This Is What Racism Sounds Like in the Banking Industry


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
This is definitely worth the read particularly if you are one of those individuals who believes that racism no longer exists in the United States of America going into year 2020. This type of racism is woven into the very fabric of our society. I'm not sure how it can ever be completely eradicated.

A JPMorgan employee and a customer secretly recorded their conversations with bank employees

Jimmy Kennedy earned $13 million during his nine-year career as a player in the National Football League. He was the kind of person most banks would be happy to have as a client.

But when Mr. Kennedy tried to become a ā€œprivate clientā€ at JPMorgan Chase, an elite designation that would earn him travel discounts, exclusive event invitations and better deals on loans, he kept getting the runaround.

At first, he didnā€™t understand why. Then, last fall, he showed up at his local JPMorgan branch in Arizona, and an employee offered an explanation.

ā€œYouā€™re bigger than the average person, period. And youā€™re also an African-American,ā€ the employee, Charles Belton, who is black, told Mr. Kennedy. ā€œWeā€™re in Arizona. I donā€™t have to tell you about what the demographics are in Arizona. They donā€™t see people like you a lot.ā€ Mr. Kennedy recorded the conversation and shared it with The New York Times.

ā€˜They Donā€™t See People Like You a Lotā€™
Listen to a conversation between a JPMorgan customer and his financial adviser.
Itā€™s no secret that racism has been baked into the American banking system. There are few black executives in the upper echelons of most financial institutions. Leading banks have recently paid restitution to black employees for isolating them from white peers, placing them in the poorest branches and cutting them off from career opportunities. Black customers are sometimes profiled, viewed with suspicion just for entering a bank and questioned over the most basic transactions.

This year, researchers for the National Bureau of Economic Research found that black mortgage borrowers were charged higher interest rates than white borrowers and were denied mortgages that would have been approved for white applicants.

Banks, including JPMorgan, say they are committed to eradicating the legacy of racism. And they insist that any lingering side effects simply reflect stubborn socioeconomic imbalances in society as a whole, not racial bias among their employees.

What recently transpired inside a cluster of JPMorgan branches in the Phoenix area suggests that is not true.

Mr. Kennedy was told he was essentially too black. His financial adviser, Ricardo Peters, complained that he, too, was a victim of racial discrimination. What makes their cases extraordinary is not that the two men say they faced discrimination. It is that they recorded their interactions with bank employees, preserving a record of what white executives otherwise might have dismissed as figments of the aggrieved partiesā€™ imaginations.

Patricia Wexler, a JPMorgan spokeswoman, defended the bankā€™s overall treatment of Mr. Peters and Mr. Kennedy. She said that the bank hadnā€™t been aware of all of the audio recordings and that ā€œin light of some new information brought to us by The New York Times,ā€ the company put one of its executive directors on administrative leave while the bank investigates his conduct.

The Back of the Branch
Mr. Peters started his career at JPMorgan as a salesman in the bankā€™s credit cards division. After about eight years in various roles, he was promoted to a financial adviser position in Phoenix in 2016. His job was to help bank customers prudently invest their money.

Mr. Peters had won numerous performance awards at the bank, but things soon started going wrong for him....

This Is What Racism Sounds Like in the Banking Industry
do you imagine you made a point, mary? Two black persons conversing on
what "it seems like" to them---<<<that's makes a point? A statistic not
subjected to multivariate analysis that describes a cohort that comes up with ---
"blacks pay higher interest rates" on loans? I am short and left handed----
I will have a conversation with another woman---short and left handed, and
we will commiserate. ----then I publish

'an executive was put on administrative leave..." ? yeah ? so?
This is definitely worth the read particularly if you are one of those individuals who believes that racism no longer exists in the United States of America going into year 2020. This type of racism is woven into the very fabric of our society. I'm not sure how it can ever be completely eradicated.

A JPMorgan employee and a customer secretly recorded their conversations with bank employees

Jimmy Kennedy earned $13 million during his nine-year career as a player in the National Football League. He was the kind of person most banks would be happy to have as a client.

But when Mr. Kennedy tried to become a ā€œprivate clientā€ at JPMorgan Chase, an elite designation that would earn him travel discounts, exclusive event invitations and better deals on loans, he kept getting the runaround.

At first, he didnā€™t understand why. Then, last fall, he showed up at his local JPMorgan branch in Arizona, and an employee offered an explanation.

ā€œYouā€™re bigger than the average person, period. And youā€™re also an African-American,ā€ the employee, Charles Belton, who is black, told Mr. Kennedy. ā€œWeā€™re in Arizona. I donā€™t have to tell you about what the demographics are in Arizona. They donā€™t see people like you a lot.ā€ Mr. Kennedy recorded the conversation and shared it with The New York Times.

ā€˜They Donā€™t See People Like You a Lotā€™
Listen to a conversation between a JPMorgan customer and his financial adviser.
Itā€™s no secret that racism has been baked into the American banking system. There are few black executives in the upper echelons of most financial institutions. Leading banks have recently paid restitution to black employees for isolating them from white peers, placing them in the poorest branches and cutting them off from career opportunities. Black customers are sometimes profiled, viewed with suspicion just for entering a bank and questioned over the most basic transactions.

This year, researchers for the National Bureau of Economic Research found that black mortgage borrowers were charged higher interest rates than white borrowers and were denied mortgages that would have been approved for white applicants.

Banks, including JPMorgan, say they are committed to eradicating the legacy of racism. And they insist that any lingering side effects simply reflect stubborn socioeconomic imbalances in society as a whole, not racial bias among their employees.

What recently transpired inside a cluster of JPMorgan branches in the Phoenix area suggests that is not true.

Mr. Kennedy was told he was essentially too black. His financial adviser, Ricardo Peters, complained that he, too, was a victim of racial discrimination. What makes their cases extraordinary is not that the two men say they faced discrimination. It is that they recorded their interactions with bank employees, preserving a record of what white executives otherwise might have dismissed as figments of the aggrieved partiesā€™ imaginations.

Patricia Wexler, a JPMorgan spokeswoman, defended the bankā€™s overall treatment of Mr. Peters and Mr. Kennedy. She said that the bank hadnā€™t been aware of all of the audio recordings and that ā€œin light of some new information brought to us by The New York Times,ā€ the company put one of its executive directors on administrative leave while the bank investigates his conduct.

The Back of the Branch
Mr. Peters started his career at JPMorgan as a salesman in the bankā€™s credit cards division. After about eight years in various roles, he was promoted to a financial adviser position in Phoenix in 2016. His job was to help bank customers prudently invest their money.

Mr. Peters had won numerous performance awards at the bank, but things soon started going wrong for him....

This Is What Racism Sounds Like in the Banking Industry

I never thought, nor have I ever met someone who thought, that racism does not exist in the US. Of course racism exists.
If you have any country with two uniquely identifiable people groups.... you will have racism.

As long as you have two groups of people anywhere on this planet, there will be racism.

There will never be a time, at any point in the human existence, where racism doesn't exist. Never. Just never.

If your goal in life, is to stamp out racism, or you will not be happy and satisfied with life, as long as racist people exist... then be ready to be a miserable person until you die.

As for racism in banking:

I have no idea if there is any real racism in the banking system.

What I do know, is that your article doesn't show any. That doesn't mean there isn't.... it could be. But what I've seen in this article proves absolutely nothing.

Arizona has less than 5% of the population is black. That means when he says "we don't see a lot of people like you", that's not racist.... that's 'factist'. He likely hasn't seen many like him. I remember meeting a couple from Laos.... I said we do not see many people from Laos. You know why I said that? Because we don't see many from Laos.

Not racism. It's only racism, if you are a racists person, looking for ways to accuse others of being racist, to justify your own racism.

Otherwise, it's someone saying something that is true.

The claim that black borrowers are charged higher interest rates: That's as a group? If you haven't noticed, as a group Blacks are in a different economic situation than other groups.

Naturally, you are going to see differences in interest rates group wise, when there are different economic situations group wise.

Now if you wish to prove to me that identical people, with identical finances, and buying identical houses, are getting charged vastly different interest rates, then by all means go for it, and provide that information.

You show me two people, same job, same number of years of steady income and employment, same credit history, buying the same house, and one guy is black, and pays 15% more interest any someone else.

Because if one guy has a missed payments, or is buying a house in a garbage area of town, or has a criminal record, or has been on food stamps, or has only 2 years at his current job, or has a lower income, or, or, or, or..... then guess what.... he's going to have a higher interest rate, because he's a higher risk borrower.

I love how your article says "Mr. Kennedy was told he was essentially too black". What a great source of unbiased news. You can tell this reporter had no pre-determined conclusion.

Here's a thought..... if Mr Kennedy was told he was essentially "too black", and you have the entire conversation recorded, then why didn't you post the transcript that said "You are too black"?

You know why? Because they never said that. That's why.

I'll be honest with you....

I was skeptical of your entire article from the very start, and the reason is because their crowning example, was a former professional athlete.

Pro-athletes go broke CONSTANTLY.

20 High Paid Athletes Who Went Completely Broke

Happens every year. Black white, yellow, plaid, doesn't matter. These people go into pro-careers, get paid millions on millions, and end up blowing all their money, because they don't know how to handle money.

Then they get old, and being an Athlete is like being a firecracker instead of a candle, and instead of gracefully lighting the world for decades, they burn out with a flash in minutes, and then they are done.

All of a sudden their millions dry up, and they end up MC Hammer, trying to find someone to pay him to do a crappy commercial.

Now as far as I can tell, Jimmy Kennedy hasn't played since 2011. What has he been doing? What's his income now? Because it does not matter if you have a million dollars, if you don't have an income. Why would the bank give perks to someone that they can only expect will use up the money?

The special perks, go to the people with big future incomes. CEOs, Executives, and so on. Remember, Michael Jackson made by most estimates a billion dollars in his lifetime. Before his death, he was facing bankruptcy.

Yeah, Kennedy had a huge income, when he was a pro-player. That was almost 10 years ago. That pro-player income isn't coming back. And if the video I found on Youtube is right... and I don't know for sure it is (which is why I didn't link it).... sounds like Kennedy has some bad health problems, either stemming from his pro-career, or his drug use, or both. Why would the bank give out expensive perks to someone who not only will never have a big income again, but is also using up his money for health reasons?

So I don't know if there is racism at the banks or not... but this article isn't evidence of anything.
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hahahhahah--again--only one side of the story is told---hahahha
..but when they refused Rush Limbaugh to buy into the NFL, that was ------not racist?? what?? hahahahhahahahahah
last time I saw Rush is a white man
......I was refused credit to buy something at a jewelry store--and I'm WHITE---!!!..I just got out of the service and hadn't worked at my job long enough --so it WASN"T because of my race
..I was stopped by the cops for the crime of ----WALKING!!!!!! YES walking to work!!
..then stopped for --BIKING!! once to work--the other going home---I'm WHITE
Limbaugh Dropped From Bid to Buy N.F.L.ā€™s Rams
hahahhahah--again--only one side of the story is told---hahahha
..but when they refused Rush Limbaugh to buy into the NFL, that was ------not racist?? what?? hahahahhahahahahah
last time I saw Rush is a white man
......I was refused credit to buy something at a jewelry store--and I'm WHITE---!!!..I just got out of the service and hadn't worked at my job long enough --so it WASN"T because of my race
..I was stopped by the cops for the crime of ----WALKING!!!!!! YES walking to work!!
..then stopped for --BIKING!! once to work--the other going home---I'm WHITE
Limbaugh Dropped From Bid to Buy N.F.L.ā€™s Rams

be ready -----a ME TOO. I am a short white girl. I have been criticized
MUCH ....... for walking. There really are some really nice places in the USA----
residential ---rich-----where walking is frowned upon
hahahhahah--again--only one side of the story is told---hahahha
..but when they refused Rush Limbaugh to buy into the NFL, that was ------not racist?? what?? hahahahhahahahahah
last time I saw Rush is a white man
......I was refused credit to buy something at a jewelry store--and I'm WHITE---!!!..I just got out of the service and hadn't worked at my job long enough --so it WASN"T because of my race
..I was stopped by the cops for the crime of ----WALKING!!!!!! YES walking to work!!
..then stopped for --BIKING!! once to work--the other going home---I'm WHITE
Limbaugh Dropped From Bid to Buy N.F.L.ā€™s Rams

ROFLMAO..You've stated in this forum in the past that you are Native American.
hahahhahah--again--only one side of the story is told---hahahha
..but when they refused Rush Limbaugh to buy into the NFL, that was ------not racist?? what?? hahahahhahahahahah
last time I saw Rush is a white man
......I was refused credit to buy something at a jewelry store--and I'm WHITE---!!!..I just got out of the service and hadn't worked at my job long enough --so it WASN"T because of my race
..I was stopped by the cops for the crime of ----WALKING!!!!!! YES walking to work!!
..then stopped for --BIKING!! once to work--the other going home---I'm WHITE
Limbaugh Dropped From Bid to Buy N.F.L.ā€™s Rams

be ready -----a ME TOO. I am a short white girl. I have been criticized
MUCH ....... for walking. There really are some really nice places in the USA----
residential ---rich-----where walking is frowned upon
Evidently walking is frowned upon every where in this freeken lazy ass sit on the couch society. Go look at your local parks. Check the hiking and bike paths. Go to fishing lakes. You will notice some thing is missing, fucking people doing active things. It seems as though if do things like drink water instead of pop or excercise people think you arte nuts now adays. I have buddies tell me they had a run in with the game warden or ODNR and they tell me they got hassled by them. I fish, hunt or hike nearly every day even during the winter. I run into ODNR and game wardens at least once a week. They never give me a hassle, the first thing they usually ask me is where the hell is every one. They tell me they do not see people fishing,hunting and hiking like they used to. A good percentage of the time I am doing it alone because I can not get any of my buddies of the couch. I guess they think if you are walking today you are poor or crazy so lets hassle them?
hahahhahah--again--only one side of the story is told---hahahha
..but when they refused Rush Limbaugh to buy into the NFL, that was ------not racist?? what?? hahahahhahahahahah
last time I saw Rush is a white man
......I was refused credit to buy something at a jewelry store--and I'm WHITE---!!!..I just got out of the service and hadn't worked at my job long enough --so it WASN"T because of my race
..I was stopped by the cops for the crime of ----WALKING!!!!!! YES walking to work!!
..then stopped for --BIKING!! once to work--the other going home---I'm WHITE
Limbaugh Dropped From Bid to Buy N.F.L.ā€™s Rams

ROFLMAO..You've stated in this forum in the past that you are Native American.
hahahah--you fked up!!! thank prove you are not that smart
I am a native American/native of America and that is what I stated
I never said I was Native American
please show me where I stated I was Native American

so, if you apologize and admit you fkd up, you will have a little credibility
hahahhahah--again--only one side of the story is told---hahahha
..but when they refused Rush Limbaugh to buy into the NFL, that was ------not racist?? what?? hahahahhahahahahah
last time I saw Rush is a white man
......I was refused credit to buy something at a jewelry store--and I'm WHITE---!!!..I just got out of the service and hadn't worked at my job long enough --so it WASN"T because of my race
..I was stopped by the cops for the crime of ----WALKING!!!!!! YES walking to work!!
..then stopped for --BIKING!! once to work--the other going home---I'm WHITE
Limbaugh Dropped From Bid to Buy N.F.L.ā€™s Rams

ROFLMAO..You've stated in this forum in the past that you are Native American.
hahahah--you fked up!!! thank prove you are not that smart
I am a native American/native of America and that is what I stated
I never said I was Native American
please show me where I stated I was Native American

so, if you apologize and admit you fkd up, you will have a little credibility

You're a liar. And not a very good one.
hahahhahah--again--only one side of the story is told---hahahha
..but when they refused Rush Limbaugh to buy into the NFL, that was ------not racist?? what?? hahahahhahahahahah
last time I saw Rush is a white man
......I was refused credit to buy something at a jewelry store--and I'm WHITE---!!!..I just got out of the service and hadn't worked at my job long enough --so it WASN"T because of my race
..I was stopped by the cops for the crime of ----WALKING!!!!!! YES walking to work!!
..then stopped for --BIKING!! once to work--the other going home---I'm WHITE
Limbaugh Dropped From Bid to Buy N.F.L.ā€™s Rams

ROFLMAO..You've stated in this forum in the past that you are Native American.
hahahah--you fked up!!! thank prove you are not that smart
I am a native American/native of America and that is what I stated
I never said I was Native American
please show me where I stated I was Native American

so, if you apologize and admit you fkd up, you will have a little credibility

You're a liar. And not a very good one.
hahha MAJOR fk up by you!!!
I said native --with small N ...hahahhahahahahah
I never said Native
you prove again you are not that smart
  1. a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.
do you imagine you made a point, mary? Two black persons conversing on
what "it seems like" to them---
No ya jerk, there were recordinga of the bank employees.

that's makes a point? A statistic not
She mentioned statistics. Are you saying they dont exist? Go ahead, say it. Let's see how fast you tuck tail and run when you are beaten over the head with them.
  • Thanks
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hahahhahah--again--only one side of the story is told---hahahha
..but when they refused Rush Limbaugh to buy into the NFL, that was ------not racist?? what?? hahahahhahahahahah
last time I saw Rush is a white man
......I was refused credit to buy something at a jewelry store--and I'm WHITE---!!!..I just got out of the service and hadn't worked at my job long enough --so it WASN"T because of my race
..I was stopped by the cops for the crime of ----WALKING!!!!!! YES walking to work!!
..then stopped for --BIKING!! once to work--the other going home---I'm WHITE
Limbaugh Dropped From Bid to Buy N.F.L.ā€™s Rams

ROFLMAO..You've stated in this forum in the past that you are Native American.
hahahah--you fked up!!! thank prove you are not that smart
I am a native American/native of America and that is what I stated
I never said I was Native American
please show me where I stated I was Native American

so, if you apologize and admit you fkd up, you will have a little credibility
Good for you, you benefitted from the genetic accident of being born within the borders of a nation. Wow.
again--only one side of the story is told---
Right, the bank's side. On the other side, you have a personal experience. On the banks side, you have recordings of their representative giving up the game, and statistics which tell the tale.

Sorry if this puts a dent in your white victim fantasy. The incessant cackling doesn't help your case.
hahahhahah--again--only one side of the story is told---hahahha
..but when they refused Rush Limbaugh to buy into the NFL, that was ------not racist?? what?? hahahahhahahahahah
last time I saw Rush is a white man
......I was refused credit to buy something at a jewelry store--and I'm WHITE---!!!..I just got out of the service and hadn't worked at my job long enough --so it WASN"T because of my race
..I was stopped by the cops for the crime of ----WALKING!!!!!! YES walking to work!!
..then stopped for --BIKING!! once to work--the other going home---I'm WHITE
Limbaugh Dropped From Bid to Buy N.F.L.ā€™s Rams

ROFLMAO..You've stated in this forum in the past that you are Native American.
hahahah--you fked up!!! thank prove you are not that smart
I am a native American/native of America and that is what I stated
I never said I was Native American
please show me where I stated I was Native American

so, if you apologize and admit you fkd up, you will have a little credibility

You're a liar. And not a very good one.
hahha MAJOR fk up by you!!!
I said native --with small N ...hahahhahahahahah
I never said Native
you prove again you are not that smart
  1. a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.

You're a liar. And you know it.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
All responsible citizens should be doing their best to denounce, as well as end ALL FORMS of racial discrimination and hate.

Tiffany Cross, Isaiah Washington, PRO BLACK ,Mechee x_HATE,.png

hahahhahah--again--only one side of the story is told---hahahha
..but when they refused Rush Limbaugh to buy into the NFL, that was ------not racist?? what?? hahahahhahahahahah
last time I saw Rush is a white man
......I was refused credit to buy something at a jewelry store--and I'm WHITE---!!!..I just got out of the service and hadn't worked at my job long enough --so it WASN"T because of my race
..I was stopped by the cops for the crime of ----WALKING!!!!!! YES walking to work!!
..then stopped for --BIKING!! once to work--the other going home---I'm WHITE
Limbaugh Dropped From Bid to Buy N.F.L.ā€™s Rams

ROFLMAO..You've stated in this forum in the past that you are Native American.
hahahah--you fked up!!! thank prove you are not that smart
I am a native American/native of America and that is what I stated
I never said I was Native American
please show me where I stated I was Native American

so, if you apologize and admit you fkd up, you will have a little credibility

You're a liar. And not a very good one.
hahha MAJOR fk up by you!!!
I said native --with small N ...hahahhahahahahah
I never said Native
you prove again you are not that smart
  1. a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.

That is the reason I donā€™t use the term Native American; it is a poor term. Anyone born in an area is a native of that area. I have twenty five percent Amerindian ancestry, but that is not what makes me native American. Anyone born the US is a Native American even if their parents were immigrants.
... I never thought, nor have I ever met someone who thought, that racism does not exist in the US. Of course racism exists...

I was skeptical of your entire answer from the very start, and the reason is because you spent your entire response 'apologizing' for being okay with a racist society.

Stay cautious, because what you just did here creates two (2) dangerous premises that can paint you as a vile, stealth racist. Which, is the worst kind of racist. Yes, the kind who swears racism still exists in America up until, 1)they meet a victim! Then? It just had to be something other than racism that caused a tragedy. Plus when 2)it's time to define what that means in real time and how it wretchedly plays itself out in our society.


Self-monitoring and self-awareness will allow you to see your true stance here re: "racism still exists in America" if you simply check your post's archive over your 75+ months of posting on this website ... you will quickly notice:

-You never ever define what it means, in real time, that racism still exists in America.
-You never ever show or display any negros who got raped by White racism, today, as you vehemently agree that racism still exists.
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... I never thought, nor have I ever met someone who thought, that racism does not exist in the US. Of course racism exists...

I was skeptical of your entire answer from the very start, and the reason is because you spent your entire response 'apologizing' for being okay with a racist society.

Stay cautious, because what you just did here creates two (2) dangerous premises that can paint you as a vile, stealth racist. Which, is the worst kind of racist. Yes, the kind who swears racism still exists in America up until, 1)they meet a victim! Then? It just had to be something other than racism that caused a tragedy. Plus when 2)it's time to define what that means in real time and how it wretchedly plays itself out in our society.


Self-monitoring and self-awareness will allow you to see your true stance here re: "racism still exists in America" if you simply check your post's archive over your 75+ months of posting on this website ... you will quickly notice:

-You never ever define what it means, in real time, that racism still exists in America.
-You never ever show or display any negros who got raped by White racism, today, as you vehemently agree that racism still exists.

You changed what I said. I said racism exists. Saying racism exist, and saying we are in a racists society, are two very different things. The vast vast majority of people in our society, are not racists. Saying there are racist people, is obvious. But claiming that society is racists, is ridiculous.

Obama was elected president. The claim that we are racists as a society, when we elected a man who was obviously black, makes the claim we are in a 'racists' society, is just ridiculous.

Racism is simply that a person makes a judgement of another person, not based on how they act, or perform, but rather simply based on race.

If you sit there, and say that person must hate black people because he's white.... that is racism. If you say someone simply because they are white, means they had an easy life of privilege, that is also racists.

But we are not a racist society. Non-whites are not excluded from the economy, or marginalized. They are not prevented from holding public office, or running large companies, or banned from affluent areas, or anything.

Even if you found one specific location, that was racists against blacks, and refused to say lease a condo or something... that's still one company, or one landlord that is being racist. Unless you can say that the actions of that one person, is universal across the entire country, or even the vast majority of the country.... it's just a racist person in society. Not a racists society.

What exactly, can I as a white person do, that a black person is legally prevented, or even culturally prevented from doing?

The answer is nothing. So no, I don't buy that we are a racists society. I agree there are racists people in our society, but I don't condemn 90% of the population, for the actions of a few.
You changed what I said.

Nope. Not at all.

I used an excerpt which focused exclusively on what I wanted to address.

You said racism exists, sure, but for years here now you still refused to 1)define what that means in real time and 2)acknowledge victims who get raped by White racism today.

You very post I originally replied to was you, refusing, to acknowledge a negro who was victimized by banking racism. And that is in the face of banking processes still being the most widely-acknowledged form of racism, today, at least by the progressives orgs of our society. But, not you?

Saying racism exist, and saying we are in a racist society, are in fact two very different things, so please realize that I never addressed the comparison nor contrast here.

And I agree, that the vast majority of people in our society, are not racists ---but they are prejudiced and have always used that prejudice to create cultures that are pro-Racist. Therefore claiming that the society is pro-Racist, is veracious.

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