, nearly 29 million voting-age U.S. citizens did not have a non-expired driver’s license and over 7 million did not have any other form of non-expired government-issued photo identification.

If you're too dumb to get ID; if something that elementary is beyond your capability, you should not vote

"You must have a photo ID if you are 25 or under and wish to purchase alcohol or cigarettes. Store signs say so. Want to open a bank account? Photo ID required. Here are the rest of the categories: applying for welfare, Medicaid and Social Security (presumably poor people take advantage of one or more of these programs); unemployment benefits (ditto); rent/buy a house, or apply for a mortgage; drive/buy/rent a car; get on an airplane; get married; buy a gun; adopt a pet; rent a hotel room; apply for a hunting or fishing license; buy a cellphone; visit a casino; pick up a prescription (or buy restricted over-the-counter medications); donate blood; apply for a license to hold a demonstration; buy an "M"-rated video game; purchase nail polish at CVS."

24 things requiring a photo ID
Nor can a lot of poor people or college students.

The University of Maryland’s Center for Democracy and Civic Engagement (CDCE) and VoteRiders, the nation’s leading voting rights organization focused on ID education and assistance, have released a new analysis showing that millions of voting-age Americans do not possess a non-expired, government-issued photo ID. The analysis comes as a growing number of states enact new or stricter voter ID requirements, likely increasing the number of Americans who lack the required ID to vote in their states.

For the report, WHO LACKED PHOTO ID IN 2020?: An Exploration of the American National Election Studies (ANES),” CDCE and VoteRiders analyzed data from the 2020 ANES, the premier survey of voting-age Americans’ political attitudes and behaviors. The analysis specifically looked at survey responses from Americans about whether they have a non-expired driver’s license, U.S. passport, or some other form of valid, government-issued photo ID. Only two types of IDs are common to all 36 states with voter ID laws as of 2023: a current driver’s license or a state ID card.

Key findings from the analysis include:

  • As of 2020, nearly 29 million voting-age U.S. citizens did not have a non-expired driver’s license and over 7 million did not have any other form of non-expired government-issued photo identification.

If they cant afford an ID its because its not important to them. Anyways, college students will have a school ID

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