This Is What Biden Has Done To Our Economy

So you think this shit is funny?
Well, yes, I do. Off course it is Friday night and I have been drinking, and you are doing your "sky is falling, It's Biden's fault" act again, and I am easily amused, anyway. You should cheer up.
Well, yes, I do. Off course it is Friday night and I have been drinking, and you are doing your "sky is falling, It's Biden's fault" act again, and I am easily amused, anyway. You should cheer up.
I don't know about your background but I used to be on a couple of SF teams at Ft Campbell KY.

I learned from firsthand experience what to look for when it comes to this subject. One of our missions was psychological operations. I have some background on the subject. Not to mention that my first MOS in the army dealt with COMSEC. I held the highest security clearance they have. I had to handle TS-SCI equipment. I went to the COMSEC custodian school while in Germany. Flint Kaserne Bad Tolz FRG. I had to be read on at the vault when I arrived at an installation and read off when I left for any reason. I was trained to take threats seriously.

I remember history and can see the same thing happening in our country that happened in Venezuela a few years ago, and in other communist countries in the past.

I take every threat to this country seriously, because it was my job.

You think this shit is funny because you're drunk and you're an apathetic asshole that has lived in America all his life and you think that what's happening in Canada right now can never happen to us. I wasn't trained to be apathetic about this stuff.
Inflation is a world wide issue, not local. It is in fact much worse most other places. The Biden Administration has protected us from the worst of it.

You should be thanking him.

Weird. Inflation wasn't a problem till Biden got his stank ass in office.
So what you are saying is that world wide phenomenon that happened before any of the current administration's policies could have had any real effect is Joe Biden's fault?

By that same "logic" dOnald tRump is responsible for the coronavirus.
"The owners of our country have no intention of improving our lives, that's why they concentrate so much on making sure no other country can compete with them on a fair playing ground.
They'd rather destroy the world, than not be in control of it" (с)

That's what I call - Evil Empire...

"Our owners would rather go to war with China, than compete with them.
All they talk about is sanctioning and containing them.
They're afraid we might wonder how China improved their society the past few decades while our standard of living declines. We might question capitalism" (с)

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