This Is Why Jan 6th Happened In A Nutshell


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The Deep State (Uniparty) created an event for one purpose:

Right now they're trying to use Jan 6th to destroy Democracy by removing an outsider candidate from the ballot.

That's all it was about.

First they invited protesters inside, then they attacked them, murdered two of them, and then claimed that Donald Trump had something to do with it.

Nancy Pelosi was in charge of security. She refused to listen to anyone about increasing security because she wanted this CIA operation to work. Having enough security would have thwarted their plans. Her excuse was she didn't want a bunch of scary people wearing uniforms carrying guns guarding the Capital. She had zero problem with that after the fact when she erected a wall around the Capital and stationed thousands of National Guard soldiers in and around the wall.

Now they're doing exactly what we knew they were going to do when Joe Biden bragged that he would make sure that Trump would never be allowed to run for POTUS ever again, by USING THE CONSTITUTION. The 14th Amendment. Claiming that he was involved in some sort of insurrection so they could have him disqualified. They claimed to have established the case with their impeachment. They have not. That one-sided affair was a disgrace. Doctored evidence doesn't prove anything. Then they held several primetime hearings during a month long committee called "The 1/6th Investigation". They made sure that nothing exculpatory made it's way into that hearing. They used hearsay evidence and silly rumors claiming it was real. One witness said she overheard two agents talking about an event that supposedly happened that she could not prove actually happened. Remember the claims that Trump tried to wrestle with the Secret Service to steal "The Beast" so he could drive to the Capital during the riots? What a load of rubbish!

Now here's Jamie Raskin, who incidentally helped destroy most of the evidence that the Jan 6th Committee gathered (so that congress couldn't see it) claiming that Trump is disqualified to run as POTUS because he claims Trump planned an insurrection. He didn't carry out an insurrection. Jamie Raskin just thinks that anyone who talks about his legal options with respect to an election is breaking the law.

The trials are all designed to prevent Trump from running for POTUS again, as Biden told us he would make sure of.

The timing of the first trial is designed to prevent Trump from campaigning during the primaries.

Has this conspiracy babbling every worked on anyone who wasn't already completely brainwashed?


Well, keep trying. Maybe you can find someone who recently suffered a stroke.
The Deep State (Uniparty) created an event for one purpose:

Right now they're trying to use Jan 6th to destroy Democracy by removing an outsider candidate from the ballot.

That's all it was about.

First they invited protesters inside, then they attacked them, murdered two of them, and then claimed that Donald Trump had something to do with it.

Nancy Pelosi was in charge of security. She refused to listen to anyone about increasing security because she wanted this CIA operation to work. Having enough security would have thwarted their plans. Her excuse was she didn't want a bunch of scary people wearing uniforms carrying guns guarding the Capital. She had zero problem with that after the fact when she erected a wall around the Capital and stationed thousands of National Guard soldiers in and around the wall.

Now they're doing exactly what we knew they were going to do when Joe Biden bragged that he would make sure that Trump would never be allowed to run for POTUS ever again, by USING THE CONSTITUTION. The 14th Amendment. Claiming that he was involved in some sort of insurrection so they could have him disqualified. They claimed to have established the case with their impeachment. They have not. That one-sided affair was a disgrace. Doctored evidence doesn't prove anything. Then they held several primetime hearings during a month long committee called "The 1/6th Investigation". They made sure that nothing exculpatory made it's way into that hearing. They used hearsay evidence and silly rumors claiming it was real. One witness said she overheard two agents talking about an event that supposedly happened that she could not prove actually happened. Remember the claims that Trump tried to wrestle with the Secret Service to steal "The Beast" so he could drive to the Capital during the riots? What a load of rubbish!

Now here's Jamie Raskin, who incidentally helped destroy most of the evidence that the Jan 6th Committee gathered (so that congress couldn't see it) claiming that Trump is disqualified to run as POTUS because he claims Trump planned an insurrection. He didn't carry out an insurrection. Jamie Raskin just thinks that anyone who talks about his legal options with respect to an election is breaking the law.

The trials are all designed to prevent Trump from running for POTUS again, as Biden told us he would make sure of.

The timing of the first trial is designed to prevent Trump from campaigning during the primaries.

A Conspiracy Story made up by this kook.
The truth makes more sense than the scenario that they're pushing down our throats.

Try thinking for yourself instead of being your typical libroid.

I was calling you a kook. That's true, but it is also absurd and hasn't posted the truth.
My only question is whether future historians will describe this as our Reichstag Fire, or whether people are living in a one party dystopia where such is not allowed
My only question is whether future historians will describe this as our Reichstag Fire, or whether people are living in a one party dystopia where such is not allowed
Future historians will put those who attacked the Capitol Building deplorable and future Psychologists will put trump down as a very sick mentally person.

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